



Evo jedan zaboravljeni roman i prevod dela na engleskom - Francuski poljubac-French kiss - autorke Dianne Diverno (prevod na engleski i francuski je uradila Jasmina Tasić). Delo je, bićemo iskreni, totalno zaboravljeno, mada spada u ediciju ''Večiti klasici''. Na osnovu ovog dela ima scenska prezentacija(scenario), a glavnu ulogu Viktorije Buvije odglumila je lično Dajana Diverno, pamtimo to po pozorišnim scenama dame u zlatnoj haljini.

Da li će ovo delo biti skoro objavljeno na engleskom?

Kada će biti snimljen film na francuskom? I ko će glumiti? Kad ćemo to videti?

Madjarsku verziju dela Francia csok, još nismo videli u Segedinu, Debrecinu i Budimpešti? Kad ćemo to videti?

Praktikovaćemo da se svakog meseca setimo nekog - zaboravljenog/smetnutnog,književnog dela/prevoda/scenarija, pa da se pitamo - zašto? Možda će je to naterati da napokon ode na francusku rivijeru i nađe nekog producenta koji bi to izrealizovao na filmskom platnu,ako ništa drugo...






Evo, koliko-toliko uspeli smo da saznamo da bi dve slike iz onog asortimana slika od gipsa-alabastera, trebalo da idu na licitaciju. Najverovatnije su to dve slike: ''Panter ispod drveta'' i ''Sunce i mesec 2''.
Ne znamo da li će biti nekih novijih slika od gipsa u skorije vreme, svakako je ovo idealno vreme za nju i za rad na tome.
Vidimo i sliku Dajane Diverno pored slike ''Zlatni lavovi'' za koje mislimo da je početna cena oko 10.000$






Literary agent Sigmund Costa worked as part of his small, international literary agency (an office on the seventh floor of the building where a studio of some local TV station was located, on the floor below was the office of one lawyer and two marketing agencies, and on the ground floor a hall for events, car fairs and some internet marketing agency). They took the elevator up to the office of Mr Costa. At the entrance it had a small waiting room with four chairs and a table piled with weekly newspapers and TV programs, and the waiting room was completely empty at that moment.

Mr Sigmund Costa received them immediately, as it was already four in the afternoon and the end of his working hours. He had a grey thin hair, wore glasses and gave the impression of a real bookworm. He was overcome with that day, which was obviously overwhelming. The phone was still ringing, but he did not answer. He waved his hand through his hair and ruffled it in doing so, and with his other hand showed them to sit down.

-How may I help you? - He set his glasses on his face and stared at them.

- You were the literary agent of the late Peter Bridges? - captain Robertson asked quietly.

-Yes. But that was very, very long time ago. Peter is dead. - He said calmly, not blinking. He was only one of his associates and someone who is no longer there ... He was just another name in a line, easily replaced with someone else.

-Yes. We know. We are making - began inspector Lombardo slowly – a web site about excavations in Saudi Arabia, so...

- As I recall - Sigmund interrupted him at once - Peter had never been interested in Saudi Arabia.

- Yes, we know that, however...

-Peter has published a few books, and one of them is "The Ancient Civilizations of mystic Egypt". I was his literary agent.

- Yes, we know that, Mr Costa. We are interested whether you knew a certain Michael Regeni?

- And when do you suppose I should have known him? - Sigmund put his hand unwillingly through his hair again. The phone just kept ringing and ringing again, and that was really irritating.

- Four or four and a half years ago? - Lombardo tried to remind him.

He shook his head - I really do not remember.

- He was a friend of Peter, who wrote an encyclopaedia about excavations – inspector Lombardo tried to remind him.

He gazed at him for a moment, and then, like through the cloud of memories, the tiredness and infinity of the various faces he had seen in the past couple of years, finally remembered - Ah, yes, I remembered. But that was a long time ago.

(Summer 2015)

Translation - Ana Ferluga






Na slici vidimo deo sobe Dajane Diverno, koja je u crvenim tonovima i svakako su zlatni lavovi (kako na zidu, tako na stolu) u prvom planu. Zanimalo nas je da li je ova slika na prodaju i da li Dajana planira neku drugu sliku ili statuu?
Saznali smo da ova slika jeste na prodaju, međutim trenutno je deo enterijera u sobi Dajane Diverno. I da planira neku drugu, nešto veću sliku nakon što se ova proda, ali nismo saznali više detalja. Saznali smo da je ko inspiracija enterijera poslužila slika predivne Ufizzi galerije u Florensi (odnosno Tribuna of the Ufizzi).
Dajana kaže da se svojom sobom nikad ne hvali i da je to vrlo daleko od Tribuna od the Ufizzi






Patricia Thompson estaba en la compra esa mańana. A pesar de tener el mejor servicio en la casa, a ella le gustaba hacer la compra. No quiso pasar su tiempo en las tiendas de ropa. Mucho más disfrutaba en los mercados o supermercados.
Patricia Thompson era rubia gracias a teńir su pelo rubio en un salón . Ella pasaba horas en un solárium y siempre llevaba ropa de los famosos diseńadores europeos. Patricia Thompson tenía todo lo que podría imaginar, pero no estaba satisfecha con su propia vida. Como si su vida fuera un cuadrado grande al que siempre faltaba un rincón. La falta de ese rincón tan importante parecía como un castigo para los bienes materiales que tenía en abundancia.
Algunas veces le faltaba un amante, otras veces vacaciones. Y cuando se iba de vacaciones con algún amante, le faltaba alguien para amar. Sabía que nunca podría amar a sus amantes, por eso compraba perritos blancos. Estaría ocupada por un tiempo y entonces otra vez le empezaba a faltar las vacaciones o amante. Su psiquiatra decía que se tratara de melancolía y aburrimiento que Patricia Thompson tenía en abundancia. Su psiquiatra pensaba que ella siempre encontraría alguna razón para sentirse mal. Pero Patricia no estaba de acuerdo con él. Y volvería a ir de vacaciones.
En ese momento estaba consciente de ese rincón y sabía que no se sentiría mejor por la compra, nada borraría ese vacío, así que se dirigió hacia Tampa, donde la esperaba su amiga, Victoria Bray Bell. Con Viqui podría hablar sobre todas esas cosas que la habían torturado últimos días. Viqui era mejor conversador que su psiquiatra. Si no se tratara de algo muy importante no visitaría Viqui Bell y no hablaría con ella sobre eso.
Viqui estaba en la parte trasera del jardín, entre la piscina y la parte para la barbacoa. Era la mejor parte del día, hacía muchísimo calor, prometiendo un buen bronceado para Viqui. Aunque su ex marido siempre hablaba mal sobre ese tipo de tomar el sol, Viqui decía que era mejor y más sano que solárium.
Viqui Bell estaba un poco sorprendida por la visita de Patricia Thompson. Se vieron el fin de semana pasado y ellas solían verse cada dos semanas, así que ahora estaba impactada por esta visita inesperada. Apenas Viqui Bell leyó y se acomodó para tomar el sol, oyó el coche y sabía que Patricia ya había llegado. Estaba decepcionada porque no podría tomar el sol.
Se levantó de mal humor y puso su bata favorita, el regalo de su ex marido, se dirigió hacia la casa para abrir la puerta a su amiga. Al camino hasta la casa Viqui se quejaba, estaba de muy mal humor, pero estaba dispuesta a abrir la puerta como una verdadera anfitriona de Tampa que está de buen humor.
Dejó a Patricia Thompson entrar y vio que ella otra vez dejó su coche en césped debajo de los árboles, no prestando atención a la hierba, que quedaría un desastre después de su visita.
Las dos eran rubias, iban al mismo peluquero, tenían los labios siliconas. Las dos no pudieron ver que exageraron y que no parecían naturales. Como si Luisiana o la sociedad que las rodeaba no soportaban las diferencias.
- Estoy tan feliz de verte! – dijo Viqui Bell cuando vio Patricia Thompson en la ropa elegante. Su ropa era de los diseńadores europeos y ese estilo era lo que destacaba a Patricia Thompson de todas sus amigas.
- Yo también. El día es caluroso y horrible – empezó a hablar Patricia Thompson. Ella sabía muy bien hablar sobre el tempo de una manera desgarradora y convertirlo en el monólogo sobre su vida infeliz.
- Estuviste comprando hoy?
- Sí, el miércoles es el día para comprar.
- Es cierto… - dijo Viqui Bell pensando sobre las horas perdidas de tomar el sol. La compra era una de últimas cosas sobre cuales Viqui Bell pensaba en ese momento.

Traducción- Branka Oparusic






Aukcija koja je bila previđena u toku leta 2018 je odgođena zbog nekih zdravstvenih problema Dajane Diverno. O tome se nije pričalo, ali smo tokom jula 2018 znali da će do te aukcije možda ipak doći tokom jeseni ove godine. Eventualno početkom zime. Zanima nas koje su to slike iz tog prvog serijala, koje su preostale i koje se mogu naći u ponudi na aukciji slika. To su,dakle, sledeći radovi: Zlatni lavovi, Panter u vrtu, Panter kod vodopada, Bele lavice, Lav-kutija 2, Ljiljani-morning, Sun and moon 1 (za ovu sliku ipak nismo sigurni da li je u međuvremenu prodata za oko 500$, to je ona s narandđastim suncem i mesecom) , Sun and moon2,Grožđe, Maska surprise, Motiv s livade... Znači za oko 10-15 slika sigurno znamo d aće aukcija moći biti održana. Nemamo informaciju o tome kad i gde, da li ovde u Paliću, ili u Austrji, Holandiji, Norveškoj, Bugarskoj, Švajcarskoj. Italiji ili Francuskoj.
Ima mnogo aukcijskih kuća koje bi bile zainteresovane da ovo prodaju to je sigurno, pre svega jer je reč o neobičnim slikama, takoreći nesvakidašnjim.


Dajana Diverno broji preko 40 umetničkih radova od gipsa. Pa smo tako do sada imali prilike da vidimo razne slike s različitim motivima. Sada pišemo o temi diviljih mačaka, odnosno o tome koliko slika na ovu temu ima u ''spektru radova'' Dajane Diverno. To su dakle sledeće slike: Panter ispod drveta

Prva divlja mačka u radovima Dajane Diverno koja je probila led.

Bele lavice u vrtu

Ova slika 'Lavova'' je sigurno jedna od najlepših slika Dajaninog dosadašnjeg gipsarskog rada. Takođe i mnogo vredi. Vidimo sliku s dve skulpture

Legendarna - lav kutija - s cvećem kao dodatnim ukrasom. Prekrasna slika.






They were talking about the engagement party, about who was there and who was not, about pearls and wedding dresses, about how Marilyn would get married on a white cruiser if she was in some other situation, in the middle of the Atlantic's, in a champagne-like wedding dress in a wonderful dusk. But the wedding was going to be ordinary with only around twenty guests; she planned to invite Jessica surely but she did not know where she put the invitation. When she was leaving home twenty minutes later, Jessica was glad that she had not heard from her that long, and she was convinced that she would not hear from her in the following thirty years either. When they were saying goodbye to each other Marilyn promised she would send them the invitation for her gala top-notch wedding, and Jessica told her jokingly that she would forgive her if she – again accidentally – happened to forget it.
Then Marilyn sat in her new Land Rover and drove at a high speed as if it was a matter of life or death. As soon as they got back to the dining room, Jessica completely forgot about her former acquaintance. Marilyn was part of the past. It would be best if she stayed there.
- I’ve always wanted for you the life that Marilyn has – her mother said calmly and poured some soup in her plate. Jessica did not know how to take her words.
- Life in a new Land Rover, on a picnic on Sunday morning and with a new scarf of some new Paris designer?
- Something like that…
- But…
- But you’ve always preferred samba and fun. As Marilyn said, and I agree with her, you should have stayed devoted to ballet – it sounded like some casual observation.
- Could be – Jessica said calmly. “I should have stayed devoted to many other things” – she thought. Lunch was delicious. She was aware how long she had lived without that wonderful family comfort, Sunday lunch and chit-chatting about everything. There was no Sunday lunch with Steven. Enough with Steven! May he rest in peace!
- And how is Steven? – when they got to dessert Eveline finally asked.
- We… - Jessica started confusedly. Would it make any sense to hide it? Something would come out definitely. – We broke up.
Eveline looked as if a lightning stroke her, twice.
- Broke up?
- Yes.
- Unbelievable. But how… When?
- Two weeks ago – Jessica said calmly playing her role of an abandoned lady. – Or somewhat less than two weeks.
- But – why? – Eveline was truly interested.
- He… there are some insurmountable differences between us – Jessica patiently explained her and then stopped eating and starting making it all clear. – It simply was not like it was at the beginning. The primary thing in our relationship was physical love – attraction – and then everything else. We are not for each other anymore. He started having a crush on some red-haired girl and we… We simply got into a fight and he is now at her place temporarily – she explained without a blink.
- Red-haired girl?
- Yes.
- But just like that… All of a sudden… Before all darling, I have to tell you that it never comes suddenly. There must have been some intro prior to that.
- Intro?
- Regarding that red-haired. First I have to emphasize that I am absolutely sure that Steven has always been faithful to you…
Jessica backed away for a moment.
- And why do you think so?
- Because he loved you very much from the beginning. And he listens to heavy metal.
- So?
-I read in the papers about that. About the personality profile – her mother was explaining it to her patiently. – Those men who listen to heavy metal are mostly faithful.
Jessica remembered those nights when there were home parties and Steven on their bed with various naked women…
- Yes, you are right. Such men are more than faithful – she said. It was no appropriate to talk about that with her mother.
- Then why a break up?
- Well, I told you. We are not anymore for each other.
- And?
- I agree with that – she continued with her convincing explanations. – He is devoted to his new love and he temporarily moved away, probably to be closer to her, until…
- Until what?
- Until I decide about my further move. I will probably move away.
- Move away? – Eveline looked nearly freaked out.
- Yes, to California.
- California?
Jessica rolled her eyes over. – Do you really have to repeat every word that I say?
- Sorry, darling – Eveline made it somehow. – But this is all very sudden and unexpected to me.

Translate: Katarina Milosavljević


- You were excellent! Marvelous! Bravisimma my darling - her assistant Nicole waited for her at the entrance to a dressing room where she carefully and mildly removed expensive and heavy makeup from Jessica's face, her cheeks and eyelids. Small cotton wool balls in no time cleaned her face and a completely changed Jessica looked in the mirror.
Yes, it was her even now. An ordinary Houston girl with blonde hair that was carefully tied under those feathers.
- These red feathers are amazing just like this costume - Nicole enviously looked towards Jessica's breasts and her belly which was wrapped with red plastic snakes.
Jessica shuddered at her look. If she hadn’t known her, Jessica thought, she would have thought in some other case that Nicole was one of those closeted lesbians that only waited a favorable moment to offer some more interested woman a fantastic time in bed reduced to plastic penis penetration... She had it enough with Steve anyway.
- It's time to take off my clothes - Jessica said and stretched out. She had been working in that club for a year and a half already and five nights a week she performed at ten past eleven. It was her time, samba time and love dance time.
Nicole went out so that Jessica could freely change her clothes. She took her costume off in no time and left it on a hanger. She performed in it the following night too. She was completely naked. Her clothes were on a shelf aside and she put on her trousers and a white blouse she came in. Unlike Steve Karls she wasn't a fan of black leather outfits and tattoos on her body. Just on the contrary even Henry Stone himself told her once that she wouldn't get a job in that club if she by any chance had a tattoo on her body. Tattoos were strictly forbidden in Alden club´s rulebook. Jessica at first didn't realize why it was like that.
- Have you changed? - she heard knocking on the door which she then opened. It was Anita Johnson, a beautiful young girl whose performance was before Jessica's and she performed circus acts of stretching and folding. They called her "The Rubber Girl" but she didn't mind that. Just like Jessica, Anita too became numb to those nicknames. Every job had some special aspects with it - theirs was to get used to the names they were given by many media.
Anita was in her dressing room in no time. She was wearing a simple sweat suit. As a matter of fact, unlike Jessica, Anita was a good girl who perceived the world and life through the scope of sport. All her beliefs, attitudes, principles and standards were exclusively seen through sport. Anita in any case could not behave differently. In case something bad happened Anita would just wave off – life goes on.
However, she seemed quite worried now. She entered the dressing room and quickly closed the door as if in a rush.
- Jess! – she started quietly looking at the girl who was arranging her clothes. The difference between Jessica Alami on the stage and in a dressing room was huge, and Anita was convinced that many people would not recognize her in daylight and dressed like that.
- Yes – Jessica was still with her back to her so she did not notice her worried face.

Translate: Katarina Milosavljevic






Dela koja pripadaju ediciji ''Večiti klasici'' autorke Dajane Diverno su uistinu brilijantna, doduše mi baš i nemamo neku valjanu i odgovarajuću priliku da se upoznamo s tim - a kako je okrenuta svetskoj karijeri i englesko, francusko, italijansko-mađarskim prevodima, nećemo ih skoro ni videti. Videli smo ''Francuski poljubac''(2008 god), ''Tajne strasti grofice Razaski'' (2008 god), ''Topaz u kremenu'' ( za kog nismo sigurni ni gde tačno spada), ''Boja staklene ponoći'', ''Tajna markize de Šampanj''... Dela koja pripadaju ediciji ''Večiti klasici'' nastala su pre 7 godina otprilike kao zamisao skupine, perfektnih, svetskih, romantičnih klasika, pa tako pored već nabrojanih broji dela kao što su: ''Poljupci na mostu uzdaha'', ''Vreme molitve vreme strasti''(nastao pre skoro 8 godina), ''Misterija svetionika''...
I mi se osećamo nekako uskraćeni time što barem - eto - radio dramu ''Tajne markize de Šampanj'' nismo u prilici jednom da odslušamo barem u trajanju pola sata. Ili barem delo ''Poljupci na mostu uzdaha'' da vdimo, eto barem na engleskom bar na jednom sajtu gde se prodaju e-book. Ili delo ''Francia csok'' da se jednom - možda - natera i promoviše to u Segedinu ili Budimpešti ili da se snime filmovi kao što su ''Tajne strasti grofice Razaski'' ili ''Tajna markize de Šampanj'' ili ''Topaz u kremenu''?
Možemo mi tu da pričamo o klasičnim delima koje ne možemo ni da čitamo, čujemo a ni vidimo, ali smo ipak svesni da se - iz ko zna kog razloga - ova dela (ima ih više od 10) drže po strani!


Evo, napokon će se tokom ovog meseca objaviti dva-tri odlomka romana ''Samba to death'' na engleskom jeziku. Roman je nastao pre skoro 10 godina i kroz delo se upoznajemo s glavnom junakinjom Džesikom i njenim neobičnim životom. Roman se proteže na skoro 280 stranica, a prevod na engleski je uradila Katarina Milosavljević


U aprilu 2018 pominjala se lista romana koji bi trebalo biti objavljeni, pa je na rednom mestu br 1. bilo Poslednje venčanje, pa Zabranjena ljubav, onda Poljupci na mostu uzdaha i Ubiti s stilom i tako dalje
Verovatno će delo ''Ubiti s stilom'' autorke D.Diverno biti objavljeno pre ''Poljubaca na mostu uzdaha''... a takođe i u aprilu je pomenuto da će možda doći do - pretumbavanja.
Roman ''Ubiti s stilom'' je treći deo heksalogije i pre dve godine je preveden na španski, prevodilac Branka Oparušić.
Još uvek nismo saznali zašto dolazi do - pretumbavanja. Ujedno, mislimo da do sada ovo delo nije prevedeno više ni na jedan drugi jezik. Roman je u rukopisu.


Ovih dana se dosta radilo na uređenju enterijera prostorije gde bi se uradilo snimanje i predstavljanje slika Dajane Diverno. Neki njeni saradnici će govoriti sveobuhvatno o svemu tome, a takođe pominjala se i radio drama na engleskom jeziku ''Tajna markize de Šampanj''.
Kako taj enterijer izgleda s slikama, to ćemo tek videti, mada pouzdano znamo da je inspiracija bila neki italijanski muzej za uređenje.

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