



Bajka ''Mister Štroco'' autorke Dajane Diverno koja je rađena na osnovu scenarija za crtani film (objavljen u The second anthology), sada je prevedena i na engleski i nemački jezik. Tako da će deca moći čitati ovu bajku ukoliko se uskoro objavi. Bajke koja pripadaju delu ''8 BAJKI'' su: Zmajev legionar i kraljica cveća, Bela lisica, Mister Štroco, Ferlijeva avantura, Vajolo najlepši lav na svetu, Princeza Glorija u čarobnoj šumi, Rezidencija maski, Viki i Spajdi.

MISTER ŠTROCO - DAJANA DIVERNO - Bajka za decu - Odlomak

Pre veoma mnogo mnogo godina, u jednom lepom gradu živeo je mladi slikar Armando koji je imao mačora koji se zvao Štroco. I nemojte draga deco misliti da je to ime taj mačor dobio slučajno. Naime Štroco je imao običaj da zabija svoje nokte dok prede, a to je bolelo poput praćke. Pa je tako i dobio naziv – po praćki za decu
Slikar Armando je nasledio mnogo novca od pratetke Barbare, pa je neko vreme mogao da živi sasvim mirno, posvećen onom što je najviše voleo da radi – da slika divne, umetničke slike.
Međutim, to su tada bila vrlo teška vremena za umetnike. Pa mnogi umetnici nisu uspevali da prodaju svoje slike i na taj način opstaju. Slikar Armando je uvideo da će morati hitno preduzeti nešto po pitanju toga – organizovati veliku raspordaju svojih slika ili se baviti nečim unosnijim ili se, što je najgore, odseliti iz divnog malog stana na trećem spratu glavne ulice u sobu nekog prašnjavog, običnog tavana. Na taj način bi bio daleko od gradske vreve, umetničkih krugova i ne bi bio cenjen među elitnim umetnicima.

Ali nasledstvo tetke Barbare se sve više trošilo. Slikar Armando je bio neizmerno tužan zbog te činjenice.
Mladi slikar je sve više o tome govorio i svom ljubimcu – mačoru Štroci koji je bio lenj, debeli mačor i kom se ideja o selidbi na prašnjavi tavan na obodu grada nije uopšte svidela.
Tako je i mačor Štroco povremeno pričao o problemima koje slikar Armando ima s svojim velikim prijateljima, pticama koje su živele na trgu centra grada i koje su se zvale : Riko i Verdo.
A onda jednog divno proletnjeg dana kada je slikar završavao naručenu sliku krajolika za madam Baterflaj konačno je i njima došlo jedno neverovatno spasonosno rešenje.
Naime ovako je to bilo.






Esa noche canceló su acto en el hotel “Aldén” y mandó un mensaje al Henry Stone que mańana entregará su despido oficial porque se peleó con Stephen y decidió mudarse a Los Ángeles.
Cuando Henry Stone preguntó su vendrá a explicarle todo eso dijo que sí.
Respondió algunos mensajes que recibió Stephen a su teléfono móvil. En las próximas dos o tres semanas, pensó que necesitará ese tiempo, nadie pudo sospechar que Stephen Karls está muerto. La cosa que la irritaba más era que Carlos no paraba de llamar al teléfono fijo. “Stephen todavía está conduciendo? Cuándo regresará? Vosotros peleasteis? Piensas que se fue a Dalas? Si no vuelve hasta la mańana seguramente se fue a Dalas… Tú te estás mudando a Los Ángeles? Qué horror!...
La conversación con él estaba muy desagradable y una tortura y algunas cosas debía repetirle por lo menos tres veces. La misma cosa pasaba con los demás que llamaron… “Ay, tú pienses que se fue a Dalas? Sí, es posible que se fuera a Dalas. También hizo todo para renunciar su trabajo en el hotel “Alden”. Henry Stone estaba en choque porque ella decidió mudarse a Los Ángeles después una pelea con Stephen y continuar su carrera en algunos de los clubes como bailarina. Mientras estaba en el vestuario y mientras hablaron sobre eso, Henry Stone no pudo ocultar la sorpresa en su cara.
- Los Ángeles?
- Probablemente.
- Eso será una pérdida tremenda para nosotros! – dijo mirando algún papel que donde estaba escrito su renuncio que no planeaba revocar. Entonces con trauma que nunca pensó que sentirá en su vida, mirándola consciente que su acto de samba nunca tendrá la oportunidad de ver otra vez – El Viejo Oeste perdió una bailarina extraordinaria!
- No es el fin del mundo! – Jessica no sabía por qué no pudo esperar de liberarse de ese hombre. Recordó su primer acto en este lugar, el éxito que tuvo con el público, por un momento, le pareció que sus ojos estaban llenos de lágrimas…

Traductor: Branka Oparušić






(Brittany Delmonde is on the beach looking around. Her voice is heard)

Death is a natural process of life. By giving birth, all people receive the solemn privilege of one day being dead
(She looks down the blue sea and then open sea)
My name is Brittany. I've been on vacation with my mom and sister for two weeks now. Beautiful beach, sea, waves, truly heavenly vacation.
(she walks towards the hotel, waves to the waiters)
I grew up and live in Chicago. I graduated and I have a fiancé in Seattle. Him name is Karen. I would like to marry him and have 3-4 children. We never agreed on that. I don't think he really likes children. My sister's name is Tanita. She is in the true style of Jamaica. She has been wearing an afro hairstyle and braids since she was 10 years old. My father's name is Gilbert Delmonde. I haven't heard a word from him in years. He used to write, but the letters have not arrived at all for years. Mom says he’s a commercial traveler, but I’m not sure about that. I'm not even sure he's alive at all. My sister has a big picture of him in her room.

(There should be a scene - memories. Tanita is in her room and shows a picture of Gilbert Delmonde to Brittany and her mother. Tanita laughs)

That's my president!
(The scene returns to Jamaica again. Brittany enters the hotel where they are staying.)

My mom's name is Sussan. She is quite upset because of my younger sister, who barely knew her father. But she is absolutely obsessed with him. Because of her, we came on vacation to Jamaica. Mom thinks that obsession is something that keeps my sister trapped. That is why we are here! That my younger sister struggles with the barricades because we will probably never see our dad again. And he certainly doesn't want to hear more about us!
(she enters the hotel room, the sound of her cell phone on the dresser is heard. There is no one in the room. Brittany picks up her cell phone)



Oh, honey, how glad I am to hear you!

How are you today?
(As Karen talks to her in the car and at the intersection, the sound of an engine is heard)


Screenplay based on the crime novel "Marked to Die" from 2009. The novel "Marked to Die" is the first part of the hexalogy and the predecessor of the work "Wild Joanna". The novels in hexalogy are "Marked to Die," "Wild Joanna," "Kill in Style," "Casino L'Miracle," "The Land of Zi Monk," and "The Story of the Blue mummies ''.
The "First Anthology" presents: "Casino l'Miracle" and "The Story of the Blue Mummy".
The "Second Anthology" presents: "Marked to Die", "Wild Joanna" and "Kill with Style". The presentation as a screenplay has so far not had the work "The Land of Zi Monk", it is a crime novel where the main roles are played by: Captain John Robertson, Investigator Johnattan Lombardo, Chief Stephan Iron. Britney Delmonde, Colonel Alfred, Joanna and many others appear as supporting characters. So far, films from this hexalogy have not been made. The novels were written in the period from 2009-2016. this is the biggest series of 6-part novels that Dianna Diverno worked on.






SCENE 1: (Buying of jewelry at the flint shore)
(River Loara, moonlight, trees in the forest make noise. Image of waves. Human caricature stepped form the stairwell, he wore a coat. He stood there for a few moments. Adam Legoix approached him. Image of the full moon and glare in the water).
ADAM: I have been waiting for you!
JEAN:Really?-(he looked around for a few moments)
ADAM: Yes, it is frightening.
JEAN: What can be frightening?
ADAM: The moon. Luckily this is not a lake.
JEAN: I heard a lot of nonsense lately. Tell me, do you have it?
ADAM: I brought it. But, first i would like to point out a few things.
JEAN: What things-something we don’t know?
ADAM:The moon has always frightened me, you know...
JEAN: Why, the moon is an everyday occurrence.
ADAM: Yes, you are right. It comes up every night, it is just that .... All that bussiness with water...
JEAN: (he took deep breath) I don’t have time to waste. I am asking one more time, you stupid peasant creature-do you have it with you?
ADAM: Yes, i am obligated to point out certain things to you…family that owned it, fell apart, so...)
JEAN: I don’t want to listen to other family’s disputes (he gave him the baggy)
ADAM:I understand, it’s just....
JEAN:Really? (Adam took the baggy and took golden coins fromthe baggy)
JEAN:Gold coins are here, everything is here. Now, you and your family are safe for the rest of your lives. Tell me…
ADAM: You are probably moving.
JEAN: Moving?
ADAM: As far away from the necklace as possible!
JEAN: This conversation is superfluous.
He took the baggy out of his pocket, then he took the necklace out. Jean Louis took it in his hands and turned it toward the water.
ADAM: If I were you I would not bring that close to water.
JEAN: What will happen? Look at it shining, sparkling. Now, I understand Madam de Montespan, and her desire to own the jewelry ‘’Lerize”.
ADAM: Jewelry Lerize is…
JEAN: What?
ADAM: Dangerous (Jean Louis looked at him)
JEAN: Look at yourself-you are terrified from two pearls and two blue hearts.
ADAM: Those hearts are…
JEAN: A really expensive jewelry.
ADAM: You don’t understand. The jewelry is life threatening. It seduces like music. Jewelry brings bad luck (he waved his head).
JEAN: Nonsense. No one died from jewelry!
ADAM: (He shrugged his shoulders). It was my duty to tell you. If I were you I would throw it along with flint in the water! (he looked at the waves, on the flint shore where they stood)
JEAN: Do talk to me about old wives tales about the moon and evil forces, but tell me exactly how much gold coins do you need? Is this enough? (he gave him more coins)- It is night now. It is difficult to see.
ADAM: (He took the gold coins, without counting them) I trust your word about the coins, I would not….
JEAN: You should still count the money. Here, we will sit here….
ADAM: No, not there! (he seemed frightened). Not close to water!
JEAN: Still, I should…
ADAM: I trust you, but as far away as possible from flint. Even if it’s not all there, it does not matter! Let it be a small gift for you. I don’t want to come close to flint.
JEAN: You, stupid, superstitious fool!
ADAM: Time for me to go mister Jean Louis. I wish you… I wish you… that you and madam Montespan to get rid of the jewelry! And don’t forget (he pointed his hand toward the shore) about the flint. Time for me to go. Trip to the village is long!
JEAN: (he got up on his horse and looked toward the shore). Crazy, simple fool! (he rode his horse over fields all the way to the estate of madam de Montespan. Great estate doors opened up as he approached and madam de Montespan watched his arrival from the window).

Translation: Goran Rapaic






The number of victims of maritime tragedies during historical memory cannot even be assumed.
The two catastrophes that marked the twentieth century, each in its own way, are undoubtedly "Titanic" and "Wilhelm Gustloff".

The first as a work of economic power and technological expansion of the coming epoch. The second flagship of Hitler's war machine flotilla near the end of the most cruel and morbid human phenomenon in its existence, which was called the Second World War.

The available historical material is undoubtedly the fundamental starting point of Dianna Diverno for the idea of this novel, which will intertwine with the magic of imagination to the limits of realistic events, pointing to a number of aspects from which this very exciting dramatic reading can be viewed and interpreted.

The dispatch sent to the captain of the S-13 submarine cruising the Baltic waters, the contents of which reveal an unconditional command to completely destroy the ship and everything German, is almost identical to the Führer's order to destroy Russia completely, contained in the secret plan of "Barbarossa".

The colonies of Prur refugees who seemingly find salvation on the future "death ship" that will represent a mass grave at the bottom of the Baltic, are again reminiscent of mass, land-based execution sites across Russia in the operations of the infernal plan "Blickring 1941"

This boomerang of Nazism, guided through Dianna's literal prism that brings mutual innocent victims and destruction of material goods, brings the highest honors for merit to both sides, reflected in the absurdity of war.

The peculiarity of the novel "Wilhelm Gustloff", I would say from the margins of the historical framework that should be respected, is the "conspiracy theory".

Namely, by linking the sinking of the Titanic with sabotage for the higher interests of imperialism and the banking oligarchy, the writer casts a shadow of doubt on the similarity of the tragic fate of this ship, its main "hero" of the novel, on whose decks, corridors, salons, The most extensive and most significant part of the action takes place in the rooms until the collision with the "iceberg" and the final "anchorage".

Sisters Ursel and Uma come to Norway, find a home, start a new life. Ursula by marriage, and Uma by giving birth to a newborn born from a not very romantic relationship on a ship, but she will have great affection for the delivery of a will and grateful material support to raise her child who will bear the name "Wilhelm" as permanent. the memory of the ship of the same name and Norman as the victim of a contract killer.

This extraordinarily shaped historical story is colored by the crime genre, which in truth is not typical of what happens on a ship, but in the whirlwind of war and imagination of a writer like Dianna Diverno, everything is expected. That is why the reader, I am convinced, expects an exciting conviction that he is a participant in the suffering corps who will happily survive the sinking of "Wilhelm Gustloff" while the victims of "Baltic, Blue Tombs" will be kept in peace while memory lasts.

Subotica, June 24, 2012

Filip Orovicki






(They are sitting in Wendy's room and chatting)

CASEY: White as Mont Everest, like clouds...

WENDY: Clouds are not always white...

CASEY: It does not matter, in any case you know what I mean...

WENDY: In any case, I will wear that Miss Kelly, and look exquisite...

CASEY: (Looking some catalogue with wedding dresses) In any case, you should maybe put your hat on. Maybe the day will be windy, and hats are always nice on you.

WENDY: I doubt that the hat can go well with Miss Kelly.

CASEY: I do not even know how this wedding dress will look.

WENDY: (Sitting on the bed, taking the newspaper and showing it to her) Anyway, it's something between this on the page number 7 and this on page 22. The waist of the dress is something in the style of this on page 32.

CASEY: Yes, I understand everything.

WENDY: I'm still thinking about the bouquet. Elizabeth said that she would come with me to choose one, and you know my mom, what kind of...

CASEY: Yes, your mother is not bad. Many girls would like to have such a mother.

WENDY: They would love it until they get it and then they realize that the choice is completely, completely wrong. For my mother, it's best to have those two puddles. Puddles cannot complain too much or tell on her, and that works perfectly for my mother. I do not want to talk about her. I want to talk about Jason and me.
(Casey raises her eyebrows)

CASEY: Yes, you and Jason are a true example of love.

WENDY: I cannot believe that tomorrow will be seven months since we’re together. It's a long .

CASEY: Absolutely, too long.

WENDY: And it's good that we are planning wedding. My mom doesn’t like long relationships that don’t lead to anything serious.

Does the breakup of a relationship mean something?

No, in the eyes of my mother breakup means repeating the year without a correctional exam.

CASEY: All in all, it's important that it’ll be ok.

WENDY: And it will be white. Everything must be white as Mont Everest, mountain peaks, even candlesticks, knives and forks will be white.

CASEY: I think your mother's puddles will fit perfectly into the wedding

WENDY: She will not be able to resist and not bring them. And while I say fateful “YES” her two pups will interrupt with ''wuf wuf wuf ''. But, enough about my mom. She's an ultimate snob.

(Looking through the catalogue)

CASEY: These gloves are a dream of dreams.

WENDY: They reach the elbows?

CASEY: So what?

WENDY: I do not want gloves to reach the elbows, I do not want them even to my wrists.

CASEY: It's best to put them on one thump.

WENDY: Or two.

CASEY: Or buy ten different pairs of gloves, so you can change them during the ceremony, whenever you need to, and every time the puddles start with "wuf wuf"...

(They laugh.)






Oni koji znaju ''Princezu Gloriju u čarobnoj šumi'' bajku i scenario autorice Dajane Diverno, sigurno nikad ne bi pomislili da ova zloća s slike po imenu knez Bernard mođe opet da se javi u nekoj glavnoj ulozi...
Danas je sve moguće!
Ipak može.. Knez Bernard se nalazi u glavnoj ulozi, ovog puta ko ''dobrica'' u trećem delu odnosno u ''Ferlijevoj avanturi''. Zanimljivo da neko s takvim zadnjim namerama poput njega može da zablista... Prosto smo začuđeni s tom vešću, ne sumnjamo i deca bi se čudila. ali ..sačekaćemo epilog, tj ''Ferlijevu avanturu''.
Takođe, da dodamo, ovu sliku samog kneza Bernarda je nacrtala lično Dajana Diverno... Ova slika je pomalo simbolična za bajku ''Princeza Glorija u čarobnoj šumi'', mada ni mi sami ne znamo zašto...

Sačekaćemo epilog...






(The cat Shtrotzo sleeps on the terrace and breathes peacefully, and his owner, the painter Armando, is in the room trying hard to paint the picture. The painter says something about the picture, and the cat Shtrotzo wakes up and looks at the young man. The young man fidgets around the picture, as if lack of inspiration)

Well, yes ... that's right, Shtrotzo
(Armando looks away and looks at the fat cat curled up sleeping on the terrace)
No way to finish this job.

(The cat Shtrotzo wakes up completely, looks up, turns to his owner, the painter Armando. The cat stirs and rubs his eyes. The cat sits down and looks at him)
You see, the picture is not finished yet, and everything has to be paid for. And what is your life like today in this country, in this arrangement when I have to pay for everything myself, but where from, Shtrotzo? From where? And you just sit nicely and look at me while expenses fly and jump, and Aunt Barbara's savings are getting smaller and smaller, and the bills are getting bigger and bigger.
(Shtrotzo, meanwhile, turns his gaze to the smaller dresser where the expense paper stands. Shtrotzo yawns)


Yes, it's easy for you, you just have to meow ... and I ...
(one should see a brief overview of the painting by the painter Armando, some landscape)
I struggle until I finish this painting to hand it to Madame Butterfly who wants to give it to her niece. And you're just meowing. That's nice. And I would really give anything today to be an ordinary, fat cat lounging on the terrace
(he places another brush stroke on the picture, then walks away and stares at the picture. Armando smiles)
And you know what, Shtrotzo, this is a very beautiful picture.

(Shtrotzo looks at him for a few moments, then quickly approaches him, then jumps on a chair next to the old piano, then on the piano from where he had a nice view of the canvas. The cat yawned, then stared at the picture which the painter had painted. The cat questioningly looking at the painter)
I know, I know I know, your look tells me like I still have to finish it a bit, but I think it's beautiful.






Već više puta smo pričali na ovim stranama koliko Dajana Diverno ima prevedenih dela? A kako se se u međuvremenu objavila i ''Druga antologija'' a takođe i celo leto se radilo na tome, zanima nas sada koliko je tačno dela prevedeno, na koje jezike i koja vrsta žanra?

1. Engleski jezik - 16 romana,40 scenarija za film
2. Francuski jezik - 15 romana
3. Italijanski jezik - 10 romana
4. Nemački jezik - 29 romana
5. Norveški jezik - 11 romana
6. Mađarski jezik - 6 romana
7. Španski jezik - 6 romana
8. Turski jezik - 2 romana
9. Ruski jezik - 1 roman i 1 scenario za film
10. Portugalski jezik - 5 romana

To je oko 142 prevedena književna ostvarenja, a od tog je objavljeno 51 samo do sada.
Trenutno su u izradi još 4 bajke za decu,Treća antologija scenarija za filmove itd... Uglavnom kako je ova godina usporila mnoge što se tiče putovanja i svetskih prezentacija, tako se Dajana okrenula radu na svojim delima. Trenutno je 142 prevoda, neki koji su i objavljeni će doživeti ponovno objavljivanje u štampanoj formi verovatno, a za sve ostalo više vesti uskoro..






Četiri bajke Dajane Diverno napokon vidimo u idejnim primercima na čak tri jezika. Iako je proces izrade naslovnih strana bio najavljen za jun,očito se po tom pitanju nije preterano žurilo. Tako da tek sada vidimo sve ono što smo u toku minulog vremena predstavljali. Takođe od sada će se svako dato delo predstavljati s naslovnom koju vidimo na slici, doduše verzije su umanjene ali otprilike dovoljno da znamo koliko je to posla i rada. Ujedno, da pomenemo da smo krajem proleća najavili nemačku verziju ''Vier Märchen'', verovatno će se to izrealizovati tek u narednom periodu. Moguće daće to biti neka verzija od ''8 bajki'', to se neisključuje.






Već duže vreme najavljivan rad na nekom sajtu na drugim jezicima, konačno ovog meseca možda bude i odrađen. Naime svojih 29 prevoda na nemačkom jeziku Dajana Diverno će na ovaj način da približi ljudima u delovima Evrope gde se govori pomenuti jezik. Njeni romani koji su prevedeni na nemački jezik: Die letzte hochzeit, Verbotene liebe, Samba zu tod, Tote mit stil, Dame mit einem dollar i mnogi drugi. Takođe prevedene su i bajke za decu






Po čemu bi se ova 2020 godina mogla pamtiti?
Recimo, da je rano već sada početkom oktobra 2020 godine sumirati utiske, ali ipak svake godine se jednom tokom jeseni osvrnemo na sve ono što u zadnjih meseci ostavljamo za sobom?
Trenutno bi neki odgovor vezan za Dajanu bio ovakav. Objavljen je Cd-Disk ''Fire eventyr'' zadnjeg dana decembra 2019 godine, ali se ovo izdanje predstavljalo u poslednjim mesecima. Takođe dosta se govorilo i o Drugoj antologiji koja je objavljena, sada se priča i o Trećoj antologiji.
Tu su takođe novi crtaći, ali i neki prevodi drugih romana u većem obimu, tako da je sada cifra preko 110 prevedenih dela.
Dobro bi bilo kada bi se malo otputovalo u inostranstvo i radilo na predstavljanju romana, bajki, scenarija i drugih stvari, ali o tome više u toku meseca.






Na pitanje - koliko tačno autorka-scenariskinja ima bajki i scenarija za decu? Odgovor je - Dajana Diverno ima osam bajki i 8 scenarija za crtane filmove za mališane.
Iako se kroz ''Fairy tales 1'' i ''Fire eventyr'' videlo 4 bajke, kao i kroz antologije onih 6 - sada s ''The third anthology'' vidi se da je reč o 8 scenarija za crtani film. Gledajući teme koje se tiču literarnog agenta ili menadžera za prodaju crtanih filmova (npr. u Hollywood-u, mada ne mora i tamo, ima i raznih drugih produkcija u svetu) mora se pomenuti da Dajana nije osoba koja će da ''bane'' s jednim scenarijom, već s 60 trenutnih u 3 antologije, tako da je tema i njenog pristupa njima i njihovog njoj veoma -diskutabilno zanimljiva. Dobro bi bilo kad bi se to već unapred znalo da ona nije ''od juče'' po pitanju tog posla, kao i da je pomalo zlopamtilo, ali jako je teško to pojasniti, barem nama sada.
Nazivi osam scenarija Dajane Diverno za crtane filmove su:

1. Vajolo najlepši lav na svetu
2. Zmajev legionar i kraljica cveća
3. Ferlijeva avantura
4. Wiky i Spikey
5. Mister Štroco
6. Princeza Gorija u čarobnoj šumi
7. Rezidencija maski
8. Bela lisica



FERLY: The Forgotten Kingdom?

TEGGY: The Red Kingdom!

FERLY: Really red?

TEGGY: In the swamp.

FERLY: The forgotten, red kingdom in the swamp?

TEGGY: Exactly! With thumbs up ...

FERLY: Should I go there too? In the lake reed?

TEGGY: Certainly. Lanterns are required.

FERLY: Lanterns in the Red Kingdom Swamp? I think...

TEGGY: It's a forgotten kingdom ... in a lake reed.

FERLY: (Flamingo indignant, he just nods his head. As if he doesn't believe the whole story, jumping on a branch) And I as a representative of the flamingo from the Emerald Crystal Forest should go to that Forgotten kingdom, with a lantern in the red lake reed - I don't even have a lantern ... I mean ... We better forget the whole story!

TEGGY: Princess Gloria has always said of you that you are a little forgetful.

FERLY: But from this swamp idea with a lantern, I'm just going to suffer from amnesia. Total!

Ako ste čitali ''Princezu Gloriju u čarobnoj šumi'' ili ''Vajolo najlepši lav na svetu'' iz The first anthology i The second anthology - sigurno se sećate da smo jednom najavili super avanture flaminga Ferlija iz Smaragdne šume. Odlično! Sećate se i ove bajke za decu.
Pa ovde je - u The third anthology.. Ali ovog puta bez princeze Glorije, sove Gerija i drugih.. Samo flamingo Ferli u super avanturi zaboravljenog kraljevstva crvene boje... Po rukopisnom sinopsisu od par strana. Ovo je druga bajka u The third anthology, i 8 po redu autorke Dajane Diverno. Mislimo da više nema scenarija za crtaće.

Takođe ovog puta odgovaramo na pitanje zašto Dajana često piše u vidu rukopisnih dela. Odgovor zbog - eventualne krađe i veštačenja rukopisnog materijala na sudu. To vam je kao DNK dela Dajane Diverno i s tim nema šale inače... Zamolili bismo da sve one koji bajke D.D stavljaju u kontest - politike - to ubuduće ne rade...






WIKY: (he looks in front of him for a few moments, he looks like this horse is a little angry. And then, after the previous event, he just sighs deeply. Suddenly there is a girl next to him working in the barn. Then only Wiky's voice is heard)
How good it would be if this time with Mr. Darety passed quickly so I could go somewhere ... elsewhere ...
(It should seem like he's feeling very sad about it. Widy - horse walks past the girl who worked in the barn and calmly goes out into the meadow. Slowly he comes all the way to the small lake that was here and stares at his figure. When he approached the water, all the frogs that were standing on the water lilies, they quickly escaped into the water. The frogs are watching him under the water. The horse is seen in the water)

FROG 1: This blind horse again!

FROG2: His name is Wiky

FROG3; (Large conceited toad with a hat on her head)
And now he's just looking at my water lily. Unheard of rudeness! It's a violation of frog privacy, girls.

FROG1: How looks at your water lily when he's blind.

FROG2: And in both eyes. Or right eye?

FROG3: Did you? I think Spidey said he would solve the problem, but he hasn't done anything yet.

FROG1: Yes, you are right. Wiky is just looking at your water lily.

FROG2: What a bad luck you are, maybe he really intended to eat your favorite water lily.

FROG3: It's a violation of frog privacy, girls.

Vrlo mali odlomak scenarija za animirani film koji se nalazi u ''The third anthology'' autorice Dajane Diverno. Ovo delo koje svoj nastanak ima čak od januara 2019 godine u vidu rukopisnog sinopsisa, do sada nam svakako nije bilo poznato.

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