



- You were excellent! Marvelous! Bravisimma my darling - her assistant Nicole waited for her at the entrance to a dressing room where she carefully and mildly removed expensive and heavy makeup from Jessica's face, her cheeks and eyelids. Small cotton wool balls in no time cleaned her face and a completely changed Jessica looked in the mirror.
Yes, it was her even now. An ordinary Houston girl with blonde hair that was carefully tied under those feathers.
- These red feathers are amazing just like this costume - Nicole enviously looked towards Jessica's breasts and her belly which was wrapped with red plastic snakes.
Jessica shuddered at her look. If she hadn’t known her, Jessica thought, she would have thought in some other case that Nicole was one of those closeted lesbians that only waited a favorable moment to offer some more interested woman a fantastic time in bed reduced to plastic penis penetration... She had it enough with Steve anyway.
- It's time to take off my clothes - Jessica said and stretched out. She had been working in that club for a year and a half already and five nights a week she performed at ten past eleven. It was her time, samba time and love dance time.
Nicole went out so that Jessica could freely change her clothes. She took her costume off in no time and left it on a hanger. She performed in it the following night too. She was completely naked. Her clothes were on a shelf aside and she put on her trousers and a white blouse she came in. Unlike Steve Karls she wasn't a fan of black leather outfits and tattoos on her body. Just on the contrary even Henry Stone himself told her once that she wouldn't get a job in that club if she by any chance had a tattoo on her body. Tattoos were strictly forbidden in Alden club´s rulebook. Jessica at first didn't realize why it was like that.
- Have you changed? - she heard knocking on the door which she then opened. It was Anita Johnson, a beautiful young girl whose performance was before Jessica's and she performed circus acts of stretching and folding. They called her "The Rubber Girl" but she didn't mind that. Just like Jessica, Anita too became numb to those nicknames. Every job had some special aspects with it - theirs was to get used to the names they were given by many media.
Anita was in her dressing room in no time. She was wearing a simple sweat suit. As a matter of fact, unlike Jessica, Anita was a good girl who perceived the world and life through the scope of sport. All her beliefs, attitudes, principles and standards were exclusively seen through sport. Anita in any case could not behave differently. In case something bad happened Anita would just wave off – life goes on.
However, she seemed quite worried now. She entered the dressing room and quickly closed the door as if in a rush.
- Jess! – she started quietly looking at the girl who was arranging her clothes. The difference between Jessica Alami on the stage and in a dressing room was huge, and Anita was convinced that many people would not recognize her in daylight and dressed like that.
- Yes – Jessica was still with her back to her so she did not notice her worried face.

Translate: Katarina Milosavljevic

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