



CHAPTER- Departure to Rome
It seemed that this morning is in a joyful, unusual swing, so characteristic at that time of year, simply as if it were written that spring in Paris and at Jean-Paul Azinkort's house should pass in such an incomprehensible general hurry. To make matters worse, now they move, and general incomprehensible haste was even stronger, urgent as if the walls, from the huge two-leaf house on the Saint G-Asten road, swinging in an unusual rhythm of the dance. And those old wooden stairs, including everyone (practically frantic) climbing up and down, just literally break under someone's weight. It would seem that everyone has fun, predicting that they will certainly do everything for the eviction to pass in a better mood, firstly because Jean-Paul Azinkort completely unexpectedly disclosed that thinking of moving nowhere else but in Rome; also his half-sister Elisa Azinkort, a respected lady in high Parisian circles, marveled in that unusual and very irritating way; as if it were on his (in her opinion) crazy decision he should speak with at least five women from that circle, and between the other ladies with Teresa Cartagena and Caterina Ralard .. And the eviction had to go in the best order.
Above all because not even Jean-Paul Azinkort did not think or consider that within everyone's goal, or in the middle of spring 1822 having the need to move to Rome; because after the scandal, which was linked to him and his work as a lawyer, it was perfectly clear that Paris is certainly not the best destination for the development of any commercial activity in any proportion or in any way. Mrs. Elisa Azinkort disagrees with him, mainly because it meant that she would have seen him once or twice a year, of course if she travels to Rome; but on the other hand, it seemed like a good idea, for at that time public opinion and public contempt are the backbone of the Parisian club, which would not be the case in Rome. In Rome, at least as Jean-Paul Azinkort saw it, after the scandalous missed deal, one could go on - because the public contempt did not take a existed , not even so much importance to anyone's life courses.
And to make things even more complicated, his granddaughter Demetris Azinkort, a lonely girl who has been growing up for eighteen years, and whose only support after the death of her parents was her uncle Jean-Paul Azinkort, traveled with Jean-Paul Azinkort.

Roman ''Poljupci na Mostu uzdaha'' autorice Dajane Diverno pripada ediciji ''Večiti klasici''. Objavljen je prošle godine kao scenario za film u okviru ''The first anthology''. Preveden je na italijanski jezik, a prevod je uradila Ana Ferluga, takođe trenutno se rade prevodi na nemački i engleski jezik ovog lepog ljubavnog dela. Moguće da će pored dela slične tematike na nemačkom jeziku ''Geheimnis Marquise de Champagne'' i roman ''Küsse auf der Seufzerbrücke'' biti pred izdavačima nemačkog govornog područja.






Her father was in charge of the part of the mafia that worked with the marihuana. Donatela had the impression that during those days he learned everything there is to know about the marihuana.
It was a very hard period for her. Once, in the cemetery, Donatela looked at her father's photo, wondering how she could not have known her own father. She was full of anger.
- AND? - she said, looking at the photo. What should they call me now? The queen of the marihuana. It is my part of the inheritance - her hand began to tremble. She put it in her pocket.
She was not proud.

She knew it would be easier, if Andrés were with her. When Cesar visited her, she wanted to ask him how he killed the bodyguard. But she said nothing. She knew that anyone could do that, not just Cesar. Andrés was also a professional assassin, so he had many enemies. She read the newspapers, but there was no news about Andrés's death. She was trying to find out something about the body of an unidentified man, but that was useless. There were many unidentified victims.
She felt helpless. In that period nightmares began and she could not sleep in peace. She was tired from so much studying, from her thoughts, from so much work. But there was no one she could talk to about all that.
Occasionally she was in front of the window, looking at the street, remembering her old house, those fountains, her parents and her brother. Occasionally she cried to free herself from the pain.
Cesar was visiting her. He always looked at everything carefully.
Donatela felt no peace when he visited her. Memories killed her just like feelings he aroused. That was the most difficult thing, feeling everything and not being able to talk to him. Those were not the feelings of friendship. How do you look at it? As a black angel who must save her?
But why?
That was a mystery to her. Was she wondering if there are women like her who love a man but can't speak to anyone about that love?
- You spend too much time alone - said Cesar once.
- I like to spend my time like this. After everything that happened to me, I feel better when I'm alone.
- That is not healthy.
He wanted to tell her that they are very different, but he said nothing. They sat in the dining room and she looked at documents that he brought. The documents described her father's work.
- Thank you. But this is the best for me - she took those documents - I hope that changes - she tried to imagine herself next to another man in a wedding dress with children. She knew very well that while Cesar was in her life, she could not love another man. She belonged to him, but that was an impossible love. She thought it will be easier in twenty or thirty years.
- I don't want something bad to happen to you.
- Thank you for your concern - she remembered Ramírez. Was there a difference between them? No. They both looked at her as an object they must possess. Both in different ways.
She didn't say anything about that love and her feelings. He is only here to teach her how to survive in that world.

The following day she accepted Giovanni Ramírez's call to go out with him. They went to a new restaurant in the city center.
- This is a friend's restaurant of mine - he explained as they got out of the limousine. It is a luxurious place. It had a red carpet and statues. A place for the elite.

*Roman ''Zabranjena ljubav'' je u preveden na engleski jezik, lekturu teksta je uradio novinar Miodrag Radojčin, a takođe tekst će dodatno još jednom biti pregledan radi eventualne korekture. Objavljivanje na egleskom jeziku se očekuje najverovatnije u junu 2020 godine. Do sada je ovo jedan od najprevođenijih Dajaninih romana, a prevodio se na: engleski, španski, nemački, francuski, italijanski, norveški, portugalski, a manji deo je i na mađarskom jeziku.


Andrés hat überlebt.
Von allen Menschen um Martín überlebte nur Andrés, der zum Zeitpunkt der Explosion die Farm beobachtete. Er hatte nichts Verdächtiges entdeckt und ging zum Haus. Wie Donatela und Toni nahm die Explosion Meter hinter sich und das Haus war Zerstörung.
Er war im Krankenhaus.
Sein hilfreicher Wirbel war gebrochen, auch eine Schnur, und er hatte Narben im Gesicht und am Körper. Er war sehr traurig über den Tod seines Arbeitgebers und wusste, dass er sich rächen muss.
Er konnte nicht laufen. Er nahm viele Medikamente, war unbeweglich und verzweifelt und wartete nur auf den Tag der Abreise.
Er wusste, dass Donatela auch überlebte und sich Sorgen um sie machte. Er waren ständig Ärzte und Nuser, die nach ihrer Gesundheit fragten. Sie sagten ihm, dass es ihr gut gehe und dass sie von der Polizei betreut werde. Aber er machte sich immer wieder Sorgen.
Wenn Don Cardinal beschloss, sie zu töten, bestand kein Zweifel, dass er es erneut versuchen würde.
Die Arbeit muss gut gemacht werden.
Donatela befahl den Krankenschwestern, ihr alle Zeitungen zu bringen, die über die Tragödie und die Fotos des besiegten Hauses berichteten. Sie dachte, ihr Herz würde an dem Entsetzen sterben, das sie umgab. Sie weinte ständig, seine Augen waren geschwollen. Am ersten Tag ihres "wachen Lebens" weinte sie mit verschränkten Armen und dem Kopf auf den Kissen. Sie versuchte nicht daran zu denken, dass sie ihre Familie nie wieder sehen wird, sie versuchte auch nicht an ihre Zukunft zu denken. Sie war sich bewusst, wo sie war, das Grauen, das sie umgab, ihre Einsamkeit und ihre schmerzhafte Realität.
Der zweite Tag wurde damit verbracht, mit der Polizei über die Ereignisse zu sprechen.
- Wussten Sie, dass Ihr Vater der König des Marihuanas war? - fragte ein dünner Agent mit weißer Haut, er sah aus wie ein Drogenabhängiger.
Sie schüttelte den Kopf.
- Nein. Obwohl - sie dachte einen Moment nach - er bezweifelte, dass etwas nicht stimmte. Unser tägliches Leben - Donatela wurde an Bodygard Ivan erinnert und ihr Vater bestand darauf, dass er ihm immer folgt - war nicht wie zuvor.
- Inwiefern wurde es geändert?

Roman ''Zabranjena ljubav'' autorice Dajane Diverno na nemačkom jeziku, moguće objavljivanje za nemačka tržišta u toku ove godine. Deo romana na nemački jezik je prevela Maja Spasić. Nadamo se da će gospođa Müller pristati da pregleda tekst u smislu procesa lekture teksta.






Bajke koje su napisane na osnovu scenarija za crtani film autorice Dajane Diverno, objavljene su već u više navrata, najpre u delu ''Fairy tales 1'' na engleskom, nemačkom i norveškom, a samo norveško izdanje je objavljeno krajem decembra 2019 godine pod imenom ''Fire eventyr''

Trenutno se očekuje objavljivanje nemačkog i engleskog izdanja ove četiri bajke, i nadamo se da ćemo početkom juna biti u prilici i to da vidimo. Do sada je kao scenario objavljen deo'' Princeze Glorije u čarobnoj šumi'' u delu ''The first anthology'', a odlomke drugih scenarija očekujemo u ''The second anthology''
Dela ''Fire eventyr'' i ''Fairy tales 1'' nisu još doživela svoje promocije.






Dajana Diverno povremeno uslika zanimljive slike iz bašte ili prirode, pa tako sada vidimo jednog leptira koji uživa na ružičastom karanfilu






Pošto je još krajem marta 2020 godine Dajana Diverno trebala da otputuje u Nemačku, ali to je zbog vanredne situacije s korona-gripom bilo onemogućeno jer su i granice bile zatvorene, sada opet ostaje otvoreno pitanje da li će već polovinom juna otputovati u ovu evropsku zemlju?
Dajana Diverno ima dosta romana koji su celi ili polovično prevedeni na nemački jezik, a takođe uskoro predviđeno je objavljivanje i bajki na nemačkom jeziku, pa se nameće pitanje da li još postoji interesovanje nekih poslovnih ljudi iz Nemačke za realizaciju crtanog filma za malu decu pod imenom ''Princeza Glorija u čarobnoj šumi''?

Takođe znamo da ona zbog kardiovaskularnih problema teško podnosi letnje vreme, a ovde su temperature pre tri godine bile i preko 45 stepeni, tako da se nadamo da će provesti neko vreme, barem tokom standardnih tropskih dana, u području s nešto hladnijom klimom.
O svemu što se odlaska u Nemačku tiče, obavestićemo vas putem ovih strana.
Za sada je aktuelno samo to da se radi na više različitih prevoda na druge jezike, tako da će nakon ove etape koronavirusa Dajana biti u mogućnosti da predstavi dodatnih 24 prevoda literarnih dela koja su uglavnom već i objavljena i prevođena.
A od tih nekih prevoda u poslednja dva meseca smo otprilike videli:

10. KOMODO - Italiensk mafiagudfar






Roman ''Zabranjena ljubav'' Dajane Diverno do sada je objavljen tri puta - dva puta kao roman na španskom i srpskom, i jednom na engleskom jeziku kao scenario za film. Roman ''Zabranjena ljubav'' preveden je na engleski jezik, prvobitna korektura teksta Miodrag Radojčin.
Očekuje se da delo nakon višemesečnog odlaganja konačno bude objavljeno.
Do sada je prevođeno na više različitih jezika, i trenutno je roman koji se najviše prevodio od svih Dajaninih romana. Jezici na koje je prevođen su: engleski, španski, norveški, francuski, italijanski, nemački, manji deo je i na mađarskom jeziku. Ali nije doživeo još da bude objavljen i na svim jezicima.
Ovaj roman je nastao davne 2007 godine, kriminalističkog je žanra. Prvi put je objavljen pre 8 godina, pa onda tokom 2018 godine na španskom jeziku i tokom 2019 na engleskom jeziku kao scenario.

Odlomak romana ''Forbidden love''

Hilari Santamarina, completely naked, was in front of the window of her apartment that was in the center of Mexico City and from which the whole city could be seen. The apartment was on the top floor of an elevated building.
Her long, curly copper hair was a little damp from the shower and with her hand who shaking for an hour she was lighting one cigarette for another. She showered, but she didn't wipe because she didn't feel like doing it. The nervousness she felt in those days was greater than anything she could define. She did not want these stress. Last couple of months, along with Marín Orsorio she had too many states of that type.
With a nervous look, she was looking at the landscape and she felt terrible in a tight spot since there was no way out. She knew that Martin is not going to leave her easily although she was only a lover to him ...
It seemed to her that from a distance he hears the sound of the telephone. She did not want to answer. For what? What she most wanted is to cease to exist.
Namely, Hilary Santamarina was the only one who was aware of many secret actions of Martin for which his wife had never learned. All that with the marihuana spread too much. She lost control. Even in a call Martin mentioned that he feared for his life.
Martín was not someone for whom it was worth dying - she spoke to herself, aware that this predicament irritates her. She extinguished the cigarette and lit the other. She felt more and more insane, out of control, hysterical, reckless.
She said to herself that it was time to get dressed, but she knew that that day would be the same as the day before - waiting if any asshole would appear at her door and spill bullets from the machine-gun and her body would be first in a sack, then in mortuary, on the altar and finally in the cemetery. She was sick of those thoughts.
No one had forced her to mess with him. Prey too rich for her perception, gangster, the king of the marihuana.
Now that meant nothing to her. Suddenly, that prey that was so inflamed before seemed something like an undeserved curse. She did not want to die, but death stalked her.
The telephone rang.
She put out another cigarette and noted that the room is full of smoke and needs to be ventilated. Or at least get dressed. Or both. She should answer the phone. She should let go of everything and return to the world of the living. Yes, that's the important thing - she was alive. She didn't feel that way, though. The grime sneaked under her skin and that was a negative feeling. She always trusted his thoughts and instincts. She lit one more cigarette, establishing that that stupid phone kept ringing. At the end she went completely crazy, she went to the phone wanting to say to that stupid person, asshole to shut up that she doesn't care about anything and nobody, that ...
As soon as she answered, a small instrument exploded and her body in pieces was scattered on the walls.






Capitolo due - La guerra tra famiglie

La jeep si allontano attraverso i lunghi e illimitati campi di grano.
Martín si sedette sul sedile posteriore, guardandosi attorno, sebbene non fosse interessato, Felipe si sedette accanto a lui. Ha cercato di concentrarsi. Il telefono squillo.
- Ce l'hai gia? - Ha sentito una voce maschile.
- Sicuro. Tutto e ...
- Meraviglioso, lascialo al solito posto, compagno.
Ha riattaccato. Quel - compagno - echeggio nella sua mente come un'eco nelle profondita del canyon. Tutto il suo essere era pieno di rabbia.
- Andiamo nella solita posizione - disse all'autista. Odiava quella sensazione disgustosa e devastante al punto che qualcuno e sopra di lui con il nome e la posizione ede per questo che si sentiva miserabile. Era un uomo orgoglioso. Ma il fatto che debba pagare o dare a qualcuno soldi per rimanere in vita era disgustoso. Spesso non ne informava nessuno, né lo diceva a nessuno della famiglia. Una volta Donatela gli chiese qualcosa sull'argomento. Le disse che non esiste, che e la parte del film ... Gli dispiaceva averle mentito, ma non voleva preoccuparla.
Sono venuti in un posto. I guardie lasciarono prima la jeep, poi Martín. Una delle guardie portava la valigia di cuoio con i soldi. Martin mise le mani nelle tasche del giubbotto ed entrarono. Era un po 'nervoso e questo si rifletteva nel suo comportamento. Si girava costantemente e dubitava di accendere o meno una sigaretta. Fu uno di quei rari momenti in cui era nervoso. La verita e che quei momenti di riciclaggio di denaro per lui erano un vero inferno. Non ci si e mai abituato.
Il luogo in cui si trovavano era una vecchia locanda che era stata chiusa per anni. Anche sulla porta era scritto "Urgente rinnovo necessario". Qui si incontravano i ricchi messicani, che in un certo senso pagavano importi a un uomo di Don Kardinal.
Andarono all'entrata posteriore. Non appena si avvicinarono, un uomo apri la porta.
"Ti aspettano" mormoro rapidamente.
Martín Orsorio, seguito dalle sue guardie, segui un piccolo corridoio e sali le scale nel seminterrato dove si trovava la sala per quel tipo di incontro.
Nel soggiorno sedeva un vecchio con una lunga barba e capelli che portava sempre camicie rosse e pantaloni neri. Aveva il soprannome di "Mostro" e Martín sapeva che questo soprannome era giustificato. Vale a dire, quest'uomo aveva l'abitudine di eseguire mostruosi omicidi di gangster e uomini ricchi e per un certo periodo era nella lista INTERPOL. Era uno dei presidi di don Cardinale. Guardo rapidamente Martín. Non c'era nulla nello sguardo di quegli occhi chiari. Quel vuoto ha spaventato molti.
Per un po 'l'uomo guardo Martín.
- E tutto qui? - Diede un'occhiata alla valigia.
Martín si innervosi.
- Tutto.
L'uomo lo stava guardando con calma. Chiunque era nervoso a quello sguardo.
- Ti hanno detto che d'ora in poi ne cercheranno altri trenta milioni?
- Si
-Hai realizzato?
- No. Questo non era l'accordo che abbiamo fatto due anni fa - rispose Martin con calma.
- Le regole sono cambiate - l'uomo aveva il sorriso che non rivelava nulla. Il suo atteggiamento era ancora calmo.
- Non senza il mio consenso.






Dajana Diverno kao autorica mnogih književnih dela multižanrovne i multikulturne orijentacije, mada u svemu uglavnom prednjači vojna, kriminalistička književnost, uvek nastoji da od svojih određenih nastojanja i konsekvenci svakako ne odustaje - a u ovom slučaju reč je o njenom snu iz detinjstva - da bude poznati svetski, priznati pisac. Obiman književni rad na čemu je autorica svakako dugo vremena radila, doživeo je i to da bude u određenom višegodišnjem stadijumu procesa prevođenja na brojne druge svetske jezike, pa tako imamo romane na (9) sledećim jezicima: engleski, nemački, španski, portugalski, mađarski, francuski, italijanski, švedski, norveški....

Rad na prevodima je svakako jedna višegodišnja ''filološka pustolovina'' (dajem sebi sad oduška da to tako nazovem) i svakako je postupak koji u mnogome odskače u odnosu na sredinu gde autorica trenutno boravi, ali to svakako nije bio nikakav argument da je u njenom putu k ostvarenju sna o - svetskom piscu - i zaustavi. Tako smo do sada imali prilike videti brojna dela na mnogim jezicima, a neka od njih su prevedena i na nekoliko jezika; takođe rad s više različitih prevodilaca i filologa, mnogobrojno su nam predstavljeni i odlomci njenih romana na drugim jezicima - a kada se kretalo u sam literarni svet 2006 godine to je možda i delovalo nemoguće ili poput nestvarne uobrazilje.

Na ovaj način širenja književnog dela kroz proces prevoda, a u stvarnosti i kroz neka objavljena dela širom čitavog sveta, uviđa se Dajanina oslobođenost u smislu njenog delovanja kroz proces i realizaciju interpretacije svega toga svetskoj čitalačkoj publici, što mora se priznati nije uopće jednostavan proces. Ovakav vid rada ostavlja joj posve otvorene karte u smislu toga da ona sama može birati - koji protagonisti - koja radnja - u kom romanu - će biti najpre svetski prezentovana, posve nevažno od toga šta neko drugi smatra ili misli, jer je čitav proces ''filološke pustolovine'' njena davnjašnja ideja koja konačno doživljava prirodni sled kog nazivamo realizacija u savremenom dobu i tehnološkom svetu.

Dodatno bih rekla da njen odabir dela na kojima radi ujedno nam obrazložava i način i funkciju na koji ona sve vreme funkcioniše i deluje u književnom stvaralaštvu, što jasno govori o tome da njeni romani napisani i pre 20 godina, mogu dočekati svoje ''mesto pod suncem'', a ujedno to argumentovano objašnjava da neće biti zaboravljeni ni kroz svoja druga, peta ili deseta izdanja koja u doglednom vremenu sleduju.

Gizella Kares,
April 2020 godine






Izradiće se tokom ovog meseca oko 16 idejnih naslovnih stranica vezanih za prevedena dela Dajane Diverno na druge jezike.
Trenutno se vide naslovne strane romana ''Zabranjena ljubav'' - francuska verzija i ''Tajna markize de Šampanj'' - norveška verzija, ali i drugi prevodi - portugalski - će svakako konačno dobiti svojih 5 minuta, tako da ćemo moći videti kako sve to izgleda za inostrana tržišta.
Što se gore pomenuta dva dela tiče, za one koji su prvi put na ovim stranama, reč je o romanima koja su pre 4 godina bila predložena za Nobelovu nagradu u Stokholmu. Romani su objavljeni i inače prevedeni na nekoliko jezika. Objavljeni su i kao scenariji za filmove u ''The first anthology''.
Oba gore pomenuta dela se razlikuju po žanru i vremenu u kom se radnja odvija, kao i kontinentu gde borave glavni junaci.

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