Učahurena stvarnost

14.12.2006., četvrtak

Za najdražeg, tužnog i izmučenog prijatelja...


I`m sorry my friend because life isn`t fair
I`m sorry because of the misery in your eyes
I`m sorry you have to deal with it each day
If only you would shed a tear if you would cry

When you suffer it hurts me so much to see
I would so like to take your pain away
And I`m grateful that you confide in me
Thanks for your trust for everything you say

Happiness seems so distant for you now
When again will you smile at me
Don`t let sadness to overwhelm you
Hear me out you deserve to be free

Why life is so cruel and our hands are tied
Why for every bad thing always you have to pay
I admire how you bear the weight of mind
I admire the will you have to cope with each day

I left you not so long ago to stand alone in the crowd
I know I shouldn`t have done so they were so loud
And I`m sorry my friend

I try to express my sadness but words I seek in vain
The rest of your life seems so irrelevant to you I know
Tears are flowing down my face I can feel your pain
Don`t give up together we can try to make it go

What you deal with every day you try to hide
You pretend like everything is in it`s place
Deep inside you fall apart to escape you tried
In your eyes of endless agony I can find a trace

I pray that everything will end allright
Although I prepare for the worst
I˙m here for you together we can fight
Cry for help I`ll be there for you first

Now go and face your fears open your tired eyes
I know she`s all to you from you that I heard
But listen to me next time you please think twice
Remember the consequences of a single bad word

(for you from your Medo)

- 22:17 - Vaše neprocjenjivo mišljenje (4) - Ubij još jedno drvo! - Dovedi se baš tu

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