








Dianna Divernoe je ovih dana u potrazi za jakim nemačkim izdavačima, iliti izdavačima nemačkog govornog područja - Austrija, Nemačka ili Švajcarska. Kada bismo rekli da treba sve ovo objaviti za germanska govorna područja bili bismo dovoljno jasni, mada će i sama Dajana Diverno biti zadovoljna ako objavi od 40 do 60 dela za njih. Tiraži su razni od 20.000 primeraka do 50.000 primeraka pa naviše. O tome se, u krugu njenih saradnika, uveliko priča.
Do sada je Dajana objavila oko 20-tak romana ovde i kako kaže to je sasvim dovoljno za promociju evropskih vrednosti i regiona na ovom području.
Neki romani se prevode na nemački jezik...






Pred Dajanom Diverno je godina napornog rada, objavljivanja dela širom sveta, učenje jezika i preseljenje. Dajana će aplicirati za državljanstvo srednje Evrope, ali o tome više reči kasnije.
Sada je očekuje objavljivanje dela, a nadamo se kako će neka postati bestseler.
Za sada Dajana Diverno ne može učestvovati na međunarodnim manifestacijama i konkursima jer nema zemlju koja će stajati iza nje.Nije mogla da bira gde će biti rođena, ali može da bira kakav će joj biti daljnji život, ali ako ovde ne može ostvariti neke snove, tada je bilo koja priča suvišna






Sanjam te i slatki mi sni

Dok nosi me ljubav u zagrljaj taj

Jer u svakom mom snu dolaziš ti

Pa mi lep bude taj usnuli sjaj.

Već vidim veče spušta se lako

A mene nešto zove da dođem u sne

I pokrijem se, najslađe mi tako

Tu ko da mi pupoljak nežnosti zre.

Glavu ti privlačim na grudi svoje

Pogled uronim u tvoj i tako me nosi

Pa spustim usne na usne tvoje

I osećam proleće ti skriveno u kosi.

I s jutrom mi odeš, u svitanje lako

Sna mog ljubavnog nadođe kraj

A opet ću uveče u ponjave tako

Da dotaknem s tobom ljubavi raj.

Sanjam te i slatki mi sni.






To the question why at the end of tenth decade of her life she discovered a secret about romance on the deck of “Titanic”, last witness, timely lady, answered:
“ A woman’s heart is deep ocean of secrets”
So! A woman would not be a woman without secrets.
Dajana Diverno would not be what she is if in her literal vault and that her numerous published work isn’t dominated by word “secret”.
While on the soil of Champagne like nowhere else in the world such grapes grow, on local soil of “Backi pescer” literal marquise de Pannonia and Carpathians grows, also called “scribble phenomenon from the sand” or writing “hurricane” by Sophia Gerdian.
Like an opened champagne bubbly a bunch of her novels flow, with loose imagination and loose thematic structure, genre and style.
Known by her novels whose stories take place all over the world, this one she develops in her favorite France.
Endless subject about partner love, often unadjusted age, educational and social level , motivated mostly by material or political interests in times present or past that result with frigid, empty life, which inevitable metastasizes into secrets, also came into focus this time also in her own way, and with torrid fragments of imagination she created, like vine, a nice novelistic story about young marquise and romantic love toward the piano.
Marquise Caroline de Champagne by revealing the letters from the mistress of her husband marquis Jacque, composes a mosaic of past years of marriage finding answers for cruel destiny, decide to “act” and so mentally divided, her life is naturally divided to a life before knowing and acting life that will flow burdened by her secret relationship with until final twist after which a new life begins with a sweet secret in harmony and beauty of “piano sonnets”.
All seeing eyes and all hearing ears of caring and helpful aunt Johanna, and always present house maid Emma, in the spirit of double roles dictate the life of marquise with her Jacque and with her new, young companion Jean, and fulfilling voids in her mental space.
With the form of a young, irresistible piano and painting teacher of marquise de Champagne, of course inevitable lover and everything that will happen later, the author confirms that folk saying that children that are secrets of love, unpopular called “bastards” are almost always pretty, likeable or seductive because they are a product of great and passionate love. But unfortunately, on the other side, almost always treated as lesser children, and to save them from bad words, often under the veil of secrets- a life of their parents if happening.
Dajana’s hero, marquise de Champagne even though she can live in the “city of light” remains in the rural environment to pick the fruit of “divine beverage” and run the estate of her late husband , who with her death let everyone know that although he died and sterile he died from the knowledge about her pregnancy and the arrival of his heir.
Did the death of her husband influenced her decision, her loyalty to her roots or something else, only she knows. In the book of all books it is said that there is time for everything, even to uncover secrets. But the secrets doesn’t end there and in all that disappearance a new secret is created and endless paths of secrets finally meet at the top of the pyramid, the place it all began, is testified by a brilliant segment of this book that reveals to the reader means that the author used.
Her unique approach, Dajana surrounds the reader with solid character of marquis de Champagne, who by his actions forces his young wife into temptation and cheating confirmed by the act of revenge based on evidences tucked under the veil of secret. However the key for the chest of the main secret is in his hands.
As a widower at the edge of third age, powerful and on the other side aware of biological-reproductive incapability (sterile) and lacking today’s medicine and spa destinations that produce offspring, he buys a young and poor girl to be his wife, in an effort to get a heir.
In his true desire to achieve his goal, with the blessing of almighty, he justifiably does a “necessary evil” with his behavior and the prize from the all mighty followed; he achieved the plan by knowing about the heir and at his most joyful moment her gave his biggest secret to the One who gave him everything.
The problem of the heir to the name and estate in the case of marquis de Champagne is a picture in the mirror of today which makes the author the illustrator of real time in which she lives and creates.
Details are what make this novel come alive. Bringing us back with its inventiveness to the beginning of the nineteenth century supporting the story of this novel in the period of Napoleon’s domination and rich and influential Ralard, father of a bastard child Jean Louis and grandfather of another bastard Michael, the son the previous bastard and Caroline, does not point us to think about in what direction would the Napoleon orient the wheel of history if the railroad that Dajana’s literary characters used from Lion to Paris or to the Riviera existed.
Humor is a recognizable constant in Dajana’s novels. Like confetti spread thorough certain scenes, connected in thirteen chapters, make this novel a great present for readers in 2014, when the author marks an interesting jubilee of her literary work in the symbol of number 8 (eight years of literary work), which comes with a message from astral spheres, through Christ’s resurrection and thorny road to eternal glory and existence.
I call Dajana Diverno a literary marquise de Carpathians, due to this manuscript, but in a metaphorical comparison Dajana is much more than this title.
Convinced that the novel “Secret of marquise de Champagne is written with complete dedication and love toward beautiful and fun literature, a reality that surrounds people and it temporary nature I recommend this above mentioned gift to readers pleasure.

31st December, 2013
Filip Orovicki.






Negde duboko gde duša mi spava

Gde otkrivam sobe ljubavi od zlata

Budi me boja tvog neba plava

Tu bi da ti pokažem nežnosti vrata.

Koliko u meni još nežnosti ima

Dok osluškujem noć kako tiho se kreće

Pa se opet pesma te ljubavi klima

Dok opija me lagano deo iskonske sreće

Negde duboko gde duša mi tone

U snove o tebi. Tako ustaje dan

Dodirnula bih rubove cele vasione

Toliko sebe bih htela da ti dam.

I otvaraš lagano sobe mi vrata

Donosiš deo tvog jutra plava

I dodirujemo lagano deo večitog sata

U sobama nežnosti gde duša mi spava








Nakon što delo Tajne markize de Šampanj bude predstavljeno na engleskom jeziku, biće ponuđen scenario za film. Pisci se svrstavaju u dve grupe - A grupa i B grupa. Cene scenarija variraju od 50.000$ do 90.000$ pa sve do 300.000$ do 600.000$ pa i više. Pojedini pisci dožive sreću da im scenariji budu prodati i taj dan čim se stave na prodaju, neki ih prodaju za par nedelja ili meseci, a neki i duži vremenski period.
Godina 2014 jeste godina filmske produkcije Dajane Diverno, pa tako se nadamo početku ekranizacija nekoliko dela.

Pojedina dela Dianne Divernoe - bestseleri - kao Zabranjena ljubav imaju veće cene. Tako je po pregovorima Dajana za njega tražila oko milion dolara, ali meksička, filmska produkcija je 2011 (novembar) davala nižu cenu i pregovori su izostali.

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