



IRINA: You started with the topic that Argent was something, obviously bigger than a skinhead group and a motorcycle gang running around Moscow 300 an hour?
(Irina should smile and put out her cigarette. Xenia looks thoughtfully at that cigarette in the ashtray)

XENIA: Yes, he was ... (she scratches her head) Will my words that I say now be part of that newspaper of yours that you work for? I don't think I want to appear in the obituary after this.

IRINA: (She laughs because she thinks Xenia is joking)
Of course, I will not write about this conversation in the cafe "3 musketeers ". I'd like to help Argent.

XENIA:(She raises her eyebrows ironically)
To help him?

IRINA: Namely, I am convinced that he did not commit those murders and that it is all part of a very intricate network that I do not yet have access to.

XENIA: I have to ask you what do you get out of all this?

IRINA: Report the years. Or a report of the century.

XENIA: I wish I could share your optimism journalist ...

IRINA: Irina.

XENIA: Yes, I wish I could share your optimism, journalist Irina, but I am afraid that it is a much bigger jungle there than any on this planet. It would be best to return to your home, cakes, cafes with friends and a favorite series.
(as she says this, she shakes her head in disbelief)

IRINA: I would like to know some details about everything.

XENIA: I don't think you're going to have Christmas. That is my honest opinion, but you see, since I work until 11 pm today, maybe it would be best for you to give me your business card and I will call you tomorrow on that very occasion.

IRINA: Are you saying you know why Argent is in jail?

XENIA: I know some things, but subject to a certain monetary compensation, I could tell you some of my hunch. Especially as far as that lawyer is concerned ...

IRINA: The lawyer? Which lawyer?

XENIA: (She shakes her head)
I can't remember now. He was in the news a few days ago.

IRINA: Every day there are a bunch of lawyers on the news.

XENIA: But I will remember
(Irina opens her bag, takes out her business card and arms her)
Thank you for the card.

IRINA: You're welcome. Then tomorrow morning we'll talk about this case, won't we?
(Irina leaves her money next to a plate of the coffee she drank halfway and gets ready to leave.)
And you will tell me everything you know about Argent's contacts from 3.5 years ago

XENIA: Yes. I'll call you.

Prvi put je sad objavljen odlomak scenarija ''Osveta - krv za krv'' autorice Dajane Diverno. Scenario je pisan po istoimenom romanu iz 2011 godine, a deo je ''The second anthology''.
Takodje, zanima nas - pošto je počeo Evropski filmski festival na Paliću, da li će Dajana prisustvovati tome i razgovarati o 40 scenarija s nekim od europskih reditelja i producenata, jer ima ovde dosta scenarija koji pripadaju i europskom tlu.

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