Scenario ''Priča Plave Mumije'' Dajane Diverno urađen je na osnovu istoimenog kriminalističkog romana koji je već objavljen. Scenario je preveden na engleski jezik, prostire se na oko 160 stranica. Svojom radnjom verno prati temu samog romana, ne odskačući ni malo od suštine i autorkinih zamisli. Iako je scenario urađen u jednom dahu, u relativno kratkom vremenom intervalu, do sada je predstavljen samo jedan manji deo kroz ''The First Anthology''. Književno delo ''Piča Plave Mumije'' - roman i scenario - predstavljaju autoricu kao predstavnika zabavne, savremene, kriminalističke književnosti, gde možemo slobodno biti zadivljeni njenom imaginacijom i slobodom izmišljanja, kao i simpatičnom nezavisnošću tvorca koji se realizacijom književne ideje kreće kroz tri različite zemlje i dva posve različita kontinenta. Ovo književno delo je plod čiste fikcije; predstavlja autoricu i kao svojevrsnu predstavnicu i scenaristkinju savremene književnosti koja zahteva i samu književnicinu angažovanost kroz perspketivu daljeg učenja i istraživanja o istoriji i drevnim, mističnim, faraonskim grobnicama (u ovom slučaju predstavljeno je kroz grobnicu Faraona Pepija II), što opet kroz njenu posvećenost privlači i nove čitatelje u reonu literature i saradnike u sferi filmske industrije.
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JOHN: I think we should, in the next three days, find out everyone these five have contacted. Their deaths were ordered to look like an accidental death, but it is obvious that someone who does not want the truth to be known about the multimillion-dollar theft of treasure has ordered them to be permanently silenced. Their movements and contacts in the last month before their death should be checked. I get the impression, Jonathan, that if we don't do this now, we'll never solve it, and there's nothing worse than.
LOMBARDO: Unsolved cases! What are the names of these soldiers?
JOHN: Dr. Victor Bridges and his son Peter Bridges, Alfred Macievich, Captain Michael Regeny and Police Officer Matthew Smith. They all died, and they were all in that grave five years ago, and left the McDonald's calendar copy from 1958.
LOMBARDO: I'm going to make a plan to examine the past of people killed four years ago. From Dr. Bridges to Captain Regeny, I'm sure we'll have a completely different view of the whole case when we put together the pieces of this mosaic called...
King Pepi's favorite cat! I'm sorry to spoil a picture of Pepi's late aunt.
JOHN: I remembered those buzzing noises during our phone calls while I was in the Kufrah Oasis. I have a disgusting feeling that someone was listening.
LOMBARDO: I do. And now, you know why! Dr . Bridges suffered a sudden cardiac arrest amid nervous excitement. He spent a few days at a cardio-vascular disease clinic and then passed away while he was still there. There was no general question about poisoning? His son was killed in the crash and four people who were with him were killed. Cause of death - engine failure. Captain Michael Regeny died of electrocution in the bathtub, and Alfred Makievich was in a car accident. Cause of death - brake failure. That the cause of death of the fifth member of the expedition, Officer Matthew Smith, made no sense to investigate. He could have been executed by anyone from the Syrian army or ISIS or a group such as the Nusra Front by simple procedure. Or one of the American soldiers killed him, and they blamed the other side for it
JOHN: There are no coincidence.
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