My spiritual exercises

subota, 16.06.2018.


Dakle, godinama sam izučavao religiju i religijsku filozofiju, sve dok, 2012. godine nisam pronašao ovaj religijski tekst koji je najbliži mojem filozofskom i duhovnom svjetonazoru. Može se slikovito reći da sam postao jedna vrst sv. Antuna Pustinjaka New Age-a, mada ovo zvuči malo čudno i mada ne živim u špilji poput njega. Ranije sam naime, tražio samo kontroverze među kršćanstvom i drugim religijama („Kontroverze svetih spisa napisao sam 2007.g.), dok sam od 2012. nadalje zauzeo jedan pomirljiv i tolerantan stav.

Postoji jedna vrsta Božanskog otkrivenja s kojim se ne može petljati ni krivotvoriti ga, jedna velika Biblija, koja sačinjava zvjezdani izvor svih biblija.
Ova sveta biblija je velika Astralna biblija neba; njezina poglavlja su dvanaest velikih znakova, njene stranice su bezbrojne svjetlucajuće konstelacije nebeskog svoda, njena slova su personificirani ideali zračećeg Sunca, srebrenog Mjeseca i sjajnih planeta naše solarne sfere.
Postoje tri različita aspekta ove svete knjige, i u svakom aspektu pojavljuju se ista slova, ali u različitim ulogama, s njihovim odorama i prirodnim okruženjem prilagođenim njenim simboličnim dijelovima. U stvari, cijeli slikovit prikaz može se usporediti sa igrokazom, ili prije, serijama igrokaza, koje izvodi ista ekipa umjetnika. Može se raditi o komediji, ili to može biti melodrama, ili može biti i tragedija; no principi iza kulisa su uvijek isti, te pokazuju istu Božansku jedinstvenost Prirode; pokazujući vječni aksiom: JEDNA ISTINA, JEDAN ŽIVOT, JEDAN PRINCIP I JEDNA RIJEČ, te njihovu četverostruku ekspresiju, kao četiri velika poglavlja nebeske knjige zvjezdanog neba.
U ovom aspektu vidljivi kozmos može biti predstavljen kao kaleidoskop. Vidljive konstelacije, planete, te druga nebeska tijela, su djelići obojenog stakla; a Božanstvo nevidljiva snaga, koja drži instrument u pokretu. Svako kružno kretanje i promjena godišnjih doba proizvodi različite slikovne figure, koje kompletne u harmoniji njihovih dijelova, su savršene u svojim matematskim proporcijama i divne u svojem geometrijskom dizajnu. I već svaka kreacija, svaka forma, i svaka kombinacija formi, su proizvedene od istih malih djelića stakla; i sve su one, u stvari, optičke iluzije, tj. prirodni fenomeni koji varaju naša fizička osjetila. Tako je to sa Kozmičkom prirodom.
Ipak, ne bi se smjelo pretpostaviti, da zbog ove savršene i kontinuirane iluzije zaigranih fenomena Prirode, da je sva vidljiva kreacija čisto jedna iluzija osjetila, kao što to shvaćaju neki hiroviti metafizičari, zato jer nije tome tako.
Vraćajući se opet našem kaleidoskopu, možemo vidjeti da bez njega, i bez njegovih obojenih perli, takva optička iluzija nije moguća. Dakle, postoji jedan temelj spiritualne realnosti za sve vidljive fizičke fenomene; no ovi temelji leže skriveni, zbog savršene iluzije koja reflektiranu sliku proizvodi na materijalnom planu fizičkih osjetila. Perle su realne. One su temelj, i različite slike su rezultat, ne perli, već ugla pod kojim su reflektirane našoj zemaljskoj viziji. Drugim riječima, PLANU SA KOJEG MI PROMATRAMO FENOMENE.
Stoga, što se više približavamo Božanskom centru našeg bića, to manje kompliciran postaje originalni dizajn Prirode, a što se više pomičemo od tog centralnog izvora, to više čudna, misteriozna, komplicirana, i nerazumljiva Majka Priroda postaje, određenom ljudskom umu. To se posebno dešava čovjekovom teološkom instinktu, njegovoj religioznosti, koja tvori jednu od fundamentalnih značajki njegovog bića. Priroda je uvijek jedna u njenoj originalnoj istini, i njenim podvostručenim odrazima; no uvijek konfliktna i kontradiktorna u njenoj multipliciranoj refrakciji kroza umove ljudi. Stoga, predstaviti ćemo primarni koncept velike Astro-teologije formulirane od strane velikih praotaca čovjeka; i baciti pogled na jednostavni mehanizam, pomoću kojeg su oni približili primitivnom umu općenite konture Božje providnosti.
Sve svete knjige započinju sa pripovijesti o fizičkoj kreaciji, čiju kulminaciju predstavlja pojava čovjeka i žene, kao roditelja ljudskog roda; i iako se oni razlikuju znatno u detaljima i konstituciji, bazične ideje utjelovljene su esencijalno iste u svim kozmo-genezama; tako da hebrejsku Bibliju, dostupnu svima, netko može pročitati kao prvobitnu priču o kreaciji sa hebrejskog stanovišta, a kada se jednom pročita, da se odmara zadovoljan što je pročitao otkrovenje milošću dodijeljeno svakom čovjeku svake dobi u svakom podneblju. Jedina razlika je ona koja se odnosi na mentalitete i nacionalne običaje, u pojedinim podnebljima; Hindusi, Kaldejci, Kinezi, Perzijanci, Egipćani, Druidi i drevni Meksikanci su sve ista-različita imena i dekor, koji odgovara pojedinom narodu, no u biti oni su svi jedno isto, u pogledu saopćenih fundamentalnih ideja.
Jednostavna priča o kreaciji počinje u ponoć, kada je Sunce dostiglo najnižu tačku Jarčeve obratnice. Sva je Priroda tada u stanju obamrlosti u sjevernoj hemisferi, zimsko je doba, sunčevo svjetlo i toplina su na njihovoj najnižoj razini; i različite pojave kretanja itd. predstavljaju Sunčev tranzit od Jarca do Riba, 60 stupnjeva,i od Riba do Ovna, 30 stupnjeva, što čini 90 stepeni, ili jedan kvadrant kruga. Tada počinju zaozbiljno kreativne snage, u proljećno doba. Šest dana predstavljaju šest znakova sjevernog luka, koji započinje razdornom vatrom Ovna. Potom, po redu, Bik, Blizanci, Rak, Lav, Djevica; onda Vaga, sedmi dan i sedmi znak, kojoj je prva točka nasuprotni Ovan i to je i nasuprotna tačka sfere, tačka ekvilibrija, jednakog dana i noći, to je jesen. To je šesti znak od Ovna, koji predstavlja prvu kreativnu akciju, i tako šestog dana slijedeći vatrenu snagu, gdje je Bog stvorio bi-seksualnog čovjeka. Pogledajte Genezu, 1:5-27: «I stvori Bog čovjeka po obličju svojemu, po obličju Božijemu stvori ga; muško i žensko stvori ih.»
Sedmi je dan, ili dan Gospoda (čovjeka), klimaks materijalne kreacije i Gospoda svih živućih stvari, i odmora u blaženom Edenskom vrtu. Sedmi dan i sedmi znak predstavlja skrivenu svetu Vagu, savršeno jedinstvo spolova. Onda dolazi pad [Fall=jesen] sa Vage, kroza Škorpiona te progon iz Edenskog vrta. Ovo predstavlja pobjedu Satana, ili Zime, nad Ljetom, itd. Uzalud je ponavljati istu staru, staru priču. Godišnje putovanje Sunca oko Božanskih brojčanika-konstelacija je astro-temelj svih prvobitnih kozmologija.

Pored kreacije svijeta, te pada čovjeka kroza grijeh, naći ćemo u svih naroda veliku shemu otkupljenja, i kao i ono prvo, naći ćemo je u esencijalno istom obliku. Kod sviju, traži se medijator između ljutitog Boga i neposlušnog čovjeka, i svi oni zahtijevaju da ovaj čovjek bude Božanski, ili bar polu-božanski. Ništa manje od toga ne može zadovoljiti zahtjeve Božanstva; ili radije, recimo to – čovjekovu vlastitu karnalnu imaginaciju. Radi se jednostavno o još jednom okretaju našeg kozmičkog kaleidoskopa, i gle! glumci su se promijenili.
Jarac [znak] postaje štala Koze, ili jasle u kojima je mladi Spasitelj svijeta rođen. Kao tipičnog, uzeti ćemo Spasitelja iz Evanđelja. Opet je ponoć. Sunce ulazi u znak Jarca 21. decembra. Ovo je najniža tačka luka, Jug, i za tri dana ono je stacionarno, ili u mraku. Sada je Božić. On (Sunce ili Spasitelj) počinje se kretati, i u ponoć ga porađa nebeska Djevica, koja uzlazi nad istočnim kvadrantom neba; odatle je Sunce-Bog rođeno od strane Djevice. Onda dolazi bijeg, da se utekne Kronosu, ili Saturnu (vlada Jarcem), koji ubija male bebe. Nailazi period tišine u Božjoj historiji, u kojoj je Sunce u svojem tranzitu kroz znak Jarca i dio Vodenjaka. To jest, on je skriven ili zamračen tmurnim nebom, u ovo [zimsko] doba. O njemu čujemo još samo jednom, sve dok on, Sunce-Bog, ili Spasitelj, ne navrši 30 godina, ili prešao je u tranzitu 30 stepeni prostora [Zodijaka]. On je ušao u znak Vodenjaka (simbol Čovjeka). Sada započinje period čudesa.
Napravimo malu digresiju, i vratimo se ponovno konstelacijama. Naći ćemo perfektnu analogiju između ovog perioda čudotvorstava i konstelacija Vodenjaka i Riba, kao što je navedeno. Prvo čudo bilo je pretvaranje vode u vino. Ovo se može sagledati kao trostruki aspekt. Sunce-Bog mijenja, svojim životnim snagama vode zime u berbu, gdje se ponovno javlja Djevica Majka. Ponovo, vino postaje krv – život ponuđen na proljećnom križu, da ojača, obnovi i učini srećnim sa novim životom našu Zemlju i ljude.Vrag (ili zima), sa snagama mraka, je pobijeđena i čovjek spašen. Finalni trijumf predstavlja raspeće u znaku Ovna, proljećne ravnodnevnice, oko 21. marta, iza čega ubrzo slijedi uskrisenje, ili obnova života. Zatim Bog uzlazi na nebo, da sjedne na tron o ljetnom solsticiju, da bi blagoslovio njegove ljude. Čitamo, da je Spasitelj ljudskog roda bio raspet između dva lopova. Vrlo dobro. Tačka ekvinocija je linija razgraničenja između svjetla i tame, zime i ljeta. Drugim riječima, Sunce nastavlja kretanje sjevernim lukom, kako bi ispunio Zemlju njegovom solarnom snagom i očuvao ljude od predstojeće zime. Životi Buddhe, Krishne ili Krista, svi se mogu naći u njihovoj potpunosti u životu Horusa; dok Otac, Sin i Sveti duh su Izida, Horus i Oziris. Isti trinitet, pod raznim imenima, naći ćemo kod svih naroda. Radi se o Suncu, Mjesecu i Ljudskoj duši, koja je jedini posrednik Čovjeka.
Postoji još jedna verzija nebeskog raspeća, po kojoj Sunce-Bog-Spasitelj, nakon večere i žetve u Djevici [znaku], je raspet na jesenskom ekvinociju na ekvatoru. Čitamo da je bio u smrtnim mukama od šestog do devetog sata – tri sata, tri znaka, ili od 21. septembra do 21. decembra, kada je bio položen u grob. Ovo je najniža tačka Sunčevog puta kroz južnu hemisferu, i tama drži ravnotežu na sjevernoj hemisferi. Tri dana u grobu su tri mjeseca, ili tri znaka, prije proljećnog ekvinocija, ili uskrisenja, izlaženja od Juga, da se donese spas sjevernoj polutki naše Zemlje.
Sada samo trebamo baciti pogled na razne divergentne linije iste kozmologije i istog otkupljenja. Sve ove alegorije su predočene simbolički kao ISTINE. Sve one podučavaju Iniciranog misterijima kreacije, čovjekovoj sudbini i nužnom Ciklusu Materijalnog iskušenja. Neke od najljepših parabola mogu se iščitati u ovom svjetlu. Abraham, i priča o lutanjima pustinjom Male Azije; Lot i njegova nevjerna žena, se sagledavaju kao još uvijek napisanim na nebu. Hagar i Ishmael su još ondje; tako je i Ezav i njegov brat Jakov; priča o Josipu i njegovoj braći; o Samsonu i njegovih dvanaest muka. Radi se o istoj divnoj priči. Sunce, lišeno njegove slave, ili solarne snage, na jesenjem ekvinociju, staje na ekvatoru između dva stupa hrama (ili svjetla i tame), i obara hram (ili znakove) prema južnoj hemisferi. A u pozadini imamo vječitu istinu o duši, kada, popuštanjem iskušenjima materije (Delilah), duša je lišena spiritualnog plašta, ili savjesti, i tone u materiju i smrt. I priča o Davidu i Golijatu može biti čitana danas isto tako jasno, kao i u davna vremena.
One su vječne, spiritualne istine ljudske prirode, i bilježe, ne samo historiju ljudskog roda, njene mutacije i transmutacije, već i individualnog čovjeka i patnje i iluzornu sreću njegovog materijalnog života. I uvijek, više! To je zapis o svim prošlim egzistencijama i tipovima njegove sudbine u budućnosti. I još jedan zaokret na našem kozmičkom kaleidoskopu, i Bože! scena se mijenja – igrokaz produžava, uglovi postaju veći, izazvani okretanjem našeg solarnog roditelja kroz nebeski Zodijak. Kada Sunce prolazi iz jednog znaka u drugi, drugim riječima tvori različiti kut sa svojim vlastitim centrom moći, nova providnost se rađa u svijetu; ili radije, ponovo se rađa pod novim likom. Veliko Sunce-Bog mijenja svoju prirodu i pokazuje se kao potpuno drukčije, sa novim setom atributa. Ovo je način na koji je čovjek personificirao ovaj igrokaz Prirode, kroz njegovu nesavršenu koncepciju uzroka ove promjene. Ali, njemu je to bio, i još je uvijek istina, i čovjekovi pokušaji da eksternalizira ove atribute u Božanskoj osobi bilo je, i još je uvijek, strogo sa plana umnog i spiritualnog razvoja.
Dvije slike ove Astro-teologije, kako su prikazane u dva dijela hebrejske Biblije, će ilustrirati ono što mislimo. Sunce je ušlo znak Ovna neko vrijeme prije egzodusa iz Egipta. Ovan je Marsova konstelacija, vatrena, destruktivna i sa ratničkim elementom, ili snagom, u Prirodi, i mi nalazimo hebrejsku koncepciju Boga kao savršenog utjelovljenja ovih atributa; kao Gospoda nad vojskama, Boga moćnog u bitci, koji se raduje prolijevanju krvi i žrtvama paljenicama, uvijek iznova svrstavajući ljude u bojne redove i uništavajući njegove neprijatelje djelima njegovih vlastitih ruku; kao Boga ispunjenog ljubomorom, ljutnjom i osvetom. Ovaj je tip [boga] bio utemeljio hebrejski spasitelj i zakonodavac, Mojsije.
Nakon perioda od 2.160 godina, nalazimo objavu kršćanske kozmologije. Sunce ulazi u znak Riba, kojima vlada Jupiter, benevolentni otac. Krist, ili medijator kršćanskog Evanđelja bio je utjelovljenje udruženih kvaliteta znaka i planete vladara. Nježan, pun ljubavi i milostiv, njegove riječi bile su sa siromašnima, potlačenima i palima; on je izbjegavao žrtvovanja i žrtve paljenice; skrušeno srce bilo je ono najbolje, za ponuditi na dar; podučavao je ljude da je Bog njihov Otac, da voli sve, da je pravedan, ali i milostiv. No, jaka nijansa stare koncepcije ostala je u ljudskom rodu, skrivajući se iza ljepote potonjeg koncepta. Ovo su, opet, refrakcije vječnih istina, koje sagledava čovjeka sa svojeg materijalnog plana. Elementi su predstavljeni ovdje, to je alfabet i njegov je ključ jasno definiran.
Stoga, neka svatko za sebe istraži ovaj zamršeni labirint Astro-teologije, i neka iznađe razne korespondencije, po volji. Dovoljno je indicirati zvjezdane originale ove prividno konfuzne mase tzv. Božanskog otkrivenja u svetim knjigama.
Oni, svi i jedan, pripadaju istom nebeskom fenomenu, i razne biblije su posljedica ljudskog ozbiljnog pokušaja da se navede po redu i eksternalizira ovaj nebeski poredak, da se zabilježe koncepcije ovih zvjezdanih aspekata, i kretanja sa njihovim odgovarajućim efektima na Zemlju.
Vjerovatno najčišći sistem bio je onaj koji je mogao stizati iz kaldejskih izvora. Ova kasta svećenika bila je najsavršenija u njihovim astralnim koncepcijama i potpuna u njihovom simboličkom sistemu bilježenja, i ako se veliki rad nalazi u biblioteci kralja Sargona u sedamdeset pločica ikada prevede, biti će to dokaz neprocjenjive vrijednosti za istraživača ovih čudnih, ali i sublimnih astroloških misterija.
Kao zaključak, razmišljajući o četverostrukoj podjeli predmeta kojeg smo prikazali na ovim stranicama, cijeli slikovit prikaz prolazi kao jedan pregled u viziji uma. Vidimo da zračeće konstelacije nebeskog svoda, sa prekrasnim refleksijama i Zodijakom koji ih upotpunjuje, su dvije polovine velikog Ciklusa potrebe, spirala vječnog, univerzalnog života, koja vezuje cjelinu u jedinstvo, a jedinstvo u beskonačnost. To je velika shema kreativnog života. Sedam principa Prirode, ili Božanske aktivnosti, su snage koje proizvode fenomene unutar sedam anđeoskih stanja, sedam kraljevstava, i, pomoću sedam planeta, na eksternom planu; planete bivajući pasivni mediji pozitivnih spiritualnih snaga. Ova dualna spirala, koja reflektira sedam zraka solarnog spektruma proizvodi sedam muzičkih nota; jedna polovina spirale je zvuk i boja koje su komplementarne drugoj polovini. Čovjek, Zemlja, naš solarni sistem, se okreću, svaka orbita ima svoj ključ, i svoju svojstvenu zraku, sreće se i miješa sa drugim spiralama, i cijela mješavina u jednu moćnu spiralu Ciklusa Progresivnog života, koja se okreće oko Vječnog, Beskrajnog Ega-Boga, uvijek involvirajući i evolvirajući atribute, snage i mogućnosti Jednog velikog centralnog izvora Bića.
To je veliki orkestar, koji odzvanja u najbogatijoj melodiji i sublimnoj HARMONIJI, veliku Himnu Kreacije: «Molimo te, o Bože.»
[H.O. Wagner-B.M. Wagner- T.H. Burgoyne – „Light Of Egypt“]

For years I've been studying religion and religious philosophy, until, in 2012 I finally found the religious text that is closest to my philosophical and spiritual views.


There is one species of Divine revelation which has not, and cannot, be tampered with, one great Bible,
which forms the starry original of all Bibles.

This sacred Bible is the great Astral Bible of the skies; its chapters are the twelve great signs, its pages are the
innumerable glittering constellations of the heavenly vault, and its characters are the personified ideals of the
radiant Sun, the silvery moon, and the shining planets, of our solar sphere.

There are three different aspects of this sacred book, and in each aspect the same characters appear, but in
different roles, their dress and natural surroundings being suited to the natural play of their symbolical parts.
In fact, the whole imagery may be likened unto a play, or, rather, a series of plays, performed by the same
company of artists. It may be a comedy, or it may be melodrama, or it may be a tragedy; but the principles
behind the scenes are ever the same, and show forth the same Divine Oneness of Nature; demonstrating the
eternal axiom. ONE TRUTH, ONE LIFE, ONE PRINCIPLE, AND ONE WORD, and in their fourfold
expression, is the four great chapters of the celestial book of the starry heavens.

In this aspect the visible cosmos may be represented as a kaleidoscope. The visible constellations, planets,
and other heavenly bodies, are the bits of colored glass; and Deity the invisible force, which keeps the
instrument in motion. Each revolution produces a different pictorial figure, which, complete in its harmony of
parts, is perfect in its mathematical proportions, and beautiful in its geometrical designs. And yet each
creation, each form, and each combination of forms, are produced by the same little pieces of glass; and all of
them, in reality, are optical illusions; i.e., natural phenomena, which deceive the physical senses. So it is with
Cosmic Nature.

It must not, however, be supposed, because of this perfect and continual illusion of Nature's playful
phenomena, that all visible creation is purely an illusion of the senses, as some cranky metaphysicians would
have it, because this is not so.

Going back again to our kaleidoscope, we can clearly see that without it, and its tinted beads, no such optical
illusion is possible. There is, then, a basis of spiritual reality to all visible physical phenomena; but this basis
lies concealed, because of the perfect illusion which the reflected image produces upon the material plane of
the physical senses. The beads themselves are real. These are the basis, and the different pictures are the
result, not of the beads, but of the angle from which they are reflected to our earthly vision. In other words,

Hence, the nearer we approach the Divine center of our being, the less complicated Nature's original designs
become, and the farther we are removed from that central source, the more weird, mysterious, complicated,
and incomprehensible, does Mother Nature appear, to the finite human mind. And this is especially so, to
man's theological instinct, his religiosity, that constitutes one of the fundamental factors of his being.
Nature is ever one in her original truths and their duplicate reflections; but ever conflicting and contradictory
in her multiplied refractions through the minds of men. Therefore, we will present the primary concept of that
grand AstroTheology formulated by man's great progenitors; and view the simple machinery, by which they
typified to the primitive mind a general outline of Nature's Divine providence.

All sacred books begin with an account of physical creation, the culmination of which, is the appearance of
man and woman, as the parents of the race; and, while they will differ considerably in detail and makeup,
the basic ideas embodied are essentially the same in all cosmogenesis; so that in the Jewish Bible, accessible
to all, one can read the primitive story of creation from a Jewish point of view, and, when read, rest satisfied
that he has read the revelation vouchsafed to man in every age and in every clime. The only difference is one
of mental peculiarity and national custom, along with climatic conditions. Hindoo, Chaldean, Chinese,
Persian, Egyptian, Scandinavian, Druidic and ancient Mexican are all the same_different names and drapery,
to suit the people only, but essentially the same in the fundamental ideas conveyed.

The simple story of creation begins at midnight, when the Sun has reached the lowest point in the
arc_Capricorn. All Nature then is in a state of coma in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter time, solar light
and heat are at their lowest ebb; and the various appearances of motion, etc., are the Sun's passage from
Capricorn to Pisces, 60 degrees, and from Pisces to Aries, 30 degrees, making 90 degrees, or one quadrant of
the circle. Then begin in real earnest the creative powers, it is spring time. The six days are the six signs of
the northern arc, beginning with the disruptive fires of Aries. Then, in their order, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo, Virgo; then Libra, the seventh day and the seventh sign, whose first point is opposite Aries and is the
opposite point of the sphere, the point of equilibrium, equal day and equal night, it is autumn. It is the sixth
sign from Aries, the first creative action, and so the sixth day following the fiery force, wherein God created
the bisexual man. See Genesis, 1:527: "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God
created He him, male and female created He them."

It is the seventh, or day of the Lord (man), the climax of material creation and Lord of all living things, and
be rests in the blissful Garden of Eden. This seventh day and seventh sign is the concealed sacred Libra the
perfect union of the sexes. Then comes the fall from Libra, through Scorpio, and banishment from the Garden
of Eden. That is the victory of Satan, or Winter, over Summer, etc. It is useless to repeat the same old, old
story. The yearly journey of the Sun around the constellated dial of Deity is the Astro basis of all primitive

In addition to the creation of the world and the fall of man through sin, we find all people in possession of a
grand scheme of redemption, and, like the former, we shall find them all essentially the same. They all
require a mediator between the angry God and disobedient man, and they all require that this mediator shall
be Divine, or semiDivine. Nothing less can satisfy Deity's demands; or, rather, let us say man's own carnal
imagination. It is simply another turn of our cosmic kaleidoscope, and behold! the actors have changed.
Capricorn becomes the stable of the Goat, in the manger of which the young Savior of the world is born. As a
type of all, we will take the Gospel Savior. It is again midnight. The Sun enters the sign Capricorn on the
twenty first of December. This is the lowest point of the arc, South, and for three days he is stationary, or in
darkness. And now it is Christmas Eve. He (the Sun or Savior) begins to move, and at midnight is born as the
celestial Virgo is rising upon the Eastern quadrant of the skies; hence the SunGod is born of a Virgin. Then
comes the flight to escape Kronos, or Saturn (ruling Capricorn), who kills the young babes. There is a period
of silence in the God's history while the Sun is in transit through the signs Capricorn and part of Aquarius.
That is, he is hidden or obscured by the clouded skies of this period. We hear of him but once again until he,
the SunGod, or Savior, is thirty years old, or has transited thirty degrees of space. He has entered the sign
Aquarius (symbolical of the Man.) Now begins the period of miracles.

Let us digress for a space, and refer to our chapter on the constellations. We shall find a perfect analogy
between this miracle working period and the constellations Aquarius and Pisces, as therein given. The first
miracle we read of is turning water into wine. This may be seen in a threefold aspect. The SunGod changes
by his life forces the waters of winter into the rich vintage of the harvest, where the Virgin (Virgo) Mother
again appears. Again, the wine becomes the blood_the life offered up on the vernal cross to strengthen,
renew and make merry with new life our Earth and its people. The devil (or winter), with his powers of
darkness, is defeated and man saved. The final triumph is the crucifixion in Aries, the vernal equinox, about
the twentyfirst of March, quickly followed by the resurrection, or renewal of life. Then the God rises into
heaven, to sit upon the throne at the summer solstice, to bless his people. We read, that, the Savior of
mankind was crucified between two thieves. Very good. The equinoctial point is the dividing line between
light and darkness, winter and summer. In other words, the Sun is resuming his northern arc, to replenish the
Earth with his solar force and preserve his people from death in the coming winter. The life of a Buddha, a
Krishna or a Christ, are all found in their completeness in the life of Horus; while the Father, Son and Holy
Ghost are Isis, Horus and Osirus. The same trinity, under different names, are found in all nations. It is the
Sun, Moon and Human Soul, which is the only true mediator of Man.

There is another version of this celestial crucifixion, wherein the SunGodSavior, after the supper of the
harvest in Virgo, is crucified at the autumnal equinox upon the equator. We read that he was dying from the
sixth to the ninth hours_three hours, three signs, or from the 21st of September to the 21st of December,
when he is laid in the tomb. This is the lowest point of the Sun's journey in the southern hemisphere, and
darkness holds the balance in our northern hemisphere. The three days in the tomb are the three months, or
three signs, before the vernal equinox, or the resurrection, the rising out of the South to bring salvation to the
northern portion of our Earth.

We have now only to glance over various diverging lines of the same cosmology and the same redemption.
All these allegories typified TRUTHS. They all teach the Initiate the mysteries of creation, of man's destiny
and his necessary Cycle of Material Probation. Some of the most beautiful parables may be read in this light.
Abraham, and the story of his wanderings in the deserts of Asia Minor; of Lot and his unfaithful wife, are to
be seen still written in the heavens. Hagar and Ishmael are still there; so also are Esau and his brother Jacob;
the story of Joseph and his brethren; of Sampson and his twelve labors. This is the same beautiful story. The
Sun, shorn of his glory, or solar force, at the autumnal equinox, stands upon the equator between the two
pillars of the temple (or light and darkness), and pulls down the temple (or signs) into the southern
hemisphere. And behind this we have the eternal truth of the soul, when, giving way to the allurements of
matter (Delilah), the soul is shorn of its spiritual covering, or conscience, and sinks into matter and death.
And the story of David and Goliath can be read today as clearly as of yore.

They are eternal, spiritual verities of human nature, and record, not only the history of the human race, its
mutations and transmutations, but of the individual man and the suffering and delusive joys of his material
life. Aye, more! It is the record of all his past existence and a type of his eternal destiny in the future.
Another turn of our cosmic kaleidoscope, and lo! the scene changes _the play extended, the angles greater,
caused by the revolution of our solar parent through his celestial Zodiac. As the Sun passes out of one sign
into another, or, in other words, forms a different angle to his own center of force, a new dispensation is born
to the world; or, rather, reborn under a new guise. The great SunGod appears to change his nature and
manifests an entirely different set of attributes. That is the way man personified this play of Nature, through
his imperfect conception of the cause of this change. But to him it was, and is, a truth, and man's effort to
externalize these attributes in a Divine personality was, and is, strictly from the plane of his mental
development and spiritual unfoldment.

The two pictures of this AstroTheology, as set forth in the two divisions of the Jewish Bible, will illustrate
our meaning. The Sun had entered the sign Aries some time prior to the exodus from Egypt. Aries is the
constellation of Mars, the fiery, destructive and warrior element, or force, in Nature, and we find the Jewish
conception of God a perfect embodiment of these attributes: The Lord of Hosts, a God mighty in battle,
delighting in the shedding of blood and the smell of burnt offerings, ever marshalling the people to battle and
destroying their foes and the works of his own hands; a God imbued with jealousy, anger, and revenge. This
was the type set up by the Jewish savior and lawgiver, Moses.

After a period of 2,160 years, we find the Christian cosmology ushered in. The Sun has entered the sign
Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter, the beneficent father. The Christ, or mediator, of the Christian Gospel was
an embodiment of the joint qualities of the sign and ruling planet. Gentle, loving and merciful, His words
were messages of love and peace; His work was with the poor, oppressed and fallen; he eschewed sacrifices
and burnt offerings; a contrite heart was the best offering; He taught the people that God was their Father,
loving all, just, yet merciful. But a strong taint of the old conception has remained with the human race,
hiding, at times, the beauty of the latter concept. These are, again, the refractions of eternal truths, viewed by
man from his material plane. The elements are here presented, the alphabet and its key clearly defined.
Therefore, let each one explore this tangled labyrinth of AstroTheology for him or herself, and work out the
various correspondencies at leisure. It is enough to indicate the starry originals of all this seemingly confused
mass of socalled Divine revelation in sacred books.

They, one and all, pertain to the same celestial phenomena, and the various Bibles are the outcome of man's
serious attempt to tabulate and externalize this heavenly order, to record his conceptions of these starry
aspects and movements with their corresponding effects upon the Earth.

Probably the purest system to us is that which may yet be derived from Chaldean sources. This sacerdotal
caste were the most perfect in their astral conceptions and complete in their symbolic system of recording,
and if the great work found in King Sargon's library in seventy tablets is ever translated, it will prove of
priceless value to the student of these weird, but sublime, astrological mysteries.

In conclusion, as we reflect upon the fourfold aspect of the subject that we have presented in outline in these
pages, the whole imagery passes in review before the mental vision. We see that the radiant constellations of
the heavenly vault, with the beautiful reflection and counterpart, the shining Zodiac, are the two halves of the
great Cycle of Necessity, the spiral of eternal, universal life, which binds the whole into unity, and unity into
infinity. It is the grand scheme of creative life. The seven principles of Nature, or Divine Activities, are the
forces producing the phenomena within seven angelic states, seven kingdoms, and, by seven planets, upon the
external plane; the planets being the passive mediums of the positive spiritual forces. Upon this dual spiral,
which reflects the seven rays of the solar spectrum is produced seven musical notes; one half of the spiral in
sound and color being the complementary of the other half. Man, the Earth, and our solar system, are
revolving, each orb in its own key, and its own peculiar ray, meeting and blending with other spirals, and the
whole blending into one mighty spiral Cycle of Progressive Life, revolving around the Eternal, Infinite
EgoGod, ever involving and evolving the attributes, powers and possibilities of the One great central source
of Being.

It is a grand orchestra, pealing out in richest melody and sublime HARMONY, the grand Anthem of
Creation: "We Praise Thee, O God."
[H.O. Wagner-B.M. Wagner- T.H. Burgoyne – „Light Of Egypt“]

16.06.2018. u 09:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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