My spiritual exercises

četvrtak, 21.12.2017.


I must admit that I didn't find many examples of singers, who were very popular singers in their previous incarnations, too. One striking example is for sure Robbie Williams, who in his past incarnation as American singer (and actor) Al Jolson achieved maybe even more success, then in this life. Especially popular he was in 1920s. He had a string of huge hits (Swanee, April Showers and other), between 1919 and 1926; maybe his most popular song was „California Here I Come“, later covered by Freddie Cannon. Later, between 1926 and 1940, he was more popular as an actor, than a singer.
Celine Dion was, and still is, very popular singer. She achieved worldwide success in this life with her songs „The Power of Love“, „My Heart Will Go On“ and others. In her previous life she was Fanny Brice, an American singer (and actress) who achieved fame with her early 1920s hits „My Man“ and „Second Hand Rose“. (I already metioned before that she was, in her still earlier incarnation, as Dorothy Jordan, actress, too, and - mistress of the king William IV [incarnation Dan Brown].
Kate Perry, also very popular contemporary singer, known for her hits like „I Kissed the Girl“ and ... others, was also popular singer in her previous existence, when she was a singer. In 1928 she had a huge hit with song „I Wanna Be Loved by You“, later to become her signature song, also interpreted later by Marilyn Monroe, in movie „Some Like It Hot“.
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21.12.2017. u 18:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


About 20 months ago, I made this photo-painting, not even dreaming that I drove such car (Jaguar XK from 1950s) in my former incarnation, as Humphrey Bogart. I had some kind of undefinite deja-vu feeling, though.
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I have to admit that last couple of years or so, I became kinda 'obssesed' with everything that comes from that period of Hollywood Golden Era. Not just movies, but fashion, music, cars and so on. I started to dress not according to present fashion, but – more like fashion of the late 1950s, say 1957/58. Then, for instance, I've made some kind of compilation of songs from that time, and name it „Paradise Pop“. It is interesting that bulk of songs (two thirds, approximatelly) are from the period 1957-1962, that is, from the period between two incarnations.
Maybe this is, subconciously, a try to 'continue' life exactly where it stopped in my previous incarnation. (I'm about the same age that Bogart was when he died.) Also, it is interesting that I decided to incarnate only after my wife from the previous lifetime decided to re-marry, that is in summer of 1961. I read somewhere that soul, before it incarnates again onto physical world, kinda' hovers' above the couple who would concieve a child, and consequently then 'join' his future mother, who would give them birth.

21.12.2017. u 18:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 18.12.2017.


Tom Hanks and Ben Foster, two main characters of the movie „Inferno“, (according to the Dan Brown book of the same) lived in 16th century Europe and both were aristocrats stemming from royal families (same as Dan Brown). Were they also linked in some way ?
Tom Hanks 16th century incarnation is Francis, Duke of Anjou (1555-1584). He was the son of French king Henry II and Catherine de Medici. In 1574, when his brother Charles IX died, the other brother, Henry III became king, and he – heir apparent. In 1579, he became an official suitor of Elizabeth I of England [Cate Blanchet]. He was only 24 and she way 22 years his senior. Despite this age gap, they soon became close. Elizabeth nickanamed him „frog“. (Maybe this is where inpiration for the traditional song Froggy Went A-Courting come from.) Elizabeth often used unflattering niknames for her favorites. Allegedly she was quite fond of him, but, in the end she gave up (1581), perhaps owing to persuasion by Rober Dudley, her councilor. The probable reason was supposition that England would fall under French influence, if Queen died before her husband.
Duke of Anjou consequently engaged himself in conquering Flemish cities – Antwerp, Bruges, Ostend, Dunkirk. In 1583 he entered the city of Antwerp, but was caught by surprise in ambush and defeated. This marrked the end of his military career. He was taken ill of malaria soon thereafter and died next year, in Paris.
Philip I of Castille [Ben Foster] lived in XVI c. but for six years (1478-1506), and shared the similar fate. Namely, he also died young, not reaching his 30th birthday. He was called Philip the Handsome, and he became the first monarch from the Habsburg dynasty to rule Spain. His son Emperor Charles V [incarnation Sammy Davis Jr.] would eventurally unite Habsburg, Burgundian, Castillan and Aragonese inheritances, and make of Holy Roman Empire truly a mighty one. Philip once made a visit to the court of Henry VII [Martin Fry], and regarded him as one providing the model of rulership toward which he aspired. There he met the future king Henry VIII [Charles Laughton]. They would consequently became brothers-in-law because Henry would marry Queen Joanna's [Laura Prepon] youngest sister, Catharine of Aragon [Melanie Griffith]. Philip died of typhoid fever in 1506, soon after his visit to England. So, the link between Tom Hanks' and Ben Foster' incarnations is Henry VIII – Tom Hanks was a suitor of his daughter, and Ben Foster's sister-in-law married him.
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The couple, Ben Foster and Laura Prepon had another incarnation in 19th century. He was then Frederick Augustus II, king of Saxony (1797-1854), and his predecessor was king Anthony [Goran Navojec]. His wife was Archduchess Maria Carolina of Austria (1801-1832). She was daughter of Francis II [Buster Keaton/Jim Parsons] and Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily [Caley Cuoco]. She was sister of Ferdinand I of Austria [incarnation Prince William].
Marie Caroline's parents were double first cousins as they shared all four grandparents (Francis' paternal grandparents were his wife's maternal grandparents and vice versa) – Francis I [Desiderio Valacco] and Maria Theresia [Fani Stipković]. So, in fact, there were not four, but only two grandparents.

18.12.2017. u 16:58 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


U 16. stoljeću Darija Mikulandra (nekadašnja TV voditeljica, emisija Zlatni gong) bila je danska princeza Kristina (1521-1590). Godine 1534. udala se za milanskog vojvodu Francesca II Sforzu [Robert Žanetić] iz poznate plemićke familije. Bili su u braku kratko i nisu imali djece. Bila je navodno popularna u Milanu i u dobrim odnosima s mužem. Bila je na glasu zbog svoje ljepote. Nakon smrti njenog prvog muža Milansko vojvodstvo bilo je inkorporirao u Habsburšku monarhiju, odnosno Sveto Rimsko carstvo.
Njeni roditelji u toj inkarnaciji bili su danski kralj Kristijan II [inkarnacija Filip VI, sadašnji španjolski kralj] i Izabela Austrijska [kraljica Letizia]. Nakon što je Francesco umro, ona se udala za Franju I, vojvodu od Lorene, te je postala regent, dok njen sin Charles III nije postao punoljetan (do 1552. g.) Kasnije je bila postala pretendent na tron Danske, Norveške i Švedske (1561-1590). Naime, bila je druga u liniji za naslijeđe, nakon starije sestre Dorotee.
O ovoj evropskoj vladarici piše Wikipedia: “She was described as a great beauty, intelligent and lively, and enjoyed hunting and riding. As a ward of her uncle the Emperor, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and a member of the Imperial house, she was a valuable pawn on the political marriage market.”
Ja sam bio njen suvremenik, kralj Edward VI (1537-1553). Zanimljivo je da je nakon što je kraljica Jane Seymour [Andie MacDowell] umrla, Kristina bila razmatrana kao moguća supruga Henrika VIII [Charles Laughton].
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Dva stoljeća ranije, u inkarnacijama iz 14. stoljeća, putevi su nam se bili ukrstili, zato jer je Darija bila (također milanska vojvotkinja) Isabella Fieschi, a ja venecijski dužd Andrea Dandolo, odnosno njen ljubavnik. Njen suprug bio je Luchino Visconti, iz poznate plemićke obitelji. Njegova inkarnacija nije Robert Žanetić, već netko drugi, kao što se vidi na slici.

18.12.2017. u 16:56 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 13.12.2017.


As I claim to be the incarnation of Humphrey Bogart, I must be naturally able to recognize the incarnations of my close friends from that (life)time. One of them, as we have seen is Vladimir Putin, who in his former life was Leslie Howard, man who helped Bogart considerably in his acting career. So, one of my friends became later Russian president, and the other was earlier... president of the USA. Yes, it was Frank Sinatra, who was in his previous existence James Madison, 4th president of the USA.
For introducing his amendments to the Constitution, Madison became known as Father of the Bill of Rights. He was first close adviser of the president George Washington, and then Secretary of the State during the Thomas Jefferson presidency. He was elected as president for two mandates, and held the office from 1809 to 1817.
James Madison met his wife Dolley in Philadelphia, then (temporary) capital of the USA. They were together for more than 40 years, until James’ death in 1836. Dolley is incarnation of Frank Sinatra’s first wife Nancy, and you can spot the similarities. (She is mother of Nancy Sinatra, who with him sang in the original version of “Something Stupid”)
Both Bogart and Sinatra were original members of the so-called Rat Pack, ‘established’ after a long party in Las Vegas in spring of 1955, atended also by Judy Garland, David Niven, and others. So, after that long party allegedly my wife from previous existence (Lauren Bacall; she was also Sinatra's mistress) christened the crew “Rat Pack”. Later, in 60s, it became a synonym for the trio comprised of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr.
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13.12.2017. u 18:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Sveti rimski car Leopold II [čija je inkarnacija general George Patton, a potom Zoran Šprajc], bio je jedno od 16ero djece carice Marije Terezije. I sam je imao 16ero djece. Njegov brat Josip II [inkarnacija Martin Landau] umro je bez ijednog djeteta, koje bi doživjelo zrelu dob [po meni inkarnacija jednog ženskog djeteta je Michelle Williams].
Od ukupno 16ero djece Leopolda II uspio sam ustanoviti sadašnje inkarnacije za 12ero od njih. Interesantno je da su ženska djeca u današnjoj inkarnaciji iz Hrvatske, Larisa i Sandra (no, također i Massimo), a kod carice Marije Terezije je bilo obrnuto, da su muška djeca u ovoj inkarnaciji iz Hrvatske (sa izuzetkom Josipa II, tj. Martina Landau-a, te Nikolina, koja je bila jedino žensko dijete iz Hrvatske). I sam pogled na listu je impresivan, jer se može vidjeti da su u inkarnacijama iz 20. stoljeća to svjetski slavne osobe, npr. Howard Hughes, Otto von Habsburg, Nicholas Sarkozy, a tu je i sin generala Pattona, koji se u 20. stoljeću opet reinkarnirao kao njegov (tj. Pattonov) sin.
Kao što se može vidjeti, najstarije dijete bilo je žensko [Larisa Lipovac], i zvalo se poput svoje bake, no nije postalo caricom. Njen suprug bio je kralj Saske Anton [Goran Navojec], a ona supruga-kraljica. Massimo je bio drugi najstariji sin i vojvoda od Toskane. Najstariji sin postao je car Franjo II – glumac kojeg znamo kao Sheldona iz popularne TV serije na RTL-u, Teorija Velikog praska.
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13.12.2017. u 18:25 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 08.12.2017.


King Henry the Seventh's eldest son and heir apparent was named Arthur, after the mythical king of ancient Celts. He was born in 1586. His birth incited great expectations, and his parents Henry VII [incarnation Martin Fry] and Elizabeth of York [Wendi McLandon] brought him up as future powerful king.
Belief in king Arthur's eventual messianic return was extremely widespread amongst the Britons from the 12th century onwards. John Lydgate in his Fall of Princes (1431–8) notes the belief that Arthur "shall resorte as lord and sovereyne Out of fayrye and regne in Breteyne" and Philip II of Spain [incarnation Matthew Rhys] apparently swore, at the time of his marriage to Mary I of England [Kery Russell] in 1554, that he would resign the kingdom if Arthur should return (R. S. Loomis (ed.) Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages)
Already at the age of 11, Arthur was formally betrothed to Catharine of Aragon [Melanie Griffith], daughter of the powerful Spanish king Ferdinand II of Aragon, in order to forge an alliance with Spain, against France. So, when he was 15 years old, prince Arthur married Spanish princess. But, only about six months later, he was taken ill, and died from an undetermined illness („a malign vapour which proceeded from the air"). Arthur's premature death in 1501 paved the way to Henry's accession to the throne, eight years later, when Henry VII died.
In my opinion, incarnation of the young prince Arthur is famous British actor Laurence Olivier; great Shakespearian interpreter in theater (Henry V, Hamlet, Richard III); of romantic roles and later also character interpreter in cinema. So, he, as incarnation of non-destined king Arthur played theatrical roles of kings, whose incarnations were... some of his Hollywood colleagues – Peter Fonda and Errol Flynn (later incarnated as Charlie Sheen).
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08.12.2017. u 09:00 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


In the very first sequel of this long string of incarnations I wrote about Martin Fry and his incarnation of king Henry VII Tudor. Over the last year or so every now and then I've tried several times to find some other incarnation of him, but with no results. Only recently, I spotted the similarity with British writer who lived and worked from the beginning of the last century until the 1950s, AA Milne, or Alan Alexander Milne. It seems that Martin Fry is really incarnation of that writer (Milne died in 1956 and did incarnate as Martin Fry in 1958), although I've tought that he might have been an actor, as well. Fry is excellent lyricist, and it's now obvious why – he was also a poet in his past incarnation. It is also evident that his present wife, Julie, must be the incarnation of Milne's wife, Dorothy "Daphne" de Sélincourt.
Comparing their signatures, one can spot the similarities – it is obvious that AA is quite similar with M, but, that's not the point, but the long move below the starting line, which is quite similar. According to graphology, it means „subconscios impuls toward sucess“. Regarding numerology, there are some congruacnes, too. 'AA Milne' gives numarological value '11', same as birth date of the writer, that is 18th of January, 1882. It corresponds with surname Fry, which has the same value. I didn't find astrological similarities, but I don't know the ascendents of their natal horoscopes.
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08.12.2017. u 08:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 06.12.2017.


It is wrong to judge as 'bad' everything that comes from the Jesuit order. One of the examples of the bright and honest scholar among the members of this much ciriticized order is French historian and classical philologist Jean Hardouin (1646-1729). He was publisher and commentator of the classical writers. He collected, as well, documents from all the church councils, up to 1714. He is generally renown for his 'peculiar' theory that some works of the classical literature were, as matter of fact, falsified.
What Russian historian Anatoly Fomenko writes on Hardouin in his controversial book „History – Fiction or Science?“ This: „Hardouin had claimed that Christ and his apostles, if they existed at all, must have read their sermons in Latin. He was convinced that the Greek translations of the New and the Old Testament date from a much later epoch then the church presumes. He had named St. Augustine among the fraudolent Christian classics and didn't trust the veracity of his works. He had also mentioned falsification of nearly all the „ancient“ coins, works of art, stone carvings, and particularly, the documents of the all Ecoumenical Councils that have preceded Council of Trident (1545-1563).
The reaction of Hardouin's contemporaries to his iconoclasm is of as great an interest to us as his criticism of historical sources. Hardouin naturally got criticized, but usually sotto voce, which leaves one with impression that the critics themselves were well aware that the publication of the apocryphal works had been the norm relatively recently. Even his most vehemnt opponents acknowledged that Hardouin's academic eminence and his highest authority in scientific world made it unnecessary to seek for cheap publicity of a nihilist or to amuse himself with disclosures that irritated ecclesiastical and scientific circles alike. Only deep conviction about the veracity of the critical approach to chronology and historiography could have made Hardouin dare to oppose the entire canonical science and theology.“
What has happened after Hardouin's death in 1729 is, that most of the „ancient“ sources that he had exposed have been „rehabilitated“ and once again taken seriously, as historical science.
What seems oddish, is that features of Jean Harduin quite resemble William Morgan's and William Lyne's. Is it possible that Hardouin is their earlier incarnation?
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David Icke in his book „The Biggest Secret“ at length cites Abelard Reuchlin, and his book „The True Authorship of the New Testament“(1979). And that seemed a plausible explanation of the real truth behind the Bible. But, only for a couple of years, because - then appeared the book „History – Fiction or Science?“, from which is evident that not only writing of Bible has been forged, but – the whole goddamn history of the 1st millenium A.D. According to Fomenko, in XVI and XVII c. it was simply 'invented' and them 'inserted' thousand years of history, which he proved at length in his voluminous work.
However, not all written by Reuchlin is to be dismissed. In his second book, named „Piso's Further Writings“ we could have already surmised that something is wrong with writings, works by praised 'ancient' authors, philosophers, historians and others. He cites as forged (although ascribing them all to members of Piso family instead to medieval monks) or, if we use scientific term, pseudo-epigraphical, - works by Aristotle, Plutarch, Claudius Ptolemy, Diogenes Laertus and some other authors

06.12.2017. u 17:56 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


JEZUIT(A) redovnik isusovačkog reda; pren. lukavac, podmukao čovjek
[Rječnik stranih riječi, M. Filipović, TIZ „Zrinski“ Čakovec, 1980.]
JESUIT isusovac, jezuit; fig spletkar, podmukao čovjek, lukavac, podlac
JESUITICAL isusovački, jezuitski; fig podmukao, lukav, neiskren, prepreden, podao
[Englesko-hrvatski rječnik, R. Filipović, Zora, Zagreb, 1971.]
ISUSOVCI (JEZUITI, DRUŽBA ISUSOVA, JEŽOVITI, španj. Compania de Jesus, lat. Societas Jesu), naziv za članove rimokatoličkog reda i za sam taj red, kojemu su temelje udarili 1534 u Parizu Ignacije Loyola, P. Faber, Franjo Ksaverski, J. Laynez, S. Rodriguez i dr. Uz vjerski fanatizam koji je u borbama protiv Maura dosegao vrhunac, neposredno se nadovezala dinamička španjolska kolonijalna ekspanzija, koja je tražila borbenu katoličku organizaciju, koja će, krsteći „pogane“ u stvari krčiti putove konkvistadorima. S druge strane, katolici romanskih zemalja osjetili su opasnost koja prijeti njima i rimskoj crkvi od novog reformatorskog pokreta (Luther, Calvin, Zwingli) u germanskom svijetu. Ciljevi Ignacija Loyole bili su prvotno romantičko zanesenjački i dosta neodređeni (polaganje zavjeta čistoće i siromaštva, skupno hodočašće u Jeruzalem radi obraćanja krivovjernika), ali oni postaju realniji, kad se Družba Isusova stavila u Rimu na raspolaganje papi Pavlu III koji je 1540 bulom Regimini militantis ecclesiae odobrio osnutak Družbe kao katoličkog reda. Papa je otada upotrebljavao Družbu u svoje, osobito protureformatorske ciljeve, iako su i pod svojim generalima (za prvog je izabran sam Ignacije 1541) znali sačuvati slobodu akcije u interesu same Družbe. Organizaciji i životu Družbe dao je Ignacije vojnički karakter. Kandidat za člana Družbe prolazi kroz dvogodišnji novicijat kao novicij (novitius). Zatim prolazi kao skolastik univerzitetske nauke (ponajviše klasične, ali i druge). Poslije toga radi 5-6 godina kao nastavnik na isusovačkim srednjim školama. Sa 28 godina uči 5-6 godina teološke nauke i zaređuje se za svećenika. nakon dovršenih teoloških studija prolazi još jednu godinu iskušenja (tercijat), nakon kojega polaže 4 svečana zavjeta (čistoće, siromaštva, poslušnosti i posebne poslušnosti prema papi, oboedientia cadaveris), te postaje ili naročito kvalificirani svećenik (pater, professus quatuor votarum), ili ako ne položi zavjet posebne poslušnosti, duhovni pomoćnik (coadjutor spiritualis), koji tim svećenicima pomaže. Družba ima i braću laike, koji obavljaju kućne poslove.
Administrativno je Družba podijeljena na asistencije, provincije, viceprovincije itd. U organizaciji Družbe zauzimaju od početka važno mjesto Collegia, isusovački učevni zavodi s internatima, koji raspolažu sa bogatim fondovima za svoje uzdržavanje. Najvažniji su u Rimu, osnovani još od Ignacija: Collegium Romanum i Collegium Germanicum, kasnije prozvan Collegium Germanico-Hungaricum, jer su se u njega primali, pored njemačkih, i gojenci iz Ugarske i Hrvatske. Za nastavu su imali svoj posebni program, Ratio Studiorum, od 1584.
Isusovci su imali i svoj posebni moral s devizom Ad maiorem Dei gloriam. Za ocjenu moralnih vrijednosti vrhovno im je pravilo Cui licitus est finis, etiam licent media, ili kako se obično citira u slobodnijoj formulaciji Finis sanctificat media. Za ovu kažu jezuitski teolozi da je netačna. Neosporno je da su se isusovci u praksi tog načela držali i da su vršili mnoga moralno nedopuštena djela „sve na veću slavu božju“. Oni odbacuju svaku individualnu etiku; uče da se u dvoumici, da li je nešto dopušteno ili nije, možemo odlučiti na djelo, ma bilo samo vjerojatno da je ono dopušteno. Po jezuitskom moralu dopuštena je kod svjedočenja, makar i pod zakletvom, tzv. mentalna rezervacija (resevatio mentalis – primisalje). Isusovci su svoju etiku rascjepkali na slučajeve savjesti, koja se našla u dilemi pred dvojakom dužnošću, rješavaju sofistički, ali uvijek u korist katoličke crkve i Družbe. Braneći jansenizam, kritizirao je jetko moral jezuita njihov gojenac B. Pascal.
Isusovci, kao protureformacijska snaga, počeli su se brzo širiti u Italiji, Španjolskoj, Portugalu i Njemačkoj, a 1580 prodiru i u Englesku. Istodobno rade kao misionari u prekomorskim zemljama Brazilu, Etiopiji, Istočnoj Indiji, a Franjo Ksaverski evangelizira i u Japanu. Isusovci kao sveti i učeni ljudi osvajaju svuda važne pozicije u nauci i u društvu kao dvorski svećenici, propovjednici, ispovjednici vladajuće klase i bogate buržoazije, odgojitelji mladeži. Oni su osnivaju u generalštab militantne katoličke crkve i po svojim tajnim putovima i spletkama često odlučno utiču na politilka zbivanja. Aktivno učestvuju u hugenotski ratovima; miješaju se i u englesku politiku (Gunpowder plot, 1605); fatalno djeuju na strani Svete lige za Tridesetgodišnjeg rata; odlučno utiču na politiku Luja XIV, a to znači na evropsku politiku. Zbog njihove razorne djelatnosti tjeraju ih iz raznih zemalja. Družba se najviše kompromitirala svojim financijskim poslovima, što ih je poduzimala unatoč zavjetu siromaštva. A kad je došla u sukob sa Španjolskom i Portugalom zbog Paragvaja i kad je veliki jezuitski spekulant poater Lavalette doživio bankrot i povukao za sobom više francuskih trgovačkih kuća, izvršen je pritisak na papu Klementa XIV, koji je bulom Dominus ac redemptor noster 1773 dokinuo isusovački red uz motivaciju da su se isusovci pleli u politiku, i da su izazivali smutnje unutar crkve, da su poprimali poganske običaje u istočnim zemljama, da su podjarivali nemire i u samim katoličkim zemljama. Taj svršetak nije bio nepoćudan ni vrhovima katoličke hijerarhije, jer su jezuiti na čelu sa svojim generalom („crni papa“) težili da budu stvani gospodari u rimskoj crkvi. Unatoč spomenutim teškim optužbama Družbu je, u času kad je Evropom počela vladati najcrnja reakcija, ponovno uspostavio Pijo VII svojom bulom Sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum iz 1814. Isusovci svojim prokušanim metodama nastavljaju svoj rad u uvjetima buržoasko-kapitalističkog uređenja i bore se protiv naprednih pokreta, a naročito žestoko napadaju marksizam, socijalizam, komunizam i materijalistički pogled na svijet. Zbog svoga rada bili su ponovno protjerivani iz zemalja s buržoaskim uređenjem. Danas Družba ima 8 asistencija (talijansku, francusku, španjolsku, njemačku, slavensku, englesku, sjeveroameričku i južnoameričku), sa 57 provincija i više od 30.000 članova.
Među jugoslavenske narode došli su isusovci na početku XVII stoljeća. U Zagrebu su se nastanili 1606, a iduće godine tu otvaraju prvu javnu gimnaziju. Isusovci su držali gimnazije u Dubrovniku (Collegium Ragusinum), Rijeci, Požegi, Varaždinu, Osijeku i Beogradu. U Zagrebu su 1666 imali teološki i filozofski fakultet, koji su zajedno činili Akademiju, koja je bila povezana sa isusovačkim zagrebačkim kolegijem. Imali su i malu Akademijuu Požegi, osnovanu nakon oslobođenja Slavonije 1709. U svome nastavnom radu držali su se plana iz Ratio Studiorum iz 1584. I ovdje su vršili jak utjecaj na politički i društveni život sredine. Posebno je bio negativan njihov utjecaj na književnost u duhu protureformacije. Red je ipak dao nekoliko ličnosti značajnih za našu kulturnu historiju (R. Bošković, B. Kašić, Ignjat Đurđević, , A. Kanižlić, J. Habdelić). Rad im je prekinut bulom Klementa XIV, no kad je Družba 1814 uspostavljena, isusovci su i u našim krajevima nastavili svoj rad i djelimično otvorili svoje ranije škole. Ali sad naprednije građanstvo zauzima prema njima kritičan, pa i neprijateljski stav. Tako grad Zagreb ne dopušta 1860 da se nasele na njegovu teritoriju, a Hrvatski sabor izjasnio se 1861, pod utjecajem Strossmayera i Račkog, protiv jezutskih škola u Hrvatskoj; grad Požega tjera ih iz svoje sredine, tako postupaju i Dubrovnik 1887, i Zadar 1893. Kad je potkraj XIX stoljeća u nas počeo pokret radnika i kad se omladina opredijelila u naprednom prevcu, ban Khuen-Hedervary dopustio je isusovcima povratak, te su oni u Zagrebu, pomagani od pojačanog klerikalnog pokreta, podigli 1901 svoju crkvu i rezidenciju. Kao vođe klerikalizma i katoličke akcije oni su intelektualni sukrivci za zatrovane prilike u kojima je okupacija 1941 zatekla Hrvatsku. [Enciklopedija JLZ, Zagreb 1967.]

06.12.2017. u 17:52 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 04.12.2017.


Generalno govoreći, osnove globalne kronologije Evrope bile su skrojene u XVI-XVII stoljeću u radovima J. Scaligera i D. Petaviusa.
Historija „antičkog“ Rima za period od navodnih godina 753-236 pr.n.e. duplicira historiju srednjevjekovnog Rima za period navodnih godina 300-816 g. n.e. Stoga, ovaj kronološki jaz iznosi nekih 1.050 godina.
Stvarno Sveto rimsko carstvo od X-XIII stoljeća samo fantomska refleksija kasnije dinastije Habsburga XIII-XVI stoljeća.
Gotovo svaki događaj iz Scaligerova udžbenika čije datiranje prethodi 900. ili 1.000 godini n.e. sastoji se od fantomskih duplikata. Njihovi srednjevjekovni originali su locirani na vremenskom intervalu od 900-1.000 godine n.e.
Došli smo do tragova prilično promišljene kreacije artificijelno prolongirane 'historije', u kojoj su kronolozi XVI-XVII st. bili aktivno involvirani.
Očevidno, aktualna historija u pisanim izvorima koja je dospjela do našeg vremena, počinje sa X-XI stoljećem n.e., i dalje. Činjenice koje prethode X stoljeću prilično su rijetke, locirane između 300-1.000 godine n.e. Praktički sve epohe koje Scaligerov udžbenik smješta prije X stoljeća n.e. su razne fantomske refleksije događaja koji datiraju od X-XVI stoljeća n.e.
Autentična historija otpočinje tek sa XVII stoljećem. Historija od X do XVI stoljeća je značajno iskrivljena. Mnogi datumi od XI-XVII stoljeća zahtijevaju korekciju.
Srednjevjekovni Talijani nazivali su stoljeća po stotinama – trecento (tristotine) – XIV st., quattrocento (četiristotine) – XV st., cinquecento (petstotina) – XVI st. Ova imena stoljeća upiru direktno u XI st.; čine ga inicijalnom tačkom za kronološke reference, pošto ignoriraju dodavanje 'extra milenija', prihvaćenog koncenzusom. Srednjevjekovni Talijani ništa nisu znali o ovom [ekstra] milenijumu. Kao što počinjemo uviđati, razlog je veoma jednostavan – ovaj 'ekstra-milenij' nikada nije ni postojao.

04.12.2017. u 15:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Just the other day I read article THE MORGAN AFFAIR/ANTI-MASONIC EXCITAMENT, written by (obviously) masonic author named William R. Zufall [in German, his surname means „case“]:
„Another ambitious political king-maker who made his name by denouncing Masonry was
Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania. Described by some as a ruthless dictator and a
merciless despot, Stevens dominated the legislature of Pennsylvania and later the US
Congress with his deadly sarcasm, vitriolic tongue, and cruel, heartless revenge against
those who dared to oppose him. When the anti-Masonic movement spread from New York
into Pennsylvania, he immediately became its spokesman. So successful Was his
leadership that in 1835, the anti-Masonic party elected the Governor and a large majority
of the lower House in Pennsylvania. So intense and violent were Stevens’ attacks on
Freemasons that he became known as the “Arch-Priest of anti-Masonry”. There is even
some speculation that Stevens engineered the impeachment proceedings against President
Andrew Johnson some 30 years later, at least in part because Johnson was a Mason.“
Ergo, after reading this passage, I said to myself: „Wow, I know this man. This must be Juri Lina incarnation.“ And shortly as I typed the name of Thaddeus Stevens on search engine... tick-tick-tock... here he is indeed - features so similar to leave no trace of doubt. While in his previous life he was a remarkable American politician, member of US House of Representatives from Pennsylvannia and one of the leaders of left faction of the Republican Party, in 20th century he became an author in Estonia, persecuted by the Soviet authorities. Who is Juri Lina, then?
Juri Lina is conspirology author, who is naturalized citizen of Sweden, but originally from Estonia (born on October 13, 1949 in Tallin). He is author of interesting books „In the Sign of Scorpio“ (1998) and „Architects of Deception“ (2003). In these books he unmasks the role of freemasons in the events of the modern history, first and foremost in big economic crises, wars and revolutions.
Lina started his career as ufologist in then Soviet Union. Tallin, his hometown was one of the centres of ufology in USSR. In 1969 he spotted in the sky a cigar-shaped object, which fascinated him and drawn to research of phenomena related to „flying saucers“. He gathered a group of young people who were engaged in UFO themes, translating articles from western magazines, and reports about local sightings of „flying saucers“. Climate in 70s in then USSR wasn't quite favorable for authors in the field of ufology. In the mid 70s Lina, as the leader of the group drawn the attention of KGB, Soviet secret service. He was prevented from further publishing of articles, and threatened by choice of either Siberia or lunatic asylum in case of further dealing with that matter.
After being banned from journalistic work, for some time he worked as night watchman. In 1978 he got help from colleagues from Finland - he provisionally married one of their ufology group colleagues. As KGB continued with persecutions even in Finland, Juri Lina decided to move to Sweden, where he continued to live, and became its citizen. He published about 15 books, but the two aforementioned are the major ones, and incited most interest.

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04.12.2017. u 15:30 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 02.12.2017.


Filmski uspon Humphrey Bogarta započeo je sredinom 30tih godina, kada je na Broadwayu igrao u kazališnom komadu „Petrified Forest“ (Okamenjena šuma). Po tom je filmu bio kasnije snimljen i istoimeni film, koji je požnjeo veliki umjetnički i komercijalni uspjeh. Warner Bros. htio je isprva za ulogu Edward G. Robinsona, no glavni glumac Leslie Howard, poznat po ulozi u „Gone With Wind“ (Prohujalo s vihorom), nije htio pristati na to, i zahtijevao je da uloga Duke Mantee-a pripadne Bogartu.
Pošto je film Bogarta načinio zvijezdom, on prijatelju nikad nije zaboravio ovu uslugu, i čak je bio nazvao jedinu kćerku „Leslie Howard Bogart“, po partneru iz filma „Okamenjena šuma“. Howard je kasnije, za vrijeme rata, stradao u avionskoj nesreći, pod misterioznim okolnostima. Pričalo se da je bio involviran u radu savezničkih tajnih službi, pa je tako njegova smrt, kada je avion bio pogođen iznad Biskajskog zaliva, povukla za sobom teorije zavjere.
Moj „kolega“ Walter Semkiw smatra da je inkarnacija Leslie Howarda poznati djelji glumac Macaulay Culkin, sa čime se ja ne slažem. No, mislim, s druge strane da bi on i stvarna inkarnacija Howarda mogli biti recimo rođaci iz prošlog (ili prošlih) života. Po meni, prava inkarnacija Je nitko drugi do – ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin. Mislim da postoje bolje podudarnosti u crtama lica (pogotovo nešto mlađeg Putina). Postoji podudarost u radu za tajne službe. Naime poznato je da je Putin bio agent KGB-a u bivšem Sovjetskom savezu. I na kraju, postoje neke podudarnosti u numerologiji, jer datum rođenja Leslie Howarda daje „10“, baš kao što i ime „Vladimir Putin“ daje istu numerološku vrijednost. Njegov datum rođenja daje „7“, isto kao i prezime „Howard“.
Bivša Putinova supruga Lyudmila Putin nalikuje Howardowoj supruzi Ruth Evelyn Martin, a sličnost se može recimo vidjeti iz fotografija na kojima se smiju, jer imaju isti, malo istureni oblik zubala.
Pošto sam inkarnacija Humphrey Bogarta ja lično, valjda bi ovo morao znatisretan Pošto je Putin inkarnacija francuskog kralja Charlesa VII, on je u 15. vijeku bio njegov ujak (brat njegove [Henrika VI] majke Catherine od Valoisa, inkarnacija Margaret de Vogelaere, tj. supruga Petera Fonde). Dakle, u holivudskom filmu našli se se nekadašnji ujak i nećak, ne znajući naravno da su u prošlom životu bili rođaci
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02.12.2017. u 08:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


„His book and murder still have the Masons making
excuses and lies“
Some Masons honestly admit he was murdered

Captain William Morgan, who had reached a high degree within the
freemasonry and had a central position in the order, discovered some
of the terrible masonic secrets in his Lodge No. 433 in Batavia, New
York. He travelled around the United States to warn the other masonic

In 1826, he explained that it was his duty to warn the public of the
secret plans of the freemasons. Morgan wanted to expose the shady
activities of the masonic elite in a book. He signed a contract with
the publisher Colonel David C. Miller. The book, "Freemasonry
Exposed", was published in August 1826.

This brought the members of the concerned lodges to the verge of
a nervous breakdown. At that time there were 50.000 freemasons in
the United States.

Warnings against Morgan were quickly spread. In the newspapers
were published advertisements, like this one in Canandaigua, New
York, on 9 August 1826:
" I f a man calling himself William Morgan had come to the society,
should everyone be on their guard, particularly THE BROTHERHOOD
OF THE FREEMASONS... Morgan is considered a swindler and a
dangerous man."

The freemasons in Batavia and the Illuminati in America and in
Europe were worried. They decided to punish him for breaking his
oath and betraying his brothers. Richard Howard, an English
Illuminatus, was sent to America to murder Morgan (Michael di
Gargano, "Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers",
London, 1878, p. 73).

The freemasons trapped Morgan into a plot to murder him. Some
freemasons went to Morgan's house and kidnapped him on 11
September 1826, claiming that he owed them money and that they
were entitled to hold him in custody until he paid off the debt of two
dollars and 68 cents. The freemason who came up with the idea of
the debt was Nicholas Chesebro. The freemasons also claimed that
Morgan had stolen a shirt. On 13 September 1826, the freemason
Lotan Lawson went to the jail in Canandaigua, about 50 miles east of
Batavia, and said that he was a friend of Morgan and had come to
pay off his debt and obtain his release. Out in the street, Lawson
invited Morgan to enter his carriage but Morgan refused. Two other
freemasons, Chesebro and Edward Sawyer, then appeared and they
and Lawson forced the struggling Morgan into the carriage. People
standing in the street heard Morgan cry: "Help! Murder!" as the
carriage drove off.

One night between 17 and 21 September they took him out on the
Niagara River in a boat, fastened metal weights onto his feet, and
threw him into to the river, where he drowned.

The idea was to put fear into other freemasons and force them into
submission. One of the conspirators, John Whitney, confessed the
murder to his physician on his deathbed in 1860.

Morgan's publisher, David Miller, on 13 September was also caught
in the masonic claws but managed with the aid of the authorities to
escape. On 4 October, Miller printed 5000 leaflets that in heavy
lettering described the kidnapping of Morgan and requested public
help. It was well known, however, that the freemasons threatened
people for revealing their secrets. Some masonic sources claimed that
Morgan had received 500 dollars and a horse to flee to Canada never
to return.

New York governor De Witt Clinton appointed several commissions
to enquire into Morgan's fate. On 1 January 1827, the freemasons
Lotan Lawson, John Sheldon, Nicholas Chesebro and Edward Sawyer
were charged with kidnapping and murder. Later additional ten
freemasons were sentenced to prison for accessory to the crime.
The freemasons once again struck back by falsifying Morgan's book
and published it with distorted contents in December 1826, typical
for those that do not want the truth to come out. The printer that
printed Morgan's book was subjected to arson in August 1826.

The American historian Emanuel M. Josephson revealed in his book
"Roosevelt's Communist Manifesto" (New York, 1955, p. 24) that the
Columbian Lodge of the Illuminati was founded in New York City in
1785. Its first leader was Governor De Witt Clinton.

There was a lot of negative publicity about the Morgan case. All
over the Midwest and north-eastern United States the freemasons
were isolated. The public demanded that teachers and other prominent
people should leave the Order or lose their jobs. Freemasons
were banned from jury service. They were insulted in the streets. The
Morgan case aroused public resentment against secret societies in
general and the freemasons in particular. Politicians in favour of
freemasonry cut their ties to the Order. As many as 141 anti-masonic
publications soon appeared.

After the trial and publication of Morgan's book, 45.000 freemasons
left their lodges. Nearly 2000 lodges were closed. Many of the
remaining lodges cancelled their activities. In the state of New York
alone, there were 30 000 freemasons. When Morgan's book was
published, the number of members decreased to 300 (William J.
Whalen, "Christianity and American Freemasonry", 1987, p. 9).
One of those that left freemasonry at this time was a young
lawyer, Millard Fillmore, in 1850 to become the 13th president of the
United States. He also began warning against the freemasons.

John Quincy Adams (1825-1829), president of the United States,
was a determined opponent of the secret society and fraternity of
freemasonry. He thought, "Masonry ought forever to be abolished".
Adams stated: "It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can
never produce any good... The existence of such an order is a foul blot
upon the morals of a community." (Wiliam G. Sibley, "The Story of
Freemasonry", 1913)

Adams wrote three letters to the historian Colonel William Leet
Stone, a high-ranking freemason, a Knight Templar and editor of The
New York Commercial Advertizer, in which he exposed how Thomas
Jefferson was using masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes.
The letters are in the Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia.
The Illuminati punished him by ruining his chances for re-election.
Adams was totally destroyed in the press that was already controlled
by the Illuminati. He was going to expose them in a book, but the
manuscript was stolen.

Because of the Morgan case David C. Bernard, David Miller and 41
former freemasons founded the Anti-Masonic Society in Le Roy, New
York, in the spring of 1828, later to be called the Anti-masonic Party.
They wanted to ban freemasonry and organized protests in the East
Coast cities. Millard Fillmore became a member of the party in 1828.
[from „Architects of Deception“ by Juri Lina]
Many of you, reading these lines, never heard of William Lyne - American author in the field of conspirology. The why and wherefore of this, well, read further...
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William Lyne was born in Big Spring, Texas on June 14, 1938. Besides being a conspirology writer, he is as well alternative physicist and inventor. In his youth he shown interest for experimental aircrafts, and constructed some models on his own. He had plans about becoming an aeronautical engineer, but at the age of 17 he left the highschool, to regulate the army service, so to avoid the possibility to be drafted for a new war. He was trained at the air base Lackland. Soon he became the member of Air Force secret service. As he has shown considerable talent for drawing, he worked as illustrator. As nobody could train him at the base, he went to evening courses at Collumbus College of Art and Design.
The reason for which he was alloted to secret service could be his masonic backgorund, as both of his parents, as well as uncle were freemasons, and, as it's well known, ones stemming from such families are always at the top regarding the selection of human resources. In the first half of the 60s Lyne studied art at Sam Houston State University, and later also at University of Austin.
By the beginning of 70s he moved to New Mexico (Lamy, in vicinity of Santa Fe), where he worked as sculptor and painter. Then, for some time he lectured art at White Sands Missile Range. Later, he moved onto real estate business, but had some difficulties with secret services, who tried to bribe him with some properties.
In mid 70s William Lyne began his researches of alternative methods of energy production, based on supposition that inexhaustible amount of energy could be drawn from the environment. His aim was to discover how to receive „free energy“ from nature. He also pursued with researches, that he began already in his youth, concerning electricity and magnetism. He collected a vast amount of materials and knowledge in connection with work of Nikola Tesla, for whom he shown always greatest recpect.
But, regarding his books - he didn't stand a chance of being published, not until the beginniong of 1990s and the end of so called „Cold War“. He published a book about the extraterrestrials and UFO called „Pentagon Aliens“ in 1993, and „Occult Ether Physics“, on alternative physics, two years later

02.12.2017. u 08:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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