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Just the other day I read article THE MORGAN AFFAIR/ANTI-MASONIC EXCITAMENT, written by (obviously) masonic author named William R. Zufall [in German, his surname means „case“]:
„Another ambitious political king-maker who made his name by denouncing Masonry was
Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania. Described by some as a ruthless dictator and a
merciless despot, Stevens dominated the legislature of Pennsylvania and later the US
Congress with his deadly sarcasm, vitriolic tongue, and cruel, heartless revenge against
those who dared to oppose him. When the anti-Masonic movement spread from New York
into Pennsylvania, he immediately became its spokesman. So successful Was his
leadership that in 1835, the anti-Masonic party elected the Governor and a large majority
of the lower House in Pennsylvania. So intense and violent were Stevens’ attacks on
Freemasons that he became known as the “Arch-Priest of anti-Masonry”. There is even
some speculation that Stevens engineered the impeachment proceedings against President
Andrew Johnson some 30 years later, at least in part because Johnson was a Mason.“
Ergo, after reading this passage, I said to myself: „Wow, I know this man. This must be Juri Lina incarnation.“ And shortly as I typed the name of Thaddeus Stevens on search engine... tick-tick-tock... here he is indeed - features so similar to leave no trace of doubt. While in his previous life he was a remarkable American politician, member of US House of Representatives from Pennsylvannia and one of the leaders of left faction of the Republican Party, in 20th century he became an author in Estonia, persecuted by the Soviet authorities. Who is Juri Lina, then?
Juri Lina is conspirology author, who is naturalized citizen of Sweden, but originally from Estonia (born on October 13, 1949 in Tallin). He is author of interesting books „In the Sign of Scorpio“ (1998) and „Architects of Deception“ (2003). In these books he unmasks the role of freemasons in the events of the modern history, first and foremost in big economic crises, wars and revolutions.
Lina started his career as ufologist in then Soviet Union. Tallin, his hometown was one of the centres of ufology in USSR. In 1969 he spotted in the sky a cigar-shaped object, which fascinated him and drawn to research of phenomena related to „flying saucers“. He gathered a group of young people who were engaged in UFO themes, translating articles from western magazines, and reports about local sightings of „flying saucers“. Climate in 70s in then USSR wasn't quite favorable for authors in the field of ufology. In the mid 70s Lina, as the leader of the group drawn the attention of KGB, Soviet secret service. He was prevented from further publishing of articles, and threatened by choice of either Siberia or lunatic asylum in case of further dealing with that matter.
After being banned from journalistic work, for some time he worked as night watchman. In 1978 he got help from colleagues from Finland - he provisionally married one of their ufology group colleagues. As KGB continued with persecutions even in Finland, Juri Lina decided to move to Sweden, where he continued to live, and became its citizen. He published about 15 books, but the two aforementioned are the major ones, and incited most interest.

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Post je objavljen 04.12.2017. u 15:30 sati.