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Your chance to speak to EU Commissioner for Enlargment Olli Rehn.
Olli Rehn, Commissioner for Enlargement, will participate today from 16:00 to 17:15 Central European Time (17-18.15 in Greece, Cyprus and Turkey), in a web chat on the process of European integration of the Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro including Kosovo under UN administration. This web chat aims to increase understanding of the opportunities and challenges of European integration of the Western Balkans, both for the EU and the countries of the region. This is your informal and direct opportunity to ask Mr Rehn about the chances of EU accession for your country; to check out the costs and benefits for your country if it is already an EU member.... use the opportunity! Log in on:
Europska integracija zapadnog Balkana
Ako ste primijetili, Hrvatska se ne spominje među zemljama zapadnog Balkana, odnosno, formalno i nisam bio pozvan pitati kakve su šanse Hrvatske za pristupanje EU.
Ali,s Rehnom se moglo chatati osim na albanskom, bosanskom, makedonskom i nahrvatskom jeziku.
Organizatori su obećali da će transkripti chata biti skoro dostupni, pa ćemo vidjeti je li Rehna priupitao za mišljenje kako hrvatska Vlada provodi Akcijski plan, poštuju li se u nas medijske slobode i šljaka li pravna država.