Napadaju me jer svjedočim o teroru protiv Hrvata
*I generalov odvjetnički tim i vi osobno ste izdali priopćenja u kojima se demantiraju lažne optužbe. Zašto oni koji su ih plasirali, ignoriraju vaše izjave?
- Politički su motivirani diskreditirati hrvatskog generala
Antu Gotovinu kao i neke druge tako što ih lažno predstavljaju kao kriminalce. (Samo je
Hrvatski Vjesnik iz Melbournea objavio ovaj demanti, poslije njihova intervjua s
Cascarinom.) Ispuštaju činjenice i uskraćuju hrvatskoj javnosti istinu o njihovom generalu, heroju - upravo
Globus i
Nacional, predvodnici ove dezinformacijske kampanje. Potom prenose dezinformacije u inozemstvo.
UPI Intelligence Watch je upozorio na pokrenutu klevetničku kampanju novinara u hrvatskim medijima protiv hrvatskih ratnih veterana. Prvotno izvješće na kojem se temelji UPI-jevo upozorenje (
javno dostupno na internet stranici Cryptome) imenovalo je jednog
Vjesnikova novinara kao 'špijuna MI6' navodeći kako je pojedinima nudio novac i druge nagrade ako potpišu predodređene izjave koje su sastavljene u svrhu diskreditacije moje vojne prošlosti. Istog novinara koji me oklevetao kao 'Sjevernoirskog terorista', unatoč činjenici da nikad nisam bio optužen ni za što na otoku Irske, a kamoli terorizam.
The real Tony Cascarino
First came Zagreb’s Vjesnik, labelling
Cascarino a ‘Northern Ireland terrorist’ despite the fact
Cascarino has never been convicted of any crime on the island of Ireland, let alone terrorism. The journalist wasn’t lying when he quoted a former HOS veteran who ‘never heard of an Irishman known as
Tony Cascarino fighting in Vukovar,’ rather economical with the truth. The founder of the HOS forces stated in reply that
Cascarino never used that name in Vukovar, and only disclosed his true nationality to a select few in the last days of the war. UPI intelligence watch then warned of an imminent misinformation campaign by journalists in the Croatian media against former Croatian war veterans. The original report on which UPI’s report was based, is publicly available on the cryptome web site. It named
Vjesnik’s journalist as an ‘MI6 agent’ and stated he had approached former war veterans offering money and other rewards for their names to pre-determined statements designed to discredit
Cascarino’s military record. The same journalist dubbed
Cascarino ‘
The Striker,’ a name
Cascarino has always strenuously denied...
Vjesnik then attacked
Cascarino based on information posted anonymously on the
Cryptome web site. The original
Cryptome post, still in the public domain, ridiculed the Sunday Herald article claiming it was a crude attempt to discredit both the General and
Cascarino. It provided links to
Cascarino’s web sites demonstrating his activism and stated
Cascarino: ‘Has a website where he tells his version of events and describes how he participated in the defense of Croatia with, among others,
Tony Cascarino (aka "
The Striker") repeatedly denies the MI6's fiction.’
Vjesnik omitted the above comment clarifying
Cascarino’s denial entirely, and distorted the original post so it appeared to the Croatian public that
Cascarino himself was ‘MI6 fiction.’...