Zivot u Zabolandu

30.06.2013., nedjelja

Nordic Caravan reaches Denmark

Day 4 & 5

After we finished the three days clinics in Sweden we headed towards Denmark. However not only Ella and Sofia were our company, but also eight young hockey talents from Sweden continued the Nordic Caravan. They will stay with us until the end of our trip. The forth day was a long journey to the south of Sweden. There we picked up Philip, one more Swedish coach. When we arrived at our headquarters (hostel) in Slagelse, Denmark, the first thing the boys did was took their sticks and played a small game on the grass field behind the hostel. Real hockey spirit!

Today we had a clinic at Sorbymagle, with participants from five different Danish clubs (Copenhagen, Gentofte, Kalundborg, Slagelse and Sorbymagle). Almost sixty kids were waiting for us on a good sand-based pitch. Thanks to the rain, throughout the whole morning it became good semi water-based. We also had help of four coaches from the local club. The theme of this clinic was the “disguise”. To the kids we demonstrated and delivered all kind of techniques to mislead the opponent, like fake sweep, stepping over, fake receiving, fake hit, backdoor… In between we had also some games, the most popular was the game with a different kind of balls. In the tricks part all the coaches took a role demonstrating and inspiring the kids to get more ball feeling.
After the closing matches all participants received the Nordic Caravan T-shirts and hopefully left with extra inspiration in their backpacks.

Tomorrow we have to get up early. We drive about an hour to the next clinic in Copenhagen.

29.06.2013., subota

Sweden's got Hockey Magic

Day 3

For the third day we didn’t have to travel far. Only to Partille in the suburbs of Gothenburg. Partille is one of the best Swedish clubs and also one of the best European clubs when it comes to indoor hockey. Field hockey is a different story. Although they do have the best pitch in Sweden (with permanent hockey lines on it) it’s still a football pitch which they have to share with the local football club. It’s for us once more an evidence to remarkable energy and passion our hockey brothers and sisters from Sweden have to keep this beautiful sport going.

Today we had the same group of kids like yesterday. A beautiful sight at the pitch a few minutes before we started our morning session: all the kids were on the pitch practicing the hits and the tricks from the day before. We worked on improving the rhythm in different hockey techniques and different hits. Also added some new hits, the hit on the run with the right foot forward and the cross-step hit for generating extra power. Our goalkeeper needed a new glove, after some older guys mastered this last hit. The Hockey Magic part was very special as some of the kids showed their own tricks and impressed the rest and us as well. Some youngsters were surprisingly good in performing the always good looking “windmill”. Although Swedish often complain about the lack of good pitches, the pitches they have great conditions on these football pitches for lifts and chops and they proved that in our 3D part. One of the participants almost broke the record in chopping the ball over seven bodies lying next to each other like sardines.

And then in no time the clinic was finished already. Some of them wanted to make one more try hitting the ball blindfolded or scoring the most beautiful goal in the game, but there was no time any more. At the end of the clinic Sara Stigzelius, the president of Swedish Hockey Federation came and we discussed their challenges in the future. We said goodbye to a lot of happy faces in Partille and starting packing for a long trip to the next stop of the Nordic Caravan, Sorbymagle, Denmark.

Hej da Sverige! You’ve got talent.

Dick and Tommie

26.06.2013., srijeda

Nordic Caravan Day 2


After a long and good drive (by Ella and Sofia) from Stockholm our second day brought us to the center of Gothenburg. Gothenburg is a very sport minded town with a lot of successful teams in different sports, but especially handball. However all the spotlights today were directed to hockey. The clinic took place in the very centre of the town on a big square with many sport fields. We played on a artificial football/hockey pitch.

A proper hockey pitch is the biggest problem of hockey (landhockey.nu) in Sweden. Everywhere they have to share pitches with football clubs, so the pitches aren’t 100% made for hockey. Besides that they play outdoor hockey for only 2,5 months per year. The rest of the time they play (very good) indoor. That’s why we focus on typical outdoor skills throughout the caravan.

We had again a big variation in the age groups, from 7 until 17. Luckily Dick and I are used to that and we always try to adapt the level and the challenge to the individual player. The kids were today from three clubs: Lerum, Valhalla and Partille. Two young Swedish internationals Adam and Axel helped us in the coaching. They did a really good job and we were happy to have them. Because of the level of the group was higher than the first day we managed to come further with the technical programme, learning them some special ways of hitting and the Latin dribble was also something new to them. It was nice to see how the closing game in the afternoon looked much more like a real outdoor match than the first game in the morning. Everybody was excited about trying the Hockey Magic and some even thought I had glue on my stick ;-) We had a good focus during the day, but especially 7-year-old Maja.

Oh..I forgot to mention that the weather was really bad the whole day, raining all the time. But when a you are surrounded with people with hockey hearts it seem like it’s no problem :) IloveHockey!

Dick and Tommie

P.S. Can you guess what does "samling" mean? “Come together”

P. P.S. Jeste li znali?
U nekim restoranima i javnim zgradam u Svedskoj postoje mix WC-i i muski WC-i. Muski su stajaci, a ostali sa sjedacim skoljkama se dijele. Mix zona.
Veceras sam susreo mitsko bice koje do sada jos nisam vidio. Morski konjic sa krilima i rogom iliti morski pegazic jednorog.

25.06.2013., utorak

EuroHockey Nordic Caravan 25th June till 1st July 2013

Ovaj tjedan sam zajedno sa Dickom na proputovanju Svedskom i Danskom, gdje drzimo hokejske klinike za djecu. Izvjestaje koje saljemo za Europsku hokejsku federaciju objavljivat cu i na blogu ovih dana. Nadam se da ste mi dobro.

Day 1

HEJ! The 4th Nordic Caravan started today in Stockholm. From here we'll cross Sweden and after travelling for more than 2000 kilometers we'll finish in the south of Denmark.

Swedish welcome was warm, hot actually, sunny with almost 30 degrees. Our hosts and guides Sofia and Ella took us this morning to the hockey club Roslagens IF. We were special guests at their hockey camp this week. We had about 20 children in the age between 7 and 14. A nice challenge for us. In the clinic we focused on some basic techniques like sweep and hit, but we also took them further in feeling their rhythm and experiencing the Hockey Magic. After a delicious lunch with famous homemade Swedish meatballs, we got some rest and energy for the second session. During hockey tricks one of the small girls showed us a real poker face (how to look cool while performing a hockey trick). After tricks we were looking for a spying talent among the kids in an extended version of a Dutch game "line ball". The ultimate challenge came at the end of the day when kids had to hit the ball totally blindfolded. You can imagine the joy when they succeeded relying on their rhythm. We finished with a big game and amazing the kids found still energy to do their best after this hot day in the sun. At the moment we are in the car travelling 500 kilometers to the south west. Our next destination: Gothenburg.

Sofia tried to teach me how to say: "come together" in Swedish, but I kept forgetting. I hope it goes better tomorrow.

Magic hockey greetings from the highway,
Dick and Tommie

P.S. jeste li znali?
"Hej" na svedski znaci "bok".
U Svedskoj je dozvoljeno telefonirati za vrijeme voznje. Hands-busy.
Nobelove nagrade se dodjeljuju u Stockholmu, osim one za mir, koja se dodjeljuje u Oslu. Po zelji Alfreda Nobela, koji je na taj nacin vjerojatno htio istaknuti ravnopravnost Norvezana, koji su u to doba bili pod Svedskom krunom.

10.06.2013., ponedjeljak

Iskustvo zimskog kampiranja


Fotografije, koje sam ja napravio za vrijeme zimskog kampiranja krajem ozujka u Otterlu.
Dick je napravio ovu kompilaciju. Ti dani kao da su ponovno zazivjeli.
Svinjska suma, pustinja, mjesec, sunce, vatra, pas, vrijeme....

06.06.2013., četvrtak

Samo u Zabolandu i Zanzibaru

Dating-siteovi u svim duginim bojama nisu nista posebno za Zaboland. No vec par godina me fascinira jedna reklama na (nota bene drzavnom) radiju za jedan poseban site. “Jesi li u sretnom braku?” sapce senzualni zenski glas i nakon krace pauze izazovno nastavlja“I ja isto.” To je reklama za stranicu Second Love cije je slogan “Priustite si uzbudjenje bez straha da budete uhvaceni”. Stranica za udane zene i ozenjene muskarce, koji zele varati svoje partnere. Mislim stvarno... Reklama zavrsava opet zenskim glasom koji zadovoljno objasnjava: “Na stranici Second Love sam konacno nasla nekoga tko mene slusa.”

Ukoliko imate novac na racunu jedne od najvecih Zabolandskih banaka ING, nemojte se cuditi da vam novac nije stalno na raspolaganju ili da se odjednom nadjete u minusu. Zna se naime desiti da bank postane zrtva cyber napada, pa im se na racunima znaju pomijesati loncici, tj. novcici.

Trebate li kokain najbolje vam ga je kupiti u Arnhemu. Neki dan je izasao clanak u novinama u kojem pise da je provedeno istrazivanje o cistoci kokaina po gradovima. Arnhem je izasao kao pobjednik sa 80% kokainom. Amsterdam je bio tek osmi sa 50 postotnim kokainom, ostali bijeli prah su obicno neki lijekovi, pa cak i paracetamol. I ne, kokain nije legaliziran u Zabolandu.

Zato dobro pazite da vas ne ulove ili snime iz zraka. Zabolandska vlada zadnjih par godina u tajnosti koristi dronove (bespilotne letjelice) za nadzor gradova (i gradjana). I iako se zna da te letjelice postoje, jos uvijek nema nikakvog drzavnog zakona o njihovoj upotrebi.

Zabolandjani su poznati po svojoj proracunljivosti, ali im se zna zalomiti koji puta. Drzavne zeljeznice su zeljele uspostaviti vrlo brzu liniju Amsterdam – Brussel. Za to su narucile ultrabrze vlakove Fyra jedne talijanske tvrtke. Vlakovi su bili na siroko testirani i pocetkom ove godine pusteni u promet. Medjutim odmah su se poceli kvariti, a na nekim dijelovima i raspadati, tako da su postali opasni za putnike i morali su biti povuceni iz prometa. Neki dan su drzavne zeljeznice definitivno odustale od njihove upotrebe. Jedino steta kaj su svi ugovori sa talijanskim prozivodjacem vec bili potpisani. Cijena? Jedno 300 milijuna eura. Ma tko je vidio kupovati vlakove od Talijana..., to smo im mogli odmah reci.

Eh da. Ako vam se kaj desi kakva nezgoda, pozar ili prometna nesreca. Ostanite mirni. Pa cak i onda ako ne mozete dobiti nikoga na 112. Naime zna se desiti da sistem 112 koji puta nije dostupan. Greska u sistemu. Da, to je onaj broj za hitne slucajeve, koji bi uvijek trebao biti dostupan. Strpljen, spasen.

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