Zivot u Zabolandu

25.06.2013., utorak

EuroHockey Nordic Caravan 25th June till 1st July 2013

Ovaj tjedan sam zajedno sa Dickom na proputovanju Svedskom i Danskom, gdje drzimo hokejske klinike za djecu. Izvjestaje koje saljemo za Europsku hokejsku federaciju objavljivat cu i na blogu ovih dana. Nadam se da ste mi dobro.

Day 1

HEJ! The 4th Nordic Caravan started today in Stockholm. From here we'll cross Sweden and after travelling for more than 2000 kilometers we'll finish in the south of Denmark.

Swedish welcome was warm, hot actually, sunny with almost 30 degrees. Our hosts and guides Sofia and Ella took us this morning to the hockey club Roslagens IF. We were special guests at their hockey camp this week. We had about 20 children in the age between 7 and 14. A nice challenge for us. In the clinic we focused on some basic techniques like sweep and hit, but we also took them further in feeling their rhythm and experiencing the Hockey Magic. After a delicious lunch with famous homemade Swedish meatballs, we got some rest and energy for the second session. During hockey tricks one of the small girls showed us a real poker face (how to look cool while performing a hockey trick). After tricks we were looking for a spying talent among the kids in an extended version of a Dutch game "line ball". The ultimate challenge came at the end of the day when kids had to hit the ball totally blindfolded. You can imagine the joy when they succeeded relying on their rhythm. We finished with a big game and amazing the kids found still energy to do their best after this hot day in the sun. At the moment we are in the car travelling 500 kilometers to the south west. Our next destination: Gothenburg.

Sofia tried to teach me how to say: "come together" in Swedish, but I kept forgetting. I hope it goes better tomorrow.

Magic hockey greetings from the highway,
Dick and Tommie

P.S. jeste li znali?
"Hej" na svedski znaci "bok".
U Svedskoj je dozvoljeno telefonirati za vrijeme voznje. Hands-busy.
Nobelove nagrade se dodjeljuju u Stockholmu, osim one za mir, koja se dodjeljuje u Oslu. Po zelji Alfreda Nobela, koji je na taj nacin vjerojatno htio istaknuti ravnopravnost Norvezana, koji su u to doba bili pod Svedskom krunom.

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