Dnevnik bolesnika o svemu pomalo

utorak, 05.02.2013.

Neuroiad opet

"Dear _____,

NeuroAiD™ is a stroke supplement formulated and clinically tested to aid in the global post stroke recovery. We do have patients who reported while taking NeuroAiD, improvements on their mobility and strength as well as on sensory functions even if their stroke happened even years ago. NeuroAiD may also help improve your walking and with fine motor movements. And at that very young age of just 32, you may have a better chance of recovery.

To answer your questions: NeuroAiD™ directly targets the stroke survivor's brain. NeuroAiD helps the brain to reconnect or re-route neurological paths which were disconnected after stroke. These neurological paths directly affects the proper function of various muscles and other parts of the body. NeuroAiD™ helps stroke survivors to have a faster and better recovery.

Study had shown that NeuroAiD has neuroprotective properties and helps to induce neurogenesis in human cells, promote cell proliferation as well as neurite outgrowth and stimulate the development of a dense axonal and dendritic network. That is why this treatment is recommended to stroke survivors.

NeuroAiD acts as a booster in your potential to recover. NeuroAiD is prescribed to all kinds of patients with mild, moderate and severe stroke as all of them could benefit from the treatment. If you will combine NeuroAiD with your physiotherapy, exercise and medication. We may be able to boost your recovery even further.

You may print out and check this page from our website for more information:

No matter how much time has passed since the stroke NeuroAiD™can still help recover independence.
Most of our clinical trials were performed on patients who have had their stroke less than six months before they started a NeuroAiD™ treatment, while you had a stroke several years ago. Nevertheless, NeuroAiD™ may still have a positive impact on your motor functions and help reduce spasticity. That is why, we advise to combine the NeuroAiD™ program with intense physiotherapy over a three month period.

We have several testimonials of patients improving significantly even years after the stroke.
We have received many testimonies from stroke survivors who have reported significant improvements in their health condition after taking NeuroAiD™ several years after their stroke. In order to learn more on how NeuroAiD™ helped those stroke survivors to recover, you may want to read their testimonies on http://www.neuroaid.com/en/who-should-take-neuroaid/testimonials.html

You may also refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information about the NeuroAiD™ treatment at http://neuroaid.com/en/getting-started/faq.html.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call us at +65-6478-9434, or email us at info@neuroaid.com.

We hope that this information has been useful and wish you the best recovery.

Warm regards,

Product Specialist

05.02.2013. u 15:52 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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Bok, dolazim iz Slavonskog Broda, zovem se Vanja Krnić i žrtva sam pogrešnog liječenja.Imam 44 godine. Preživio sam bakterijski endokarditis, , ugradnju mehaničkog zaliska, dva moždana itd.Ovim blogom pokušat ću na svoj način) opisati sudski proces.., svoju bitku za zdravlje..Liječnik , inaće bivši šef brodske zaraze Nenad Pandak mi je liječio tuberkolozni meningitis( otišao u susjedni Oman, ako mu se tamo ovako omane...), a od tubekoloze nije bilo ni t.Pobjegao je nakon dugih 14 pravomoćno je presuđeno da mi je život uništen liječničkom greškom, a moj život?
Živjela naša divna Hrvatska!



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