Blažena rekapitulacija

nedjelja, 24.05.2020.


utorak, 19.05.2020.


ponedjeljak, 18.05.2020.

I think of you
I haven't slept
I think I do
But I don't forget
My body moves
Goes where I will
But though I try my heart stays still
It never moves
Just won't be led
And so my mouth waters to be fed
And you're always in my head
You're always in my head
You're always in my head
You're always in my head
You're always in my head
Always in my head
Always in my
This, I guess
Is to tell you you're chosen out from the rest

Bonus track:


nedjelja, 17.05.2020.

APEL ZA CRKVU I ZA SVIJET katolicima i ljudima dobre volje

subota, 16.05.2020.

Molim vas, shvatite, ovo NIJE religisjki apel,
ovo je hrabar istup Katoličke Crkve
koju je on
(pretpostvaljam , za službenu verziju događaja)
Svejedno, ovo je vrijedan dokument,
i sažetak svega što čini problem ove situacije u kojoj se nalazimo.

Nadam se da će i druge vjerske zajednice
kao predstavnice dušebrižništva i općenito boraca za dobrobit svekolikog čovječanstva,
potaknute ovim apelom,
istupiti jednako hrabro i jasno!

Ne moram reći da je mainstream popljuvao ovaj apel,
i da ga se minimalno stavilo u vijesti,
ali, imate svoju vlastitu pamet,
pa ga pročitajte i vidite sami.

A ako želite i dati svoj glas,
evo vam link:

katolicima i ljudima dobre volje

U vrijeme teške krize, mi pastiri katoličke crkve, zbog svog poslanja svojom svetom dužnošću smatramo uputiti apel našoj subraći u biskupskoj službi, kleru, redovnicima, svetom Božjem narodu i svim ljudima dobre volje. Supotpisnici ovoga poziva su intelektualci, liječnici, pravnici, novinari i drugi stručnjaci, koji su suglasni sa sadržajem. Može ga potpisati svatko tko ga želi učiniti svojim.

Činjenice su pokazale da se u mnogim slučajevima pod krinkom epidemije Covid-19 krše neotuđiva prava građana, te da se temeljne slobode ograničavaju nesrazmjerno i neopravdano, uključujući pravo na slobodu vjeroispovijesti, slobodu izražavanja i slobodu kretanja. Javno zdravstvo ne smije i ne može biti alibi za kršenje prava milijuna ljudi širom svijeta, a kamoli za oslobađanje civilnih vlasti od njihove dužnosti mudrog postupanja za opće dobro. Ovo postaje tim hitnije, što se s različitih strana javlja sumnja obzirom na stvarnu opasnost od zaraze, opasnosti i otpornosti virusa: Mnogi vodeći glasovi iz svijeta znanosti i medicine potvrđuju da izgleda da uzbuna zbog Covida-19 od strane medija ni u kojem slučaju nije opravdana. Imamo razloga vjerovati – i to na temelju službenih podataka o epidemiji obzirom na broj smrtnih slučajeva – da postoje snage zainteresirane izazivati paniku među stanovništvom. Na ovaj način žele trajno nametnuti oblike neprihvatljivih orgraničenja slobode, kontrolirati ljude i nadzirati njihova kretanja. Ove neliberalne mjere zabrinjavajući su uvod u stvaranje svjetske vladavine, koja izmiče svakoj kontroli.

Vjerujemo također da su u nekim situacijama poduzete mjere suzbijanja, uključujući zatvaranje poduzeća i tvrtki, koje su dovele do krize koja je zaustavila cijele gospodarske sektore, kako bi potaknula miješanje stranih sila s ozbiljnim socijalnim i političkim posljedicama.

Ove oblike «socijalnog inženjeringa» moraju zaustaviti oni koji su zaduženi vladati tako da će poduzeti mjere zaštite građana, čiji su predstavnici i u čijem bi interesu trebali djelovati, a što je njihova ozbiljna dužnost. Dužnost im je pomagati obitelji, jezgri društva, i izbjegavati zakidanje slabih i starijih ljudi te prisiljavanje istih na bolno odvajanje od svoje rodbine. Kriminalizacija osobnih i društvenih odnosa mora biti osuđena kao neprihvatljiv dio projekta, kojim se promiče izolacija pojedinca, kako bi se njime lakše manipuliralo i kako bi ga se bolje podvrgnulo kontroli.

Pozivamo znanstvenu zajednicu da osigura da se medicinski tretman Covida-19 promiče istinskom brigom za opće dobro i da se najpomnije nastoji izbjeći da sumnjivi poslovni interesi utječu na odluke vlada i međunarodnih organa. Nerazumno je zabranjivati lijekove koji su se pokazali učinkovitima i koji su najčešće povoljni, kako bi se davala prednost tretmanima ili cjepivima koji nisu toliko učinkoviti, ali farmaceutskim tvrtkama jamče veću dobit. Na taj se način povećavaju troškovi javnog zdravstva. Kao pastiri vas podsjećamo da je za katolike moralno neprihvatljivo da se liječe cjepivima za čiju je izradu korišten materijal od abortiranih fetusa.

Vladajuće također pozivamo da se strogo pobrinu oko izbjegavanja svih oblika kontrole nad ljudima, bilo kroz tracing sustave ili bilo koji drugi oblik lokalizacije. Borba protiv Covida-19, koliko god bila ozbiljna, ne smije poslužiti kao izgovor za podržavanje mutnih namjera nadnacionalnih organizacija i grupa koje ovim projektom ostvaruju vrlo snažne političke i gospodarske interese. Građanima, prije svega, mora biti pružena mogućnost odbijanja ograničenja osobnih sloboda, mora biti zajamčena nekažnjivost u slučaju odbijanja prijetećeg obveznog cijepljenja ili korištenja sustava za traganje ili sličnih instrumenata.

Ukazujemo i na očitu kontradikciju onih koji provode politiku drastičnog smanjenja stanovništva, a istovremeno se prezentiraju kao spasitelji čovječanstva, iako nemaju legitimaciju, ni političku ni društvenu. Naposljetku, politička odgovornost onih koji predstavljaju narod, ni pod kojim se uvjetima ne može prenijeti na «stručnjake» koji – i to je zaista zabrinjavajuće – za sebe traže kazneni imunitet.

Odlučno pozivamo medije da se aktivno obvežu pružati točne informacije i da ne kažnjavaju disenciju korištenjem bilo kakvih oblika cenzure, kao što se u međuvremenu sve više događa u socijalnim mrežama, u tisku i na televiziji. Korektno pružanje informacija znači ostaviti prostora mišljenju koje odstupa od prevladavajućeg mišljenja. To omogućava građanima da sami i svjesno procjenjuju činjenice bez vršenja jakog pristranog utjecaja. Demokratska i iskrena rasprava najbolji je protuotrov za opasnost od suptilnih oblika diktature, vjerojatno još gorih od onih koje je naše društvo vidjelo kako nastaju i prolaze u nedavnoj prošlosti.

Mi, kao pastiri, koji smo odgovorni za stado Kristovo, prisijećamo da Crkva izričito polaže pravo na autonomiju u upravljanju, bogoslužju i propovijedanju. Ova autonomija i sloboda Crkve temeljno je pravo, koje joj je dao Gospodin Isus Krist kako bi mogla slijediti svoje ciljeve. Iz tog razloga kao pastiri izričito tražimo pravo neovisno odlučivati o slavljenju svete mise i sakramenata. Također tražimo priznanje naše potpune autonomije u svim pitanjima, koja su pod izravnom odgovornošću crkvenih vlasti, kao što su primjerice liturgijske norme i propisi vezani za dijeljenje svete pričesti i ostalih sakramenata. Država se nikako nema pravo miješati u suverenitet Crkve. Crkvene vlasti nikada nisu odbile suradnju s državom, ali takva suradnja, bez obzira na oblik, civilne vlasti ne ovlašćuje izricati zabrane ili ograničenja javnog bogoslužja ili dušobrižništva. Božji zakoni i prava vjernika su najviši zakon Crkve, kojih se Crkva ne može i ne želi odreći. Stoga tražimo da se ukinu ograničenja slavljenja svetih misa s narodom.

Pozivamo sve ljude dobre volje da ne izbjegavaju svoju dužnost, da daju svoj doprinos općem dobru, svatko prema svom statusu i svojim mogućnostima, i to u duhu ljubavi prema bližnjemu. Ovu suradnju koju Crkva želi, ne može se odvojiti ni od poštivanja prirodnih zakona ni od zaštite slobode pojedinca. Civilnopravne obveze građana impliciraju priznanje njihovih prava od strane države.

Svi smo pozvani vrednovati aktualne činjenice u skladu s naukom evanđelja. Ovo iziskuje odluku: S Kristom ili protiv Krista! Ne dopustimo da nas oni, koji nas žele uvjeriti da smo u manjini, na bilo koji način zastraše ili čak uplaše: Dobro je mnogo rasprostranjenije i moćnije nego što nas svijet želi uvjeriti. Borimo se protiv nevidljivog neprijatelja, koji sije razdor, razdvaja dijete od roditelja, unuče od bake i djeda, vjernika od dušobrižnika, učenika od učitelja i kupca od prodavača. Ne dopustimo da se izbrišu stoljeća kršćanske civilizacije pod izgovorom jednog virusa u svrhu uspostave gnusne tehnokratske tiranije u kojoj ljudi, čija su imena i lica nepoznata, odlučuju o sudbini svijeta tako što će nas prognati u virtualnu stvarnost. Ako je ovo plan kojim nas moćnici svijeta žele pokoriti, neka znaju da je Isus Krist, Kralj svijeta i Gospodar povijesti, rekao da «sile tame» neće nadvladati (Mt 16,18).

Preporučimo vladare i sve one koji upravljaju sudbinom naroda svemogućem Gospodinu. Neka ih On u ovom teškom trenutku krize prosvijetli i vodi. I neka se prisjete da će Gospodin jednako suditi nama pastirima zbog Svoga stada, kojeg nam je povjerio, kao i vladarima čija je dužnost braniti svoj narod i upravljati njime.

Pomolimo se, nošeni čvrstom vjerom, Gospodinu, da nam čuva i štiti Crkvu i svijet. Neka najsvetija Djevica, pomoć kršćana, satre glavu staroj zmiji i neka uništi planove sinova tame

8. svibnja 2020.
Gospa od sv. Krunice u Pompejima

Digital ID u praksi

petak, 15.05.2020.

pa vladaj.

Ah, djeco draga, što reći?

Sve je propalo?

četvrtak, 14.05.2020.



srijeda, 13.05.2020.

Matías De Stefano



ponedjeljak, 11.05.2020.

oh, kako mi se sviđa ova ženska

i 51:03


subota, 09.05.2020.

I carry your heart with me(i carry it in
My heart)i am never without it(anywhere
I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
By only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear
No fate(for you are my fate, my sweet)i want
No world(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
And the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
Higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Godina i sedam mjeseci.

ne znam naslov

petak, 08.05.2020.


članak o Elonu Masku:

Elon Musk prodaje sve što posjeduje,
nekretnine i fizička dobra.
To će reći, na Zemlji.
One posjede na Nebu,
po kojima vozi svoje satelite,
njih (još) ne prodaje.
Ja se uopće ne zajebavam.
To je sve istina.
Dobio je i novu bebu,
zove se
X Ć A-12.
Ako netko zna kako bi se to izgovaralo,
nek mi kaže. Čisto ono, da znam.
(ovo Ć je podvala blogeditora,
i moje neznanje da nađem A E spojene na tipkovnici.)

Njegovi tvitovi na instagramu,
PARDON, tviteru :-O
glase ovako:

Da nema dečko krizu srednjih godina?

Ili je ipak nešto drugo u pitanju?

Curiouser and curiouser.

popodnevna crtica

četvrtak, 07.05.2020.

Danas se dogodilo nešto neobično, nekoć možda obično.
Čekala sam u autu pred kućom mamu da izađe, da je vozim na misu.
Prvo se iz šume (ulica gdje su mi starci završava u šumi) sjurio jedan, a potom još barem 6-7 bicikala.
Dječaci, možda do 15ak godina, projurili su ko špriheri,
jureći i u punom gasu još dodatno tjerajući;
prvi je bio naročito brz, tih i kao strijela.
Tako sam se uplašila, i uplašila za njih;
da sam kojim slučajem tad krenula, ne bismo se mogli izbjeći.

Nešto dalje pred dućanom su pobacali bajkove na pod, bila je prilična gužva, ali svi su čoporativno ušli.

Ono, kako normalna djeca rade, idu skupa, ulaze skupa.

Mi smo krenule minutu poslije,
ja se nisam mogla NE zaustaviti ,
nisam mogla preći preko toga,
jednostavno me obuzelo,
pa sam stala pred dućan,
onako popreko svega ko kauboj,
mimo reda, i u kontra smjeru kroz blagajne ušla prema njima;

opalilo me kao da sam Marsijanac koji je stigao na Pluton,
kad shvatiš da radiš nešto što se (kao) ne smije;
iz očiju ljudi vidio se strah nad mojom neurednim kretanjem,
'ulazak kontra svih pravila',
'kaj to ova radi',
bez maske, špricanja ruke i rukavica,
mislim si 'ne mogu jednostavno vjerovati da ne smijem jednostavno ući u dućan'
i ono ,
kada previše puta čuješ nešto,
pa ti se porodi neobuzdani revolt,
'ma, odjebite svi,
nek svi pokrepamo od korone ako treba,
ali dajte dosta više straha, grča i strepnje nad životom'.

I , dakle, dođem k dečkima i svima zajedno se ko neki pomaknuti govornik obratim;
zamolila sam ih USRDNO da pažljivije voze,
i da se čuvaju.
Najusrdnije i najmoljivije što sam znala.
Molim vas, molim vas, čuvajte se, da sam bila krenula, zgazila bih nekog od vas,
tako ste brzo došli, molim vas pazite bolje.
Neki su viknuli 'oprostite, teta!', tako su bili dirljivo blesavi i ljubazni, AJME.

Kratko je to trajalo, izmarširala sam istim putem van, jednostavno,
bila je to vrlo, vrlo neobična situacija.
Takva nadrealistična scena.
Ti klinci su me nekako strašno u srce dirnuli,
a s druge strane, kao da sam ušetala u kazalište,
na tren kao da sam u neki san kročila,
u neku nevjerojatnu i neistinitu scenu.


Pita me mama (osupnuta kratkoćom i uopće prirodom cijele akcije,
a znam , u brizi da sam vikala u dućanu gdje nju i mene poznaju)
u autu kad sam se vratila. i, kaj si im rekla?


When the chips are down

Mislila sam odmah staviti ovaj link,
ali sam onda zaboravila,
puno je te škole i tih zubara i dućana i toga svega za savladati....

Uglavnom, ja sam dobila link,
pa prosljeđujem svakome koga zanima,

flow! summit
20. do 24. 5. 2020.

Pet mailova/videa po danu,
duhovna tematika
sve besplatno,
možda netko pronađe nešto lijepo ili zanimljivo za sebe!

Pogledajte si link, da se upoznate s tim kaj to je,
jer ja ne znam puno više od gore napisanog.

Također , dijelim i ovaj link, također sam ga jučer dobila,
tko hoće, može se informirati, ili dati svoj glas
peticija protiv uvođenja 5G mreže;

Budite mi dobro i zdravo!

Barbara Gittings, keramika

ponedjeljak, 04.05.2020.


Iz članka sa ove adrese

kopiram cijeli tekst:

YouTube changes rules to ban 5G conspiracy talk from platform
Jamie DaviesWritten by Jamie Davies 07 April 2020 @ 18:56

Google-owned YouTube has altered its community guidelines to ensure all conspiracy theories which suggest 5G is the cause or an accelerator of COVID-19 are removed from the platform.

Under the previous guidelines, such content would be labelled as borderline and therefore would be removed from the recommendation engines. YouTube would stop short of eradicating the content from the platform completely, there are of course free-speech complications, but these rules have now been amended.

All content which makes claims linking 5G as a cause of the coronavirus or suggests the mobile technology somehow aids the spread of the virus will be banned from the video platform.

This might be considered a violation of rights by the idiotic conspiracy theorists or the gullible fools who would believe such dribble, but it is fake news and should be treated as such. The communications infrastructure is far too important in combatting COVID-19 and for the recovery efforts, that everything possible should be done to protect it, including tackling misinformation campaigns.

The change in approach from YouTube was perhaps inspired by a weekend which saw dozens of telecoms masts, the very communications infrastructure used by emergency services, attacked by simpletons, some of whom believed the virus was a hoax to cover-up the ill-effects of radio frequency radiation. Others believed 5G suppresses the immune the system and a few have suggested the virus is somehow using it to communicate or transfer to new hosts.

The claims are amazingly ridiculous, on par with the escapades of Spongebob Squarepants, though there are still some in society who listen and are subsequently inspired into criminal action.

Representatives of the social media fraternity are due to sit down with UK Government officials to discuss the dissemination of misinformation. This might have spurred YouTube into action, though videos on its platform which encouraged violence and vandalism would of course have gotten executives twitchy.

This of course will not be the end of the ridiculous theories which cause damage to society, and we suspect there will be other ways for the tinfoil hat army to find their daily fix of fantasy, but at least YouTube is not going to be assisting the ludicrous adventures of delusional nincompoops.

Should content fall into either of the categories below, it will now be removed from the YouTube platform.

Content that disputes the existence or transmission of COVID-19, as described by the WHO and local health authorities
If any content suggests that COVID-19 does not exist or that the symptoms are caused by 5G (or not caused by anything other than the virus) are now in violation of our policies. In addition, claims that taking the COVID-19 test will lead to contracting the virus are also in violation of our policies

Kare u tekstu 'there are of course free-speech complications, but these rules have now been amended.' dakle, ili pričaš što smiješ, ili nemoš pričat.



small town in England has halted the planned rollout of 5G wireless technology over fears about the health effects of the high speed network, but scientists largely believe the fears to be unfounded.

According to a report from the Daily Mail, residents of Totnes, England expressed concerns about the new high speed network planned to be imminently installed in the area. Over 1,600 of around 8,000 Totnes residents apparently signed a petition in support of "more safety research," and against the rollout. The local town council temporarily banned the technology as a result.

"Tumors are increasing and it isn't down to better diagnosis," anti-5G campaigner John Kitson told the paper. "There is increasing evidence of a link to high-frequency radiation."
"Everyone is talking about how 5G will allow driverless cars, amazing Wi-Fi speed and the internet of things such as fridges linked to the web," Kitson claimed. "And yet proper research on this technology has never been carried out."
Claims that 5G poses a health risk have been dismissed by many, including what appears to be the vast majority of experts in the field. On Twitter, U.K. Under Secretary of State for Digital and Broadband Matt Warman commented on the story by pointing out that the radiation used in mobile networks is only as dangerous as "talcum powder or pickled vegetables," in accordance with a 2011 declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Scientists also dispute the notion that evidence supports the existence of 5G health risks. Wireless technology has been in existence for decades, and studies of the previous generations have not concluded the radio waves involved pose any serious health risks. But with each new rollout of technology, new claims about health risks also seem to appear.

Those who believe there are serious risks often cite a 2018 study by the U.S. National Toxicology Program, which concluded that male rats exposed to high levels of radiation of the type found in 2G and 3G mobile networks experienced a slightly elevated incidence of tumors.

However, experts point out that the rats in the study were exposed to four times the amount of radiation that is allowed for humans, and a very small increase occurred in only male rats. Extrapolating these results, which have not been duplicated, to a human population and concluding that humans are at risk seems questionable at best.

Of course, radiation can cause serious damage to a person's health, but scientists say understanding the different kinds of radiation are key to understanding the risks involved. Ionizing radiation is the type that is able to damage cells. Though 5G produces higher frequency radiation, the millimeter wave technology used in 5G produces non-ionizing radiation. This type of radiation is not believed to be capable of damaging tissue or cells, and millimeter waves are unable to penetrate skin. Therefore, claims that the higher frequency radiation found in 5G means higher health risks are less believable when the type of radiation is taken into account.

While some will likely continue to make claims that 5G poses a threat, and even attempt to block the technology from becoming implemented, the likelihood of a significant health risk is low when considering scientific evidence and expert opinion on the matter. The likelihood of 5G not becoming widely available also seems low.



Town’s war with 5G: Devonshire officials 'ban' installation of new high-speed network after campaigners demand further research into its effects on health
5G is supposed to enable the fastest speeds and most reliable connections
However, campaigners in Totnes, Devon, claim it is a serious health hazard
They have persuaded officials to stop installing the high-frequency network

PUBLISHED: 22:50 BST, 6 October 2019 | UPDATED: 01:03 BST, 7 October 2019

The push to roll out the latest 5G mobile technology across the country has hit a snag – from angry residents in a quiet corner of Devon.

The next generation of mobile internet connectivity is supposed to transform our lives by enabling the fastest speeds and most reliable connections on smartphones and other devices.

But campaigners in Totnes claim it is a serious health hazard and have persuaded local officials to declare a moratorium on installing the high-frequency network.

Although the decision has no force in planning law, campaign leader John Kitson claims the action by Totnes town council is a warning to ministers that they cannot bring in 5G without further research into its effects on health.

It comes just days after Chancellor Sajid Javid announced a Ł5billion Government package to support the rollout of broadband, 5G and other high-speed networks aimed at reaching the hardest-to-reach 20 per cent of the country.

Mr Kitson, 38, who left the recruitment industry to become a full-time 5G activist, said: ‘Everyone is talking about how 5G will allow driverless cars, amazing wi-fi speed and the internet of things such as fridges linked to the web.

‘And yet proper research on this technology has never been carried out.

‘Telecom companies, Public Health England, the World Health Organisation – they all say no adverse effects on human health have been established during use of existing 3G and 4G networks.

‘But there have been thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers which raise concerns.

‘More than 250 scientists have urged the EU to halt the rollout of 5G because it means a huge increase in electromagnetic radio frequencies on top of the existing network.

‘I don’t want to stop the march of technology. I want it made safe.’

He became concerned about the effects of electromagnetic frequencies following the death of his mother from a brain tumour.

'Tumours are increasing and it isn’t down to better diagnosis,’ he said. ‘There is increasing evidence of a link to high-frequency radiation.’

The campaigners say residents are taking their message seriously and more than 1,600 have signed a petition for more safety research.

Activist Rosi Gladwell, 70, claims she is sensitive to electro-magnetic waves, so she uses a meter to measure electromagnetic radiation – and even wears an ‘anti-signal hood’ at some sites where she says signals are high, such as airports.

She said: ‘There is huge concern about this technology. No one is being properly informed.

‘We are immensely grateful to town councillors for approving the moratorium. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to government.’ Local business coach Julie Harrison, 55, is giving talks to companies in Totnes and claims the Government message that 5G is just ‘the next step’ is misleading.

She added: ‘There is evidence that 3G and 4G are not fine. But this is completely different technology. The antennae are going to be attached to lampposts. They are going to sit outside children’s bedrooms, for goodness sake. The industry has not done meaningful research. Of course, there are billions of pounds at stake.’

Architect Jonathan Burns, 63, said the telecoms industry was glossing over ‘bio-effects on people’.

Totnes mayor Jacqi Hodgson, a Green Party county councillor, said: ‘Our concern is that there will be a much higher blanket of radiation all around us.’

Despite reassurances from the Government, the campaigners are not convinced. In June, former digital minister Margot James insisted ‘a considerable amount of research has been carried out on radio waves and we anticipate no negative effects on public health’.

But a US Senate science committee was told this year that wireless network operators did not know of any independent scientific studies on the safety of 5G. Senator Richard Blumenthal said: ‘We’re kind of flying blind as far as health and safety is concerned.’



Switzerland halts rollout of 5G over health concerns
The country’s environment agency has called time on the use of all new towers

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Switzerland, one of the world’s leaders in the rollout of 5G mobile technology, has placed an indefinite moratorium on the use of its new network because of health concerns. 

The move comes as countries elsewhere around Europe race to upgrade their networks to 5G standards amid a furious rearguard diplomatic campaign by the US to stop them using Chinese technology provided by Huawei. Washington says the company, which is fundamental to most European networks’ upgrade plans, presents a grave security risk.

Switzerland is relatively advanced in Europe in adopting 5G. The wealthy alpine country has built more than 2,000 antennas to upgrade its network in the last year alone, and its telecoms providers have been promising their customers’ imminent 5G coverage for most of the past year. 

However, a letter sent by the Swiss environment agency, Bafu, to the country’s cantonal governments at the end of January, has now in effect called time on the use of all new 5G towers, officials who have seen the letter told the Financial Times. 

The agency is responsible for providing the cantons with safety criteria against which telecoms operators’ radiation emissions can be judged. Under Switzerland’s highly federalised structure, telecoms infrastructure is monitored for compliance and licensed by cantonal authorities, but Bern is responsible for setting the framework.

Bafu has said it cannot yet provide universal criteria without further testing of the impact of 5G radiation.

The agency said it was “not aware of any standard worldwide” that could be used to benchmark recommendations. “Therefore Bafu will examine exposure through adaptive [5G] antennas in depth, if possible in real-world operational conditions. This work will take some time,” it said.

Without the criteria, cantons are left with little option but to license 5G infrastructure according to existing guidelines on radiation exposure, which all but preclude the use of 5G except in a tiny minority of cases. 

Several cantons have already imposed their own voluntary moratoria because of uncertainty over health risks. 

Swisscom said that Bafu’s assessment process would not halt its ongoing work to build out 5G infrastructure, even if it meant that it would not be able to be used at full capacity. The operator said it could still achieve high speeds for customers of up to 2Gb/s without the full use of new masts.

Swiss law on the effects of radiation from telecoms masts is broadly in line with that of European peers, but specifies the application of more stringent precautionary measures in certain cases. New 5G communications technology means individuals are exposed to more concentrated beams of non-ionising radiation, but for shorter periods. Bafu must determine which legal standards to apply to this.

Swisscom, the country’s largest mobile operator, said it understood “the fears that are often expressed about new technologies”.

“There is no evidence that antenna radiation within the limit values adversely affects human health,” the company added, pointing out that 5G is run on frequencies similar to the current 4G standard, which has been subject to “several thousand studies.”

The company said Switzerland’s regulatory limits were “10 times stricter than those recommended by the World Health Organization in places where people stay for longer periods of time”.

Switzerland already has a notable anti-5G lobby, with recent protests against its rollout in Bern, Zurich and Geneva.

The Swiss Medical Association has advised caution on 5G, arguing that the most stringent legal principles should be applied because of unanswered questions about the technology’s potential to cause damage to the nervous system, or even cancers. 

Five “popular initiatives” — proposals for legally binding referendums on 5G use — are already in motion in Switzerland. Two have already been formalised and are in the process of collecting the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger nationwide votes that if successful will amend Switzerland’s constitution.

One will make telecoms companies legally liable for claims of bodily damage caused by radiation from masts unless they can prove otherwise. The other proposes strict and stringent limits on radiation emissions from masts and will give local residents veto power over all new constructions in their area.



The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risks

By Joel M. Moskowitz on October 17, 2019

The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of "fear mongering" over the advent of wireless technology's 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation.

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced through a press release that the commission will soon reaffirm the radio frequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits that the FCC adopted in the late 1990s. These limits are based upon a behavioral change in rats exposed to microwave radiation and were designed to protect us from short-term heating risks due to RFR exposure.

Yet, since the FCC adopted these limits based largely on research from the 1980s, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research, more than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to RFR at intensities too low to cause significant heating.

Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:

“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”

The scientists who signed this appeal arguably constitute the majority of experts on the effects of nonionizing radiation. They have published more than 2,000 papers and letters on EMF in professional journals.

The FCC’s RFR exposure limits regulate the intensity of exposure, taking into account the frequency of the carrier waves, but ignore the signaling properties of the RFR. Along with the patterning and duration of exposures, certain characteristics of the signal (e.g., pulsing, polarization) increase the biologic and health impacts of the exposure. New exposure limits are needed which account for these differential effects. Moreover, these limits should be based on a biological effect, not a change in a laboratory rat’s behavior.

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RFR as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" in 2011. Last year, a $30 million study conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) found “clear evidence” that two years of exposure to cell phone RFR increased cancer in male rats and damaged DNA in rats and mice of both sexes. The Ramazzini Institute in Italy replicated the key finding of the NTP using a different carrier frequency and much weaker exposure to cell phone radiation over the life of the rats.

Based upon the research published since 2011, including human and animal studies and mechanistic data, the IARC has recently prioritized RFR to be reviewed again in the next five years. Since many EMF scientists believe we now have sufficient evidence to consider RFR as either a probable or known human carcinogen, the IARC will likely upgrade the carcinogenic potential of RFR in the near future.

Nonetheless, without conducting a formal risk assessment or a systematic review of the research on RFR health effects, the FDA recently reaffirmed the FCC’s 1996 exposure limits in a letter to the FCC, stating that the agency had “concluded that no changes to the current standards are warranted at this time,” and that “NTP’s experimental findings should not be applied to human cell phone usage.” The letter stated that “the available scientific evidence to date does not support adverse health effects in humans due to exposures at or under the current limits.”

The latest cellular technology, 5G, will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves that have been in use for older cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation. 5G also employs new technologies (e.g., active antennas capable of beam-forming; phased arrays; massive multiple inputs and outputs, known as massive MIMO) which pose unique challenges for measuring exposures.

Based upon the research published since 2011, including human and animal studies and mechanistic data, the IARC has recently prioritized RFR to be reviewed again in the next five years. Since many EMF scientists believe we now have sufficient evidence to consider RFR as either a probable or known human carcinogen, the IARC will likely upgrade the carcinogenic potential of RFR in the near future.

Nonetheless, without conducting a formal risk assessment or a systematic review of the research on RFR health effects, the FDA recently reaffirmed the FCC’s 1996 exposure limits in a letter to the FCC, stating that the agency had “concluded that no changes to the current standards are warranted at this time,” and that “NTP’s experimental findings should not be applied to human cell phone usage.” The letter stated that “the available scientific evidence to date does not support adverse health effects in humans due to exposures at or under the current limits.”

The latest cellular technology, 5G, will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves that have been in use for older cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation. 5G also employs new technologies (e.g., active antennas capable of beam-forming; phased arrays; massive multiple inputs and outputs, known as massive MIMO) which pose unique challenges for measuring exposures.

5G will not replace 4G; it will accompany 4G for the near future and possibly over the long term. If there are synergistic effects from simultaneous exposures to multiple types of RFR, our overall risk of harm from RFR may increase substantially. Cancer is not the only risk as there is considerable evidence that RFR causes neurological disorders and reproductive harm, likely due to oxidative stress.

As a society, should we invest hundreds of billions of dollars deploying 5G, a cellular technology that requires the installation of 800,000 or more new cell antenna sites in the U.S. close to where we live, work and play?

Instead, we should support the recommendations of the 250 scientists and medical doctors who signed the 5G Appeal that calls for an immediate moratorium on the deployment of 5G and demand that our government fund the research needed to adopt biologically based exposure limits that protect our health and safety.

Joel M. Moskowitz
Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD, is director of the Center for Family and Community Health in the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley. He has been translating and disseminating the research on wireless radiation health effects since 2009 after he and his colleagues published a review paper that found long-term cell phone users were at greater risk of brain tumors. His Electromagnetic Radiation Safety website has had more than two million page views since 2013. He is an unpaid advisor to the International EMF Scientist Appeal and Physicians for Safe Technology.

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LJUBLJANA – The US warns against 5G security
By Zeljko Trkanjec | 27. sij 2020.
Robert Strayer, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Cyber and Communications, said that the government and the private sector should take care when choosing the providers of equipment for the development of 5G network and services so that it could protect itself against cyber attacks and data insecurity in a timely fashion.

Strayer criticised China for not ensuring sufficient protection of both data and users of equipment made there. According to Stryer, 14 countries see China as the actor who “performed the largest intellectual property theft in the history.”

With the advent of the 5G network, which will offer plenty of useful public services, the security aspect is becoming more and more important, not only for governments and operators but for all people, Strayer said.

Simultaneously, The Clean Blue Sky Society, with a coalition of societies and civic movements against 5G, organised a public rally in Ljubljana on Saturday against the establishment of 5G technology.

According to them, it is being introduced in Slovenia without testing for human safety and without environmental impact assessment. (Željko Trkanjec |


komentare zadržite za sebe, ovo su članci iz novina dostupni , za sada, putem googla svakome


e, da, samo još OVA SITNICA

The AI Organisation je tužila Federalnom sudu dolje navedene, za ispod navedena djela,
i u članku je, naravno, sve razrađeno.......
članak je od 26.2.2020.
Ste ikad čuli za to?:

Vadim iz teksta:
Defendants (optuženici):
Google L.L.C, Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hilary Clinton, Eric Shmidt, John O. Brennon, Warren Buffet, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, Facebook, Inc, DeepMind Inc, Alphabet Inc, The World Bank, Neuralink Inc, Tesla Inc, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg , Elon Musk, Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Microsoft, Bill Gates, CISON PR NewsWire, CNN, Cable News Network, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard, Adam Schiff, Wyss Institute, Darper, Qualcomm, George Soros, Soros Fund Management, Open Society Foundations, University of Vermont, Joshua Bongard and Sam Kriegman. Rockefeller Foundation, Huawei, Boston Dynamics, Hanson Robotics, Didi Chuxing, Megvii Face++, Alibaba, Sensetime, ICarbon X, Festo, Chinese Communist Party, & John Doe’s 1-Unlimited


Threatening and Endangering the Lives of All of the World’s People with the Misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Negligent Bio-Weapon Tech Transfer, Negligent Failure to stop Chinese IP and Sensitive A.I. Biotechnology theft, Complicity to Genocide, and Aiding in Physical Genocide within the slave camps inside of China by transferring AI Quantum Biotechnology, Financial Investments, Trade, Surveillance Systems, Facial Recognition, and Engaging in Cultural Genocide of Humanity via Cybernetics, Bioengineering, Trans-Humanism, by Controlling and Re-Programming the Human Races and the upcoming new generation of peoples Thoughts, Emotions and Brain Chemistry to accept and transition to transhumanism by Bio-Digitally Social Programming and Social Engineering the human race via AI coding and AI algorithmic biometric manipulation of their Nervous Systems, Electrical Fields, and Neural Networks through multiple Patented Smart Phone, IoT Proximity censors and other sophisticated technologies, as the worlds people and the AI systems and Apps engage and interface with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Baidu, Tik Tok, Wechat, Huawei, Megvii Face++, Alipay, Facebook, Neuralink, the Internet and many Social Media Ecosystems and platforms reprogramming people without their knowledge, understanding or free-will. Not informing the worlds citizens that their private data is being used to create an Artificial Super Intelligence on Quantum AI Technology with 5G and 6G systems that can eliminate and destroy all the worlds people through nation state conflicts, virus’s, surveillance or numerous other risks found by Cyrus. A. Parsa and The AI Organization’s 1,000 plus AI company investigations and Cyrus’s Published Books, Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity.

Googlov prijevod gornjih riječi
Prijeteći i ugrožavati živote svih ljudi svijeta zloupotrebom umjetne inteligencije, biotehnologije, nemarnog prijenosa biološkog oružja, nepažljivim neuspjehom da zaustave kineski IP i osjetljivi A.I. Krađa biotehnologije, saučesništvo u genocidu i pomaganje u fizičkom genocidu u kampovima robova unutar Kine prijenosom AI kvantne biotehnologije, financijskih ulaganja, trgovine, sustava nadzora, prepoznavanja lica i sudjelovanja u kulturnom genocidu čovječanstva putem kibernetike, bioinžinjeringa, trans- Humanizam, kontrolom i reprogramiranjem ljudskih rasa i nadolazeće nove generacije ljudi Misli, emocije i kemija mozga prihvaćaju i prelaze na transhumanizam bio-digitalnim socijalnim programiranjem i društvenim inženjeringom ljudsku rasu putem AI kodiranja i AI algoritamskih biometrijskih manipulacija njihovih živčanih sustava, električnih polja i neuronskih mreža kroz više patentiranih pametnih telefona, cenzora IoT blizine i drugih sofisticiranih tehnologija, kao što se svjetski ljudi i AI sustavi i aplikacije uključuju i sučeljuju s Googleom, Microsoftom, Amazonom, Appleom, Baiduom, Tikom Tok, Wechat, Huawei, Megvii Face ++, Alipay, Facebook, Neuralink, Internet i mnogi Ekosistemi i platforme društvenih medija reprogramiraju ljude bez njihovog znanja, razumijevanja ili slobodne volje. Ne obavještavanje građana svjetova da se njihovi privatni podaci koriste za stvaranje Umjetne super inteligencije o kvantnoj AI tehnologiji sa 5G i 6G sustavima koji mogu eliminirati i uništiti sve svjetove ljude putem sukoba nacija, virusa, nadzora ili brojnih drugih rizika koje pronalazi Cyrus. A. Parsa i 1.000 istraga AI tvrtke i AI organizacije i Cyrusove knjige, Umjetna inteligencija ugrožava čovječanstvo.


Linkovi na originalne dokumente:

vadeći iz gornjeg linka (original tužbe),
tuži ih se, između ostalog za:

Not informing the public that their dependency on
smart phones, is due to frequencies and Artificial Intelligence software
emitting from the Al systems and devices that is connecting to the neural
networks of humans, creating a symbiotic process, making them a cyborg,
dependent, reliant, controlled and programmed by the products and services
provided by Google, Facebook, Alphabet, Deep Mind, Tesla, and Neuralink.
In essence, putting the entire human race in a state of pet and owner
relationship, via their bio-metrics, biology, and digital selves neural network
operating systems. The Owner being the Artificial Narrow Intelligence, other
Al forms, provided by the defendant's companies, organizations and personal
initiatives within their companies and Machine Software's operating inside the
bio-metric systems of human beings.


Writing Code and Creating Algorithms that has been and is currently
engaging in cultural genocide including introduction of cybernetics, robotics,
and creating an ecosystem that allows for Beastiality to exist and be forefront
on Google's search engines, affecting societies, and youth's bio-metrics
system after viewing the videos and articles via their smart phones and
computers, influencing their thoughts through their bio-metric systems, paving
the next generation to degenerate and accept this type of behavior with the
introduction and experimentation of bio-engineering and cybernetics.

Pa npr.;

Defendants have created Al systems that ca.n take in humanities facial,
voice and other bio-metric information and decode whether they are resistant
to Al, subject to its control, atheist or have a faith. This technology can enable
Al, or any entity using Al to track, profile, hunt and kill targets it deems
resistant to its control or resistant to Al. This can be done with drones,
machines, robotics, or poison delivery systems such as Micro-Batie terrorism.

ovo je samo djelić optužbe.

Tko može, obavezno nek pročita......

U potpunosti se susprežem osobnih komentara,
svatko tko zna engleski, i ima mozga,
može izvuči svoj zaključak.

Ispada da nisu samo šačice pojedinih bedaka , luđaka i sličnih,
koje se podižu na noge.

Iz dokumenata,
vidim da je tužba predana u decembru, Prosincu, 2019.
Znači, PRIJE cirkusijade na svjetskom nivou,
toliko o virusu sa šišmiša.


Ljudi dragi, shvaćate li količinu naše neinformiranosti,
shvaćate li enormni rascjep između onoga što mislite da je, i onoga što se iza brda valja!?


sve....ali oko 9:10...

Odličan komentar sa YTa: 'This virus is the most political virus ever plus it has a clear economical agenda.'

Stuttgart, jučer, štrajk protiv kršenja ljudskih prava i obaveznog cijepljenja

nedjelja, 03.05.2020.

Pitanje za vas koji pratite hrvatske medije,
spominje li se ovo u vijestima?

Impfzwang znači obavezno cijepljenje

Štrajk se vidi od druge minute
Ispod videa, vadim iz komentara:
''Oko 7000 tisuća ljudi j bilo u “Cannstatt’u” kod Stuttgarta... za sljedeću subotu se očekiva oko 50.000 tisuća ljudi.
Nova partija koja podržava ovo sve se zove “Widerstand2020” (Otpor2020)!!! Hvala vam '

Obavezno cijepljenje se u članku, prikladno, ne spominje
ČLANAK, 2.5. Stuttgart protest protiv kršenja ljudskih prava, i obaveznog cijepljenja

Protest rally of the initiative "Lateral thinking"

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