Popevke sem slagal i rojžice bral

četvrtak, 30.07.2020.

The Great Song of Indifference
Bob Geldof

I don't mind if you go
I don't mind if you take it slow
I don't mind if you say yes or no
I don't mind at all
I don't care if you live or die
Couldn't care less if you laugh or cry
I don't mind if you crash or fly
I don't mind at all
I don't mind if you come or go
I don't mind if you say no
Couldn't care less, baby let it flow
'Cause I don't care at all
Na na na-na-na...
I don't care if you sink or swim
Lock me out or let me in
Where I'm going or where I've been
I don't mind at all
I don't mind if the government falls
Implements more futile laws
I don't care if the nation stalls
And I don't care at all
I don't care if they tear down trees
I don't feel the hotter breeze
Sink in dust in dying seas
And I don't care at all
Na na na-na-na...
I don't mind if culture crumbles
I don't mind if religion stumbles
I can't hear the speakers mumble
And I don't mind at all
I don't care if the third world fries
It's hotter there, I'm not surprised
Baby, I can watch whole nations die
And I don't care at all
I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind,
I don't mind, I don't mind
I don't mind at all
Na na na-na-na...
I don't mind about people's fears
Authority no longer hears
Send a social engineer
And I don't mind at all

Obavezne aplikacije na mobitelu? jel mobitel obavezan!?

utorak, 28.07.2020.

Predobra, ponovljena


nedjelja, 26.07.2020.


subota, 25.07.2020.

Cosmo S. The Moss

četvrtak, 23.07.2020.

Legend has it that the moss grows on
The north side of the trees
Well, legend has it when the rain comes down
All the worms come up to breathe
Well, legend has it when the sunbeams come
All the plants, they eat them with their leaves
Well, legend has it that the world spins round
On an axis of 23 degrees
But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
Come listen, all ye fair maids, to how the moral goes
Nobody knew and nobody knows
How the Pobble was robbed of his twice five toes
Or how the Dong came to own a luminous nose
Or how the Jumblies went to sea in a sieve that they rowed
And came to shore by the Chankly Bore where the Bong-trees grow
Where the Jabberwocky's small green tentacles do flow
And the Quangle Wangle plays in the rain and the snow
But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
Legend has it that the moss grows on
The north side of the trees
Well, legend has it when the rain comes down
All the worms come up to breathe
Well, legend has it when the sunbeams come
All the plants, they eat them with their leaves
Well, legend has it that the world spins round
On an axis of 23 degrees
But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop

the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup

Pelicans We

utorak, 21.07.2020.

Edward Lear, The Pelican chorus

King and Queen of the Pelicans we;
No other Birds so grand we see!
None but we have feet like fins!
With lovely leathery throats and chins!
Ploffskin, Pluffskin, Pelican jee!
We think no birds so happy as we!
Plumpskin, Ploshkin, Pelican jill!
We think so then, and we thought so still!

We live on the Nile. The Nile we love.
By night we sleep on the cliffs above.
By day we fish, and at eve we stand
On long bare islands of yellow sand.
And when the sun sinks slowly down
And the great rock walls grow dark and brown,
Where the purple river rolls fast and dim
And the ivory Ibis starlike skim,

Wing to wing we dance around, -
Stamping our feet with a flumpy sound, -
Opening our mouths as Pelicans ought,
And this is the song we nightly snort:

King and Queen of the Pelicans we;
No other Birds so grand we see!
None but we have feet like fins!
With lovely leathery throats and chins!
Ploffskin, Pluffskin, Pelican jee!
We think no birds so happy as we!
Plumpskin, Ploshkin, Pelican jill!
We think so then, and we thought so still!

Cosmo Sheldrake, Wikipedia


Iz komentara ispod videa na YT:
'The Pelican is a vessel used In alchemy.
The king and queen are symbols for mercury and sulphur.
The nile is the aqua regia which fertilises the black earth of Khemet.
With these admixtures the philosophers stone is coagulated.'

I malen dodatak ovoj prezgodnoj pjesmi
iz magične kajdanke,
a poveznica na jučerašnji post:

Come along, catch a Heffalump
Sit with me on a muddy clump
We'll sing a song of days gone by
Run along now, don't be glum
Get you gone, now, have some fun
Don't be long, for the end is nigh
Don't let moments pass along
And waste before your eyes
March with me and the borogoves
Come with me and the slithy toves
And never ask us why
Come, come, come, come, come along now
Run away from the hum-drum
We'll go to a place that is safe from
Greed, anger and boredom

We'll dance and sing 'til sundown
And feast with abandon
We'll sleep when the morning comes
And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs
We'll be here when the world slows down
And the sunbeams fade away
Keeping time by a pendulum
As the fabric starts to fray
There's no such thing as time to kill
Nor time to throw away
So, once for the bright sky, twice for the pig sty
Thrice for another day
Come, come, come, come, come along now
Run away from the hum-drum
We'll go to a place that is safe from
Greed, anger and boredom
We'll dance and sing 'til sundown
And feast with abandon
We'll sleep when the morning comes
And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs
Come with me, catch a rare type specimen
Cuddle up with a hesitant skeleton
We'll break our fast with friends
Once we're fed, we shall disappear rapidly
Many moons to the west of here and happily
Our journey never ends

Shut your ears when sirens sing
Tie armbands to your feet
Listen up and you won't go wrong again
Float along on a verse-less song and then
Get to where the two ends meet

Come, come, come, come, come along now
Run away from the hum-drum
We'll go to a place that is safe from
Greed, anger and boredom
We'll dance and sing 'til sundown
And feast with abandon
We'll sleep when the morning comes
And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs.

Boldala najdraže djelove

Lewis Carroll, riječnik


ponedjeljak, 20.07.2020.

Come along catch a Heffalump
Sit with me on a muddy clump
We'll sing a song of days gone by

Run along now don't be glum
Get you gone now have some fun
Don't be long for the end is nigh

Don't let moments pass along
And waste before your eyes
March with me and the borogoves
Come with me and the slithy toves
And never ask us why

Come, come, come, come, come along now
Run away from the hum-drum
We'll go to a place that is safe from
Greed, anger and boredom

We'll dance and sing 'til sundown
And feast with abandon
We'll sleep when the morning comes
And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs

We'll be here when the world slows down
And the sunbeams fade away
Keeping time by a pendulum
As the fabric starts to fray

There's no such thing as time to kill nor time to throw away

Come, come, come, come, come along now
Run away from the hum-drum
We'll go to a place that is safe from
Greed, anger and boredom

We'll dance and sing 'til sundown
And feast with abandon
We'll sleep when the morning comes
And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs

Come with me catch a rare type specimen
Cuddle up with a hesitant skeleton
We'll break our fast with friends

Once we're fed we shall disappear rapidly
Many moons to the west of here and happily
Our journey never ends

Shut your ears when sirens sing
Tie armbands to your feet
Listen up and you won't go wrong again
Float along on a verse-less song and then
Get to where the two ends meet

Come, come, come, come, come along now
Run away from the hum-drum
We'll go to a place that is safe from
Greed, anger and boredom

We'll dance and sing 'til sundown
And feast with abandon
We'll sleep when the morning comes
And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs.

Bonus track


petak, 10.07.2020.


četvrtak, 09.07.2020.


srijeda, 08.07.2020.

Prijavile se.
Život MIRNO teče dalje.

Kako mahune?

I tebe sam sit kafano

Iz Vremenika upisa u SŠ 2020/2021. :
'8.7. 2020. - 22.7.2020.
prijave obrazovnih programa'
(srednjih škola, u online sustav).
Probale smo ju prijaviti iza ponoći,
u ranim satima 8.7., ne može se.
Probale prije pol sata, ne može se....
Zašto kažu 8.7., već je pol 8.7. prošlo, a još ništa ne možemo upisati.
Hrvatska posla.
Možda će se moći od podneva?
Ne znam, nitko od učitelja i pedagoga
(koji se s tim sreću svake godine)
nije znao to reći.
(jer se svake godine stvari mijenjaju).

Razmatrala sam,
ukoliko je ova šk. godina koja slijedi osuđena da bude više ili skroz online,
da dijete NE upišem u srednju,

nego da mi pomaže doma i čita jednu knjigu tjedno, i tako cijelu godinu.
Pa da se onda, ako se stvari normaliziraju,
iduću godinu upiše u srednju......kakve veze ima, godina simo-tamo,, može i tako.
Što ćemo u sustavu koji ne valja i više je proforma da se zadovolji ,nego što sam daje?
Zašto bi moje dijete sudjelovalo u toj prevari, ako zakonski ne mora?

E, ali, navodno da mora,
i da ako nema neko valjano (tipa zdravstveno) opravdanje,
koje bi govorilo u korist neupisivanja,
izgleda da je srednja škola ipak obavezna.

Možda će to nekome biti čudno,
ali ako od nas traže da zadovoljimo svaki nastavni program sami sa sabom
od doma, uz knjigu,
onda ovo o čemu razmišljam nije tako različito.
Oba strana jezika tako i tako ide u privatnom aranžmanu,
matematiku joj telefonski tumači moj buraz, i fiziku, informatiku googlamo u duetu, jedva nešto shvaćajuć,
tjelesni nije bitan,
glazbeni i likovni ima doma,
a hrvatski bih joj takoionako nametnula.
A sve BEZ da neprekidno visi pred kompjutoprom CIJELE BOŽJE DANE.
A da ne velim koja su blamaža i nepravda online pisanja testova!!!!!!!
U tom smjeru danas ne idem.

to je to.

Over and out.


Link na Zakon o odgoju i obrazovanju u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi:

iz 'Ciljeva i načela odgoja i obrazovanja'
Članak 4.(NN 68/18)
Točka (2)

prepisujem jer ne dopušta copy-paste:
Načela odgoja i obrazovanja na razini osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja su:
1.osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje je obvezno za sve učenike u Republici Hrvatskoj.

(nema spomena srednje škole u obavezi školovanja!)
2.Odgoj i obrazovanje u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi temelji se na jednakosti obrazovnih šansi za sve učenike prema njihovim sposobnostima.

(Kad čitam Točku (1), ostajem u nevjerici koji je redosljed bitnost razloga zašto se dijete školuje.....
no to je sasvim jedan drugi post).

ako netko znade jel je ili nije zakonski obavezno dijete srednjoškolski školovati, nek me prosvijetli!


subota, 04.07.2020.


petak, 03.07.2020.


četvrtak, 02.07.2020.



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