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e, da, samo još OVA SITNICA

The AI Organisation je tužila Federalnom sudu dolje navedene, za ispod navedena djela,
i u članku je, naravno, sve razrađeno.......
članak je od 26.2.2020.
Ste ikad čuli za to?:

Vadim iz teksta:
Defendants (optuženici):
Google L.L.C, Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hilary Clinton, Eric Shmidt, John O. Brennon, Warren Buffet, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, Facebook, Inc, DeepMind Inc, Alphabet Inc, The World Bank, Neuralink Inc, Tesla Inc, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg , Elon Musk, Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Microsoft, Bill Gates, CISON PR NewsWire, CNN, Cable News Network, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard, Adam Schiff, Wyss Institute, Darper, Qualcomm, George Soros, Soros Fund Management, Open Society Foundations, University of Vermont, Joshua Bongard and Sam Kriegman. Rockefeller Foundation, Huawei, Boston Dynamics, Hanson Robotics, Didi Chuxing, Megvii Face++, Alibaba, Sensetime, ICarbon X, Festo, Chinese Communist Party, & John Doe’s 1-Unlimited


Threatening and Endangering the Lives of All of the World’s People with the Misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Negligent Bio-Weapon Tech Transfer, Negligent Failure to stop Chinese IP and Sensitive A.I. Biotechnology theft, Complicity to Genocide, and Aiding in Physical Genocide within the slave camps inside of China by transferring AI Quantum Biotechnology, Financial Investments, Trade, Surveillance Systems, Facial Recognition, and Engaging in Cultural Genocide of Humanity via Cybernetics, Bioengineering, Trans-Humanism, by Controlling and Re-Programming the Human Races and the upcoming new generation of peoples Thoughts, Emotions and Brain Chemistry to accept and transition to transhumanism by Bio-Digitally Social Programming and Social Engineering the human race via AI coding and AI algorithmic biometric manipulation of their Nervous Systems, Electrical Fields, and Neural Networks through multiple Patented Smart Phone, IoT Proximity censors and other sophisticated technologies, as the worlds people and the AI systems and Apps engage and interface with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Baidu, Tik Tok, Wechat, Huawei, Megvii Face++, Alipay, Facebook, Neuralink, the Internet and many Social Media Ecosystems and platforms reprogramming people without their knowledge, understanding or free-will. Not informing the worlds citizens that their private data is being used to create an Artificial Super Intelligence on Quantum AI Technology with 5G and 6G systems that can eliminate and destroy all the worlds people through nation state conflicts, virus’s, surveillance or numerous other risks found by Cyrus. A. Parsa and The AI Organization’s 1,000 plus AI company investigations and Cyrus’s Published Books, Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity.

Googlov prijevod gornjih riječi
Prijeteći i ugrožavati živote svih ljudi svijeta zloupotrebom umjetne inteligencije, biotehnologije, nemarnog prijenosa biološkog oružja, nepažljivim neuspjehom da zaustave kineski IP i osjetljivi A.I. Krađa biotehnologije, saučesništvo u genocidu i pomaganje u fizičkom genocidu u kampovima robova unutar Kine prijenosom AI kvantne biotehnologije, financijskih ulaganja, trgovine, sustava nadzora, prepoznavanja lica i sudjelovanja u kulturnom genocidu čovječanstva putem kibernetike, bioinžinjeringa, trans- Humanizam, kontrolom i reprogramiranjem ljudskih rasa i nadolazeće nove generacije ljudi Misli, emocije i kemija mozga prihvaćaju i prelaze na transhumanizam bio-digitalnim socijalnim programiranjem i društvenim inženjeringom ljudsku rasu putem AI kodiranja i AI algoritamskih biometrijskih manipulacija njihovih živčanih sustava, električnih polja i neuronskih mreža kroz više patentiranih pametnih telefona, cenzora IoT blizine i drugih sofisticiranih tehnologija, kao što se svjetski ljudi i AI sustavi i aplikacije uključuju i sučeljuju s Googleom, Microsoftom, Amazonom, Appleom, Baiduom, Tikom Tok, Wechat, Huawei, Megvii Face ++, Alipay, Facebook, Neuralink, Internet i mnogi Ekosistemi i platforme društvenih medija reprogramiraju ljude bez njihovog znanja, razumijevanja ili slobodne volje. Ne obavještavanje građana svjetova da se njihovi privatni podaci koriste za stvaranje Umjetne super inteligencije o kvantnoj AI tehnologiji sa 5G i 6G sustavima koji mogu eliminirati i uništiti sve svjetove ljude putem sukoba nacija, virusa, nadzora ili brojnih drugih rizika koje pronalazi Cyrus. A. Parsa i 1.000 istraga AI tvrtke i AI organizacije i Cyrusove knjige, Umjetna inteligencija ugrožava čovječanstvo.


Linkovi na originalne dokumente:

vadeći iz gornjeg linka (original tužbe),
tuži ih se, između ostalog za:

Not informing the public that their dependency on
smart phones, is due to frequencies and Artificial Intelligence software
emitting from the Al systems and devices that is connecting to the neural
networks of humans, creating a symbiotic process, making them a cyborg,
dependent, reliant, controlled and programmed by the products and services
provided by Google, Facebook, Alphabet, Deep Mind, Tesla, and Neuralink.
In essence, putting the entire human race in a state of pet and owner
relationship, via their bio-metrics, biology, and digital selves neural network
operating systems. The Owner being the Artificial Narrow Intelligence, other
Al forms, provided by the defendant's companies, organizations and personal
initiatives within their companies and Machine Software's operating inside the
bio-metric systems of human beings.


Writing Code and Creating Algorithms that has been and is currently
engaging in cultural genocide including introduction of cybernetics, robotics,
and creating an ecosystem that allows for Beastiality to exist and be forefront
on Google's search engines, affecting societies, and youth's bio-metrics
system after viewing the videos and articles via their smart phones and
computers, influencing their thoughts through their bio-metric systems, paving
the next generation to degenerate and accept this type of behavior with the
introduction and experimentation of bio-engineering and cybernetics.

Pa npr.;

Defendants have created Al systems that ca.n take in humanities facial,
voice and other bio-metric information and decode whether they are resistant
to Al, subject to its control, atheist or have a faith. This technology can enable
Al, or any entity using Al to track, profile, hunt and kill targets it deems
resistant to its control or resistant to Al. This can be done with drones,
machines, robotics, or poison delivery systems such as Micro-Batie terrorism.

ovo je samo djelić optužbe.

Tko može, obavezno nek pročita......

U potpunosti se susprežem osobnih komentara,
svatko tko zna engleski, i ima mozga,
može izvuči svoj zaključak.

Ispada da nisu samo šačice pojedinih bedaka , luđaka i sličnih,
koje se podižu na noge.

Iz dokumenata,
vidim da je tužba predana u decembru, Prosincu, 2019.
Znači, PRIJE cirkusijade na svjetskom nivou,
toliko o virusu sa šišmiša.


Ljudi dragi, shvaćate li količinu naše neinformiranosti,
shvaćate li enormni rascjep između onoga što mislite da je, i onoga što se iza brda valja!?


sve....ali oko 9:10...

Odličan komentar sa YTa: 'This virus is the most political virus ever plus it has a clear economical agenda.'

Post je objavljen 04.05.2020. u 14:58 sati.