Nekoliko kratkih informacija o novom albumu i singlu:
- Video spot za singl "All The Lovers" režirati će Joseph Kahn! Kylie je nedavno surađivala s njime na snimanju spota za humanitarni singl "Everybody Hurts".
- Odjeću u video spotu ili samo dio nje dizajnirali su Američki modni dizajneri, David i Phillipe Blond, poznati i kao The Blondes.
- Kris Di Angelis-ov remix "All The Lovers"-a ovog vikenda će biti premijerno pušten u Londonskom klubu Shadow Lounge!
- Prema pisanju Britanskih tabloida Kylie je potpisala 500,000 funti vrijedan ugovor s ITV-om za jedno satni show koji će biti emitiran u vrijeme izlaska albuma!
- "All The Lovers" će u SAD-u biti izdan 29.06.2010., dok će "Aphrodite" 06.07.2010. u izdanju diskografske kuće Astralwerks Records (EMI).
- Joseph Kahn will direct video for "All The Lovers"!
- American fashion designers, David and Phillipe Blond, also known as The Blondes designed costumes for new video.
- Kris Di Angelis remix of "All The Lovers" will be played this weekend at Shadow Lounge in London!
- According to the UK tabloids, Kylie signed a Ł500,000 deal for the hour show on ITV! It will coincide with the release of her album Aphrodite and single All The Lovers.
- "Aphrodite" will be released in USA on July 6 via EMI’s Astralwerks Records. First single, "All The Lovers," will be available on June 29!
Vlasnik glazbene stranice je danas objavio recenziju dijela Kylienog nadolazećeg albuma 'Aphrodite' i prvog singla 'All The Lovers'.
Stuart Price, izvršni producent albuma, je Peteru Robinsonu, vlasniku prošlog tjedna pustio nekoliko pjesama sa Aphrodite.
Ispod ili na njegovoj stranici možete pročitati cijeli tekst na engleskom a u nastavku ukratko:
- Prvi singl je velika plesna pjesma, 'prava Kylie pjesma'. 'All The Lovers' je povratnički singl koji '2 Hearts' nije bio.
- Malo podsjeća na 'I Believe In You' sa više plesnog karaktera.
- Pjesma započinje s Kylie koja tiho pjeva "dance, it's all i wanna do, why won't you move? I'm standing here with you, why won't you move?". Kylie sugestira da je plesanje važno "even if it throws you to the fire, fire, fire" prije nego pjesma dođe do ogromnog refrena koji daje do znanja kako se u pjesmi ne radi o opuštanju dok plešete, nego o opuštanju u vezi.
- U refrenu Kylie pjeva "All the lovers that have gone before, they don't compare to you, don't be frightend, just give me a little bit more, they don't compare, all the lovers". Nakon nekoliko razmjena strofa i refrena uslijedi 'middle eight' nakon kojeg tek uslijedi glazba koja se može čuti u youtube videu za najavu albuma/singla.
- Pjesma je veoma samouvjerena, uzbudljiva i skroz brilijantna, ako nije remek djelo onda je sigurno jedan odličan trenutak.
- Čini se da se 'All The Lovers' stvarno pojavila u zadnja tri tjedna i veoma brzo preuzela mjesto prvog singla.
- Druge pjesme koje je Stuart pustio uključuju pjesmu "Get Out Of My Way" koja bi mogla biti "Love At First Sight" ovog albuma.
- "Better Than Today", iako slična verziji koju je Kylie izvodila na turneji prošle godine, sada se čini da ima jači zvuk i produkciju.
- "Aphrodite", pjesma po kojoj je album dobio ime je "ogromna i apsurdna i odlična". Pjesma bi dobro pristajala na "X"-u i bila bi jedna od boljih pjesama i ne samo po tekstu u njoj: "It's the truth, it's a fact, i was gone and now i'm back." Na prvo slušanje ne daje mi dojam singla ali mislimo da je definitino jedna od pjesama koje će definirati album
- 'Prava Kylie se vratila' - "Ima taj sjaj u očima," izjavio je Stuart.
- Vokali koji su već bili snimljeni opet su kasnije snimani u Stuartovom studiu na mikrofonu koji se nalazi na slici gore.
- Najbolje pjesme stavljene su na album. Pjesme su birane po kvaliteti a ne prema tome tko ih je producirao.
- Stuart se priključio projektu u listopadu prošle godine kad je upoznao Kylie u New Yorku kako bi radili na pisanju pjesama. Od te početne suradnje, tri od četri pjesme su ostale i od tada je Stuart postao važan čimbenik u radu na završavanju albuma.
- Stuartova uloga kao izvršnog producenta je bila negdje između mixanja i produciranja, praktički je sve prošlo kroz njegove ruke.
- Na albumu nema balada, barem ne u čistom smislu te riječi što znači da bi ipak moglo biti sporijih pjesama. Stuart je nadodao kako je snimljeno nekoliko balada za album ali ne pristaju ovom albumu te se mogu pojaviti u budućnosti kad bude mjesta za njih.
- Album će biti ne prekidan miks
- U ideji kako se radi "o albumu a ne samo o zbiru pjesama", Stuart trenutno traži način kako spojiti pjesme. Plan je da neće biti miks bez prestanka ali ipak da se napravi prirodni tijek pjesama (moguće kao Madonnin album 'Confessions on the dancefloor').
- Ukratko: uistinu nevjerojatan povratnički singl koji će uz 'Fire With Fire' (Scissor Sisters) biti odlična ljetna pop himna. Druge pjesme zvuče odlično, Kylie je vokalno u odličnoj formi. Nema potrebe da bilo tko paničari o "'X'-u br. 2"...
Here is a picture of the microphone songstrel Kylie Minogue used to record vocals for her new album.
How do we know this? Because Stuart Price told us so when we VISITED HIS STUDIO LAST FRIDAY TO HEAR TRACKS FROM 'APHRODITE'. *Explodes*
Here are some things we discovered on our fact-finding mission to Acton.
This is the most important news, because if the singles come in the wrong order the whole thing falls apart. 'All The Lovers' is the comeback single '2 Hearts' wasn't, which is funny because it's written by the same people (ie the artists formerly known as Kish Mauve). In tone it's a bit like 'I Believe In You' (which until now was Kylie's best single since 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head') with a more danceable edge; a confident, worldly-wise voice in 'All The Lovers' replaces the slightly naive optimism of 'I Believe In You'. The song starts off with Kylie quietly singing "dance, it's all I wanna do, why won't you move? I'm standing here with you, why won't you move?". Kylie suggests that the dancing is important "even if it throws you to the fire, fire, fire" and as the HUGE MASSIVE CHORUS storms into view it's clear that the song's not really about relaxing while you dance, it's about relaxing into a relationship. In the chorus - backed by a brilliantly wibbly synth riff - Kylie sings "all the lovers that have gone before, they don't compare to you, don't be frightened, just give me a little bit more, they don't compare, all the lovers". The lyrics might not read like much but they're proper air-punchingly euphoric and defiant and a little bit overwhelming in the song. One of the oddities with 'X' seemed to be that some Fairly Fundamental Things had happened in Kylie's life but were ignored in the tunes. Part of this single's likeability comes from its message that "yes, a lot's happened and we've both been around the block a bit but what we have here is properly amazing so calm down and let's just get on with it". After a bit of verse-chorus-verse-chorus action everything drops out for the middle eight where it goes all breathy and intimate and hot and sweaty with Kylie's repeated request to dance then the track EXPLODES into the music from that YouTube clip she put up last week. It's confident and exciting and completely brilliant if not something of a masterpiece and all in all is 'a bit of a moment'. Apparently 'All The Lovers' only really came up in the last three weeks and very quickly took the position of lead single.
Stuart played us a handful of other tracks from the album. 'Get Out Of My Way' could well be this album's 'Love At First Sight'; 'Better Than Today', while similar to the version Kylie performed live last year, now seems to have a punchier, more stompsome production. Another song Stuart played us even though he wasn't meant to but what are they going to do sack him is a slightly 'Wow'-esque number which has a BRILLIANT 'Stuart Price moment' (you'll know it when you hear it) plus another segment in which everything falls away - Stuart describes this is "the moment in a club when you can hear glasses clinking". How very posh - the clubs we go to put everything in plastics. (NB 'Get Out Of My Way' will sound amazing in the sort of club that doesn't trust its clientele with glassware.)
'Aphrodite' is the title track on 'Aphrodite', hence the name. Stuart likes its 'Rhythm Nation'-esque qualities; we felt there was a slight Art Of Noise-ish, 'True Faith'-ey thing going on. It would have fitted in well on 'X' and would have been one of the album's best tracks, not least for the line "it's the truth, it's a fact, I was gone and now I'm back". It's a lyric that underlines and puts into capital letters the idea that this, not 'X', is really Kylie's big comeback album. Elsewhere in the song there's a great "I'm going back and forth and forth and back, can you feel me in stereo" hook along with military drums and handclaps. On one listen it doesn't feel like a single but we think it's one of the songs that'll end up defining the album.
"She's got that glint in her eye," Stuart notes.
In an interesting (and slightly demented) twist on the 'old grey whistle test' method of identifying potential hits, Stuart and Kylie knew a song would work if it made sense when sung in the style of Dolly Parton. Apparently Kylie does a particularly good Dolly version of 'All The Lovers'. Vocals on tracks that had already been recorded were re-recorded in Stuart's studio and rather than singing in a vocal booth Kylie would sing (using the pictured microphone) standing right in front of Stuart. The idea was to give 'Aphrodite' a sense of fun and spontaneity - and cohesion - that wasn't there with 'X'.
Stuart explains that he got involved with 'Aphrodite' last October when he met Kylie in New York for a writing session. From that session "three or four" tracks remain, and from that point onwards he became a very significant force in the album's completion. As executive producer he's been responsible for shaping the album's sound - at one point on Friday he described it as a 'houseparty' record - which has meant a role in deciding which songs did and didn't make the cut but also mixing tracks so they all feel like they're part of the same album. Songs were picked, Stuart says, not because of who wrote or produced them, but because of how good they were. From what he said last week Stuart's involvement on a lot of songs has been slightly more than the conventional idea of mixing a track but slightly less than the conventional idea of producing it. Basically everything's gone through a bit of a Stuart Price filter so that it doesn't sound like some dickhead A&R has just aimlessly scooped a load of tracks off a shelf, chucked them in a sack, Sellotaped a photo of Kylie to the front, opened his window and shouted "THAT'LL BE Ł7.99 PLEASE" at people in the street.
We asked Stuart if there were any ballads on the album and he said no (AMAZING), then clarified that point by adding "not in the accepted sense". When we expressed some relief at this, commenting that Kylie wasn't really known for her ballads, Stuart countered that 'Especially For You' was in fact something of a tune. It was hard to disagree with his point and that's a great example of why Stuart's precisely the sort of person who should be in charge not just of this album but ALL OTHER ALBUMS BY EVERYONE EVER. His "not ballads in the accepted sense" comment may mean that there are some interesting sort-of-ballad-sort-of-not moments, and 'All The Lovers' does have that slightly sad, crying-at-the-discotheque upbeat discoballad quality everybody loves. Stuart added that some ballads were recorded during the 'Aphrodite' sessions but just weren't quite right for this album and may well appear in the future when there's a place for them.
This may not excite you very much but it excited us an obscene amount. In keeping with the 'this is an album not just a selection of tracks' idea, Stuart's currently finding a way of stitching the songs together. The plan is that it won't be a non-stop megamix but there'll be a natural continuous flow that creates an 'official' order for the album's tracks. (Stuart didn't say this himself, but we guess it'll be a bit like Madonna's 'Confessions...'.) In an era when fans routinely create their own album running orders in iTunes, presenting 'Aphrodite' as a definitively sequenced body of work is a great way of showcasing Kylie's own confidence in what's shaping up to be her best album since 'Light Years'.
In summary: a truly incredible comeback single that'll sit alongside Scissor Sisters' 'Fire With Fire' as a solid gold summer pop anthem, the other tracks sound great, Kylie's on great form vocally, there's no need for anybody to panic about 'X Mark 2' and we can't wait to hear the rest of the tracks. THE END.
New video shoot soon???
Kylie je na Twitteru napisala kako su započeli s projektom definiranja koncepta i ostalog za novi video spot!
Pojavila se slika naslovne stranice Britanske verzije časopisa 'Elle' za mjesec lipanj. Neobična, mutna slika se nalazi samo na naslovnici preplatničke verzije časopisa dok će na običnom izdanju biti drugačija. Za naslovnu sliku a i one u časopisu je zaslužan David Sliijper. Časopis izlazi početkom sljedećeg mjeseca.
UK Elle June 2010 : Kylie Minogue by David Sliijper
Danas, nekoliko minuta nakon 12:00h (BST) na službenoj stranici najavljen je izlazak novog Kylienog singla i albuma!
Singl naziva "All The Lovers" biti će izdan 28. lipnja dok će album nazvan "Aphrodite" biti izdan tjedan kasnije, 5. srpnja!
Singl su napisali Kish Mauve (2 Hearts) dok ga je producirao Stuart Price koji je izvršni producent albuma. Uz Stuarta i Kylie na albumu su međuostalima sudjelovali Calvin Harris, Jake Shears, Nerina Pallot i Tim Rice-Oxley iz grupe Keane!
Na stranici je objavljen i kratak video s najavom u kojem se može čuti isječak pjesme "All The Lovers" i vidjeti cover albuma!
Ispod možete pročitati službeno priopćenje za medije sa Kylienim i Stuartovim izjavama!
Kylie is back: 'All The Lovers' single in June, 'Aphrodite' album in July.
Kylie Minogue returns to the charts at the end of June when her highly antiipated brand new single “All The Lovers” is released on Parlophone. The single, set to be a huge summer anthem, previews her new studio album “Aphrodite” scheduled for release a week later, on July 5.
The album, Kylie’s fifth studio album on Parlophone, sees her celebrate her dance-floor roots and features Stuart Price as executive producer. The list of songwriters includes Kylie, Stuart Price, Calvin Harris, Jake Shears, Nerina Pallot and Keane’s Tim Rice-Oxley.
Further details on the album, including the track-listing, will be announced shortly.
Kylie said today: “The single was one of the last tracks to be written for the album. As I was recording it I knew that “All The Lovers” had to be the first single; it sums up the euphoria of the album perfectly. It gives me goose-bumps, so I’m really excited to hear what everyone thinks of it”.
Stuart Price, who mixed the track and was executive producer on the album said: “‘All The Lovers’ is a magical song and sums up everything that the album is: Kylie doing pop dance music at her best. When you look in your mind’s eye at everything Kylie is, it’s on this record”.
Kylie Minogue has sold more than 60 million records and continues to be one of the most successful solo artists in the world. Her groundbreaking tours have set new standards for live performances and last year her first ever tour of America garnered rave reviews.
Danas je procurila još jedna neobjavljena Kyliena pjesma. Pjesma je snimljena prošle godine u surađnji s Biffcom! Kako je Biffco na twitteru napisao radi se samo o ideji s kojom su se igrali te je pjesma ne dovršena!
Pjesmu možete poslušati na playeru ispod a skinuti na forumu ->!
Što se tiče novog albuma/singla, Kylie je na twitteru potvrdila izlazak singla u lipnju pa možemo uskoro očekivati službene vijesti!
Britanska pjevačica Nerina Pallot u svom intervjuu za među ostalim progovorila je o svojoj suradnji s Kylie!
Od kraja prošlog ljeta Nerina radi s Kylie u studiu za nadolazeći Kylien 11. studijski album. Također Kylie je krajem prošle godine izvela već jednu pjesmu, 'Better Than Today', koja će se naći na albumu a napisala ju je Nerina.
"Njezin A&R čovjek čuo je moju pjesmu koja je trebala biti singl te je kontaktirao mog menadžera," objašnjava.
"Kad me Kylie nazvala stvarno nisam vjerovala da je ona. Ali kad je došla u studio u gadan dio Londona, pomislila sam: 'OK, ona stvarno želi to napraviti'.
"Veoma je prilagodljiva i divna i pristupačna i normalna."
Možda ne toliko normalna, priznaje. "Ikonična je. Stvarno je odlična tehnička pjevačica. Ljudi su uvijek snobovi prema pop glazbi, ali tehnički ona je fenomenalna. Nikad nisam čula da pjeva neskladno." the end of last summer she has been working in the studio with Minogue, writing and composing songs for the Australian star's new album.
"Her A&R man heard a song of mine that was meant to be a single and contacted my manager," she explains. "When Kylie called me I really didn't believe it was her. Then when she came to the studio in a nasty part of London I thought: 'OK, she really does want to do this'.
"I feel very lucky that I've fallen on my feet like this. She's really accommodating and lovely and approachable and normal."
Perhaps not that normal, she concedes. "She's iconic. She's a really great technical singer. People are always very snobby about pop music, but technically she's phenomenal. I've never heard her sing out of tune."
Kylie dobila titulu najmoćnijeg celebrityja u Velikoj Britaniji KYLIE MINOGUE postala je najmoćniji celebrity u Velikoj Britaniji.
Iako su mnogi mislili da će njezino mjesto zauzeti ultrapopularna Cheryl Cole, ona je ipak osvanula na drugom mjestu i tako osigurala Australki tron najmoćnije.
Iza britanske pjevačice, na treće mjesto, smjestio se pak David Beckham čija se supruga nije našla na popisu deset najmoćnijih.
O njihovoj "sudbini" odlučilo je preko dvije tisuće ispitanika koji su odgovorili na 200 pitanja o celebrityjima i brendovima.
Među prvih deset našli su se još George Clooney, Joanna Lumley, Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Jamie Oliver, Terry Hogan i Sean Connery.
Kylie named 'most powerful celebrity in Britain' The Aussie singer beat fellow chart star Cheryl Cole and former England captain David Beckham to top the study used by marketers to identify celebrity and brand partnerships.
Research company Millward Brown questioned 2,000 consumers about 100 celebrities and 100 brands, exploring how well known, well liked and talked about they are - dubbed their ''buzz''.
Cole, who finished second in the poll, received the highest ''buzz'' score. Apart from Minogue, the only non-Briton to appear in the top 10 was US actor George Clooney, who was well liked with no negative publicity.
Mark Husak, head of Millward Brown's UK media practice, said: ''Kylie is widely accepted as an adopted Brit. People know her, like her and she is surrounded by positive buzz.''
Actresses Joanna Lumley, Helen Mirren and Dame Judi Dench also featured in the top 10 and were seen as positive role models.
TV presenters And and Dec, radio broadcaster Terry Wogan, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and former Bond star Sean Connery also featured in the top 10.
The celebrities ranked as poor role models in the survey were troubled singer Amy Winehouse, glamour model and reality TV star Katie Price, US socialite Paris Hilton, sportsmen Tiger Woods and John Terry, and TV presenter Jonathan Ross.
:: The 10 most powerful UK celebrities:
1) Kylie Minogue
2) Cheryl Cole
3) David Beckham
4) Ant & Dec
5) Joanna Lumley
6) Terry Wogan
7) Jamie Oliver
8) George Clooney
9) Sean Connery
10) Helen Mirren
-Especially For You
-Keep On Pumpin' It
-Where The Wild Roses Grow
-Over The Rainbow
- For You, For Me - 2009
- KYLIEX2008
-Showgirl Homecoming - 2006/2007
-Showgirl - The Greatest Hits Tour - 2005
-Money Can't Buy (samo jedan koncert) - 2003
-Fever - 2002
-On A Night Like This - 2001
-Intimate & Live - 1998
-Let's Get To It - 1991
-Rhythm Of Love - 1991
-Enjoy Yourself - 1990
-The Hitman Roadshow/Disco In Dreams - 1989
1980. Skyways (mini serija)
1980. The Sullivans (TV serija)
1985. The Zoo Family (TV serija)
1985. The Hernderson Kids (TV serija)
1986. Piano / Fame and Misfortune (mini serija)
1986.-1988. Neighbours (TV serija)
1994. The Vicar of Dibley (TV serija)
1997. Men Behaving Badly (TV serija)
2004. Kath & Kim (TV serija)
2007. Doctor Who, Voyage Of The Damned (SF serija)
2009. Horne & Corden (TV show)
The Delinquents (1989)
Streetfighter (1994)
Hayride To Hell (Short) (1995)
Bio-Dome (1996)
Misfit (Short) (1996)
Diana & Me (Cameo) (1997)
Sample People (2000)
Cut (2000)
Moulin Rouge (2001)
The Magic Roundabout (2004)
White Diamond (dokumentarni film) (2007)
Blue (2009)