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Two more Kylie dates!
Na službenoj stranici potvrđena su još dva Kyliena koncertna nastupa, u Španjolskoj i Portugalu!

Nakon uspješnog koncerta u Madridu prošle godine s njezinom proslavljenom 'KYLIEX2008' svjetskom turnejom, Kylie se 2. srpnja vraća u glavni grad Španjolske kako bi predvodila 'MTV Day 2009' festival.

Drugi koncert biti će održan 4. srpnja u Lisabonu što će biti Kylien prvi koncert u Portugalu.

Više informacija u tekstu ispod.

Kylie Minogue Spain, Madrid KYLIE TO HEADLINE MTV DAY 2009 IN MADRID

Kylie will be headlining MTV Day 2009 Festival on 2nd July in Madrid! This one-night festival organized by MTV takes place every summer in Madrid and is one of the main musical events in Spain.

Kylie will bring her spectacular show to the iconic Las Ventas bullring in Madrid. Thousands of fans will be treated to a night they'll long remember.

Tickets will be on sale from Wednesday 6th May through Ticketmaster in Spain.


Great news for Kylie.com as we are going to be offering fans a pre-sale opportunity for Kylie's forthcoming concert in Madrid on May 2nd!

The pre-sale will begin on Monday 4th May at 10:00 am and finishes on Wednesday 6th May at 10:00am. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets during that period.


It was just announced that Kylie will play in Portugal for the first time ever!

The Kylie spectacular, long awaited by the Portuguese fans, will take place at the Atlantic Pavilion in Lisbon on 4th July.

Tickets will go on sale 30th April. For tickets and more info go to:


Ischgl in the Kylie Fever

Kylie Mingoue Ischgl

Prvi od dosada službeno 5 najavljenih nastupa biti će održan u subotu, 2. svibnja u Ischglu na visini od 2300m.

Dio Kylienog tima od 50-ak ljudi već je tamo te je 16m visoka pozornica već postavljena a oprema za pozornicu donešena je sa 50 letova helihopterom.

Kylie i ostatak tima stiže u petak, dan prije "Top Of The Mountain" koncerta na kojem se očekuje oko 20.000 ljudi.
srijeda, 29.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (24) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie & Andres at the golf resort
Kylie i Andres ponovno su viđeni na golf terenima, ovog outa u Engleskom gradu Gainsboroughu gdje su doletjeli helihopterom.

Kako piše 'The Sun', Kylie i Andres su navodno potrošili 40.000 funti za golf opremu.

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Kylie Minogue's a real swinger!

KYLIE MINOGUE and her boyfriend splashed out Ł40,000 on golf gear after sweeping into a sleepy English town by helicopter.

The Aussie singer, 40, and new lover ANDRES VELENCOSO, 31, spent hours being fitted with made-to-measure irons, woods and putters.

Afterwards she and the Spanish model played a few holes at a nearby club.

A source at club manufacturer Ping in Gainsborough, Lincs, said: “Our top range of clubs works out at about Ł1,000 per set.

“She has homes all over the world, and wanted a set for each place.

“By the time they had done buying stuff like golf bags, between them they had got through Ł40,000.”

Kylie chose graphite-shafted clubs from the Rhapsody range for women — costing almost Ł100 each.

The source added: “She has become a bit of a golf addict in recent months.

“She was like a kid in a candy store when she saw our pro shop.

“We don’t normally deal direct with the public, but we made a special arrangement for her and Andres.” Self-confessed golf nut Andres gave Kylie the bug.

She was first seen on the fairway in March in North Queensland, Australia, six months after meeting him.

The couple were also spotted playing at a luxury resort near Paris this week.


KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.



The KYLIE AT HOME COLLECTION welcomes three enticing new additions – Shimmer, Neige and Crystal Shore - to its gorgeous range of bed linen, throws and cushions.

The new Spring/Summer Collection reflects Kylie’s glamour and sophistication in its exquisite, luxurious designs, and is sure to delight the public who already snapped up thousands of sets of beautiful bedding when the KYLIE AT HOME COLLECTION debuted last year.

The Spring/Summer Collection 2009 comprises:

Shimmer Bedding
Sensual and inviting, the shimmering tones of mink set off beautifully with the stunning satin oxford edges. Combine with quilted satin bedspread, Topaz and Paradise cushions to create a luxurious layered look.

Neige Bedding
Float away in subtle layers of faux silk and voile. The beautiful amethyst hue has depth and sheen, for fabulous opulence. Add even more luxury with Glitter Bed spread, Pheonix and Paradise cushions.

Crystal Shore
Alluring and warm, the stunning bejewelled bed linen has a scalloped cuff adorned with intricate embroidery and diamantes. Silky ivory and champagne tones are layered with co-ordinating bedspread and cushions for added glamour and sophistication.

The KYLIE AT HOME brand, manufactured by the Ashley Wilde Group, captures the glamour and style of the showgirl herself. Inspiration was taken from her lavish stage costumes, together with vintage fabrics and furnishings that Kylie collected on her travels around the world. Opulent fabrics of shimmering organzas, silks and taffetas are lavishly embellished with sequins, diamantes and embroidery, creating exquisite bed linen designs.

The KYLIE AT HOME Collection is available in the following countries:

Republic of Ireland, Greece, Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, UA, New Zealand and Australia.

For more information or to find stockists check out the brand new website at: http://www.ashleywildegroup.com/kylie/index.html


KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

All I See performed by the original songwriter Lil Eddie
Lil Eddie je za "RAWsession" izveo uživo obradu Kyliene pjesme "All I See" koju je on napisao.
Radi se o akustičnoj izvedbi, slično kao što je Kylie obradila tijekom proba za KylieX2008 turneju. Njegovu i Kylienu izvedbu možete pogledati na playerima ispod!

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Recesija pogodila i Kylie?
Čini se kako je gospodarska recesija pogodila i Kylie koja se pridružila ostalim zvijezdama koji su izgubili dio svog bogatstva.

Kylie, koja je prije više od 20 godina glumeći Charlene u seriji Neighbours zarađivala 300$ po epizodi, prije nekoliko dana je po prvi put uvrštena u listu top 50 najbogatijih glazbenika na svijetu sa osobnim bogastvom procjenjenim na više od 70 milijuna dolara!

Usprkos tome što je njezin ulazak na 46. mjesto najbogatijih glazbenika u 2009. uspon, Kylieno bogatstvo je palo u odnosu na prošlu godinu kad je bilo procijenjeno na 83.5 milijuna dolara.

Njezino bogatstvo možda se smanjilo ali to je nije dalo pokolebati, Kylie je navodno za kratku ulogu u Bollywoodskom filmu dobila 1.5 milijuna dolara samo nekoliko mjeseci nakon što je nastupila u Dubaiu za 5 milijuna dolara te je nedavno prodala zemljište u Melbourneu u vrijednosti preko milijun dolara.

Recession hits megastar Kylie

KYLIE Minogue has joined a host of other global rock stars apparently losing a sizeable chunk of her wealth in the recession.
The pop princess, who as Charlene in Neighbours earned just $300 an episode, was yesterday listed for the first time in the Top 50 of wealthiest musicians with a personal fortune of more than $70 million.

While the 40-year-old's entry in 46th place in the 2009 rich list of musos compiled by The Sunday Times was an elevation, her net worth had dropped from last year where she was estimated to have been worth $83.5 million.

She joins others now like Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger and Robbie Williams who have suffered a 10 per cent drop in earnings last year due to the global downturn.

Elton's wealth decreased by more than a quarter - a loss of more than $350 million although the rocket man was still worth more than $500 million.

According to the listing, Kylie was worth $71.25 million, equal to that of Ronnie Wood, Mick Hucknell and Jamiroquai frontman Jay Kay.

Her wealth may have slipped more had she not sung away the recession blues to earn $1.5 million in a Bollywood movie music clip just months after being paid $5 million to perform at the opening of a hotel in Dubai. SHe also recently sold a property in Melbourne worth $1 million.

Melbourne Herald Sun

utorak, 28.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (2) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie sells her 'French' getaway home
Nakon što je prije više od godine dana Kylie na tržište stavila zemljište i kuću na otoku u blizini Melburnea kupio ga je Greame Little za više od milijun dolara.

Posjed na kojemu je Kylie provela neko vrijeme kad se liječila od raka dojke Greame planira pretvoriti zdravstveno odmaralište.

AUSTRALIANS will soon have the chance to live like Kylie Minogue for less than $2000 a week.

The pop star last week sold Beauciel, her getaway home on Victoria's French Island, to racing identity Graeme Little for more than $1 million.

He plans to turn the property into a health retreat once the deal settles in November.

The remote haven was listed for sale in February 2008 at $1.2 million, but sluggish market conditions prompted a price cut to around $1 million.

Agent Hocking Stuart confirmed the 20ha property's sale for a seven-figure sum.

It features a four-bedroom house with an 11m-long dining/lounge room, two bathrooms and sweeping views over Westernport Bay.

Mr Little, a horse breeder and former boss of investment company Greenchip, said his new venture, with likely rates from $250 a night, would be Victoria's answer to other high-profile health retreats including Olivia Newton-John's Gaia near Byron Bay.


KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie attends Tous Store Grand Opening

Kylie je u četvrtak prisustvovala otvaranju nove Tous prodavaonice u Barceloni, Španjolska.

Izgledajući prekrasno u crno bijeloj haljini Kylie je stigla na zabavu povodom otvaranja nove Tous prodavaonice u glavnom gradu Španjolske. Vesela i nasmiješena pozirala je fotografima i kamerama na zabavi čija je tema bila 20-te godine prošlog stoljeća.

Kylie je i dala intervju u kojem je međuostalom otkrila da uskoro odlazi u studio kako bi snimila svoj 11. studijski album te da se nada još jednoj turneji nakon albuma!

Intervju pogledajte na playeru ispod!
Download videa i još više slika na forumu - kylie.go-forum.net

Kylie at Tous Store Grand Opening, Barcelona, Spain - 23.04.09.

Odmah sljedećeg dana Kylie je uslikana na odlasku iz Barcelone, u zračnoj luci.

Kylie at Barcelona airport 24.04.2009.
subota, 25.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (4) • # ~ TOP.

CANDIDS: Kylie in London 22./23. 04. 2009.
Kylie Minogue out and about in London, Britain - 22 Apr 2009



Kylie Minogue leaving her home & at Heathrow Airport, London - 23 Apr 2009

četvrtak, 23.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Pics update...
Pics from Australian "White Diamond" DVD

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Thanks to kylaco

"Beau Monde" magazine scans

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Thanks to nes

New Kylie 'Darling' & 'Couture' pics + 'Kylie at home'

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KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

CANDIDS: Kylie in London 19./20. 04. 2009.
Kylie Minogue arriving Home, London, Britain - 19 Apr 2009


Kylie Minogue leaving her home, London, Britain - 20 Apr 2009


Kylie Minogue Croatian forum
utorak, 21.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (2) • # ~ TOP.

Pics update!
Slike sa snimanja photoshoota za "Kylie's Party" TOUS promo kampanju!


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Službeno još ne potvrđeno ali Kylie će se navodno sljedećeg tjedna pojaviti na otvaranju nove TOUS prodavaonice u Barceloni, Španjolska.

Kylie.com gallery updated

Na službenoj Kylie stranici u galeriji su dodane nove slike, većina već viđena ranije.


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Kylie & The Wiggles

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nedjelja, 19.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

"Kylie's Party" (2)
Pojavile su se još dvije slike iz photoshoota za novu TOUS promo kampanju "Kylie's Party". TOUS web stranica dobila je novi dizajn na kojem se nalazi jedna od ovih slika - tous.com



Također kako je već objavljeno u veljači TOUS je otvorio svoju prodavaonicu u Hrvatskoj, točnije u Zagrebu, Ilica 7!
četvrtak, 16.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (2) • # ~ TOP.

[UPDATED] - KylieX2008 Blu-ray: Stage back-drop projections

Na sljedećim linkovima možete pogledati video projekcije koje su se koristile na KylieX2008 turneji a sada se mogu vidjeti na novom Blu-ray izdanju turneje.

Za skoro sve projekcije uploadane na youtube postoji opcija za gledanje u visokoj rezoluciji (HD).

Speakerphone / Can't Get You Out Of My Head [HD]

Ruffle My Feathers

In Your Eyes [HD]

Heart Beat Rock / Wow [HD]

Loveboat [HD]

Spinning Around [HD]

Like A Drug [HD]

2 Hearts [HD]

Sometime Samurai [HD]

Nu-di-ty [HD]


In My Arms [HD]

No More Rain [HD]
srijeda, 15.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie on 'Queens of British Pop'
Iako nije iz Velike Britanije BBC je Kylie u svom dokumentarcu 'Queens of British Pop' uvrstio Kylie kao jednu od 12 navažnijih žena u povijesti Britanske pop glazbe.
Isječak o Kylie iz dokumentarca možete pogledati na video playeru ispod a skinuti na forumu!

Kylie on Queens of British Pop - a two-part documentary series, exploring dynamic female pop figures in Britain.

Vote for Kylie as your favourite Queen of British Pop here!
četvrtak, 09.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Can't Get You Out Of My Head on 'American Idol'!
The top eight 'American Idol' finalists perform Kylie's hit single 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'.

Top osam finalista Američkog Idola na prethodnom showu izvelo je obradu Kylienog najvećeg hita "Can't Get You Out Of My Head"!

KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie on 'Horne & Corden'
Kylieno pojavljivanje u Britanskom TV show-u 'Horne & Corden'

Download na forumu!

Kylie Minogue Croatian forum
srijeda, 08.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

New Kylie Dates
Na službenoj stranici Kylie.com potvrđena su još dva Kyliena nastupa, prvi za kojeg se već ranije znalo, onaj u Moroccu gdje će Kylie, 15. svibnja otvoriti Mawazine Festival nazvan "Rhythms of The World".

Drugi potvrđeni nastup je onaj u Danskoj gdje će Kylie, 6. kolovoza, predvoditi Smukkeste Festival u Skanderbogru!

I još jedan mogući ali za sada ne potvrđen nastup 6. lipnja u Gdansku, Poljska!


Kylie’s set to open Rabat’s, city wide, Mawazine Festival, entitled “Rhythms of the World” in Morocco 15th- 23rd May. The nine day festival, presented under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohamed VI kicks off on Friday 15th May with Kylie’s performance on the main OLM Souissi - http://www.festivalmawazine.ma/en/scenes/modal/scene-olm.html stage in the country’s capital Rabat and closes on 23rd May with a performance by Stevie Wonder; other artists appearing during the eighth annual festival include: Alicia Keys, Ali Campbell (UB40), Sergio Mendez and The Neville Brothers.


Just announced – Kylie is to headline the Smukkeste Festival in Skanderborg, Denmark on Thursday August 6th for its 30th anniversary year. As one of the premier festivals in Scandinavia, the five day event in Dyrehaven (Skanderborg) has earned itself the title of "Denmark’s Most Beautiful Festival" due to its scenic location in a beautiful beech forest 25km outside of Aarhus. Also appearing at Smukkeste this year will be The Streets and Fatboy Slim.

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

'New Idea' magazine scans - "Kylie brings her man home"
Kylie i njezin dečko Andres Valencoso na odmoru u Quenslandu (Australija).

Kylieni roditelji Carol i Ron Minogue pridružili su im se na odmoru koji je uključio razgledavanja, igranje golfa u Palm Cove te ronjenje u Opal Reef blizu Port Douglasa.

Kliknite na slike za uvećani prikaz!

Kylie Minogue Andres ValencosoKylie Minogue Andres Valencoso
Thanks to oceanbluespiral (SH)
utorak, 07.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

YoDona magazine scans + Kylie by Jan Welters
Skenirane stranice Španjolskog časopisa YoDona - sa slikama sa snimanja nove promotivne kampanje za TOUS - u kojem se može pročitati intervju s Kylie.

"Kylie's Party" je naziv nove promo kampanje za TOUS koja će biti u cjelosti prezentirana u svibnju, mjesecu kad Kylie slavi svoj rođendan. Video i slike su snimljeni u Pariškom hotelu 'Le Maurice' a za njih je zaslužna Ellen von Unwerth koja je napravila ovu skroz drugačiju kampanju u odnosu na prijašnje Kylie TOUS promo kampanje.

Prvu sliku i video kampanje mogli ste vidjeti u prošlom postu!

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Thanks to kylaco (SH)

Među ostalim Kylie spominje i snimanje novog albuma u intervjuu (za kojeg nije poznato kada je napravljen): "Počela sam polako snimati neke pjesme u studiu, da se zabavim i vidim što će se razviti iz toga. Pretpostavljam da će biti spreman sljedeće godine."

Kylie by Jan Welters

Na svojoj stranici Jan Welters je objavio četiri fotografije iz photoshoota za Elle časopis među kojima je jedna koja nije objavljena u časopisu.

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Skenirane fotografije iz časopisa možete pogledati u jednom od prošlih postova! (Sexy Kylie: The Elle Interview & Shoot)
ponedjeljak, 06.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (2) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie for TOUS...
Tous presents an Ellen Von Unwerth film starring Kylie Minogue!


Prva slika i video nove kampanje za TOUS za koje je zaslužna Ellen Von Unwerth.

Kylie for TOUS pics

Pojavilo se još slika iz novog TOUS kataloga za S/S 2009 koji uskoro izlazi.



Alverde scans


Za slike u boljoj kvaliteti download videa posjetite forum!

Kylie Minogue Croatian forum
nedjelja, 05.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (2) • # ~ TOP.

Sa snimanja filma "Blue"...
Članak u kojem piše jedna od 100 ljudi koji su bili prisutni na snimanju Kylienog nastupa za film "Blue".

U članku, Amy Fallon opisuje svoje iskustvo sa snimanja...

Kylie gets shouted at, bossed around on Bollywood film set
By Amy Fallon

WHEN writer Amy Fallon visited Mumbai, she never realised she'd end up on set of a Bollywood hit with Kylie. This is her story:

Kylie Minogue is standing on a stage on the set of the Bollywood film Blue, wearing a dazzling silver mini dress with sequins, surrounded by one of Bollywood's leading men, Akshay Kumar, and scores of doting western extras - and she's being told off.

Yes, the pint-sized Australian superstar, whose stellar career has lasted over two decades, is being slightly bossed around.

"Kylie, I want to see those tassels move now!" barks legendary Bollywood choreographer and musical director Farah Khan.

The singer, looking poised in her showgirl-style outfit made by Indian designer Manish Malhotra, with her blonde hair flowing, just nods.

But myself and my Australian friend sitting on the lounge right behind her are flabbergasted.

Not only did we manage to get ourselves cast in the Bollywood film in Mumbai, but we're watching one of the world's most famous stars being shouted at.

"She can't boss Kylie around like that!" my friend es.

I'm also feeling very defensive for the girl whose songs I've been singing since I was little.

And also a little nervous: it is the 100 extras - besides myself there are several other Australians who have been transformed from holidaymakers and travellers into glamorous guests partying in what is supposed to be the Bahamas - who are the most star-struck at being just metres away from one of our most famous celebrity exports.

In fact when Kylie walks past me and some other nervous extras and says to us, "Just pretend it's fabulous, it's fabulous", I really do feel like I'm spinning around.

Understandably, despite all our hard work and our own prospects of stardom, our pay isn't anything like hers. Kylie is reportedly taking home a staggering $1.55 million for just two days of rehearsals and five days of shooting.

In contrast, we've pocketed 500 Rupees - about $14 - each per day, as well as lunch and dinner.

Then again it's hard work being a Bollywood actor, I've discovered.

We're suffering through gruelling 13 hour days in a sweltering studio, and this is the norm.

For her million-plus salary, Kylie is in Mumbai for just a week's work, and isn't even the main star of Blue, which is an epic about a friendship marred by betrayals endured during a search for hidden treasure.

Kylie is, however, famous enough, even in India, to play herself. Cameo appearances, unrelated to the plot, are a trend in Bollywood movies. Rumour has it Madonna and Rihanna were approached by director Anthony D'Souza before Kylie.

In the scene we're filming, three days into the shoot at Mumbai's Film City, Kylie is dancing provocatively with Kumar to the song she has recorded with Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam in London.

She's recorded the track, composed by A.R. Rahman, who won two Oscars for his Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack.

Those involved in the production are being tight-lipped about the song, but we did catch a little of the tune: it's a Western, Hindi and Punjabi pop mix, with catchy phrases such as "chicky wicky". Kylie sings in English, while Nigam sings in Punjabi and Hindi.

Kylie also stars in several scenes with the main cast, including Bollywood stars Sanjay Dutt, Lara Dutta and Zayed Khan.

As well as Mumbai, scenes have been filmed in the Bahamas and others in Bangkok. In the scenes filmed on the first day, though, which I was also part of, the pop princess is dancing on a stage in a pretend Caribbean resort, complete with outside pool.

Hovering around her are male Bollywood dancers, dressed in black sequined vests and gold pants.

At one stage in the scene, tiny Kylie is even tossed up in the air by one of the dancers, before looking startled and running off the stage.

Despite not being an Indian household name, she is clearly a hit with the rest of the cast. Dancer Feroz Khan tells me that he loved dancing up close with his now very good friend Kylie.

Kylie may well be Bollywood's highest paid foreign celebrity, but as for me, I'm not giving up my day job just yet.

Blue is released worldwide in August. Kylie launches her new fragrance, Couture, next week.

The Daily Telegraph

subota, 04.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Video: 'Behind the Cover' - Kylie for Elle UK
Behind the scenes of cover shoot for Elle magazine featuring Kylie Minogue

Video snimka sa snimanja photoshoota za Veliko Britansko izdanje časopisa "Elle".

Skenirane stranice časopisa "Elle" možete pogledati u prošlom postu!

petak, 03.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Skenirane slike i dio intervjua iz Veliko Britanskog izdanja časopisa "Elle" koji se od danas može kupiti!

HQ scanove možete skinuti na forumu - kylie.go-forum.net

Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009 Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009 Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009 Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009 Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009
Thanks to Kane

- > HQ Scans gallery

Everything's Changed

Kylie Minogue elle magazine may 2009 ELLE is talking to Kylie Minogue about bodies and age and ageing. Given that she’s had serious, life-saving surgery – removal of a cancerous lump from her breast in 2005 – is she more relaxed about the prospect of cosmetic surgery?
‘I’m definitely not one of those people who says, “You shouldn’t do this…”’ she begins. ‘Everyone individually can do what they want. I also think it doesn’t have the stigma that it had when I was growing up. Then it was like this…’ Kylie puts her hands on her cheeks and pulls her face taut. ‘For all time women have wanted to, for the most part, look their best. It’s just that what we have available to us today is… what it is today. And if you want to take advantage of it, yeah. But I’m fine! For the moment.’ She grins. ‘But we’ll see. I’d like to think that I would go through life without having any of that.’ I say she could be forgiven for thinking, ‘I’ve been through cancer, my body is now a temple. Why would I inject myself with Botox? It’s a poison.’
‘Or [thinking] the other way,’ she shoots back. ‘Like, “I understand what it’s all about, and why not?” But I’m preferring to be a lot more… natural these days. I’ve tried Botox, I’ve tried all – .’
She stops short, the privacy-protection instincts honed over nearly 30 years in the public eye kicking in. But there, she’s said it.
Kylie admits that ‘in the past few years I got more and more and more closed’. After her cancer treatment she battened down the hatches. ‘It was protection mode. Even before I was ill, I remember being at a shoot and I had a meltdown in the dressing room – a panic attack. It’s hard to explain, but when you’re the focus of attention, and everything’s coming at you…’ She shudders, the ghost of invasions past coming back to haunt her. And here’s us thinking the girl who was a regular in Australian soaps at 12, was a household name at 18, and spent the next two decades as pop’s premiere princess, was utterly at home – perhaps only came alive – in the spotlight.
She shakes her head. ‘Being in a not-100-per-cent state, it was too overwhelming. So, yeah, my comeback was very gentle and very closed, with the people that I know and that I know I can trust.’
Hardly surprising she was so wary. Her sickness was an assault on something we – and she, perhaps – regarded as just another part of the show: her body. From lingerie shoots to teeny-weeny stage costumes, to that bottom in those hot pants (found by stylist and ‘gay husband’ William Baker for the Spinning Around video), Kylie never shied away from using her sylph-like frame to promote her product. Petite and perfect, it was supposed to be looked at, envied, enjoyed; not subject to the ravages of illness.
She admits her body confidence took a knock, but she’s back at it, stripping down to the bare essentials in the line of duty.
‘Yeah, it’s different now. I actually said on the day of the ELLE shoot, “Oh God, I can’t believe that once again I’m in something that resembles a swimsuit!” Albeit with many thanks to the opaque tights.’
The chemotherapy, course of drugs and her year-long convalescence meant she put on weight. Was that difficult to deal with?
She nods as she sips a cup of hot water. ‘Yeah, it was, I have to say. I still deal with it. I’ve got fat ankles hidden under these boots. But I think my body in many ways is better now for having weight on it. When I look back at some pictures, especially from before I was diagnosed, I just think, “That’s too thin, that doesn’t look good. That doesn’t look right.”’
But now? ‘My face has changed. Everything’s changed. It’s coming back to normal more and more… Whatever normal is,’ she smiles. ‘New normal.’

My year has started off wonderfully

Talk moves to her sister, Dannii and Kylie turns protective. She thought the tabloid depiction of ‘the X Factor drama’ between Dannii and Sharon Osbourne, and then between Dannii and Cheryl Cole ‘was so cheap. I mean, we all know there were issues between Sharon and my sister. But I don’t think there were any between her and Cheryl. I’m just so proud of my sister and it annoys the hell out of me when comparisons between us are made in an unfavourable way to her. In England, you lot don’t know where she came from. She was on TV every week from seven years old. I think that makes it harder for her when she gets Louis Walsh’s rather pathetic jibes – one of which is she hasn’t had a hit record. That’s not true. He has no idea where she’s come from,’ she says forcefully, voice rising in anger. ‘No idea. And neither does England. And that’s quite hard.’
But that’s not on the mind of the younger Miss Minogue when ELLE speaks to her. Instead she’s delightedly reporting that a certain drop-dead handsome Spanish model is ‘definitely’ good for Kylie. That would be the elder Miss Minogue’s new boyfriend, Andrés Velencoso. ‘She is incredible at choosing great people to be around, people that inspire her and she brings out the best in them,’ says Dannii. ‘Her life goal is to see other people smile. So it’s just great to see her have some playtime. I guess that’s a little bit scary when you’ve always been in the bubble of work and you’ve got a schedule telling you where you’re going, what you’re doing. But it’s great to see my sister carefree.’
The carefree time has been spent, recently, at home with Velencoso in Spain; Kylie is due to fly straight there after our interview. We’d been told not to ask about him but, well, we had to.
What’s so great about Andrés?
For once, our chirpy, fluttery hummingbird stays quiet. ‘What isn’t?’ she responds eventually, with a cat-that-got-the-crema smile. ‘That’s my answer. All I’ll say is that my year has started off wonderfully.’
To read the full interview and see Kylie’s exclusive ELLE photoshoot, buy the May issue of ELLE, on sale April 1st.
Kylie’s new perfume, Couture, is out now.

srijeda, 01.04.2009. • KOMENTARI • (2) • # ~ TOP.

Tight-fisted Kylie Minogue goes shopping at Salvation Army shop

TIMES might be tough for pop princess Kylie Minogue, who stocked up on clothes at a Salvation Army store in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.

The style queen took recession dressing to new levels after spending less than $40 on two dresses, a hat and skirt in Camberwell.

Store manager Natasha Scott said the songstress was shopping with a girlfriend and trying her best to hide from the limelight.

"She was hiding under a hat and had the trademark big sunglasses on, but she still looked great," Scott said.

"She looked happy as she browsed around before buying a couple of summery dresses, a trendy little hat with a peak and a skirt. All up, she spent under $40."

It is not the first time Minogue has been seen shopping on the cheap in Melbourne.

In early 2006, the pop star was seen at vintage clothing store Shag on Brunswick St.

The diminutive singer was so thrifty she put some inexpensive retro items on hold before heading back to buy them later in the week.

The pop star has been holidaying around Australia with current squeeze Spanish model Andres Velencoso and spending time at her parents' Canterbury pad since arriving Down Under to attend the Sound Relief bushfire appeal concert last month.


KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

KylieX2008 Blu-ray cover scans


Thanks to DoYouLikeWhatYouSee(SH)
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KONTAKTI: jalle_01@hotmail.com

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(Kliknite na naslov albuma za više informacija)

-2 Hearts
-In My Arms
-All I See
-The One

Showgirl Homecoming Live**

Ultimate KYLIE*
-I Believe In You
-Giving You Up

Body Language
-Red Blooded Woman

-Can't Get You Out Of My Head
-Love At First Sight
-In Your Eyes
-Come Into My World

Light Years
-Spinning Around
-On A Night Like This
-Please Stay
-Your Disco Needs You

Intimate & Live **

Impossible Princess
-Some Kind Of Bliss
-Did It Again
-Cowboy Style

Kylie Minogue
-Confide In Me
-Put Yourself In My Place
-Where Is The Feeling?

Greatest Hits *
-What Kind Of Fool

Let's Get To It
-Word Is Out
-If You Were With Me Now
-Give Me Just A Little More Time
-Finer Feelings

Rhythm Of Love
-Better The Devil You Know
-Step Back In Time
-What Do I Have To Do

Enjoy Yourself
-Hand On Your Heart
-Wouldn't Change A Thing
-Never Too Late
-Tears On My Pillow

-I Should Be So Lucky
-Got To Be Certain
-The Loco-Motion
-Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi
-It's No Secret
-Turn It Into Love

* Greatest Hits album
** Live album


- Compilations:
Greatest Hits (1992) · Hits+ (2000) · Confide in Me (2002) · Greatest Hits 1987-1999 (2003) · Greatest Hits 1987-1997 (2003) · Kylie Minogue: Artist Collection (2004) · Ultimate Kylie (2004) · Confide in Me: The Irresistible Kylie (2007)

- Remix albums:
The Kylie Collection (1988) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 1 (1989) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 2 (1992) · Kylie's Non-Stop History 50+1 (1993) · Greatest Remix Hits 1 (1997) · Greatest Remix Hits 2 (1998) · Mixes (1998) · Impossible Remixes (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 3 (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 4 (1998) · Boombox (2008)


-Especially For You
-Keep On Pumpin' It
-Where The Wild Roses Grow
-Over The Rainbow


- For You, For Me - 2009
- KYLIEX2008
-Showgirl Homecoming - 2006/2007
-Showgirl - The Greatest Hits Tour - 2005
-Money Can't Buy (samo jedan koncert) - 2003
-Fever - 2002
-On A Night Like This - 2001
-Intimate & Live - 1998
-Let's Get To It - 1991
-Rhythm Of Love - 1991
-Enjoy Yourself - 1990
-The Hitman Roadshow/Disco In Dreams - 1989


1980. Skyways (mini serija)
1980. The Sullivans (TV serija)
1985. The Zoo Family (TV serija)
1985. The Hernderson Kids (TV serija)
1986. Piano / Fame and Misfortune (mini serija)
1986.-1988. Neighbours (TV serija)
1994. The Vicar of Dibley (TV serija)
1997. Men Behaving Badly (TV serija)
2004. Kath & Kim (TV serija)
2007. Doctor Who, Voyage Of The Damned (SF serija)
2009. Horne & Corden (TV show)


The Delinquents (1989)
Streetfighter (1994)
Hayride To Hell (Short) (1995)
Bio-Dome (1996)
Misfit (Short) (1996)
Diana & Me (Cameo) (1997)
Sample People (2000)
Cut (2000)
Moulin Rouge (2001)
The Magic Roundabout (2004)
White Diamond (dokumentarni film) (2007)
Blue (2009)