Po medijima su počele kružiti glasine ali i čini se i neke potvrđene stvari u vezi Kylienog 11. studijskog albuma čiji izlazak se očekuje početkom sljedeće godine!
Andy Chatterley, (koji je već radio za Kylie, točnije remix singla "I Believe In You" (kao Skylark)) na svojoj je stranici potvrdio da radi s Kylie i kako piše, da je jedan od tekstopisaca i producent Kylienog nadolazećeg singla!
Naime već je sa Nerinom Pallot napisao i producirao pjesmu nazvanu "Better Than Today" (akustična like verzija by Nerina Pallot -
listen), dok na drugim pjesmama piše zadjeno s Kylie i Nerinom. Na njegovoj stranici uz 'Better Than Today', naveden je i još jedan naziv nove Kyliene pjesme koju je on producirao, 'Put Your Hands Up'.
S druge strane, uvijek "pouzdani" tabloid 'The Sun' piše kako će Kylie ponovno surađivati sa producentskim timom Xenomania, dok su 'Better Than Today' opisali kao "odličnu Scissor Sisters-stil pjesmu".
Prijašnji Kylien rad s Xenomaniom: Giving You Up (UK#6), Made Of Glass i neobjavljena ali procurena pjesma Lovin' You.
Andy Chatterley (a UK producer/composer/songwriter) is currently cowriting and producing brand new tunes for Kylie's next record!
He already cowrote and produced for Kylie a song titled "Better Than Today",
(a song he composed with Nerina Pallot) and is working on further tracks with Nerina and Kylie herself!
Andy already worked for Kylie, in the past, when he remixed "I Believe In You"
as Skylark!
Kylie Minogue back with Xenomania?
Kylie Minogue is apparently collaborating with Xenomania, the writing duo behind Girls Aloud's string of hits.
The girl band have racked up 20 consecutive top ten singles with the help of producers Brian Higgins and Miranda Cooper, known as Xenomania, and now Kylie is hoping they can work their magic on her new album, according to the Sun.
Kylie and Xenomania worked on her 2005 single Giving You Up, which got to No 6 in the charts and she is now hoping they can help her produce a triumphant come-back album to follow up her last record X.
'The Press Association'