Nadam se

utorak , 21.02.2023.

Iskreno se nadam da si oprostio svim dušama koje su otišle prijevremeno, jer više nisu mogle podnijeti teret života i svega. Nadam se da razumiješ i da voliš dovoljno da se smiluješ i da im oprostiš.

Peace above all

nedjelja , 19.02.2023.

If noone ever joins the army, there will be no wars.

What kind of human beings we are if someone/the state can still tell us to go and attack others, go and kill another human beings, go and destroy their long gathered and build goods and inheritance, for some crazy idea of grabbing and conquering. We are surprised by other kinds of brain washing, but this is the same pattern here and the proof that humans still don't use their own heads and hearts. As technology grows further and advances, a logical succession would be that we are progressing and growing too, but yet we still allow so much injustice, hunger and pain in our world. This makes me really sad and this doesn't stops here. We are also abusing emotions and feelings of others by imprudent and heartless actions in our interpersonal relationships. I'm so happy when I find honest and good examples of us, individuals who care about their spiritual progress, that are kind and friendly despite our harsh reality, but I'm also disappointed that there are no more of us, that we are dispersed when we should stick together. I thank God for every person I truly value in my life and hope that these seeds will spread so much all over the world one day and that it will make a huge impact to the world.

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Broken smile

subota , 18.02.2023.

Long time ago I took a photo
It was a wooden smiley with cracked smile
Someone broke it
It can never be repaired
Even if you glue it
It will never be the same

Just like me...

Some holes in the heart never heals.

New Age laži

utorak , 14.02.2023.

Lako ih je prepoznati. Potiču sebičnost, oholost i materijalizam. Ljudskost etiketiraju kao negativno, promiću lažne vrijednosti u svrhu punjenja ega, promoviraju recepte za bogaćenje, uglavnom odmiču ljude od Boga i od ljudi. Lako se zaplesti u njihove zamke, pogotovo ako si naivan/na, ranjiv/va... Kako ljude odvratiti od tih laži? Ha nikako, ako sami ne traže smisao u svemu. Nekad je ljudima lakše povesti se za gotovim rješenjima nego sami doći do istine. Žalosno ali istinito. A samo da malo razmisle o motivima istih, lako bi ih prepoznali i raskrinkali. Postavljam si pitanje, zašto je ljudima danas tako teško misliti svojom glavom i voditi se vlastitim srcem?

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