Stan: Why do we color eggs?
Dad: So that the Easter Bunny can hide them.
Stan: Yeah, but why?
Dad: Stanley, Easter celebrates the day that Jesus was resurrected after being crucified for our sins.
Stan: So we dip eggs into colored vinegar and a giant rabbit hides them?
Dad: That's right.
Stan: You don't see the missteps in logic with that? Look, I'm just saying that somewhere between Jesus dying on the cross and a giant bunny hiding eggs, there seems to be a gap of information.
Dad: Damn it, just dye your eggs!
(South Park, Fantastic Easter Special)
prije je bilo gnijezdo... by tessa k
uvijek sam se klela da znam puno o pticama
ali sad vidim da je svo moje znanje
samo neznanje kako pripasti Čovjeku.
znam dosta o cvrkutu...
toj autoimunoj bolesti
i puno o tome kako u letu
donijeti sve svoje modrice na vrh hrasta
i kako sviti svoje gnijezdo
u šumi.
ali ako pogledate moj drum...
You don't see the missteps in logic with that?
pa eto... ni ja nikad ne razumijem
ali svejedno...
jer mimikrija se po meni zove
posegnut ću plava, za svim
must have bojama - i...
I'm gonna dye my eggs
... da bih vam otela uzdah
tessa k