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Kylie Minogue fashion targets breast cancer 2010 Vecernji.hr: "Australska pjevačica stala je pred objektiv fotografa Marija Testina prekrivena plahtom u društvu glumice Sienne Miller i supermodela Claudije Schiffer.

Četiri godine nakon što je uspješno okončala svoju borbu s rakom dojke, 41-godišnja Australka Kylie Minogue ne odustaje u namjeri da što više žena osvijesti u suočavanju s tom zloćudnom bolešću. Zbog toga se Džepna Venera priključila modnoj kampanji u borbi protiv raka dojke Fashion Targets Breast Cancer i prekrivena samo svilenom plahtom pozirala cijenjenom fotografu Mariju Testinu zajedno s britanskom glumicom Siennom Miller i nekadašnjom manekenkom, trudnom Claudijom Schiffer.

– Nakon svega što sam prošla zbog te bolesti, vrlo mi je važno biti dio ove kampanje, jako poštujem njihovu dugogodišnju upornost i rad – iskrena je bila Kylie. Modna humanitarna organizacija osnovana je 1996. i do danas je prikupila deset i pol milijuna funti u humanitarne svrhe. Hrabra pjevačica nije posustala kad joj je 2005. tijekom turneje dijagnosticiran rak dojke koji je nakon iscrpljujućih kemoterapija ipak pobijedila."

: Kylie along with Sienna Miller and Claudia Schiffer are to be the faces of Fashion Targets Breast Cancer 2010.

The groundbreaking campaign from UK charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer features a series of sensational new images, shot by world renowned photographer Mario Testino, depicting the famous ambassadors appearing naked, wrapped in a striking silk sheet emblazoned with the iconic 'target' logo.

Fashion Targets Breast Cancer was established in 1994 by Ralph Lauren after his friend and Fashion Editor of the Washington Post, Nina Hyde died of breast cancer, and was the fashion industry's response to the devastating impact of the disease.

Since the launch of FTBC in the UK in 1996, it has raised over ÂŁ10.5 million for Breakthrough Breast Cancer's groundbreaking research, campaigning and education work.
Since its inception as a T-shirt campaign, FTBC has successfully evolved into a collection of Fashion Targets product lines from leading retailers and designers.

This year's supporting retailers include: M&S, River Island, Warehouse, Topshop, Coast, Laura Ashley, my-wardrobe.com, Whistles, Superdry and Melissa Odabash.
All the items will be available to buy from 29th March 2010, both in-store and online with no less than 30% of the price of each item going directly to Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

For more information please visit fashiontargetsbreastcancer.org.uk.

ponedjeljak, 29.03.2010. • KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

New photoshoot || New leaks
Prije nekoliko dana Kylie je na Twitteru objavila sliku po kojoj se može naslutiti da se radi o nekakvom novom photoshootu, moguće za novi album.
Na upit o čemu se radi odgovorila je da će sve biti uskoro otkriveno!


Također, mladi model, River Viiperi je na svom blogu objavio post kako su on i još troje modela imali photoshoot sa Kylie!

Boombox (Demo) & B.P.M. (Version 1)

Jučer su procurile dvije, starije Kyliene pjesme. Prva, orginalni demo pjesme Boombox, snimljene 2003. godine čiji su remixevi već prije procurili te je jedan objavljen i službeno na istoimenom remix albumu, a izdali su je i neki drugi umjetnici.
Druga je do sada nepoznata, prva verzija pjesme B.P.M. koja je izdana 2004. kao b-strana singla I Believe In You.

Možete ih poslušati na playerima ispod a skinuti na forumu -> kylie.go-forum.net!

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

#11 album news update!
Kylie Minogue in studio 2010 U novom izdanju časopisa 'Music Week', predsjednik izdavačke kuće Parlophone, Miles Leonard otkrio je nekoliko informacija o Kylienom nadolazećem, 11. studijskom albumu!

Album će biti izdan u lipnju, a još se snima u Londonu uz pomoć izvršnog producenta, Stuarta Pricea.

Razgovarajući o albumu, za kojeg vjeruje da ima potencijala za 5 singlova, Miles Leonard je izjavio kako je oduševljen onim što je čuo.

"Kylie je napravila odličan album radeći sa odličnim ljudima. Stuart i Kylie su napisali i snimili album zajedno, Fraser T Smith i Tim iz grupe Keane su napravili odličnu pjesmu nazvanu 'Beautiful', Calvin Harris i Jake Shears su zajedno napravili pjesmu - veoma smo uzbuđeni s ovim albumom i energija od strane Kylie je jača nego ikada."

Također Kylie je uz sliku iz studija na Twitteru napisala kako je album uskoro gotov!

Za više informacija/glasina o novom albumu posjetite forum!

From this week 'Music Week' magazine: In [June] Parlophone will unleash a new album by Kylie Minogue, which is currently being recored in London and executive produced by Stuart Price. Discussing the album, which he believes is "five singles deep", [Parlophone President] Miles Leonard says he is thrilled by what he has heard. "[Kylie] has made a great record and worked with some fantastic people. Stuart and Kylie have written and recorded together, Fraser T Smith and Tim from Keane have delivered a wonderful song called 'Beautiful', Calvin Harris and Jake Shears have recorded a track together - we are very excited by this record and the energy from Kylie is the strongest it's ever been."

Kylie Minogue Croatian forum
srijeda, 24.03.2010. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie to Host NYC amfAR Benefit!
Kylie Minogue, amfAR Cannes 2007 Objavljeno je da će Kylie biti domaćica amfAR-ove humanitarne gala večeri.

'The Inspiration Gala' biti će održana 3. lipnja 2010. u New Yorku gdje će se održati aukcija odjeće koju će donirati različiti modni kreatori a biti će predstavljena na modnoj pisti te večeri. Tema ove večeri je crna kravata/crna koža.

Organizacija amfAR poznata je po svom radu u cilju skupaljanja sredstava za istraživanje AIDSA.
Više o samoj organizaciji i ovom događaju možete potražiti ovdje!

Kylie will host amfAR June 3rd benefit, The Inspiration Gala, which will be held at the New York Main Library on Fifth Avenue.

In a first-time collaboration, amfAR and Josh Wood Productions are initiating a new event series—the Inspiration Gala—a celebration of fashion and creativity that will benefit amfAR’s innovative AIDS research programs. Beginning in 2010 in New York, Paris, and Los Angeles, the Gala series will grow to include events in multiple cities and will feature a different design “Inspiration” each year.

The design inspiration for 2010 is “Black Tie//Black Leather.” Each participating major designer will donate a piece inspired by the “Black Tie//Black Leather” theme to be presented in a runway show. The designer items will then be auctioned off, with proceeds to benefit amfAR. The evening will also include a formal dinner with an exclusive performance and special presentations. Guests are encouraged to dress inspired by the theme.

subota, 20.03.2010. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie on 'Flowers Uncut'

Kylie on 'Flowers Uncut', in 'Goin' to the Chapel' episode which features Kylie's good friend Jeff Leatham creating a floral spectacular for her end of tour party in New York last October.

Youtube videos:

Part 1
Part 2

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

New Kylie music in June! || Kylie in Hello Magazine

Kylie je na svom Twitteru (twitter.com/kylieminogue) danas ostavila poruku u kojoj je otkrila kako ćemo u lipnju moći čuti novu glazbu! Još se ne zna hoće li to biti samo prvi singl ili cijeli album.

Pjesmu koju je danas komentirala producirali su Stuart Price i Starsmith, kojom su čini se oduševljeni.

Više informacija o nadolazećem albumu možete saznati na forumu -> kylie.go-forum.net


Hello! magazine scans (UK)
- 08.03.2010

Kylie i Dannii u Britanskom časopisu "Hello!". U časopisu se nalazi i još jedna nova slika Kylie za TOUS.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
thanks to Bevan (SH)
petak, 12.03.2010. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Everybody Hurts (Alternative video - directors cut) *[UPDATED]

Nakon skoro četiri tjedna od izlaska dobrotvornog singla 'Everybody Hurts' u kojem i Kylie sudjeluje, danas se pojavila alternativna verzija video spota za koju je zaslužan Joseph Kahn.
Proteklih tjedana singl je bio promoviran drugom verzijom videa u kojoj nije bilo većine pjevača/ica sa singla.

Video možete pogledati na playeru ispod a HD download potražiti na forumu -> kylie.go-forum.net

*Kylie Behind The Scenes of Everybody Hurts video

subota, 06.03.2010. • KOMENTARI • (3) • # ~ TOP.

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Writer: LiMBO

KONTAKTI: jalle_01@hotmail.com

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(Kliknite na naslov albuma za više informacija)

-2 Hearts
-In My Arms
-All I See
-The One

Showgirl Homecoming Live**

Ultimate KYLIE*
-I Believe In You
-Giving You Up

Body Language
-Red Blooded Woman

-Can't Get You Out Of My Head
-Love At First Sight
-In Your Eyes
-Come Into My World

Light Years
-Spinning Around
-On A Night Like This
-Please Stay
-Your Disco Needs You

Intimate & Live **

Impossible Princess
-Some Kind Of Bliss
-Did It Again
-Cowboy Style

Kylie Minogue
-Confide In Me
-Put Yourself In My Place
-Where Is The Feeling?

Greatest Hits *
-What Kind Of Fool

Let's Get To It
-Word Is Out
-If You Were With Me Now
-Give Me Just A Little More Time
-Finer Feelings

Rhythm Of Love
-Better The Devil You Know
-Step Back In Time
-What Do I Have To Do

Enjoy Yourself
-Hand On Your Heart
-Wouldn't Change A Thing
-Never Too Late
-Tears On My Pillow

-I Should Be So Lucky
-Got To Be Certain
-The Loco-Motion
-Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi
-It's No Secret
-Turn It Into Love

* Greatest Hits album
** Live album


- Compilations:
Greatest Hits (1992) · Hits+ (2000) · Confide in Me (2002) · Greatest Hits 1987-1999 (2003) · Greatest Hits 1987-1997 (2003) · Kylie Minogue: Artist Collection (2004) · Ultimate Kylie (2004) · Confide in Me: The Irresistible Kylie (2007)

- Remix albums:
The Kylie Collection (1988) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 1 (1989) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 2 (1992) · Kylie's Non-Stop History 50+1 (1993) · Greatest Remix Hits 1 (1997) · Greatest Remix Hits 2 (1998) · Mixes (1998) · Impossible Remixes (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 3 (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 4 (1998) · Boombox (2008)


-Especially For You
-Keep On Pumpin' It
-Where The Wild Roses Grow
-Over The Rainbow


- For You, For Me - 2009
- KYLIEX2008
-Showgirl Homecoming - 2006/2007
-Showgirl - The Greatest Hits Tour - 2005
-Money Can't Buy (samo jedan koncert) - 2003
-Fever - 2002
-On A Night Like This - 2001
-Intimate & Live - 1998
-Let's Get To It - 1991
-Rhythm Of Love - 1991
-Enjoy Yourself - 1990
-The Hitman Roadshow/Disco In Dreams - 1989


1980. Skyways (mini serija)
1980. The Sullivans (TV serija)
1985. The Zoo Family (TV serija)
1985. The Hernderson Kids (TV serija)
1986. Piano / Fame and Misfortune (mini serija)
1986.-1988. Neighbours (TV serija)
1994. The Vicar of Dibley (TV serija)
1997. Men Behaving Badly (TV serija)
2004. Kath & Kim (TV serija)
2007. Doctor Who, Voyage Of The Damned (SF serija)
2009. Horne & Corden (TV show)


The Delinquents (1989)
Streetfighter (1994)
Hayride To Hell (Short) (1995)
Bio-Dome (1996)
Misfit (Short) (1996)
Diana & Me (Cameo) (1997)
Sample People (2000)
Cut (2000)
Moulin Rouge (2001)
The Magic Roundabout (2004)
White Diamond (dokumentarni film) (2007)
Blue (2009)