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KylieX2008 Blu-ray out now!
KylieX2008 Blu-ray U njemačkoj je prije nekoliko dana izašlo Blu-ray KylieX2008 turneje.

Uz bolju kvalitetu nego onu na DVD-u, na Blu-ray-u nalaze se još neke dodatne stvari kao što su više slika u galeriji te još video projekcija.

Uz Speakerphone, Can't Get You Out Of My Head, Ruffle My Feathers, Like A Drug, Sometime Samurai i Sensitized koje se nalaze na DVD-u, na Blu-ray izdanju se nalaze još i projekcije za In Your Eyes, Heart Beat Rock, Wow, Loveboat, Spinning Around, 2 Hearts, Nu-Di-Ty, In My Arms i No More Rain što čini gotovo sve projekcije s turneje.

KylieX2008 Blu-ray
Thanks to KMHootie (SH)
ponedjeljak, 30.03.2009. • KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Magazine scans/pictures...
Australian Women's Weekly
thanks to glitterdrop

Hello Magazine
thanks to Kylie1000

Sydney Sunday Telegraph (23.3.2009) - Kylie in Melbourne
thanks to Melibabi

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie & Kish Mauve
Navodno Kylie će na svom sljedećem albumu ponovno surađivati sa grupom Kish Mauve koji su zaslužni za Kylien hit single '2 Hearts' te neobjavljenu/procurenu pjesmu ali među obožavateljima popularnu 'Lose Control'. Ovu informaciju navodno je na Facebooku napisala članica grupe, Mima.

You Make Me Feel

Nakon što je obradila njihovu pjesmu '2 Hearts' čini se da Kylie uzvraća uslugu na nadolazećem debitantskom albumu grupe - Black Heart. Kylie je jedna od spisateljica teksta za pjesmu "You Make Me Feel". Datum izlaska albuma je 30. ožujka 2009.

Pjesmu možete poslušati/skinuti na linku u nastavku posta!

Kish Mauve

Kylie working with Kish Mauve again?

Apparently Mima, member of Kish Mauve duo said on Facebook, that Kylie was pleased with their work and they plan on recording some tracks for Kylie's new album.

You Make Me Feel

After covering one of their tracks Kylie returns the favour on Kish Mauve’s forthcoming debut album, ‘Black Heart’. The impish pop star has co-written ‘You Make Me Feel’ in something that Jim Eliot and Mima Stilwell, the duo behind Kish Mauve, call a “pop swap.”

Black Heart is due out on 30 March 2009!

Listen to the You Make Me Feel on the link below!

- You Make Me Feel
subota, 21.03.2009. • KOMENTARI • (11) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie on "Elle" cover (UK)
Kylie na naslovnici posebnog izdanja časopisa "Elle" (Velika Britanija) za svibanj. Ovo izdanje dostupno je samo preplatnicima, obično izdanje imati će drugačiju naslovnicu!

Kylie Minogue on cover of Elle magazine, May 2009.

click on picture for bigger version

Kylie on the cover of "Elle" collector edition, May 2009.
Available exclusive to subscribers!

četvrtak, 19.03.2009. • KOMENTARI • (3) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie odbila Pet Shop Boyse!
Pet Shop Boys su u nedavnom intervjuu otkrili da su prije 2 godine napisali 4-5 pjesama za Kylie ali na kraju nisu dobili nikakav odgovor.

Jedna od tih pjesama se zove "Pandemonium" te će biti objavljena na njihovom nadolazećem albumu.

Pet Shop Boys

Tennant: 'We'll never work with Kylie'

BBC: When the Pet Shop Boys wrote tracks for Kylie Minogue a couple of years ago, they did not get so much as a "thanks but no thanks".

"We never heard anything back," explains Neil Tennant. "I think every songwriter in London wrote songs for Kylie's last album.

"When we were on tour, we had two male backing singers and both had submitted songs for Kylie's album as well. They never heard anything either."

Chris Lowe, Tennant's partner in the durable pop duo, adds flatly: "We won't be doing it again."

They did not know it at the time, but being blanked by Kylie was a blessing in disguise.

The Boys kept one of her songs for themselves, and the process of penning potential hits for Kylie inspired them to write some of their most poptastic material of recent years.

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie najbolje plaćena strana glumica u Bollywood-u!
24.sata.hr: Kylie u Bollywoodu dobila dnevnicu od 800 tisuća kn

Australska pjevačica Kylie Minogue (40) sudjelovala je u snimanju indijskog filma "Blue". Kylie u filmu izvodi plesnu točku u noćnom klubu, a scenu je snimala tjedan dana. Za svaki dan snimanja dobila je honorar od osamsto tisuća kuna. Budžet filma je oko 160 milijuna kuna, a producenti se nadaju kako će ovim filmom približiti indijsku i zapadnjačku kulturu.

Kylie Minogue in Mumbai at Blue press conference

Kylie: Highest-paid foreign celebrity in Bollywood

More than Blue, it is Kylie Minogue who is making waves in Bollywood. If reports are true, she has become the highest-paid foreign celebrity in Bollywood history. Sources say that the singer was paid a whopping amount of more than USD 1 million for singing and appearing in a foot-tapping number in Blue.

Kylie has been attracting a lot of media attention from the day she landed in India. The Australian pop star of 'Love at First Sight' fame gets rave reviews everywhere she goes. Last year, the star received a staggering USD 2.1 million for a 45-minute appearance in Dubai.

Ask Kylie what is her memory of India and Bollywood and she is quick to answer: “My overriding memory is the warmth and professionalism of people. I arrived as a stranger but left considering myself as a family.”

Directed by Anthony D'Souza with music by Oscar-winner A.R. Rahman, Blue has Sanjay Dutt, Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif and Lara Dutta in the lead roles. Indeed, the whole crew of Blue seems to be smitten by Kylie Minogue. An expressive Akshay reportedly said, “Kylie couldn't have been more perfect. Her beautiful voice and bubbly personality were adored by so many. She is the perfect diva.”

With all these, let us hope that Blue does not experience box office blues.

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie nastupila na "Sound Relief" koncertu!
U subotu 14. ožujka Kylie je u svom rodnom gradu Melbourneu nastupila na koncertu organiziranom za pomoć svim žrtvama katastrofalnih požara i poplava u Australiji!

Kylie je zajedno sa preko 80.000 ljudi na koncertu u Melbourneu te preko video veze sa još 40.000 ljudi u Sydneyu zajedno otpjevala dirljivu verziju pjesme "I Still Call Australia Home".


Kylie Minogue at Sound Relief

Kylie.com: Kylie took to the stage this weekend at the Melbourne Cricket Ground for Sound Relief, Australia's largest-ever fund-raising concert, in support of victims of the recent deadly Victorian bushfires and Queensland floods.

Simultaneous concerts were organised in both Sydney and Melbourne attracting some of the biggest names in Australian music and from around the world, including Olivia Newton-John, Jack Johnson, Gabriela Cilmi, Kings Of Leon and Coldplay.

About 210 people died and 10,000 were left homeless in the bushfires across Victoria - Australia's worst natural disaster in more than a century. Floodwaters then overwhelmed parts of Queensland and huge areas were submerged for weeks by the worst flooding in three decades.

In one of the most moving moments of evening, Kylie performed a heartfelt rendition of the Peter Allen track 'I Still Call Australia Home', joined by tens of thousands of audience members who sang along in both cities to honour the bushfire and flood victims.

Kylie & Dannii backstage at Sound Relief

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

utorak, 17.03.2009. • KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

'Inverse': Kylie Minogue for Men!
Pojavila se reklama za Kylien prvi miris za muškarce nazvan "Inverse". Zajedno sa Kylie u reklami se pojavljuje i njezin dečko, španjolski model Andres Valencoso!

Inverse Commercial - Kylie Minogue Fragrance for Men
KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie 'Couture' TV ad + promo pictures
Duža verzija reklame za Kylien novi parfem "Couture"!

Official advert for new Kylie fragrance 'Couture' - Longer edit!

'Couture' promo pictures

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie u Bollywood-u!
Prije dva tjedna kako je već objavljeno Kylie je tijekom osam dana boravka u Mumbaiu snimila svoje scene za film "Blue".
Također Kylie se pojavila na konferenciji za novinare održanoj 6.ožujka povodom završetka snimanja filma na kojoj je govorila o svojim iskustvima i o filmu.


Kylie takes india by storm

Kylie.com: Kylie has been generating enormous excitement in India this week as she films her scenes for the biggest budget Bollywood film ever made, 'Blue'.

Although the film was shot mainly in the Caribbean with lavish underwater scenes, the big Bollywood musical number is in production this week at Film City, Mumbai - the epi-centre of Bollywood.

The film stars Bollywood superstars, Akshay Kumar & Sanjay Dutt and is directed by Anthony D'Souza. Kylie has been working on an blockbuster musical number with the legendary Bollywood Choreographer and Musical Director Farah Kahn.

Kylie recorded the song last week with the world's hottest property in music for the movies, AR Rahman, who has just returned from Hollywood where he picked up two Academy Awards for his work on 'Slumdog Millionaire'. Rahman also won the Bafta and Golden Globe last month for his outstanding work on the movie.

Promo poster

Kylie Mingoue and Akshay Kumar, Blue promo poster

Pictures form the set

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

The Wiggles feat. Kylie - Monkey Man [Video]
Video spot za novi singl "Monkey Man" mega popularne Australske grupe za djecu "The Wiggles" u duetu s Kylie.

Prihodi od singla - kojeg je Kylie kako je izjavila snimila kako bi impresionirala svog malog nećaka - biti će donirani UNICEF-u!

The Wiggles featuring Kylie Mingoue!

Pop princess Kylie Minogue chosen an unlikely group to join for her next hit single.

She isn't collaborating with an established star or top ten band. Instead Kylie will perform with hit children's supergroup The Wiggles.

The pop princess has recorded a song called Monkey Man with her fellow Aussie entertainers.
Kylie, 40, became the fifth Wiggle alongside Anthony, Murray, Sam and Jeff and said she hoped it would impress her nephew Charles, two.

“Now Charles really will think I’m cool,” she said. “I hope he likes the song. It was fun to do. I might even grab a shirt and go on tour with the boys.”
Wiggle Anthony Field said: “Kylie is number one in everyone’s impress your friends list!”

All proceeds from single sales will go to UNICEF!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie in Mumbai...
Kylie koja je u prošlog tjedna, točnije u četvrtak stigla u Mumbai kako bi snimila video spot za Bollywoodski film "Blue" izazvala je pravu medijsku strku u Indiji.

Po dolasku u zračnu luku Kylie su dočekali brojni novinari i obožavatelji kroz koje je Kylie prošla uz pomoć zaštitara koje je predvodila poznata TV zvijezda Ronit Roy.

Kylie Mingoue and Akshay Kumar

Sljedećeg dana, Kylie je u svoj dom pozvao Akshay Kumar, Bollywoodska super zvijezda s kojim Kylie snima scenu u filmu.
Kylie i bliski prijatelji Akshaya i Twinkle Khann te glumci filma bili su pozvani na ručak kod glumca. Kako je izjavio to je bio način da se Kylie opusti u Mumbaiu.

Akshay je pozvao cijelu vojsku televizijskih kamera kako bi prenijeli "privatni" ručak u njegovoj vili pa koliko je to pomoglo Kylie da se opusti nije sigurno.

Kylie je izjavila kako uživa u iskustvima koje je doživljela od kad je sletila u Mumbai.

Uz kavu poslije ručka izjavila je: "Volim kad me se odvede izvan...ne moje sigurnosne zone, nego moga svijeta...ovo je sigurno drugačije od bilo čega što sam radila ranije." Govoreći o tome kako je došlo do svega: "Tri dana - to je sve što je trebalo. Uručila sam BAFTA nagradu A.R.Rahmanu a već sljedećeg dana smo se sastali kako bi se dogovorili o konceptu pjesme i teksta, treći dan smo snimali! Cijelo iskustvo je bilo novo. Nisam naučena snimati pjesmu u zadnjem trenutku neznajući što ću nositi sutra. Ali ovo nije moj svijet i imam pouzdanja u moj tim te sam nastavila..."

Kylie u filmu "glumi" sebe, radi se o ulozi u kojoj nastupa, ima scenu s Akshayem te je u dvije pjesme -- sa Sanjay Dutt, Larom Dutta i Zayed Khanom.

Iako pjeva i glumi cijel svoj profesionalni život, ovog puta je drugačije.
"Tehnički aspekt je skoro isti. Radi se o tome da ovo nije dio jednog albuma. Radeći u studiju sa Rahmanom je magično, na vrhuncu je karijere ali je velikodušan, srdačan i opušten...predivna osoba," izjavila je Kylie govoreći o osobi koja je nedavno osvojila dva oskara.
Glazba koju su napravili je pop žanra. "Definitivno ima Indijski zvuk," Kylie je dodala.

Za jedan kostim u videu zaslužan je dizajner Manish Malhorta kojega je predložila Farah Khan koja je zadužena za koreografiju. Pošto se video snima u noćnom klubu Manish je trebao kreirati nešto seksi.

Na slici ispod Anthony D'Souza, Farah Khan, Kylie (u kreaciji Manich Malhtora) i Akshay Kumar na setu filma "Blue"!

Anthony D'Souza, Farah Khan, Kylie Minogue and Akshay Kumar

Kylie će nastupiti na "Sound Relief"???

Navodno Kylie je tajni izvođač koji će nastupiti na 'Sound Relief' humanitarnom koncertu koji će se održati u njezinom rodnog gradu Melbourneu u svrhu skupljanja sredstava za pomoć žrtvama nedavnih katastrofalnih požara.

Molly Meldrum - kojega je intervjuirao Leo Sayer - kad je upitan o koncertu u jednom dijelu okrenuo se prema publici i izgledajući kao da se ne može suzdržati rekao je "...i Kylie dolazi."

Brzo je nadodao, "Ali to nikome ne smijete reći."

Kylie je i prije kontaktirana za nastup ali na kraju je dogovoreno da će samo snimiti video poruku zbog nemogućnosti dolaska zbog obaveza na snimanju u Indiji no sada izgleda da su se planovi promijenili.

Još jedna stvar koja ukazuje da bi se Kylie mogla pojaviti je to što reklama koja promovira koncerte sadrži snimke Kyliene "Showgirl" turneje! (video)

Sound Relief će biti održan u isto vrijeme u Melbourneu i Sydneyu 14. ožujka!

Kylie Couture TV advert!

Pojavila se TV reklama za Kylien parfem "Couture" koji je nedavno izdan!

Pogledajte reklamu i "making of" reklame na playerima ispod!

srijeda, 04.03.2009. • KOMENTARI • (6) • # ~ TOP.

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Writer: LiMBO

KONTAKTI: jalle_01@hotmail.com

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(Kliknite na naslov albuma za više informacija)

-2 Hearts
-In My Arms
-All I See
-The One

Showgirl Homecoming Live**

Ultimate KYLIE*
-I Believe In You
-Giving You Up

Body Language
-Red Blooded Woman

-Can't Get You Out Of My Head
-Love At First Sight
-In Your Eyes
-Come Into My World

Light Years
-Spinning Around
-On A Night Like This
-Please Stay
-Your Disco Needs You

Intimate & Live **

Impossible Princess
-Some Kind Of Bliss
-Did It Again
-Cowboy Style

Kylie Minogue
-Confide In Me
-Put Yourself In My Place
-Where Is The Feeling?

Greatest Hits *
-What Kind Of Fool

Let's Get To It
-Word Is Out
-If You Were With Me Now
-Give Me Just A Little More Time
-Finer Feelings

Rhythm Of Love
-Better The Devil You Know
-Step Back In Time
-What Do I Have To Do

Enjoy Yourself
-Hand On Your Heart
-Wouldn't Change A Thing
-Never Too Late
-Tears On My Pillow

-I Should Be So Lucky
-Got To Be Certain
-The Loco-Motion
-Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi
-It's No Secret
-Turn It Into Love

* Greatest Hits album
** Live album


- Compilations:
Greatest Hits (1992) · Hits+ (2000) · Confide in Me (2002) · Greatest Hits 1987-1999 (2003) · Greatest Hits 1987-1997 (2003) · Kylie Minogue: Artist Collection (2004) · Ultimate Kylie (2004) · Confide in Me: The Irresistible Kylie (2007)

- Remix albums:
The Kylie Collection (1988) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 1 (1989) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 2 (1992) · Kylie's Non-Stop History 50+1 (1993) · Greatest Remix Hits 1 (1997) · Greatest Remix Hits 2 (1998) · Mixes (1998) · Impossible Remixes (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 3 (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 4 (1998) · Boombox (2008)


-Especially For You
-Keep On Pumpin' It
-Where The Wild Roses Grow
-Over The Rainbow


- For You, For Me - 2009
- KYLIEX2008
-Showgirl Homecoming - 2006/2007
-Showgirl - The Greatest Hits Tour - 2005
-Money Can't Buy (samo jedan koncert) - 2003
-Fever - 2002
-On A Night Like This - 2001
-Intimate & Live - 1998
-Let's Get To It - 1991
-Rhythm Of Love - 1991
-Enjoy Yourself - 1990
-The Hitman Roadshow/Disco In Dreams - 1989


1980. Skyways (mini serija)
1980. The Sullivans (TV serija)
1985. The Zoo Family (TV serija)
1985. The Hernderson Kids (TV serija)
1986. Piano / Fame and Misfortune (mini serija)
1986.-1988. Neighbours (TV serija)
1994. The Vicar of Dibley (TV serija)
1997. Men Behaving Badly (TV serija)
2004. Kath & Kim (TV serija)
2007. Doctor Who, Voyage Of The Damned (SF serija)
2009. Horne & Corden (TV show)


The Delinquents (1989)
Streetfighter (1994)
Hayride To Hell (Short) (1995)
Bio-Dome (1996)
Misfit (Short) (1996)
Diana & Me (Cameo) (1997)
Sample People (2000)
Cut (2000)
Moulin Rouge (2001)
The Magic Roundabout (2004)
White Diamond (dokumentarni film) (2007)
Blue (2009)