(20:18) nedjelja, 23.03.2008.

Your eyes are the size of the moon... sretan

Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time
Come on just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me
Good, good now we're making some progress
Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat
And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue?

* e, jesam zribana f komentaru od Ally...
* možda je ono BILA KripiAlica i možda nije BIL' neki čirful dizajn...
* al' ne trebaš me tak' kažnjavat'...
* *rofl*

He, he, he...
Joj, jedva čekam novi CD od Panica...
Baš sam gledala videek na kojem pričaju kak su svi šteli pjevati i pisati pjesme i kak su se "svađali" oko svega...
Napokon se i Ryan čuje...
Taj tipek ima medeni glas...
No, stop!

* danas je bil' dan za pamćenje...
* dve tekme...
* aaaaaaaaa...
* uživancija...
* pogotovo dok ih gledaš s uvrnutom familijom...

Prva tekma:
* moram odma reć' da je Livač zgubil...
* e, kaj se more...
* i najboljima se događa...
* sestra je celo vreme slinila za Rondićem...
* i kasnije joj se pridružila baka i tak' je to bil stožer "Rondić"
* damn they...
* deda mi je bila jedina potpora jer je mama spala...
* fala dedi...
* he, he...

Druga tekma:
* i Arsenalček je zgubil
* a imala sam nade za njega...
* e, tu je baka došla na svoje...

* njezin mali Fabregas...
* ja sam crkavala od smeha...
* he, he, he, he, he...

I tak'...

Zub me ne boli, a bolel me jučer opet ko lud...
I mogu jesti...
A nisam gladna...
A ima tol'ko toga...
Sam pijem...
Ne alkohol...
Alkohol je fuj...
Nakon votke, fuj...
Nema do daljnjeg...
He, he...

*sokići rulaju!

Ajda, ljudofi...

Vel'ki kizzzzzzzzzzzzzz!


&bull|| Komentari ||&bull

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0n or 0ff


Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Oo-la-la!
Want your bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Oo-la-la!
Want your bad romance

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
I want your love
I want your love

I want your drama
With the touch of your hand
I want you leathe-studded kiss in the sand
And I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
B-B-Bad and bad

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Oo-la-la!
Want your bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Oo-la-la!
Want your bad romance

I want your horror
I want your design
‘Cause you’re a criminal
As long as your mine
I want your love
I want your love

I want your psycho
Your vertigo stick
Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
B-B-Bad and bad

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Oo-la-la!
Want your bad romance

Work-work fashion baby
Work it
move that bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
move that bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
move that bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
move that bitch crazy

I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Said I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Oo-la-la!
Want your bad romance.