subota, 31.05.2008.


I can't feel my senses
I just feel the cold
All colours seem to fade away
I can't reach my soul

I would stop running
If I knew there was a chance
It tears me apart to sacrifice it all
<strong>But I'm forced to let go
Tell me I'm frozen
But what can I do?
Can't tell the reasons
I did it for you

When lies turn into truth
I sacrifice for you
You say that I am frozen
But what can I do?

I can feel your sorrow
(I sacrifice)
You won't forgive me
But I know you'll be alright(...)
It tears me apart that you will never know
But I have to let go

Tell me I'm frozen
But what can I do?
Can't tell the reasons
I did it for you

When lies turn into truth
I sacrifice for you
You say that I am frozen
But what can I do?

Everything will slip away
Shattered pieces will remain
When memories fade into emptiness
Only time will tell its tale
If it all has been in vain

I can't feel my senses
I just feel the cold

But what can I do?

Tell me I'm frozen
But what can I do?
Can't tell the reasons
I did it for you

When lies turn into truth
I sacrifice for you
You say that I am frozen

18:36 | Komentari 0 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

subota, 24.05.2008.



Prije 6 ili 7 godina našu obitelj je upotpunio jedan tada još normalan mačak...Pošto je bio sav neki mali, pahuljasti i žgoljav ja sam odlučila preuzet njegov odgoj u svoje ruke...
Kako je rastao sve se više vezao za mene isto kao i ja za njega...


Sinoć ga je udario auto...Mrtav je ležao na cesti...Ne vjerujem da ga više nema...


Bio je star, bio je zločest, bio je mali debeli i svi smo ga voljeli...


r.i.p. debeli

11:05 | Komentari 5 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

petak, 23.05.2008.

No name

Mislim da dugo nisam napisala post o tebi ...predugo...

I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you

Zloba? Ljutnja? Frustracije? Povrijeđenost?
Briga me...
Misliš da ćeš tim nešto promijeniti? Varaš se...Samo dokazuješ sebi i drugima koliko si zapravo jadan

I could be fake
I could be stupid
You know I could be just like you

Da...Nema drugih riječi...Svi možemo biti poput tebe...Kakav bi svijet bio?
Ti si ogromno razmaženo derište koje ne zna što hoće od svog života...

You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

Prilično me iznenađuje činjenica da i dan danas nisam požalila zbog svojih postupaka. Ni sam ne znaš koliko si bio u pravu kad si rekao da su svi drugi bolji od tebe.

I could be weak
I could be senseless
You know I could be just like you

Žališ li sam sebe?
Trebao bi...Baš kao i svi ostali...

You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

Smeta ti činjenica da je oduvijek bio bolji? Da te oduvijek ponižavao? Da je dobio ono što ti nikada nisi?

On my own, cause I can’t take liven with you
I’m alone, so I won’t turn out like you
Want me to

Samo ti daj... meni ne smeta...
Ovaj post možeš shvatiti kao uvredu, prijetnju, rješavanje duga...Briga me.

I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just
like you

Hvala Bogu da nisam...

Pusa thumbup
evil girl

15:30 | Komentari 7 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

srijeda, 21.05.2008.

It's All Over

Your bottles' almost empty
You know this can't go on
Because of you my mind is always racing
The needles' breaking your skin
The scar is sinking in
And now your trip begins but
It's all over for
It's all over for

For you

When you're on the edge and falling off
It's all over for you
For you
When you're on the edge and falling off
It's all over

I know what runs through your blood
You do this all in vain
Because of you my mind is always racing

And it gets under my skin
To see you giving in
And now your trip begins but
It's all over for
It's all over for

For you
When you're on the edge and falling off
It's all over for you
For you
When you're on the edge and falling off
It's all over

And now you're dead inside
Still you wonder why
It's all over
And now you're dead inside
Still you wonder why
It's all over

And now you're dead inside
Still you wonder why
When you're on the edge and falling off
It's all over for (You, for you)
And now you're dead inside
Still you wonder why
When you're on the edge and falling off
It's all over for (You, for you)
And now you're dead inside
Still you wonder why
It's all over

19:13 | Komentari 3 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

ponedjeljak, 19.05.2008.


I sam znaš da nikada neću priznati da si bio u pravu...

Previše vremena sam provela razmišljajući što radim krivo, zašto ja moram biti najgora od nas troje...
Danas sam shvatila da me nije briga...Ni za jedno od vas...Budite razočarani, budite ljuti, budite tužni, kaznite me, uzmite mi sve do čega mi je ikada bilo stalo, vičite, ponižavajte me...Hajde...Ja sam spremna...Dopustite mu da me udara, ne dajte mi da plačem...Jednostavno me dokrajčite...

Never again
Dokazat ću vam da sam pametnija i jača od vas. Ni prva ni zadnja koja je otišla...
Nemate pravo na mene, na moj život i na moj osmijeh, NEMATE ME PRAVO SLAMATI SAMO ZATO JER TAKO HOĆETE!...Samo vi dalje živite u iluziji onoga što bi trebao biti sretan život...Mene nema...

Nema riječi kojom bi mogla opisati koliko mi se gadite...Svi vi...Svatko na svoj način...

Zašto se priča uvijek ponavlja? Strah? Dosada? Iskorištavanje? Zašto im dopuštaš da mi to rade? Obećao si...Više nitko nikada...Lagao si...

I know that I'm only one step away
from turning it around

20:16 | Komentari 3 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

četvrtak, 15.05.2008.


22:08 | Komentari 10 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

utorak, 06.05.2008.

Behind Blue Eyes

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

Vjerujete li da se ljudi mogu promijeniti? Vjerujete li da nitko nije onakav kakvim se predstavlja u društvu?
Svatko zaslužuje drugu priliku...

And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies

Znate li kako je to biti osuđen zbog maske iza koje ste se godinama skrivali? Kako je to biti osuđen da glumite nekoga tko vam se zapravo gadi?
Svatko zaslužuje drugu priliku...

No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
Like i do, and i blame you!
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

Koliko će vam vremena trebati da shvatite? Vrijedi li se boriti protiv svih vaših mišljenja? Kako da vas uvjerimo da nije takav? Kako se uopće truditi oko nečeg takvog?
Svatko zaslužuje drugu priliku...

No one knows how to say
That they're sorry and don't worry
I'm not telling lies

Možete li mi vjerovati? Samo ovaj put? Pokušajte shvatiti...

No one knows what its like
To be the bad man, to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

Kako se riješiti etikete plitke i ohole osobe? Kako nekoga upoznati sa onime što jesi bez straha da će te ismijati jer nisi po nekim normama 'prosječnog čovjeka'? Kako u ovoj zbrci života ostati svoj? Kako odustati prije samog početka utrke? Predati se samo zbog lošeg mišljenja drugih,a znati da si se ako ništa drugo, u utrci mogao zabaviti i zaboraviti na probleme koje te okružuju i ne daju ti da dišeš? Zašto uvijek mora biti tako komplicirano?

Behind Blue Eyes

22:47 | Komentari 17 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

ponedjeljak, 05.05.2008.

Welcome to my life

Neznam šta da pišem...Ew vam sljičice...

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Tonka, Ljubo, Rocco i ja (nedjelja ujutro-ja pokušavam doć sebi, oni pokušavaju spavat nut)

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Čočo i ja dok čekamo bus zubo

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Pada kiša a mi bi u Mddddddd eek

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punker lud

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cukani su tolko da mi je tajnipik crko kad sam ih probala aploudat zujo

22:56 | Komentari 5 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

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