ira-saro diary

ponedjeljak, 31.08.2009.

we have a winner!

Ladies and gentlemen! The winner of the contest is: Amie-Rose. She sent in this entry: "Lehnen is confused by the meaning of "Cross Dressing" but figures she'll give it a try."This made Sue laugh for a long time. If there had been milk, it would have been snarfed out the nose. This is exactly the reaction I was looking for from Sue. Once we had that reaction, I knew we had our winner. I have contacted Amie and I will post a pic of her prize after the holly-daze.Packing proceeds anon. So does the little everyday things. Like finding a gift for my best friend (and co-worker) and his partner. I am at a loss. I know something when I see it.. but I haven't seen anything for them in awhile. I stopped off and got some chucksoap for them last nite. (They have a site at Homemade right here in the heart of Philly.) Chucksoap is always a good fallback for me. If I don't know what to get, I get that. Yummy stuff. Really well made soaps. Check them out. They are being sold at a new location on Locust between 13th and 12th (right next to Uncles bar.)Anywho. Tomorrow I leave for the poke a nose. We will be back monday, but there will be packing and swearing and serious damage to some part of my body. (This is where bruising like a banana is not helpful. People have asked me if I am abused while I was sitting on the bus.) I don't expect to be able to post until the new yr. So I'll see you all on Jan 3rd.

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subota, 29.08.2009.

promises promises

I promise to announce the winner of the contest as soon as Sue and I are in the same room, awake, for more than a few minutes. I decided that I like them all and think she can be a fairer judge. Besides.. as a 5th grade teacher she knows what is really funny after listening to comments all day long.Did not get any packing done last nite. Sue was the good one and got the liquor packed. Went out to dinner and a movie with a friend. I hate missing time out with her. But this means no packing for me, and no knitting. I just have not gone anywhere since I hit the intarsia snag. There is a glove in my backpack, mocking me as I type. I don't care about it too much as I plan on knitting and quilting alot from the 23rd to the 27th. I finished a brit mystery novel and went to bed early-ish. The cat has been in a state ever since the boxes started multiplying. We took down the dinner table to have room for piled boxes. This was her final straw. She seems to think we are leaving her behind. Before the table went down she was all.. ooh boxes to hide in, bookshelves I can sit in. Now she is all. EX-CUSE ME! A-hem. I am still HERE and you are NOT leaving me in this mess. Overall I think this move will be ok. But I still ahve not decided when to bring her over to the new place. Moving her is its own ordeal. Tried holiday shopping today. It didn't work. I have no energy to figure out the things that I need to get bought. I am a slacker extraordinaire.

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četvrtak, 27.08.2009.

it's fricking freezing mr. biggleworth

This weekend was full of babysitting and germy kids.. as well as boxes and packing. Overall I think we got a good handle on it. And I washed my hands alot. Damn germy kids*. Friday nite we babysat my fave lil Ellie-bean. She was great. Except she was sick as a dog. We watched the Charlie Brown Christmas with her (Sue's fave) and put her to bed. I got the back almost done on my pal present. It really rocks. This intarsia thing is a good thing. At least at this size.Saturday, in prep for the babysitting we knew we would do that nite, we slept in. Good thing. We ended up being the only babysitters. We had between 22-30 kids there.. 22 at the height of it all. It was A. Lrain and U. Ted's holiday party. They have a huge new house and the basement is a great playground for kids. We had a tv and video station, a lego station, a dolly station, a foosball table, a craft station, and then a empty space the kids just ran in circles and screamed their fool heads off. Sue and I spent most of the time at opposite ends just being surveyors. Making sure no one got killed or beat the crap out of anyone else. Overall the kids were fine. But, there is always one in every crowd. His name was John. He is perhaps 6? maybe more like 8. He rules his parents. Hands down the most rotten kid in the barrrel. And just like any rotten kid, he did everything we said he could not, instigated things when he knew they were wrong, and got kids to follow him that would stop when we told them no. (He, of course, could not be bothered to stop. He was already plotting the next. bad. thing.) His parents tried to leave twice. The second time they just left him "o, well you are having such a good time johnny.. and since there is someone else to watch your ass, I'll just dump you here until I am more ready to deal with your screaming." When they came back.. they checked in on him and let him keep going. When the father started to suggest leaving again (and the kid, of course, was throwing his coat on the ground and stamping his foot) Sue picked up the coat, forced his arms through and said "You will be leaving with your father now." A parent at the top of the stairs was like "wow. great babysitter." I think that came from a superintendant of schools. Anyway.. besides rotten johnny.. things went well. We were well paid. Overall the kids were fine, and I remembered once again why I have never wanted any.Sunday was devoted to packing. And can I say Sue kicks ass? We got so much done. All of the china buffet is packed. All of the curio, and all of the bathroom. Tonite and tomorrow.. the kitchen and then when we get back the last of the bedroom. We even treated ourselves to watching Die Another Day. I love how silly they are, but also how fun. Bond makes me remember all the fun I had in college with my engi-nerd friends. I also got o. so. close with finishing the front of the present. But I ran out of yarn. *sob* I need to find time to get back to TW to pick up more lamb's pride.We did have brunch with Dan and Roger. We talked them into driving by the new apt. We met up with my new landlord who is still finishing it. Can I say I am glad he has so much done but I am FREAKING scared that it won't be ready for move in?? He told me awhile ago the kitchen and bath were done. They aren't. The living and bed rooms are the closest to being done. He still has things to do in the basement, but we agreed that he needs to get upstairs done first and putter in the basement when we move in. All of the windows were replaced except for 2 in the bedroom. He will do them in the spring. And I should not have glanced into the backyard. All of the stuff he gutted is there. I know that I won't be able to use a back yard until the spring, but eek! I remained calm, but I really felt like freaking out. The bedroom and living areas are really nice though. I am glad we are moving but I won't be happy until it is all finished and I feel at home.*I don't think all kids are horrible and germy.. its just that when you get so many of them in the same room drooling, sneezing, and snotting you feel like you are in germ warfare. I wasn't much better, having an allergy attack in the same room with them. We will see if any of us get a cold or 3.

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srijeda, 12.08.2009.

knit and knit and sit and sit

I finished the knitting for a felted bag last nite. I am making a KR giftie for exchange and I hope it really works out. I knit a gigantic messenger bag. HUGE. I hope that I get some time this weekend to goto the laundry mat to get it felted. I'll let you all see it after its done. (i knit it in lamb's pride.. so I know it will felt. I just hope it will still look nice)I have not finished the gloves yet. I decided to chug on the bag instead. I have one complete and the other says "we're number 1" I need to work on that, but (of course) I started another project when I got done with the bag.It is a present for my secret pal.. and DAMN. size 17s are a bee-yatch to use. I feel like I'm knitting with brooms folks. And they are JUST a hair too small to get the whole project on. So I've stuffed it up tight. The good news.. 6 rows in and I am like almost 3 inches. Quick fricking knit, but will it be nice? Jury is still out. My holly-daze party at my work was nice. I'm always the awkward butterfly at these things. I tend to stick to those I know and try not to get overwhelmed at all the people who are acting extremely a)drunk b)silly c)crazy d)all of the above. Bob did his once a yr female impersonation. While I always get a HUGE kick out of him in drag, (and the fact that the firm is so accepting of having gay people work here) every year I suffer the dilemna of wondering if they are laughing WITH him or AT him. I know the people are glad to see him do it and camp it up. I know he loves the attention. And so I let it go. But it is something that pops into my mind yr after yr.After the move: I am sitting my butt down, taking out the corset and knitting. No ifs, ands, or buts.

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utorak, 11.08.2009.

It's Knit Knite, soon we will be making another run....

Last nite was Knit Knite at TW. I had a lovely time. varouna picked me up and took me out there. I promised her I would teach her socks. We only just started but she picked some rawking colored socks and I taught her the figure 8 cast on. I bet she will have some great socks when she is done. It was good to get to chat with her one on one. She is really very nice and I am sad she is moving!Diana wasnt in (hope you feel better!) but the usual crowd was knitting. I got to see some wonderful finished objects. And the talk (as always) was very upbeat and festive. I showed off the one finished gigantic glove. Mary handed out some yarn for some premie caps to be knit. I dont have size 2s but as long as I get it done by next knit knite Ill be fine. I picked up the final colors and the needles for my secret pal present. Chantal was a big help and she helped me get the absolute right colors. We spent some time looking and then she just waved her magic wand and said how about this? Perfect! I really hope my pal likes it. I have no idea.. it could go either way. Ive been a bit of a slug lately. I got some packing done, but I have NOT been able to get up in the mornings and pack then too. Ive really tried but I think that the weather/winter light/working my ass off stuff is wearing me out. This morning was particularly hard. I think that wearing my contacts has been a bit harder on my eyes and making me more tired than usual. I need to get myself together and screw my glasses back together. This whole damn week is full though. Tonite is the holiday party for work, tomorrow and Saturday are babysitting gigs. Sunday is a day of rest and I plan on taking it. Next week is wrapping stuff up before we head up to the Poconos. Ill be taking the sewing machine with me to finish that up while I am there. And if it doesnt get done, cest la vie. So many people have told me how surprised they are at how close I am to finishing. I dont think that it will be a hardship to finish it after the move. When we get back on Monday the 27th it will be that LAST. MAD. DASH. to stuff things into boxes and get the last minute things for moving. Sue and I made a list of things we need for the new place. Perhaps tonite or tomorrow I can post it and cross them off as I go.Honestly, things here are moving at a snails pace. I have lots of stuff packed and I think that since most stuff is in storage (and in boxes thank god) that this move will be easier than the last. The last was an absolute nitemare. And I had some really wonderful, caring, loving friends who helped me. I think what made it harder last time was that I was breaking up so many years worth of a relationship and trying to stuff it into boxes. Even though I got a lot packed, much of it was a mess, much like my life was then. I think it plain scared the crap out of my friends to see my life in such disarray. This time my life is a big jumble (still disarray) but a mostly understandable jumble that can be sorted and boxed. The yarn is what scares me and Sue the most. Who knew I had 2 rubbermaid tubs worth of yarn (it better be only 2!!!) But overall it will be a good move. Sue will have her things back. I feel bad that shes not had her stuff for over a yr. Putting things into storage was only supposed to be temporary. Ill have all my cookbooks and 2 sets of kitchen-ware to sort through. Not to mention that there will be a place for my sewing machine and my knitting to live. We will need stuff.. couch, chairs, etc.. but overall I think that living in a bigger space will have more benefits than not. NOTE TO PERSON WHO LEFT A CAPTION YESTERDAY: I really thought they were funny, but who are you?? Please let me know.

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ponedjeljak, 10.08.2009.


I hear this scrambling, scrambling noise and look over to see my lil buggy trying to run through the back end of a baseball cap. After calming her down with my voice I could not resist taking a picture to show people what a silly-ass cat I have. Then I saved her. Honestly. I know this makes me a bad mom. But I also know that this picture will make me laugh for years. So here is where the contest comes in. Write a caption for this picture and send it to me as purlewe AT earthlink DOT net. Include your home address. I promise to send a present to the person who makes me snort milk out my nose. You have until Dec 18th to submit your caption. And if you are feeling creative, send more than one. I will enjoy reading them all.

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subota, 08.08.2009.

knit content!

I am sure many of you are wishing I would get back to the knit content. I feel bad b'c I just have not been home enough to actually post pics of the things I have been working on. But here is a little re-cap.I did a felted hat for my aunt before I left for thanksgiving. I felted it in her machine. She loves it. It was black cascade 220 and some of the alchemy novelty that I have. This novelty yarn will last me forever. If it wasn't so damn expensive I would trade it with someone. But I love the color and I see putting it in a few more projects before I get tired of it.I made a hat for my cousin Chris. I made the exact same hat for someone else for the holiday. I currently have them sitting on my living room floor. Every time I walk past them I think I am seeing double. It was my own pattern and I will give it to you here.yarn: bulky weightCO 65 sts in the round. Be careful when you join and knit in seed st for 2 inches. knit for 2 rounds (gives the cuff a nice fold) then knit 3 purl 2 until you think you are at a good length, (I knit until I had 8 inches from bottom) first decrease round: *k3, p2tog* next round knit. 2nd decrease round: *k1, k2tog, p* next round knit. 3rd decrease round: *k2tog, p* 4th decrease round: k2tog Continue until you have 6-8 sts left. beak yarn and pull through loops. Voila! hat.I have been working on Alan's scarf, but I am not working to hard at it.I got the gloves up to the first finger and had my cousin try them on over thanksgiving. They were WAY, WAY too large. So I used red thread and basted them on his hand. This gave me an idea for how many sts to use, etc. Over the weekend I re-cast on and yesterday I finished the first finger. It looks like "we're number 1!" I just had a co-worker with larger hands try them on. He says they are pretty nifty. I am 1/2 way up the second finger. I hope to get at least the fingers done by friday. Operation santa's workshop: My quilting is going pretty well. I have quilted the top portion this way: I have made straight lines marking off all of the block in the quilt. Now I need to go in and do each individual sq. It tires me out just to think about it. I almost want to do it by hand.. b'c the machine at this point is combersome and bulky for the sqs. straight line sewing it is all push/pull.. indiv. sqs it will be finicky. But I will try to get some done tonite. Sue says I can brnig it up and work on it christmas eve. Since she knows what it is, I don't think I'll mind working on it in front of her. I really love it though. I can't wait until its done.And with that I am exhausted. Isn't it time to go home yet?

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petak, 07.08.2009.

Too much stuff and too little time

First and foremost I want to thank Michelle for giving me a great day in NYC with all of her Drafty Table knitting buddies. I had the best day a knit grrrl could have for her birthday. I spent a considerable amount of my day knitting, and who is to say that wasnt what I wanted. I knit on the train up and back, I did not knit at lunch, but had a lovely conversation with Michelle. I like her more and more when we meet in person. And then we spent the afternoon knitting at Knit NY with Cari, Jenn, Jackie, another Jackie and Iris. I got the entire glove up to the first finger and almost 2/3 of the way done with my messenger bag I am knitting. I also got to drink, eat, and be merry. O yeah, I also bought yarn. Not so many skeins, but people, the quality of the skeins I bought are amazing. In other words- there was some serious yarn carnage.I started off the day doing something rather dorky and trash-touristy. I went to see if I could get close to Ann Curry. Not stalk her so much, but to see her beauty in person. I was lucky and at the end of my half hour wait I did see her. She came right up to the person next to me. (I was behind a tree folks. No signage, no hooting or hollering.) She is prettier in person and she wore some killer heels and stockings. *sigh. On to School Products. I had heard a fable that they sell cashmere by the pound for a reasonable price. I am here to report that they do and I did. I also bought something scrumptious for my secret pal. I also was smitten with a bolero jacket that was HOT folks. Its a karabella design and I bought that too. Then I skipped on down to the Cloisters Caf and had lunch with Michelle and then the knitting commenced. When we left Knit NY she gave me very good directions to Downtown Yarns. I went to see another store, not to buy.. but they have Rowan Polar and I needed some yarn to finish off some sweater vests I am going to make. Yarn total for day was pretty modest: 8. And only 2 of them were cashmere but I am thinking I need a 3rd. Sue was going to meet me for dinner and maybe a movie. She called to say that she was having technical difficulties. As soon as I heard her voice I knew I was going home alone. She could barely speak. She has been battling a cold and I think the end of the week just wasted her. I told her I would come home and for her to take a nap. Instead she went out and bought me a flourless choc cake that was to die for. She is real sweet to me. She also told me that my present is to take a class at TW. Im going to call them tomorrow.Saturday I started a dog sitting gig for my good friend Sharon. Can I just tell you I love dog sitting? All of the love and none of the ownership. I know Rachel has been getting in touch with her inner dog lover lately. Thunder and Lightening are elkhounds. The have such different personalities, but they are so adorable and wonderful. Ive been enjoying my time with them. I have also been busting my butt to sew up this quilt. I only have a few more straight lines before I get into the slightly testy leading work. Lightening must like it bc she has already sat on it. I have tonite and tomorrow.. then I wont touch it until we get up to the Poconos on the 23rd. I know that it is cutting it close. But I need to start packing RIGHT NOW!!! (or as soon as I get home from dog sitting- Wednesday nite.)

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četvrtak, 06.08.2009.

mmmmm champagne

ok ya'll get a double posting b'c I believe I should tell you how much I love champage. I loev champagne.My coworkers are really lovely people. You get your choice for your b-day party: pizza party, cake, or champagne. I chose champagne this year. yummy. I have always loved champagne, and the right to drink it at work makes me dizzy.So I had 2 glasses. and cheese. We got a big thank you box of goodies and I thought we should break out the cheese. and now I am silly and happy and I did run into a bookcase while I walked back to my cube. But I thought you all would enjoy me being extremely silly and telling you how much I love champagne.perhaps if we had it closer to lunch I wouldn't be so silly.

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srijeda, 05.08.2009.


There are lots of reasons that this is my favorite time of year. I love the fall weather. I am a big fan of thanksgiving. And I am really glad that this time of year reminds me to be thankful. I am really and truly thankful for many things this year. And one of the things I am thankful for are my friends. I have the best friends a person could ask for. I could talk for pages about them, but I am really thankful for these 3 individuals today.Sha (and by association her hubby, Jah) picked me up at the train station last nite and we had a nice quiet evening in her home. She made a kick ass shrimp curry that was delish. I got to see her very loveable doggies (one was a little TOO lovey. haha) and we got to catch up a little with each other. They are taking off for the weekend and I get to hang with the dogs and give them all the love I have for doggies in my heart. I've been friends with Sha since we were freshmen in college. She has been a wonderful friend and helped me through some rough times. She very graciously lets me "adopt" her doggies while she is away. I think that her and her whole family are just the bee's knees. Amy-boogie rocks my cube. Getting to meet her this summer was like meeting someone I've known for ages. She is funny, smart and a kick ass craftsman. There is nothing she can't do. I truly believe that. This morning I got a package in the mail from her. She made me some really lovely gloves.. spun the yarn and knit them just for me. Amy they are perfect, THANK YOU! We write each other notes and she is wicked funny. I am going to say power fart all day today b'c of her. :) Michelle of Everybody loves Saturday night is meeting me tomorrow in New York to spend the afternoon knitting. She is smart, witty and hysterical. I really enjoy reading her blog. (the references to Naveen Andrews are particularly telling b'c he is sometimes my imaginary boyfriend too.) She told me there is a celebatory muffin with my name on it tomorrow. How does she know I can be sweet talked by baked goods? I am lucky and thankful for such wonderful friends!!!Finally, I'll be spending the day in lovely NYC tomorrow. I am going to TRY to get pics up before I leave, but if that doesn't happen I will see you on the other side of the weekend!

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utorak, 04.08.2009.

Plugging away

Ive been plugging away on things, knitting here, quilting there. Seeing family and getting dinner on the table. Life really is actually a lot harder when you write it down. Doing it, well you either do it or you get run over. Work is piling on my desk and so I want to just dash this off quick. Last nite I went over to see froglady She made a delicious meal of pad thai. I love pad thai and I dont make it at home.. quite a nice treat!. Banana bread was baked while we ate and then we had it for dessert. Yum. Got home just as Sue popped in from Orchestra. I had tossed a bunch of things in the crockpot for her to have edibles when she got home. She ate it (no mention if it was actually edible or not) and we both had a little mini aneurysm that our cable is back on. Im sure Ive mentioned it before. I dont have cable. I have something resembling cable. My landlord told me when I moved in that DSL and cable were part of the rent. But we dont have what people in Philly call cable.. and we get different channels if we use the VCR or just the plain tv. We dont really watch it all that often.. but in the morning I like to listen to the news (only time I do listen to the news) and in the evening I have it on while I am washing dishes/doing chores.. makes me feel like I am not doing chores if someone else is talking. (My brain is really a fried egg.. but we wont discuss that) So when we gave her our 60 day notice that we would no longer be going month to month.. well, the cable stopped. We rented movies from the library, but I didnt get my morning news (I cant get NPR in the apartment.. and that is the only news I would listen to on the radio) and it is silly to get a movie and not sit an watch it. So last nite sue turned on the tv and there was the weather channel. We had it on for about 2 hrs simply to hear other people talk and marvel over cable again. I need to call and see the price differentials for cable, cable with DSL, verizon, verizon with DSL, and earthlinks version of DSL. We have not paid for cable in a long time (either of us) but I think that seeing the void these past 3 weeks makes me want to put it on my list. It isnt that we didnt fill up that TIME mind you with just as important and exciting things, its just that without cable I go into a news black hole (not necessarily bad) and Sue.. well, she admits she is addicted. (She marvels at how I can get things DONE while the tv is on. Perhaps I have ADD and with it on it focuses my brain to filter out everything and do the things I need to do.) I have no idea what will happen when we have REAL cable.. like more than 6 channels? Huh? I think it will be wild but we can splurge and get the DSL too it would be a big help.My brain is running full tilt on moving the apartment. I dont know if we can do it all in a month. I hate that we both have so many things in our lives, but that is what makes us the people we are. If we didnt babysit we wouldnt be a part of Sues extended family. And if I didnt knit I wouldnt be me- Id be a grouch. And I know that I should just set our stuff aside, but it is the holidays and I want this quilt to be done and at least 1 hat and a pair of gloves. The rest.. well, the rest can wait until after the holiday. Ill give them late if I need to. The quilt is soooooo close. I mean really close. The back is on with the batting and the first sewing steps were made. I think Ill need to buy another spindle of thread. But it is so close it feels good. I plan on sewing on it all weekend and Monday and Tuesday of next week. I want it done by next Tuesday. Let just all keep our fingers crossed and hope that it happens. OK?

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ponedjeljak, 03.08.2009.

Im not good with compliments.

Do you ever find yourself stumbling for words? I do that when someone gives me a compliment or praise partly bc I find that getting a compliment is harder than giving one. I seem to expect the worst and when I get something other than the worst I dont know exactly what to do with it. And then there are the times I psyche myself up for a compliment and get the opposite. Life is too damn complicated sometimes!This weekend I did a lot of cooking. I do so love to cook. In fact, I would take cooking over knitting. Anyone who knows me and knitting knows that this is a big admission. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. How can you not enjoy a holiday that centers around food? Thanksgiving for me centers around spending lavish attention and detail to food to show others how I feel about them. I spent a good deal of this weekend cooking. I could have spent a good deal more on it, but I decided not to go overboard this year. My aunt ordered a turducken. (find your own turducken here. )Here is where I admit to wanting to make a turducken for the past 3-4 years. My family is not big on change. Asking to make something slightly weird would be.. well it would not be a viable food option. Luckily for me, my aunt and her family watch PLENTY of food tv and HGTV. They saw it on TV themselves and asked me if I wanted to cook it if they ordered it. I tried not to sound too eager in my responding email. They ordered it and had it shipped so they could thaw it in their own fridge. I washed it off (we didnt need THAT many Cajun spices, and overall it was not a spicy turkey, but everyone was glad I washed off the Cajun) and stuffed it in the oven for about 6 hrs. In the last hr I took off the foil, buttered the bird(s), and stuffed one of those thermometers in that tell you the internal temp. The bird, when done, fell apart. It was that moist. It practically cut itself. Very yummy. My aunt thinks that this will be our new tradition. And no bones to carve around, since almost all of the birds are de-boned.Main course aside I decided not to go overboard on the side dishes. My uncle hates it when there is too much food and I dont like to make him angry. It is his kitchen after all! I made only the items he requested and we had plenty for everyone. I made my cornbread stuffing (I make my cornbread from this recipe. ) I made sweet potatoes, parlsey potatoes, green beans, and lima bean casserole (Judy made this as it is my uncles favorite. His family always made this casserole with limas instead of green beans) I left the butternut squash for Saturday nite dinner (butternut squash casserole is YUMMY! Ask me and Ill give you the recipe.) We had pumkin pie and apple cranberry crisp for dessert.My uncle, while I was doing the prep work for dinner came in from the barn. He had a little incident with a trespasser on the property (deer hunting season and all) and so he was in the mood to shoot the breeze. While talking to me he told me he had watched a show on food tv that showed a woman who had left her normal job to become a personal chef for people. The woman loved it and was making the same amount or more money than she had at her normal job. My uncle told me that he immediately thought about me and my cooking. That, from my uncle, is one of the nicest things he has ever said to me. His eldest son, about 2 hrs later, came in from the mid Hudson train to a house full of good food smells. His first words: It isnt really thanksgiving dinner unless you are cooking. It smells wonderful. Again, not a person who gives out compliments that often. I was really shocked. I also heard from the woman I helped last Sunday. She said that the food was so very good, and that all of it turned out perfectly. She said even the notes I gave her for brining the bird were wonderful. (And if you saw the Alton Brown brining method on Food TV you would be dubious at first too. But it is wonderful. I completely urge people to do it. They will be amazed and happy with the results.)So I had lots of compliments on my cooking. Mostly I just make it up. I take a base recipe (cornbread) and then move on from there. I make some of the same foods over and over, but it is rarely the same twice. I guess people just like the way I cook. It makes me feel good that they enjoy it. I like to look at recipes and read them for good ideas. I dont necessarily follow them. It is like a map (and boy howdy, do I love maps.) and it gives me the direction and the flavors to follow, but I get there on my own. I think Im so lucky that I have so many willing volunteers to try it out.

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nedjelja, 02.08.2009.

Ze revolution begeens.

Ambassador Lehnen here. Reporting from ze revolution. The house is empty. Not a bit of laundry in site. Sewing machine was packed and placed in the trunk. Mom and Sue hussled back and forth in the rain to get it all in the Miata this early am. I poked my head out and went up the stairs, but it was raining and I got shooed back inside. I decided that if I liked my raindrops I would go back into the bathtub to get them. Mom continued to bustle about the house. Dishes were washed. Movies returned to the library. I got fresh litter and a large amount of food in my bowl. HUH? Wait a minute. Something fishy here. And its not tuna. The only time they put that much food in my bowl means they are going out of town! Well I better get on the horn and invite my kitty buddies over for a par-tay! I pretended to pout and curled into my smallest ball on the bed and went to sleep. Mom gave me a goodbye hugs and kisses and then she shut the bedroom door. Mmm. Warm! I love the comforter when I have the whole bed to myself. I think Ill post-pone the revolution AND the party until later. Zzz-zzz.

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