ira-saro diary

subota, 28.11.2009.

cleaning frenzy? I doubt it.

It is no lie when I say I could clean for a week and probably not have it up to white glove standards. We don't live in squalor, but we are people who let things go. So I try every once in awhile to do a purge/shift/trash. This weekend it was with the cedar chest. I still have not stripped the chest, but the inside is clean and vacuumed and I put all the linens in there. Inside the box of linens were a few items that need repairs. One was an afghan from Sue's Aunt Lorraine made by Sue's grandmother. It was falling apart, and since I am the weird one who is always doing something with yarn I was given the afghan with the hope that I could fix it. I had put in safety lines in over a yr ago and put it in the cedar chest for when I felt more confident of my crochet skills. Last nite I took out some similar colored yarn and began the repairs. Knowing my crochet gauge would never match her grandmother's.. both in yarn weight and skill level.. I am going for the quick and dirty repair. I am seaming them together with crochet. There will be a loss on size, but Lorraine says she didn't care what I did.. even adding another color. I went for the same colored yarn and am making a nice seam that probably won't effect the overall look of the afghan.This is one of those "can you fix it" problems that almost any person who spends as much time on the needles as I do gets from freinds, family and even strangers. FIX THIS is often the cry. Hopefully I will have it fixed and a nice pic put up of the repair in a few days.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 23:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 26.11.2009.


Got a very nice postcard from my secret pal.AWESOME! I can totally stare at it all day. Cool artwork. Thanks!

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 22:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 24.11.2009.

Farm to City

Well I've been wanting to do this, but I never had the $$ to do the summertime CSA shares. The Farm to City program is supporting a winter harvest program. You pay them money and they put it on account. Then you order food and they deliver it to the city. This way I am not paying it all out up front to the tune of hundreds of dollars, and I can order specific foods for my household.If you are interested, check it out ehre:'m looking forwrard to using it.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 21:58 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 18.11.2009.

Those photos for knitscene

This saturday morning, Sept 30th, I will be shooting pics for Knitscene. I had tons of interest about a week ago. I will be at 21st and South Sts at Ants in the Pants Cafe and generally migrate down to Loop starting around 11am. All I need from you that day will be: to wear something you have knit (or someone handknit for you), and have you fill out a press release which I will bring with me.I will need to wrap everything up and head home on my trusty bike at 2pm. If you think you can make this timeframe on saturday, comment below. If you can't and you want to try to do something this week or next before Oct 4th, comment below.I promise that each person will get a copy of the picture I take by email. This way you feel like you got something from it.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 14:24 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 14.11.2009.

WOW with the mechanic already.

Sue's car went in for a new clutch yesterday, and came out.. without a new clutch. Our mechanic (Snyderman's on 2nd and vine) is a really good guy. Sue is pretty picky about her mechanic for the Miata and so she always asks them some trick question her father cooked up to see if they would replace things that are not brokedn/cause unnecessary repairs. Mr. Snyderman passed that test 3 yrs ago with flying colors.. and Sue has always gone to him with the stuff than needs fixing.So lately she has smelled something burning when she turns on the car. Not everytime. Just sometimes. So she tells me "we need a new clutch" and she saves up the dough. I drop the car off yesterday and Hugh calls me to say "what did you say was wrong with this car? I ain't finding anything wrong." Cue in Sue who is driving the rental home from work. They talk and decide that no.. it doesn't need a new clutch. I go pick it up after work. I offer to pay him for his time. He says "it was a test drive day." What a nice guy.Got some spinning and knitting done. Watched that new studio 60 show. Hit the sack when Sue got home from the granparents.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 09:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 12.11.2009.

want your photo taken? (xposted)

Knitscene has contacted me again to take photos for their "knitspottted" section. I love getting the fact that philly knits out there!!!I can really use your help. I can be really flexible about when and where.. and I can devote all morning on Sept 30th to a fun location.. say a coffee house or somesuch. I am drawing the line at Oct 4th being the last day of photos since I will need to send them to CO for their deadline.If you are interested in having your mug in print please comment below. Unfortunately, if I took your foto for the last knitscene spread I cannot use you again. (disguises!! I say everyone wear disguises!!)Thanks so much gang!

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 08:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 10.11.2009.

some fun for your day

From llyfr who made my day so completely last week with this funny link.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 05:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 08.11.2009.

anyone want some boxes?

I am breaking down some very good boxes. I would be willing to not toss them if someone is moving or if they need them. Comment if you want me to save them for you.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 02:31 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 06.11.2009.

here we go

Here is a list of things that are mostly free. Things we no longer need and things we no longer want. Please let me know if you are interested in them.TV ($30) (this is reserved for Kirsten unless she changes her mind)hand weights (5lbs)2 lamps (one tall one short)1 set of plates 1 desk (solid wood)If I don't get any responses I will move this all to craiglist this weekend.Pick up is done by you and before May 31st.Lemme know.. THANKS!

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 00:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 03.11.2009.

I'm SO there!!!

OK.. so most of you knew me last yr when I decided to ride for the ACS Cancer Ride. I did it for tons of reasons.. mostly I did it for slockwoo. I will admit I really have always wanted to do it, but she pushed me out of my comfort zone. I have lost all of of my grandmother's 9 brother's and sisters (except one.. she is a lone holdout) to cancer. The whole generation including my grandmother. Each cancer was different, but none of them were spared. I know that cancer is something that I will have to face as I get older. It is in my genes.. but it is something I want to fight now before I get it.So I am doing the cancer ride again this yr. I know some of you are still thinking about doing it with me *twisting arms* And if you are.. GREAT! I will start training as soon as I move. I did 4 weeks of training last yr and I totally rocked the bike. You could so do it too. But if you can't ride with me then how about donate to my site. I would love to go past my goal.And if you are thinking "I can't give very much, so I should just not give" you would be wrong. I don't care how much you give. Even if you give me $5 I would be happy. It isn't about the size of the donation, just to know that you are behind me in this effort. Let me know if you want me to ride for someone specific. Last yr I took photos of Sam and Rose with me when I rode so I could remember them throughout the ride. I would love to do something similar to that this yr.slockwoo is doing a climb for life this year with the HERA foundation. I cannot tell you how much I admire her. She totally rocks my world. Feel free to donate at her site over here.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 21:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 01.11.2009.

Sue's next gig

Sue will be playing at the Kimmell Center on June 2nd. She is playing with a few choruses. I know the VF military academy is one.. Sacred Heart singers might be another. We just found out that it is a benefit for MS. The tickets aren't as expensive as I thought they would be (for a benefit!) If you are interested feel free to join me that nite. (prices range from 60$ to 20$);org_id=330;event_id=2280

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