ira-saro diary

petak, 31.07.2009.

Learning and personal growth or maybe not.

This weekend I was out of the house. Anyone who dates a teacher knows that report card time is a bear. This year is a bit different.. it was like a whole family of bears. The school is piloting a program for online (or maybe it is computerized??) report cards. This should not be a problem. My honey is a computer lover. Friday was the end of grading period. Usually they get about 10 days to finish grading their stacks and fill out their grade cards with all those grades, comments, and checkmarks. Instead they gave them 1 days. They were to be in the computers by 5pm last nite. I stayed away much of the weekend. And I think it was the right thing to do. I believe there was some pretty strong language. And if there had been screech in the house, I think it would have been drunk. When she was uploading the grades she was knocked off the computer several times, and in the end got the sasser virus that shut her computer down. Again, I think I wisely stayed away and we are better for it. I picked her up to visit a friend for pizza and beer last nite. Much needed and appreciated.So Friday nite I worked on the quilt. I have all the strips sewed together (again, much foul language at the end there. Why is it always the last piece that does not line up even thought it is mathematically correct?) I need to do the finishing touches and use some black fabric to make it the right size. I am hoping to get that done tonite and tomorrow so I dont have to do it at my aunts. But who am I kidding.warning, shopping overloadSaturday I picked up the last of the black for the quilt. The place I went even had the Hoffmans Batik Black I was looking for (I was going to use Amish Black.. this was a nice surprise.) I still need to pick up the cotton batting and the 2 backings (king size flat sheets) I am going to be making this into the duvet after all. Then I decided to stop into a knit shop that I have not heard good things about to see if they had any lambs pride bulky in BLACK. They do not. They only carry high end yarns. Mostly KFI products. Plenty of really, really expensive stuff. Mountain colors handpaint and schaeffer yarns anyone? But I saw some diakeito diadomina and I have been wanting to give it a try. BEWARE OF SHOPS WITHOUT PRICING!! I should have known when he told me the shaeffer was 54$ (when I have seen it at 30-44$) that buying from this shop would not be cheap. But I thought I would get a small gift for my secret pal and then satisfy buying something but not get something for myself. YIKE! $50 later I was stunned and walking out the door. I guess I just bought myself a holiday present. I think Ill be making myself the multidirectional scarf. Sorry secret pal, but that was a bit too steep for me. I ended up going to TW to pick up my BIG bag of lambs pride I had set aside on Thursday. I still need 3 skeins of black in bulky, but right now I have plenty of yarn for awhile.Since I had just dropped into TW I thought I would sit down and save myself from the report card goddess by working on the GIGANTIC GLOVES. I took everyones advice and I have a pattern for my gauge for 8 diameter gloves. I made it bigger by 25% and am knitting merrily away on it. When I get there on thanksgiving I will spirit away the son and have him try it on. If it is too big/too small I will chalk it up to a learning experience and try again. If it is just right I will merrily keep knitting and hopefully finish the gloves before the holiday. I am really glad I gave this a try. I learned something interesting and useful and it looks like a real glove so far (albeit GIGANTIC!) Thanks everyone who left comments or emailed me. Everything was very clear and I really appreciate all your help.While knitting I met a nice woman who was trying to finish her sweater. I feel really bad for her bc the salesperson who decided to help her is not what I consider TW standard for help. The woman was downright knit-nazi. She said very few encouraging things, and told her the same instructions over and over. (Even though the sweater woman said she understood the instructions she only had one question. When she would try to ask the only real question she had she would be shushed.) Finally KN told her that they had a communication problem and that while she didnt think they would work it out she was glad that the sweater woman wasnt giving her directions on the turnpike. !!! I would talk to the woman while the KN would walk away to take a personal phone call and encourage her and tell her that she was getting it and that she had everything alright. She was almost done when she left. She thanked me and told me that she might come to one of the knit nights if there were a nice crowd of people. I got quite a lot done on the glove then. eustella was there with her BRAND NEW MINI! Wow, it was great to see her so happy and the car was adorable. I rushed home to get to our babysitting gig. We had fun with the kids and I got a lot of wash done. The bummer? I tossed in a swatch of Bartlett yarn I had for fuzzy feet in the wash. I washed it 2xs. It does not appear to have felted but has a lovely halo. I feel bad bc I already knit the fuzzy feet. I had exactly enough yarn for them so I knit them and used the left overs for the swatch (instead of the opposite) Looks like I need another trip to TW to get lambs pride in drk purple. I can frog them and make mittens or a lovely stuffed animal for presents instead. Im bummed bc I could have had something else done, but ya know what? I learned the construction of top down socks this was and I am very pleased with how they looked. I even kitchener stitched the ends. So again, I learned something useful and constructive.Sunday I spent the day at a friends getting her prepared for thanksgiving. This friend has a really big crowd coming for the holiday. She has had a really rough year with has several gravely ill family members who will be attending (with their caregivers) and one mentally ill person (who is causing all sorts of ruckus and the dinner hasnt even happened yet.) We got a lot done cooking wise. I mean I think we finished perhaps the foods (not the turkey) and we had a delightful afternoon (while Sue was cursing at her computer.) Hopefully she will be able to relax more during the holiday. I leave for Thanksgiving Wednesday and Ill be cooking up a storm at my aunts. I cant wait to start. Cooking yesterday made me even more excited. I love holiday cooking! I learned how to roast chestnuts in your oven and I think I made my best stuffing yet!

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četvrtak, 30.07.2009.

this and that and this

Last nite was Knit Nite at Tangled Web. It was good to see everyone, altho it was a very small group last nite. But it was nice and cozy, and I got to chat with my friends. Not much knitting last nite, I was restless I guess. I did a swatch for the project I have been procrastinating on. *sigh. and so I must reveal it to you b'c now I need help.Gigantic Hands Gloves. Doesn't the name just show you how much I want to procrastinate this? My uncle and his son have GIGANTIC HANDS. (Go ahead. snicker and guffaw, I'll wait. And yes, the son is single and 28 if you are interested.) The son was really sweet to me and gave me a turkey-like hand drawing so I can use that as a guide. After measuring I came up with a 10 inch diameter glove. THAT, my friends, is where I get stymied. No pattern I have looked at goes up to 10" diameter. And so these are my first pair of gloves, no previous mitten experience in my background, and I know that after I stop the ribbing at the cuff I need to go straight into the gusset. But how to estimate the numbers for the gusset have got me twiddling my thumbs and working on everything but this project. My swatch is 7 sts per inch. I figure 70 sts over the whole palm of the hand. But the gusset is making my mind reel! So please, feel free to drop me any helpful hints, mathematical equations, and ponderous theorems in the comments section. You can comment anonymously if you so feel the urge. I want to get these done.Other than that I have been thinking about my quilt. And thinking about my other holiday presents (mostly felted objects... gives another twist to UFO: unfinished felted objects are closer than they appear.) I want to get at least one felted hat and one none felted hat done before turkey day, and (hopefully) one glove to try on said GIGANTIC hand. Wish me luck folks.

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srijeda, 29.07.2009.

Thank you Laura!

My KR Secret Pal, Laura, sent me my final present. It was jam packed with goodies. There were some odd bits of roving for dry felting and several felting needles. Im really excited to start applying this to previously felted stuff. I got some hats and fuzzy feet lying about that seem to need an extra special touch. She also sent me a lovely book called A Handspindle Treasury. I cannot wait to sit down with a large mug of tea and read this book, cover to cover. Every time I turn the page I want to stop (but Im at work so Im really just skimming see?? Not reading. Nope.) I am sure that this book will be very useful to me for many, many years as I learn what the heck I am doing. Then she sent me some beautiful yarn. I think anyone sitting near my cube heard me gasp. Such wonderful yarns. I have some really great ideas to put this yarn to good use. Thanks Laura!!! Ill be sure to send you pictures when I make something. Im sure it will be beautiful.Tonite I have free. I am thinking about going to hear Tan Dun speak at the Kimmel. I have something planned every nite until next Tuesday.. so really I should go home and do more laundry (dont ask. I did 4 loads yesterday.) We will see how much I feel like going after I get home.

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utorak, 28.07.2009.

Music soothes the savage.

For those of you who know what a crankypants I was on Friday, my apologies. But I got just the cure this weekend. Music. Plenty of it. And a healthy dash of knitting. All is good.Friday nite we lucked into a pair of tix for the Indigo Girls. IG has been a balm on my soul for more than 14yrs. Something aint right? Pop in some IG and let Emily sooth you with her sweet voice or lovely poetry. Angry? Let Amy put that rocker grrrl back into your feet. I really love them. And I cannot tell you how many times they have saved what leetle sanity I have left. They have been there for me through moves to strange lands, breakups, hookups, love and losses. They are one of the reasons I met my first girlfriend in Boston. They helped me get over being alone many, many times. My BF Cassa loves them too. Her hubby.. not a fan. We have conspired more than once to get tix together to see them at Red Rocks and then flying me out if he wont go. So far he has gone every time, even though he isnt one iota of a fan. Perhaps he knows our plan?? So IG played at the Keswick on Friday. Great acoustic only set, great opening band: 3/5 human. Great thoughts from the ladies. Amy said: never let a moral majority dictate [your] faith. Emily stated somewhere in the nite about never letting someone tell you that you are less than yourself. I needed their songs. I needed their words. I needed to stand up and dance. I needed to be reminded not to give up the fight. And at the end of the nite they announced that it was their last show until their next release. WOW. I was really glad that we lucked into those tickets then.Saturday Sue and I slept in. I cannot remember the last time we did that. Life has been running us ragged at the seams and we have not had an us weekend in awhile. We spent the lie-in talking, napping, and just being silly-happy. Got up and had a fry-up. Got a few things done and watched Desk Set with Katherine Hepburn. Then we went to dinner with R and E at Vietnam. We all had tickets to see Tan Duns The Map performed by the Phila Orchestra. Tan Dun was there to conduct. REALLY, TRULY AMAZING. Now I think it is really difficult to make a contemporary classical music. So seeing one performed with the conductor was wonderful. Sue and I agree though, you either liked it, or you didnt. There was very little middle ground. It was intellectually stimulating as well as technically difficult to perform. It had a solid basis in archeological and sociological roots for Tan Dun. He had a video component that helped give an interaction of China with the local audience (for those who have never been, nor want to go to China.) I had a lovely time. Ive been thinking about the piece quite a bit. I really have loved all his work so I am glad to say I saw him perform it in person.Sunday Sue had a performance in Haddonfield. There was a mixup and I needed to be at a knit in so I went only to the rehearsal early on and then left for Cubicalgirls house. Sue loves playing, but there is very little trombone playing in an orchestral setting for the trombones. But she is getting to participate in some really difficult music. I am a big fan of using the other side of our brains to remind ourselves that they do work. I liked what I heard at her rehearsal. She says the performance was very nice. cubicalgirl had a good gathering of phillyknitters at her house. My secret pal had cunningly left me a package there. I got some great stuff from my pal. I cant wait to use it. I learned a lot about crocheting. I am really glad I decided to go. I think that I now can feel more confident about using it as an edging. I dont see myself making anything with it right away, but I know varouna makes some pretty nifty stuff. I got a chemo hat done for the TW knit in this week. That makes 2 for them. I also got 1 fuzzy foot and a half done and a secret present that shall not be named since she reads my blog. Last nite I did a wee bit more knitting before tidying up the house and hitting the bed. What a rejuvenating weekend!

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ponedjeljak, 27.07.2009.


Well, first off I want to apologize to Judith who so kindly sent me an email and corrected me about some things. I was wrong folks. She dyed and knit the yarn for the fabulous mushroom vest, *but she didnt spin it.* Perhaps I was so overwhelmed by her abilities, or perhaps bc we discussed the spinning guild and her love of spinning I just assumed. And that was wrong. So now Ive set the record straight and she sent me some wonderful links to share.First, Linda and Judiths spinning guild, Clotho's Children, is online here:" She tells me it is still a website in its infancy, but I found some stuff to mull over. Next, she sent me a very good link on mushroom dying. WOW. That really overwhelmed me. There seems to be a ton of info there, but also some good book recommendations. Thanks Judith. I appreciate those links.She also sent me a picture of me and my drop spindle. I am still searching for a name so if anyone has suggestions please pass them along. Ill say this though. Everytime I hear the words drop spindle I think of the beastie boys saying DRRRRR-OP! I wish I could get that out of my head. I did spin some last nite while watching Arsenic and Old Lace. I want to spin a little every nite until I get it down. The cat is highly amused by this. She even tried to sit between me and the spindle so she could get a better view of the situation. Silly thing. I am sure that if her tail ever got caught up in the spinning she would stay away from it.And here is a front pic of the Halloween costume called stash and Clara standing beside her. We all got a big kick out of this costume, and I especially liked the story of her building it, getting frustrated, and telling her hubby that nothing she ever does works. It sounded just like me. Im glad to see I am not alone with my designs in my head.I have not done any major knitting since returning to Philly. I need to start some major things soon and I think my body is just saying WHOA. And I would love to get back to my quilting and cross stitch, not to mention PACK my apt to get the heck outta there. I did some scarf and hat knitting last nite, I started a pair of felted clogs. But other than that nothing really accomplished. 1-3 inches on everything, and all of them appear to be stalled. Tonite I am really going to get my butt in gear on the quilt. Perhaps Ill do another inch or 2 on the hat. But really, I want that quilt done by next week.

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nedjelja, 26.07.2009.

What goes up must come down Spinnin' wheel got to go 'round

This weekend was the KR Retreat. At the time I signed up for it I knew I really really wanted to go. Sue helped pay for it putting it firmly in the birthday present category. And boy am I ever glad I went. Im one of those who can let herself forget what all the excitement is about so she doesnt get disappointed. I think even if I had let myself get super excited I couldnt have imagined how much fun I was going to have. And lets admit it. Last week was the dumps for me folks. Thursday ended my week with nothing going right and a young lawyer thinking he could play the intimidation game. I was never so glad to not have to go to work the next day. So I spent Thursday evening getting my stuff together, finishing my swatches, and spending time with Sue.Friday morning I got the last of my things together, visited the bank, picked up the car and drove down the highway to Great day for a Sunday drive folks: singing in the car, checking out the roadside bbq joints, and admiring the countryside. And Graves Mountain Lodge is DEFINITELY in the countryside. By the time I got there I couldnt wait to begin knitting. Martha and Clara greeted me. My roomie Amie was there to give me a great big hug. I found myself an empty chair in the corner and got knitting. I met 2 sets of wonderful ladies: Judith and Lindaon my left were from a VA spinning guild. They were wonderful to share their knowledge and experience with me. Both of them had really lovely knitted things. Most of them they had spun, and in the picture you see here Judith is on the left wearing a vest that she dyed the roving with mushrooms, spun the yarn and knit the vest. Phenomenal. I am thinking she said it was a weekend class they took together. Every diamond is a different mushroom. Awesome. Judith tried to help me learn how to spin. I guess I am a slow learner bc while she was delligent, I never got fully got there. Becky and Shawn sat on my right.(and can I say right now that Shawn is an awesome womans name and there were 2 of them this weekend?? Very cool.) Both of them are multi talented as well. Becky and I discussed embroidery and quilting. Shawn and I discussed spinning and knitting and sewing. I met many, many wonderful people. It was nice to have so much talent in one room. If you had a question you could just wander over and ask someone how they did what they did. Plenty of teachers, lots of learners. My kind of group to hang out with. And since I am a horrible person with names please excuse me if I forget to mention who was who. Friday nite was show and tell. And Graves Lodge? Its food overload. But with all our sitting, talking, and knitting we were hungry every time. Friday nite was all about show and tell, and even included a late entry for halloween.Saturday morning we had a class with Annie Modesitt. She taught beginner chart reading. She also taught cabling without a cable needle. Now I had taught myself how to read charts when I did charlotte. And I taught myself cables just b'c. But Annie taught both of them very well, and gave me new tips on reading charts and doing cables in ways I had not before. It has really improved my knitting. Her way of doing a cable without a needle is so much easier than mine! Thank goodness for Annie. The afternoon was spent on our own until the shopping was set up. I knit some in the room, then some on the porch of the lodge. Then I went in to make my purchases. I was very good and bought exactly what I had planned (with only 2 exceptions). I bought a new spindle. It is heavier and probably better for me to learn on. Bess gave me tips on what to look for when I pick a spindle and it was very helpful. (spin the sindle in the palm of your hand to see if it will spin for you. that way you can see if you like its weight, and the spin.) I really love my new spindle, but I do not know what type it is (tag fell off.) Sue suggested I name it Dr.Op since it is a drop spindle and most likely it will be on the floor alot at the beggining. I'll think about that. I would like to give it a name. I bought the second half of my corset and I got to take it home. Jen's stuff is so amazing I can't even explain to you how nice it is to have the pattern and yarn all together. I want to start it now, but I have to wait until the holidays are over. I also bought a present for the holidays and wandered over to the last shopping stall to give one last look and bought an unplanned book: elisabeth lovold's book 4 sophisticated knits. Really nice stuff I can't wait to make in there. The other purchase that was unplanned happened at the end of the weekend at Jen's trunk show. I bought 5 oz of CVM roving.. but more on that soon.Saturday nite there was a needle felting demo and I was very excited. I planned on buying (and bought) 2 needles each of course, medium and fine felting needles and a felting foam. I did not partake in the demonstration as I arrived late... and well. I wanted a glass of wine and I thought needles and wine should not mix. They made some really cute pumpkins like the patterns in the spin off mag for fall. everyone had fun watching the felting (making fun of the felted heads that reminded me of beetlejuice singing DAY-O!) I got to spin on Amie's Louet, Fiona. I watched spindle demos. I talked with a bunch of people and I knit. Imagine that.Sunday morning. We got to see Bess teach a finishing class. The first thing she taught was how to put a zipper in your knitting. excellent teaching. Very valuable for those of us who make lots of purses for people. then she showed the mattress stitch and the 3 needle bind off. plus the 3 needle with a i-cord bind off. I made my swatches into a little bag and will give it away for a holiday present. She also taught us how to do a single crochet edging. YIPPEE!! I've needed to learn this for a long time now. I still need to leasrn to crochet, but crochet an edging is important. Glad I learned it. Thank you Bess!I think we started getting a little rowdy for Bess, but everyone went home learning the things that they needed to. We had lunch and people started breaking off. I stayed to finally learn to spin from the queen of spindles herself- Bess (thanks again. you are a wonderful teacher), help clean up, visit the trunk show (CVM- needed to get roving know that I know how to spin!!!), and catch my breath before I left. Amie left before me to take Sheila home. She was such a great roomie I have no idea how I didn't start sobbing when she left. I spent a little time with Clara and then we all started piling into our cars. I turned on the radio and the song by Blood Sweat and Tears came on: Spinning wheel got to go 'round. I was elated. The song completely was in tune with what I had been doing,. I drove home feeling much happiness and contentment. What a great weekend.Someone is waiting just for you Spinnin' wheel, spinnin' true Drop all your troubles by the riverside Catch a painted pony on the spinning wheel ride

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petak, 24.07.2009.

shameful list for the holidays

Here was my list of things to do I set in June for the holiday.(I am including the pre-holiday list to show you everything and shame myself one way or the other.)so here was my list of things to do BEFORE my winter projects:beaded bag for SIL kidlet tank for dakota crochet tank for boss (yarn bought)- I have berroco cotton (un)twist- not startedbeaded bag for momrivertank for me (frogged)either a cabled pillow or beaded knit necklace for my summer secret pal psst. I made a beaded scarf for alisak cardigan for jackie momentary panic here. I sent it and not heard from jackie. I just called her. She has it and it gifties:felted hat with funfur trim for suemombeaded bag (or pillow) for hyena- do I really like this person?? *sigh*quilt and sweater for sue- sweater is off. Quilt will be enough. done.4 knitted necklaces (mom, 2 sisters, and judy) started and abandoned. I need top pick this up again.knit teaset for dakota I have the cotton (the same as hush hush) but do I really like cotton right now?2 hardanger pillows for Cassa and Dani hardanger not started. See below for Cassa.scarf for alan-30% completefelted gloves for henry- Henry is now a 9 yr old spinner. Perhaps I will get him roving instead.beaded bag of felted gloves for ivey not started.felted slippers for may- yarn on its way.knitted bunny for christina rose- not started7 knitted hats for various men- BILs, uncles and cousins- some of these have changed. See below.Addendums and ramblings.What have I knit fer woolsakes? (things on the list above are in bold for ease of reading.)Since June 1st: the following are doneBeaded bag-Kidlet tankOne beaded wire cuff in classBikini (top only, bottoms are on hold till next yr.)Charlottes webYarnharlots snowdrop shawl (edging not completed, basic shawl done.)Beaded scarf for alisakHaiku for Jackies babyCassandras christmas/anniv present Hush Hush (highlighted bc its a switch from the real present designed for her)Felted hat for christmas Things that are not done but are in progress.Small 3x4 quilt top.1.5 socks (this is what I knit while waiting at the polls.)Got 24 sqs sewn for christmas present quilt top.Started a 12 sq cross stitch- OK this is another christmas persent to go on the list. Its for Sues folks.Alans scarfFelted bagAdded to the list: besides the cross stitch, at least one pair of gloves and another felted hat for my uncle and aunt. Toying with the idea of a beaded bag for each sister instead of beaded necklaces. And if I dont do the ivey, henry, christina rose and dakota projects I will be ok with that.

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četvrtak, 23.07.2009.

back to the knitting content

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. --- Frank Herbert, Dune - Bene Gesserit Litany Against FearI am trying really hard to face my fears. On to the knitting content.Well, as I am sure you have guessed, there has been very little knitting at chez Purlewe. I did finish all the last bits of Hush Hush and mailed it to my best friend. She got it in ONE DAY (!!) and called me beside herself with happiness. She gushed so much she almost made me cry. She loves it. It fits (mostly.. honestly, that woman is a twig) and she thinks that when she finally tacks on the straps it will be perfect. I cannot be happier. May they have the most wonderful anniversary and many, many more.I did finish a felted hat awhile back. I have pics of it and everything. Sorry Ive been a lazy bones and not posted them (without having to knit Hush Hush everyday Ive been wandering around my apt wondering what the heck to do with myself.) Ive done about 15 inches on Alans cabled scarf. Ive swatched for those gigantic gloves. I even knit at the polls yesterday. An old UFO that I have had in my bag for awhile. And when I finish with this blog I will go and knit some more.Things to look forward to: (part of the facing my fear is realizing that I have great things happening in my future) *this weekends Retreat. I leave Friday to dirve myself down to VA. Mapquest says it is 4.5 hrs from here. Ill listen to David Sedaris on tape and sing silly songs all the way down. I have all but his latest book on tape. I love him.*thanksgiving. I love thanksgiving more than any holiday. I do all of the cooking every year now for the last 10 yrs. Anyone got a favorite recipe or a favorite tradition they want to share? Lately Ive been eating at my aunts house. They make a dish that is something I wouldnt normally eat.. but gosh its good. (I swear) Concept: green bean casserole reality: Use Lima beans (frozen) instead. I hate limas and yet this is a wonderful dish.*my birthday. I am not a horn blower about my b-day. But this yr I am taking the day off, getting myself on a train and heading to NYC. Sue wants to make it for the entire weekend, but Ill content myself with pampering myself for the day, and when she gets off work she can meet me there for dinner and maybe a play. *moving. Yes.. I am going to move my apt. Sue and I got a wonderful offer of a place that is MUCH bigger (I am sure you are tired hearing the How Small Is It jokes) We will be moving on Dec 29th and 30th. The rent is cheaper, it has a W/D and 2 whole floors of space. My kitchen? At least 3 times bigger than I have now. I spent part of the weekend going over the space with the contractor and telling him where I wanted walls, outlets, cabinets and closets. I even told him the colors I want it painted, although we will goto the paint store and pick them together when its time. No, Im not buying anything. I cant afford to do that. But a rental that I can afford and has more space?? Perfect.Tomorrow. A list of things I need to get off my butt and do. xaviermusketeer did it, Kris did it. Now it is my turn.

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srijeda, 22.07.2009.

I want it to be known that earlier today in my journal I posted my opinions

I want it to be known that earlier today in my journal I posted my opinions. I did not say who I was voting for, altho I am sure it is pretty evident. I want people to know that there are viable 3rd party options on many ballots. (Nadar, for instance, is NOT on the PA ballot) And if you are not in a battleground state, please use your conscience, use your voice, vote how you see fit. Hell, even if you are on a battleground state vote your conscience b'c TRULY I don't care who you are voting for, I just feel it is so important to do it. This journal today reflects simply how I feel. I admit that towards the end I got a bit heavy handed. But I simply believe that you should vote. And that I frankly do not care who you vote for.. as long as you do it I don't believe it should matter what my opinions are... it should be your opinions that matter.

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ponedjeljak, 20.07.2009.

Vote, for gods & goddess sakes, vote!!!

Honestly folks, I have tried to not bring the election into my posts bc frankly I post so infrequently (not the wonderful (almost) everyday posts that make me so happy like Amy, Michelle and Rachel) Also, some people are doing a way better job of it, or in fact it is their job. So I felt it was a disservice to always be throwing the election in your face when frankly I am sooo tired of the commercials. Living in a battleground state is wonderful. You feel so energized. You feel so patriotic... but it also means you listen to a million commercials a day. You get traffic snarls out the ears whenever the shrub or that guy from Mass show up anywhere near your town, or use your airport. It means that people are watching your state and taking more polls simply bc you are doing your civic duty and planning to vote.And you are arent you?? Planning to do your civic duty and getting out there tomorrow to vote? Bc for petes sakes... this election is freaking important. On soooo many levels. I know people will roll their eyes at me, but I really take this so seriously. Voting and jury duty (sorry Sharon) are the 2 times I get the chance to participate in our country by doing my job. I am like the most cheerful jury candidate... and voting?? I get up on time, brush my teeth, shine my shoes and take breakfast with me! I love standing in line to vote (and really folks, here in Center City I have stood in line everytime and it makes me well up with pride and tears bc I feel like people take it as seriously as I do.)(aside. These are just the first eight that came to mind.. I could go on for pages.. but no one would keep reading. I pulled these first few out of my butt and ask others to make comments to add more)Where are you. Ask yourself if you are better off than you were 4 yrs ago. Honestly. None of this My family has always been a Dem or GOP family.Health Insurance. I dont know if any of you have ever not had any.. but I did for awhile there and its freaking scary. Now that I have it I have to say I am glad I do, but I have health problems that might bite me in the ass one day and I need a govt that is willing to make sure that the health insurance bill isnt going to kill me instead of the actual ailment. Its simple math folks. (these are numbers I am making up for the sake of simplicity) If the govt raised my taxes 7% to cover a universal health insurance instead of having me pay 28% out of my pay.. I come out 21% AHEAD OF THE GAME!!! How can this be bad? My company also stops paying 28% (my company pays and I pay ) and can use that money to have MORE WORKERS.. again, a win win in my book.Choice. A dangerous topic, but lets look at it objectively. Can you think of anytime in your life where having only one option was the best direction? Shouldnt there always be at least 2 options? How can having someone direct your life without giving you a choice be good? If only one name was on tomorrows ballot would anyone vote? How can having options for women be all that bad? People can chose a, b or c and not tread on someone elses toes. Giving them only option c means that those other options are now illegal and dangerous. Life is tough enough. And since this country is so grounded in being able to MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS, why should I let the govt suddenly take some decisions away from me. Just sayin.Supreme Court. Listen, I work in the law world (although I am not a lawyer) and I see plenty come across my desk talking about the supremes. At least 3 of them are gonna take a walk soon. The 3 nominated to take their place last for at least a whole generation. The people taking their place need to be forward thinkers, not backwards ones. Voting in a candidate that is not a future thinker means we get stuck with some pretty dumb laws and judgements for a generation. Gay issues are people issues. Any time our govt treats gay Americans differently it takes another step towards treating all minorities differently. Remember the adage about when they came for me there was no one to stand up for me?? Being a bisexual means to both the hetro and gay sides that I can pick and chose my time to pass in society. I refuse to let others phobias stop me. I refuse to pass. It doesnt matter if I want to marry a woman or a man I should be allowed to be who I am. I think that not allowing for gay rights (thinking we are sinners and not worth their time) is a big mistake. If my employer treated me badly bc of who I live with (and honestly.. no one should be in my bedroom but me and the person I love) I should be able to sue them. I cannot sue the entire govt for treating me differently. I can elect someone who believes that I am just as important as Joline Schmoe and who will give me my rights.Education. This no child left behind crap HAS to go. It is not serving our children or our teachers well. If you thought my rant about being gay was long I will spare you and say simply: teachers, schools and teachers unions are starting to fight back and sue the govt for the unlawfulness of this act. School districts are turning down the monies offered bc they refuse to jump through hoops that are asinine and ridiculous. Environment. Our EPA has had its hands tied around its back ever since the shrub hit office. The people he put in place to run it have left in frustration. Currently the EPA is NOT ALLOWED to say anything about the political race bc the administration is afraid that it will hurt their chances. And if any comments are made without the consent of the govt that person will be fired. ( 9/27/04) Im tired of living in a police state where the wild spaces left are being overrun with pipelines. Im tired of living with a big brother figure telling us all that everything is fine while we kill our environment. Religion. This should actually almost be a repeat of Choice. Simply bc any time one persons religion trumps everyone elses it is time to remove that person from office. You can be a god-faring person (or not) but you cannot impose your version of higher being over my own. Our govt was based on a separation of church and state and I would like to keep it that way.If you want some good ideas on what to do, how to do it, or where to go here are some links from fellow bloggers fidgety budgie, kismet and finally

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nedjelja, 19.07.2009.

ta-da! It is HUSH HUSH!

Her she is, sans straps... first being held up by Sue so you can see her on the rocking chair so you can see how big she is from the last time I took her picture, and also get more of a sense of her lines.I still have 1 and 1/3 straps to go. I want to get this in the mail by friday. I think it can be done. She will get it and tack the straps on herself. (I wanted her to decide on their length for herself.) And we discussed her possibly strengthening the straps with some old bra straps sewed into it. The fact is that this baby is heavy (I used probably 2 lbs of the 2.5 lb cone.) Cotton can be.. and at 26 inches she is long.. and cotton can grow on a person. So I want her to get as much support form the straps that she can.. altho I still say this is going to end up on the hotel room floor more than being worn. Cassa is very very excited. She can't wait to see it. I told her to get her seamstress friend over to help her with tacking the straps on (basically making sure the thing was straight... hard to do by yourself on your own body.) and to have the seamstress take photos for me so we can see it on her. I'm SOOOOOO excited. this is so awesome. I hope she likes it as much as I do.

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subota, 18.07.2009.

its all very hush hush

i am rows from finishing. that is where I have been.. not posting, not reading blogs. simply finishing hush hush. really I should be working on it now. so I'm going to go.. but if I finish it tonite (sans straps) I'll have Sue take a foto for the blog tomorrow. (and, if you are interested... i am like 3 rows away.. 3 rows of 220 sts. then a BO row. gosh isn't that lovely??

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petak, 17.07.2009.

lions and tigers and bears O MY!

These guys are getting a trim before being shown. I talked to one of the handlers about how hard it was to get them to do this. She said the first year is hardest but after that they just give in knowing it will be over quicker if they just try to ignore you. I love the fact that the 2nd one has 4 colors in his coat.closeup of that guy I love... isn't his face beautiful?llamas are funny looking dudes. And tmk is right, they make this humming, clicking noise in the back of their throats. So do alpacas, but for some reason they are cuter.I mean who wouldn't want to love this alpaca.. he's adorable! Sue thinks he looks liek elvis though. I just say he's snuggly cute.

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srijeda, 15.07.2009.


purlewe- a pound of kindness- 2 teaspoons of sexiness- 1 1/2 cups of seductionBoil together and serve.
'What is your personality recipe?' at

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PK SP questionaire

Hello there! I am all excited to get started on the fall secret pal along.. so click below if you want to learn more about me :)1. What is/are your favorite yarn(s) to knit with? Do you like solid or variegated colorways? What fibers do you absolutely NOT like? Are you allergic to any fibers?As boring as it sounds, my comfort yarn is worsted weight natural wool yarn in a solid color. I say lace weight is a very close second. I am NOT a fan of anything acrylic or man made.. I think that if you mix cotton with something it is much better than it being alone. 100% cotton ends up giving me tennis elbow EVERY time I work with it.. which I say means my elbow is allergic to acrylic and cotton. :) So wools only.. pretty please. (and yes.. that includes alpaca, llama, and other fuzzy animals)2. What do you use to store your hooks/needles in?I have a drawstring boogie bag for my circs and a needle roll for my straights.3. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate, or advanced?I have been knitting for 4 yrs. I would say I am an intermediate knitter.4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?I have a amazon wishlist. You can get to it from my typepad blog: Whats your favorite scent (for candles, bath products, etc.)?I am a person who likes things to be scented, but not from bath and body shop.. I go more for soaps from duross and langel (12th and locust) NO candles. I cannot seem to find one that doesn't give me a headache. Flavors? anything from a lovely fall scent (pumkins, spices) to the ocean breeze. LUSH is another favorite.. their lavendar bar is amazing. I would stay away from the rose scents though.. makes me think of old grannys and just never smells as good as a real rose.6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Whats your favorite candy or snack?I am a girl who loves all things chocolate. But then I also tend towards the home baked goodies.. brownies, pumkin pie.. etc. Basically I like food. I didn't get to this size overnight!! I think a good homemade meal is one of the best things to do at the end of the day.7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like? Do you spin or do other fiberwork?I cross stitch, sew (a litte), cook (alot), bake, can, garden a wee bit, do photography, and I also spin yarn.8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s (in case your buddy wants to make you a CD)?I like a little bit of everything. Just no hard core rap and country. I love the indigo girls, Ani, alternative, punk, folk writers, 80s, They might be Giants, and any new artists that are cool and have a sense of humor (I am talking the new pornographers NOT the top 40) are probably not on my current playlist as I am a curmudgeon just doesn't go to the record store when I could go to the yarn store.. so if you want to burn me a cd with music you love I would be all ears.9. Whats your favorite color? What color can you not stand?PURPLE is my favorite color. I cannot stand PINK. UGH pink yuck! I love all the colors in reds and greens and blues.. even black and grey are my favorite colors.. but pink, orange, and probably yellow are at the bottom of the list.10. Do you have any pets or children?I have a cat.11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens, ponchos, wrist/arm warmers, gauntlets, and/or legwarmers?I do not wear ponchos.12. What is/are your favorite item(s) to knit?It might be easier to say what DON'T I knit. I do not knit socks. 13. What are you knitting right now?I am knitting a wedding shawl for a friend. A sweater for me. A sweater (stalled) for my partner. And finally a baby sweater for a friend. And some hatsand scarves for Dulaan 2007.14. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, or plastic?Circs all the way, with addis and inox being my favorite.15. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?Yup. :) do you need to use it?16. How did you learn to knit?My aunt taught me. :)17. What is your favorite holiday?Thanksgiving.. followed closely by New Year!18. Is there anything that you collect? Strangley.. glass. I love to collect all cool types of glass vessels. This includes sea glass...19. Are there any books, yarns, needles, or patterns out there that you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? If you dont have any subscriptions, which knitting magazines do you read regularly?I sub to IK. I buy the Vogue Knitting mags that I like. I would love to get the Ann Budds Book of of sweater patterns and possibly the Vogue Knitting Reference guide, but I can borrow them from the library and friends if I need to. 20. Are there any new techniques youd like to learn?I would love to learn to do an all over fair isle and steek it. but I know that would take me YEARS!21. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? What are your hat measurements (the measurement around your head)?I am not a sock knitter, my partner has just found that it is her favorite thing to knit.. but they are all for HER! She says I mgiht get a pair for christmas. I have a 8.5 foot size and a 22 inch head.22. When is your birthday?December 3rd.23. Are you a vegetarian, vegan, or have other dietary restrictions?NO! I believe in trying everything.. vegan to being a full blooded carnivore. No food is ever turned away.24. Do you have any blogs (personal or knitblogs) other than your LiveJournal where you regularly post? is my knitblog.. altho I usually write stuff there that is for the public (and not always knitting) my LJ is for ranting and is almost always locked anymore. I will post things so that my PKSP can see me here for the duration of this event.25. Do you have any blogs (knitblogs or otherwise) or websites that you visit often (besides LiveJournal)? This piece of info is to help your Secret Pal learn more about the things that interest you.I have a blogline list I read (mostly knitting) basically any of the people on my sidebar at typepad.. Amy Boogie, Comfy bev, Ent knits etc. I read something newsworthy once a day (bbc if I have time, or cnn if I don't) and post regularly on Knitter's Review. I try to keep my surfing to a minimum. Usually news and knitting with the occassional recipe will make me a happy purlewe.Basically give me wool or give me.. well cookbooks. :) I love anything asian inspired. I love Project Runway.. I think that reading a good book is something we do every day. And I love me a good museum :)So there you have it. Me in a nutshell.

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