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Vote, for gods & goddess sakes, vote!!!

Honestly folks, I have tried to not bring the election into my posts bc frankly I post so infrequently (not the wonderful (almost) everyday posts that make me so happy like Amy, Michelle and Rachel) Also, some people are doing a way better job of it, or in fact it is their job. So I felt it was a disservice to always be throwing the election in your face when frankly I am sooo tired of the commercials. Living in a battleground state is wonderful. You feel so energized. You feel so patriotic... but it also means you listen to a million commercials a day. You get traffic snarls out the ears whenever the shrub or that guy from Mass show up anywhere near your town, or use your airport. It means that people are watching your state and taking more polls simply bc you are doing your civic duty and planning to vote.And you are arent you?? Planning to do your civic duty and getting out there tomorrow to vote? Bc for petes sakes... this election is freaking important. On soooo many levels. I know people will roll their eyes at me, but I really take this so seriously. Voting and jury duty (sorry Sharon) are the 2 times I get the chance to participate in our country by doing my job. I am like the most cheerful jury candidate... and voting?? I get up on time, brush my teeth, shine my shoes and take breakfast with me! I love standing in line to vote (and really folks, here in Center City I have stood in line everytime and it makes me well up with pride and tears bc I feel like people take it as seriously as I do.)(aside. These are just the first eight that came to mind.. I could go on for pages.. but no one would keep reading. I pulled these first few out of my butt and ask others to make comments to add more)Where are you. Ask yourself if you are better off than you were 4 yrs ago. Honestly. None of this My family has always been a Dem or GOP family.Health Insurance. I dont know if any of you have ever not had any.. but I did for awhile there and its freaking scary. Now that I have it I have to say I am glad I do, but I have health problems that might bite me in the ass one day and I need a govt that is willing to make sure that the health insurance bill isnt going to kill me instead of the actual ailment. Its simple math folks. (these are numbers I am making up for the sake of simplicity) If the govt raised my taxes 7% to cover a universal health insurance instead of having me pay 28% out of my pay.. I come out 21% AHEAD OF THE GAME!!! How can this be bad? My company also stops paying 28% (my company pays and I pay ) and can use that money to have MORE WORKERS.. again, a win win in my book.Choice. A dangerous topic, but lets look at it objectively. Can you think of anytime in your life where having only one option was the best direction? Shouldnt there always be at least 2 options? How can having someone direct your life without giving you a choice be good? If only one name was on tomorrows ballot would anyone vote? How can having options for women be all that bad? People can chose a, b or c and not tread on someone elses toes. Giving them only option c means that those other options are now illegal and dangerous. Life is tough enough. And since this country is so grounded in being able to MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS, why should I let the govt suddenly take some decisions away from me. Just sayin.Supreme Court. Listen, I work in the law world (although I am not a lawyer) and I see plenty come across my desk talking about the supremes. At least 3 of them are gonna take a walk soon. The 3 nominated to take their place last for at least a whole generation. The people taking their place need to be forward thinkers, not backwards ones. Voting in a candidate that is not a future thinker means we get stuck with some pretty dumb laws and judgements for a generation. Gay issues are people issues. Any time our govt treats gay Americans differently it takes another step towards treating all minorities differently. Remember the adage about when they came for me there was no one to stand up for me?? Being a bisexual means to both the hetro and gay sides that I can pick and chose my time to pass in society. I refuse to let others phobias stop me. I refuse to pass. It doesnt matter if I want to marry a woman or a man I should be allowed to be who I am. I think that not allowing for gay rights (thinking we are sinners and not worth their time) is a big mistake. If my employer treated me badly bc of who I live with (and honestly.. no one should be in my bedroom but me and the person I love) I should be able to sue them. I cannot sue the entire govt for treating me differently. I can elect someone who believes that I am just as important as Joline Schmoe and who will give me my rights.Education. This no child left behind crap HAS to go. It is not serving our children or our teachers well. If you thought my rant about being gay was long I will spare you and say simply: teachers, schools and teachers unions are starting to fight back and sue the govt for the unlawfulness of this act. School districts are turning down the monies offered bc they refuse to jump through hoops that are asinine and ridiculous. Environment. Our EPA has had its hands tied around its back ever since the shrub hit office. The people he put in place to run it have left in frustration. Currently the EPA is NOT ALLOWED to say anything about the political race bc the administration is afraid that it will hurt their chances. And if any comments are made without the consent of the govt that person will be fired. ( 9/27/04) Im tired of living in a police state where the wild spaces left are being overrun with pipelines. Im tired of living with a big brother figure telling us all that everything is fine while we kill our environment. Religion. This should actually almost be a repeat of Choice. Simply bc any time one persons religion trumps everyone elses it is time to remove that person from office. You can be a god-faring person (or not) but you cannot impose your version of higher being over my own. Our govt was based on a separation of church and state and I would like to keep it that way.If you want some good ideas on what to do, how to do it, or where to go here are some links from fellow bloggers fidgety budgie, kismet and finally

Post je objavljen 20.07.2009. u 22:58 sati.