ira-saro diary

petak, 31.07.2009.

Learning and personal growth or maybe not.

This weekend I was out of the house. Anyone who dates a teacher knows that report card time is a bear. This year is a bit different.. it was like a whole family of bears. The school is piloting a program for online (or maybe it is computerized??) report cards. This should not be a problem. My honey is a computer lover. Friday was the end of grading period. Usually they get about 10 days to finish grading their stacks and fill out their grade cards with all those grades, comments, and checkmarks. Instead they gave them 1 days. They were to be in the computers by 5pm last nite. I stayed away much of the weekend. And I think it was the right thing to do. I believe there was some pretty strong language. And if there had been screech in the house, I think it would have been drunk. When she was uploading the grades she was knocked off the computer several times, and in the end got the sasser virus that shut her computer down. Again, I think I wisely stayed away and we are better for it. I picked her up to visit a friend for pizza and beer last nite. Much needed and appreciated.So Friday nite I worked on the quilt. I have all the strips sewed together (again, much foul language at the end there. Why is it always the last piece that does not line up even thought it is mathematically correct?) I need to do the finishing touches and use some black fabric to make it the right size. I am hoping to get that done tonite and tomorrow so I dont have to do it at my aunts. But who am I kidding.warning, shopping overloadSaturday I picked up the last of the black for the quilt. The place I went even had the Hoffmans Batik Black I was looking for (I was going to use Amish Black.. this was a nice surprise.) I still need to pick up the cotton batting and the 2 backings (king size flat sheets) I am going to be making this into the duvet after all. Then I decided to stop into a knit shop that I have not heard good things about to see if they had any lambs pride bulky in BLACK. They do not. They only carry high end yarns. Mostly KFI products. Plenty of really, really expensive stuff. Mountain colors handpaint and schaeffer yarns anyone? But I saw some diakeito diadomina and I have been wanting to give it a try. BEWARE OF SHOPS WITHOUT PRICING!! I should have known when he told me the shaeffer was 54$ (when I have seen it at 30-44$) that buying from this shop would not be cheap. But I thought I would get a small gift for my secret pal and then satisfy buying something but not get something for myself. YIKE! $50 later I was stunned and walking out the door. I guess I just bought myself a holiday present. I think Ill be making myself the multidirectional scarf. Sorry secret pal, but that was a bit too steep for me. I ended up going to TW to pick up my BIG bag of lambs pride I had set aside on Thursday. I still need 3 skeins of black in bulky, but right now I have plenty of yarn for awhile.Since I had just dropped into TW I thought I would sit down and save myself from the report card goddess by working on the GIGANTIC GLOVES. I took everyones advice and I have a pattern for my gauge for 8 diameter gloves. I made it bigger by 25% and am knitting merrily away on it. When I get there on thanksgiving I will spirit away the son and have him try it on. If it is too big/too small I will chalk it up to a learning experience and try again. If it is just right I will merrily keep knitting and hopefully finish the gloves before the holiday. I am really glad I gave this a try. I learned something interesting and useful and it looks like a real glove so far (albeit GIGANTIC!) Thanks everyone who left comments or emailed me. Everything was very clear and I really appreciate all your help.While knitting I met a nice woman who was trying to finish her sweater. I feel really bad for her bc the salesperson who decided to help her is not what I consider TW standard for help. The woman was downright knit-nazi. She said very few encouraging things, and told her the same instructions over and over. (Even though the sweater woman said she understood the instructions she only had one question. When she would try to ask the only real question she had she would be shushed.) Finally KN told her that they had a communication problem and that while she didnt think they would work it out she was glad that the sweater woman wasnt giving her directions on the turnpike. !!! I would talk to the woman while the KN would walk away to take a personal phone call and encourage her and tell her that she was getting it and that she had everything alright. She was almost done when she left. She thanked me and told me that she might come to one of the knit nights if there were a nice crowd of people. I got quite a lot done on the glove then. eustella was there with her BRAND NEW MINI! Wow, it was great to see her so happy and the car was adorable. I rushed home to get to our babysitting gig. We had fun with the kids and I got a lot of wash done. The bummer? I tossed in a swatch of Bartlett yarn I had for fuzzy feet in the wash. I washed it 2xs. It does not appear to have felted but has a lovely halo. I feel bad bc I already knit the fuzzy feet. I had exactly enough yarn for them so I knit them and used the left overs for the swatch (instead of the opposite) Looks like I need another trip to TW to get lambs pride in drk purple. I can frog them and make mittens or a lovely stuffed animal for presents instead. Im bummed bc I could have had something else done, but ya know what? I learned the construction of top down socks this was and I am very pleased with how they looked. I even kitchener stitched the ends. So again, I learned something useful and constructive.Sunday I spent the day at a friends getting her prepared for thanksgiving. This friend has a really big crowd coming for the holiday. She has had a really rough year with has several gravely ill family members who will be attending (with their caregivers) and one mentally ill person (who is causing all sorts of ruckus and the dinner hasnt even happened yet.) We got a lot done cooking wise. I mean I think we finished perhaps the foods (not the turkey) and we had a delightful afternoon (while Sue was cursing at her computer.) Hopefully she will be able to relax more during the holiday. I leave for Thanksgiving Wednesday and Ill be cooking up a storm at my aunts. I cant wait to start. Cooking yesterday made me even more excited. I love holiday cooking! I learned how to roast chestnuts in your oven and I think I made my best stuffing yet!

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