ira-saro diary

ponedjeljak, 28.12.2009.

it's that time of year...

The time of year I stay up late. I know I should goto bed early (I am NOT a morning person), but I get so excited about things. I want to finsih one more row, work one more part of the puzzle, finish one more chapter... So I stay up and I feel fine when I am up.I do NOT feel fine the next morning. I crave the bed. I hate the light. I want my alarm clock to shut the hell up. I want my cat to stop telling me it is late and cuddle with me instead. She gets anxious and spends her time trying to figure out why I am still burried under the covers.I know this is something I could easily fix. I know I could goto bed early and feel fine in the morning. I know that going to bed earlier would mean I could face my morning bike ride in of freezing cold weather better simply b'c I would be more well rested and could go faster.But somehow staying up late always feels better than anything else.

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subota, 26.12.2009.

20 xmas question meme

Thanks kismet for this meme.1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?Yes, please. But hot cocoa almost every day.. eggnog once or twice this month.2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? wrap!!3. Colored lights or white?one color.. say all white or all blue. Not multicolored.4. Do you hang mistletoe?No. Makes kitties sick.5. When do you put your decorations up?usually the first weekend of December.. so this weekend.6. What is your favorite holiday dish?All. My thanksgiving meal is more important with specifics. My grandfather ruined roast beef for me so anything festive is lovely.7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?Watching Miracle on 34th St with my mother as a child.8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?In first grade a little boy told me there was no Santa. I was so mad at him I went home and searched the house.. and found the presents. I never told my parents.9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends I guess on the yr.10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?Collection of both our ornaments. The only thing is that we have a deal.. one yr blinkie lites, one yr solid lights.11. Snow! Love it or dread it?I wish it would confine itself to trees, grass and the rooftops of houses. I love it.. but it is hard to get around.12. Can you ice skate?Once.. or twice I but I wouldn't say I was good at it.13. Do you remember your favorite gift as a kid?No, but I remember the disappointments.14. Whats the most important thing about the holidays for you?Family.15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?I make alot of cookies but I wouldn't call them dessert. :)16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?Nothing special. Just wathcing the lights on the tree first thing in the mornings all month long.17. What tops your tree?I think that is the only ornament we have not perfected yet. I would love a simple star.18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving?Both.19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?Carol of the bells, holly in the ivy, pretty much all of them esp if sung by a choir.20. Candy canes?Not my favorite.

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srijeda, 16.12.2009.

Secret Pal e-card

Thanks pal for sending a nice e-card. I really appreciate all your contact.

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nedjelja, 13.12.2009.

giving back thanks

thanks gang.. all of you inspire me to be my own best self every day.thank you for being YOU!!

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petak, 11.12.2009.

cross posting this everywhere...

Just in case you didn't see it on PF and you have been waiting for me to post the recipe.Roasted Butternut Squash, Rosemary, and Garlic Lasagna(adapted from gourmet or bon appetite mumble month 99) 3 lbs butternut squash (9 C)- d seeded, peeled + diced 3 T veg oil 4 C milk 2 T dried rosemary, crumbled (I used 2 sprigs of fresh) 1 T minced garlic C unsalted butter 4 T flour 9 pieces dry no-boil lasagna noodles 1 1/3 C grated parmesan 1 C heavy cream t salt1. preheat oven to 400 and oil a shallow baking pan or cookie sheet2. toss squash with veg oil and roast for 10 mins, season with salt, roast for 10-15 mins more, or until golden brown and tender.3. bring milk to simmer with rosemary, heat for 10 mins then sieve out rosemary4. in large, heavy saucepan w/ low heat cook garlic and butter until soft. Stir in flour for roux for 3 mins, remove from heat and whisk in milk mixture until smooth, return to heat and simmer. Whisk occasionally for 10 mins more until thick. Remove from heat, stir in squash. Season to taste. (at this point you can set the mixture aside for later in the fridge. Good for up to 1 day)5. reduce heat of oven to 375, butter 13x9x2 pan. Pour 1 C sauce into dish (wont cover bottom of pan completely) cover with 3 lasagna sheets. Spread mixture over lasagna w/ C parmesan. Repeat, ending with pasta.6. beat cream until it forms soft peaks and spread evenly on top until completely covered. Sprinkle 1/3 C parmesan over cream. Cover dish with foil tent. Bake 30 mins. Remove foil and bake another 10 mins or until top is golden and bubbly. Let stand 5 mins. Garnish with rosemary.

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ponedjeljak, 07.12.2009.

sqaush squash squash

I do so love that veggie.. and I am glad I've converted Sue into eating it. It would just be so sad to have to face an entire squash alone. (altho the ones my aunt grew are like the mini-me of squash-dom. just enough for one serving)my 3 favorite recipes for butternut are: soup, gratin, and lasagna. I never get any complains from those dishes... and usually they are fully inhaled by the time the end of the evening rolls around. Personally I also love acorn squash. but the only recipe I have is for baked with brownsugar in it.. Any other acorn squash suggestion/recipes?? I have 2 spaghetti squash at home that I need to make something with. I once made a great marmelade with spaghetti squash and then sandwiched it in the middle of a semolina cake (greek dishes both). Maybe since I am canning this weekend I'll can the spaghetti marm and see what other people think of it.And now that I've made zucchini chocolate chip bread I am thinking I need to make more. Personally I liked the spice I put in there (french 4 spice which had white pepper, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves in it) but Sue was opposed.. Perhaps I'll make 2 batches and not include the offending spice next time.

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četvrtak, 03.12.2009.

life is too full.. can I have another cup?

File under the: too full instead of half empty catagory.Spent last nite finishing up my stash cleanup. Most things are in the excel spreadsheet. I wasn't intending to make it all super geeky and all, but I really needed to find some things and I figured putting it in the spreadsheet would at least tell me what was in there.I did find the beginning of the sleeve I started for Sue's sweater last november. It was in the very first place I looked. Must have had a cloaking devise or something that first round.I have a poll going over at my knitblog for what I should knit next for my New Beginnings project. Please make my mind up for me over here: is so hard to pick what I want to do next. I always am doing things for others knitwise.. and so my projects seem HUGE in comparison. I actually had a much longer list but I cut it back about 3-5 patterns. This does NOT inlcude all those little patterns you think you need.. like legwarmers, mittens, christmas stockings, and typing toasties. Those are still in my stash for me.. but I cannot think about them right now. I need to get these other projects on my plate done first.

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utorak, 01.12.2009.


Wahoo! (insert backflips and cartwheels here)My aunt sent me a photo this morning of the 3 new SHEEP she just bought and will pick up at rhinebeck. PLUS.. she wants to buy a guard llama this weekend as well. I am so elated. THIS is why she handed me yarn and needles 4 yrs ago and said "learn to knit, I am going to get a herd of sheep." hooray!I was going to talk about the fun I had wondering South Philly this weekend at the POST event (philly open studios), but the sheep seemed to have eclipsed that. I really did have a wonderful time seeing studios spaces. I enjoy not only seeing different perspectives and different styles and artworks, but also seeing the studios themselves. How they "fit" the person and help their creativity. It was FREE and some had yummy nibbles. Also had a nice day saturday. Went to the PK SnB and met up with some really great people. I love getting to meeet people in person and get my knit on. I finished the body of my vest, so I washed and blocked when I got home. I need to pick up the armholes tonite and finish this by rhinebeck.Fell in love with art, went to a PhillyKnitters SnB, and ended with sheep. What a great weekend!

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