utorak, 30.10.2007.

Karma and Dharma

The Sanskrit word “karma” means, literally, “law of cause and effect”.

Any act, be it good or bad, will have consequences. If we do good, the consequences will be good to us, however if we behave badly the consequences will be harmful. There is no effect without a cause, nor cause without effect.

In the higher worlds there is a Court of Divine Justice to judge our actions, which we also call Divine Law, and it is made up of superior beings, masters of the awakened consciousness, whose function is to weigh our good and bad actions and then justly apply the sentence, which is the consequence of our actions.

Types of Karma

There are several types of Karma:

Individual: when applied to a specific person. For example, in the case of sickness.

(It is important to stress that not all suffering or bad circumstances are effects of a karma, because due to our unconsciousness we can directly cause our own suffering. Example: a person who crosses a street without taking proper care can be run over).

Family: when applied in such a way that it affects a whole family. For example, if a family member is a drug addict. This causes suffering to everyone in the family.

Regional: when applied to a specific region. For example, droughts, floods or other weather adversities that occur in certain places.

National: this is a magnification of the regional karma. We have the example of some countries which are destroyed by war, dictatorships, misery, natural catastrophes, etc.

Global: when applied to all humankind. We have the example of world wars, and currently we can see the global economic problems, imminence of a nuclear war, large natural disasters, etc.

Katancia: this is the most severe karma, which is applied to Masters, who in spite of their countless perfections, can make mistakes and consequently be penalized.

Kamaduro: the karma applied to serious errors, such as murders, ambushes, tortures, etc. This type of karma is not negotiable and when applied, goes irreversibly to the ultimate consequences.

Karmasaya: this karma is also not negotiable and is applied when a person commits adultery. In the holy scriptures it is written that "every sin will be forgiven, except for those which are commited against the Holy Spirit", and this sin is adultery. But, what is considered adultery by Divine Justice?

In Divine Law, when two people are sexually joined they are married in the inner worlds (regardless whether they are married by physical laws or not). Thus, if a person has more than one sexual partner in a determined period of time (less than a year), this person commits adultery and brings karma to him or herself.

Furthermore, when two people are sexually joined, by being married in the inner world, their karmas are joined and become common to both of them. And if one of these two people has a sexual relation with a third person, the last one will have the accumulated karma of all three people.

It is also important to know that the karmas are joined as well when one receives or donates blood to another person, since blood is a very special fluid.

Knowing this, we can have an idea of how critical the karmic situation of all humankind is.


As was said above, the foundations of Divine Law are justice and mercy. This means that, however hard our karma may be, we can pay it off with good actions and then we will have no more need to suffer.

“When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes the inferior one".

“Do good works to pay off your debts. Fight the lion of the law with the scales.”

“Whoever has means to pay, will pay and his business will prosper; whoever has no means to pay, will pay with pain.”

If we put good works on one plate of the cosmic scales and bad works on the other one, it is obvious that the karma will depend on which scale plate is heavier.

We are all great debtors, whether by our acts in this life or in other past ones.

For this reason, it is imperative that we change our daily behavior. Instead of protesting if we are in trouble, we should make an effort to help others.

Instead of complaining when we get sick, we should give medication to people who can’t afford it, take people to the doctor that can’t go, etc.

Instead of complaining against people who slander us, we should learn to see things from others’ viewpoint, and abandon once and for all every kind of slander, intrigue, complaining, etc.

Our karma can be forgiven if we eliminate the cause of our mistakes, of our anger, of our envy, of our pride, etc. The cause of our errors and, therefore, of our suffering is the ego, our psychological defects. The ego makes us unhappy, perverse and miserable. The world would be a paradise if people would root out from their lives these inhuman abominations.

As we eliminate our own defects, the karma related to each defect is forgiven as well. This is mercy.

We should never complain against our karmic situation, since this can only worsen it. Karma is a medicine applied to us so that we can see our greatest defects (the cause of our suffering), and begin to elimitate them through mystical death.

- 19:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

White light of protection

by Deborah Anna

This meditation has been used as a spiritual protection technique for at least 2 centuries that I am aware of. It has been used by magicians, alchemists, sorcerers, spiritualists, spiritual healers, and by the psychics and shaman of all cultures. It is the best way that I know of to protect you during any and every kind of spiritual, occult and/or psychic endeavor. It can be used for protection from the influence of anyone or anything negative, including demonic, evil, and negative spirits AND people! It has been used for protection from all forms of psychic attack and black witchcraft. It also can be used for healing, as a similar technique has been used by many hospitals for the purpose of cancer patients doing healing meditations.

I learned this meditation when I was a beginning medium, and it changed my life for the better in many ways. As a medium, I was "wide open" to perceiving all things spiritual, and my spiritual light was so bright that it attracted not only highly evolved and positive entities, but also the evil and negative entities who were attracted to my bright spiritual light like a moth to a flame. It is the same for any of you who have natural psychic ability - your light shines so brightly on the other side that you attract anything and everything.

A wonderful side effect of the daily use of this protection ritual over a long period of time is that it raises your spiritual vibratory rate, enabling you to achieve a higher state of spiritual awareness, helping you to evolve spiritually and to develop any psychic and spiritual abilities you might have.Raising your spiritual vibrations automaticly protects you from lower level energies.

Using this powerful meditation and psychic protection technique every day will create a protective aura around you of pure white God-light. You will be totally surrounded and protected from negative energies of any kind. Do this meditation/protection technique 3 times a day for 30 days and it will actually create a new neural connection in your brain. At that point, the White Light technique becomes a new habit, and you don't have to work quite so hard or do it quite so often to achieve the same protective effects. You'll find that after you have been practicing this daily for at least 30 days that you might be able to skip a day or two -- even longer, depending on how long you've been doing it -- and still find that you have the same level of protection and positive and abundant energy.

This powerful psychic protection technique has worked for me in so many ways. It protects me from a myriad of different kinds of entities, it has protected me from the spells of black witchcraft , it protects me from the almost subliminal psychic chatter I heard whenever I was with other people before I started practicing this technique. I use it daily, and I reinforce it before entering a hospital, medical or dental clinic, whenever I see a car accident, and at the start of every psychic session and paranormal exploration.

Many people use this technique every day not just for protection. They use it because it contributes to their sense of general well-being.

During the first 30 days of daily practice, this meditation/protection technique must be practiced THREE TIMES A DAY. What you are really doing, to put it in modern terms, is programming the computer of your mind. The mind accepts programming best when the programming is repeated 3 times a day. The two most important times to do this technique are: 1)first thing in the morning before your feet hit the floor, and 2)last thing at night before you go to sleep. These times are important because that is when you are closest to the subconscious mind, and it is in the subconscious mind that these new neural connections are made. The 3rd time of day that you practice this meditation technique can be any time during the day that is convenient to you. After about 30 days of doing this technique you will find that you are protected around the clock, waking and sleeping, without you having to consciously think about it quite as much as you did during the first 30 days. When you do any kind of spiritual or psychic endeavor or exploration or experimention, you will still want to begin with this White Light technique, as it is of utmost importance that you protect yourself at those times. And as I said earlier, this White Light also raises your energy, your vibration, when you do it, and when you do it before meditation or psychic explorations or hypnosis, it will contribute to a better and more positive experience for you.

Doing this meditation only takes a very few minutes at most, and doing it before sleeping and again upon awakening will imprint this into your subconscious mind faster than doing it at any other time during the day. It is important, however, that during your first 30 days of practicing this meditation, that you do it 3 times a day, because that will make it a new habit pattern faster than doing it once or twice a day. After the first 30 days, you might only need to do this mediation technique once a day or once every other day - whatever feels appropriate to you. (I've been doing this for years, and it only takes me 10 - 20 seconds!)

All right, here it is:

FIRST -- You need to find a time and a place in which you will be undisturbed. If that means taking the phone off the hook, then do that. If you are at work, then go into the bathroom for a couple of minutes and do this very quick and easy meditation. This will only take a 2 or 3 short minutes. Then sit down and make yourself comfortable. Put your feet flat on the floor and let your hands rest on your lap, with the palms facing up. (Or you can sit on the floor in the Lotus position, if you prefer)

SECOND -- Place your thumb and index finger, or your thumb and middle finger, together. This is the east Indian position called "mudra" and has been shown in laboratory testing to actually make a connection in the brain that induces a relaxed feeling and light level of meditative trance.

THIRD -- Take 3 SLOW deep breaths, making each breath out longer than the breath in before it. ... Then ... imagine White Light coming down from above and entering your body through the top of your head. ... See and feel this White Light filling every part of your body and mind. ... Make it real with the power of your mind. ... See any dark places and spaces that might be within you fill with that White Light. .... See it .... feel it .... sense it..... This might take a few minutes the first few times you try it. As you keep doing it more and more it will take less and less time, until it takes just a few seconds to do .... When you see or sense your body AND your mind totally and completely filled with the White Light, then see a little bit of it coming out of your body through your solar plexus, just above your belly button ... and then see it surrounding your body like you are surrounded in a protective eggshell of positive White Light. ... This White Light is God-energy and it will cleanse and protect you.... KNOW that you are totally protected.... KNOW that you are totally protected....

OPTIONAL *** When you see yourself with the White Light filling you completely and surrounding you completely, you might want to extend that White Light out from you and fill your home or living space with it. To do that, see or sense that White Light again coming from you at your solar plexus, and extending out from you in the form of a cord or rope. See and/or sense that White Light filling and surrounding your home, or filling and surrounding your loved ones. Know that you and they are protected. I know of no other protection technique you can do that will change your life to the positive and protect you against any and all negative energies, seen and unseen, more than this one. There is no single spiritual practice I've ever learned of during my 35 years of metaphysical, spiritual and psychic education that can have this same effect.

Now go and practice this White Light Protection Meditation technique. Make it a part of your daily routine for 30 days. You will feel uplifted and renewed. Some of my clients have even reported that after a few weeks of daily practice, they have contacted their guides or deceased loved ones during their practice of this meditation. And don't worry if you have trouble visualizing the Light. Some people just aren't visually oriented. It's all right as long as you can sense it in some way, whether it's something that you seem to hear, or simply a "feeling" or just a sense of "knowingness." Your mind, your Inner Being, and your spirit guides know what you are doing. Try if for a MINIMUM of 30 days. It can only do good for you.

- 18:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Working with angels

by Lily

There are so many articles about Angels here on the Internet, that I thought it would be best served for those interested in advancing with their psychic gifts to share about working directly with the Angelic Realm. Angels are allowed to work directly with us down here if there are stipulations met, and those stipulations are:

1. If the person involved has involved themselves primarily in usage of the Gift of the Holy Spirit in such a way as to warrant growth, benefit and otherwise aid of others, as in helping more than just one individual.

2. That if the person using the Gift of the Holy Spirit will comply with the regulations, using it for the gain of others and not for themselves, as in a profiting venture. You see, as the Lord Jesus said, "freely ye have receive, therefore freely give". Now the Lord understands how hard it is to just keep it totally without remuneration at times, as we do need to keep ourselves properly taken care of. There are decisions made on an individual basis with this.

3. To be ethically wise with all work with anything of the psychic nature, and proven such. So if you do work with your Guides and then have been tested and have passed ethical tests, tests of devotion, tests of faith, and of inner strength, then there will be a graduation of the level to have Angelic Beings come when needed to aid with your psychic work. They will only come if there is someone else being aided, not for yourself, and that is something that needs to be understood. All psychic work that is done is for another's benefit, and most psychics will agree that they cannot read for themselves. It just doesn't work that way, and it really shouldn't actually as it could be just taken for granted that you can reach the psychic realm 24/7 for anything you like, and that is why we cannot have "special favors". This is necessary in order to attain the highest level of the Christ Energy. Remember that Jesus told his Disciples in Matt. 10:8: "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils; freely ye have recieved, freely give. Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses. Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves, for the workman is worthy of his meat. In order to attain this highest level of Christ Energy the link must be clear of any lesser vibrations that could alter and disturbe the frequency of the Holy Spirit. Lesser intentions can and do alter this high level, and it can make the outcome less.

If you can accept all this, and if the work is for another, there could be the blessing of working with Angelic Beings in your psychic life.

Often they come quietly, as if you are first doing a reading and it is just you and the individual whom you are reading. You will sense perhaps a Guide walking over to you, and then if the situation is warranted, the Lord will send one of His Angels to help, or even more than one depending upon the type of psychic work you are doing. If Reiki is being done, then there could be as many as a dozen or more appear for prayers and to guide the person's hands involved in the Reiki work. Along with that there is the reasoning why an Angel appears, too.

An Angel appears solely for the purpose of aiding one of the persons down on the Earth in order to ascertain a certain type of physical, emotional, or even mental level the readee is operating at and the type of necessary connections the reader needs. It could be as much as a type of blessing of spirit, too, with the energy of the Holy Spirit blending with the readee's own Auric Field in order to first prove that there is an Angel near, and then to correct any type of negativity inside the readee's Auric Field, plus bless the person's energy level to increase the Flow from Source. That would bring forth the Christ Vibration, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Father God inside the person's own Auric Field, the Holy Trinity, and there would be much done.

So you can sense that with just a visit by an Angelic Being there could be much achieved, along with having the warmth and the energy there. It is not uncommon for the readee to also sense the presence of Angels, too, as it is so pronounced with their wonderful harmonious peaceful radient energy coming forth from their Auric Fields that it is hard not to sense them near. They deliberatly stand nearby and pray and link to Holy Father with their prayers for you, and that is why the major increase is sensed and felt with their wonderful Holy Energy. It is something that if you just have felt it once in your life, you are blessed for the rest of your time here with the memory of that experience.

Angels come down here on the Earth Plane to share their efforts, but our lower denser vibrations on our Plane are a huge change for them, so they don't stay a long time here and linger. They come and do God's work and help in the manner that they are charged with, and then must return to their Heavenly Realm, as you can understand.

Always when you are working with Angelic Beings it is important to realize that this whole contact experience is a "team effort". They will do their part well, and for you to work diligently along with being respectful, polite, and keep focused with the purpose of Highest and Best Good. Angels will not allow you to venerate them in such a way as to send them a feeling of worship of them, as it will cause them to realize you are not understanding the purpose of their presence. So you can imagine there is a period of adjustment going to happen when someone is now being contacted by an Angel to work with them.

With more and more people experiencing contact by the Angelic Realm, and even those who are now hearing and channeling the Lord, people need to know that it is not something to be shocked over. They can work well with
Angels, and not have the other areas of their live imposed upon. You see, Angels understand the situation with how your personal life is, and if there is the necessity to contact you out of the ordinary with their regular time spent with you, then they will always be doing it as a command from God, so the importance of it is sensed here.

Why is this all happening now? The Angelic Realm has volunteered to work with those who have proven their worthiness in terms of spiritual growth, plus several other reasons, too, but mostly due to the 444 Event that occurred back in 1999, Easter Sunday. That was a major event, the 4th of April, at 4:44 p.m. a wave of Energy divinely sent caused the opening of the portal to our Third Dimension. That brought forth Energy of the Holy Spirit so that the Angels can travel quickly and without much drain. So there is the need to sense here that with their coming and visiting with purpose is a pre-planned event.

Along with that there is the coping ability taken into account with the Angels volunteering so that they don't get worn out with the extensive vibrational drain on their Auric Fields. They maintain a constant blending of the Holy Spirit inside their Hearts so that the Holy Father will become One with them, along with the Energy of the Holy Spirit. That makes it difficult to sense with all this happening, as they do tend to wish to make it all perfect here, but realize that there is so much trouble happening in our world, that to try to make it perfect would not be reasonable. They do wish for us to grow much and to take time to realize that with all things in the way of learning, struggle must be a part of it in order to get used to the fact that they, too, struggle. That is where the seemingly startling evidence comes in with those who first sense the Angels. They are strong, true, but that they are impartial with their feelings, much like a doctor or a nurse is with trying to deal with many troubled souls all at once. First things first, so they must blend what they can with what they have in their own Auric Energy, and that's why they chose a certain person over another to work through. Some people down here have much inner strength and others have a smaller amount. So that is where the reasoning is with who is chosen and who is not.

Just realize that with all of this happening, even if you are not one who is chosen to be contacted by Angels to work with them, it doesn't mean that you are not worthy, just that not only do they need to work with those who are into the Holy Spirit Energy, they also need strong souls willing to commit to extensive work alongside them. Some will, and some won't want that type of long-term committment, so trust that if you are contacted by the Angelic Realm, that you will have time to consider what there is involved in your particular instance plus how your personal life is currently in order to ascertain if this partnership would work well for both the Angelic Beings, yourself and family.

- 06:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Astral projection

by Lily

What is astral projection? Astral projection, also known as astral travel and out-of-body travel, is simply projecting one's mind into the altered state of manipulation of the Cosmic Energy of our True Selves and then having a different local brought forth for us to go into. We can do this quite easily when we sense the dual issue of both our lower self being down here on Earth and our higher self being up in Spirit already. Realizing that we are all Spiritual Beings incased in physical bodies down here while on Earth, but quite capable of out-of-body travel in order for us to continue with our life experience, grow, and further our capabilities is essential.

Am I already doing it or have done it before and just not know it? Yes, of course, as each and every time you sleep your body is lying there but your Spirit is so much more than you are realizing. We are capabale of so much now that our Awakening is happening. We should sense that with our bodies needing the rest but our minds not, our Lord is allowing us travel out of body in order to gain further while in the rest state. When we travel out of body deliberately, as in doing meditation/relaxation first then followed by astral projection, this, too, is essentially the same thing.

First believing and knowing that you already can do astral travel is important! Having that feeling of knowing that you already have done it before makes a huge difference in your thought process. Fear and hesitation are the first drawbacks to this whole event of astral projection. The question comes forth in people's minds "is it all right if I do it"? Yes, it is of course, provided you are doing it for the right reasons. Intention is clearly the deciding factor and it is a gift of the Spirit and one that should be sensed as such. It is not done just for the curious to be satisfied and often when someone who is curious is doing it, it is allowed to occur, however, the intent is watched closely as our Auric Fields reveal all emotions and out thoughts are indeed heard. Guides oversee all of this event, as we do have Spirit Guides and they come instantly when we are attempting to enter into the Spirit World for any type of contact. I firmly believe that everything is watched over by the Lord in this whole psychic area.

Am I able to just go and will myself to go to a place I have heard about, such as the Hall of Records or the Hall of Wisdom? Actually, that is a situation whereby you ask permission first and then see if you are allowed. As all things in the Spirit World are regulated, you must ask as in prayer first, folowed by waiting and seeing if it is given you. If you have ever tried to do it without having permission granted, then you realize that quickly it is blocked and all you see is a blankness. If permission is granted, then you need only to concentrate on where you want to go and stay focused on that place. (Guides who obviously respond to the will of God do oversee this and with their allowance there, you can be directed to the correct location.) The direction you travel does alter with the focus, so that if you shift your focus, you shift your direction. Concentration power is very important on this plane. You can will yourself back to your body at anytime, remember that, and even if you just think about going back, it is that first thought about returning that gets activated, so don't be surprised if you wonder if you should return now to your body and then start instantly having that happen. I speak from experience with this, so control over your own thoughts is a good idea.

What is the difference between astral projection and lucid dreaming? When we dream and have out-of-body experiences and realize this after we have awakened, we have this often odd feeling of amazement and wonder in the morning. Often it’s just waking up in the morning, and then suddenly you remember being somewhere the night before, knowing that it really wasn’t a dream, but an actual event. Sometimes you may want to share this experience immediately, stressing to another person the fact that you WEREN’T dreaming, saying it was “like a dream”, but you were REALLY weren’t in a dream-like state, that it truly happened. The emphasis being that you were out of your “real body” and in another “Real Body”. If the reception is good inside your family circle and you can share easily without having to prove anything to them, then it is so much more enriching for you. Often we try so hard and earnestly to explain to others whom we sense might be doubtful about all of this, then it dampens our enthusiasm. Ever notice how when you explained this to someone else and they have reservations which shows in their facial expressions while you relate your experiences how hard it is on you? You feel hesitant to mention it again as their doubt makes it difficult on you. Justiying it to someone else that it was real is sometimes one of the hardest parts of this whole new experience and it makes it much clearer to you to think to keep it to yourself when you don't sense support. But realize, too, that there are many out there who are also going through this and have been much like trailblazers here with the subject. Seeking out further information to aid you in this is wonderful and that is why I am here writing this article. A good book to read is Robert Monroe's "Out-of-Body Travel". This was written decades ago.

With lucid dreaming, which basically is one of the early stages of psychic development started with the individual by their Guides, is the feeling is that you are in a dream, ...followed by suddenly being “awakened” right there inside the dream scenerio. What happens is that the Guide working with your Auric Field senses that now would be a good time to awaken you and quickly does this, followed by your whole beingness suddenly being startled into being awake. That is how they do it, as it comes down to the Guide to have you be involved in a dream sequence whereby you are told to go through several sequences of imagery that are random, then the Guide is told to awaken you now.

Sometimes people can adjust the “dream” to be how they want it to go. That is done so that the person can feel he or she has some control. Most people feel like they are trance-like while up there and then have some problems once in a while with that issue, so the Guides allow this interaction with the person controlling the dream along with them. The message is still given to the dreamer but he is having some control of it, too. It’s much like a change of scenery as the person then has a feeling that they can do what they want, and then have the feeling that you and they are doing it along the same lines as the Guides hope you will. There is the feeling that you are in charge, but the Guides are still the “Overseers” of the dream. In that way, you grow in Spirit, and learn and the Guides feel better with the confidence that the message is received.

Is there anything "out there" that I should be afraid of? As everything in the world of the seen and the unseen is directly created by our Creator who is indeed the "All that Is", this "Isness" is a part of His Divine Creation. So since God is the All that Is, then everything in existence period is created by God. God knows all and sees all. So with your remembering that, you should put two and two together here and realize that if there is anything that ever should occur in this astral projection event, it is of the planned nature and should be blessed and released up to the Lord. There truly isn't anything of the unseen world of Spirit to ever be afraid of. Death is impossible in the Spirit Realm, and Life is Eternal. All in Spirit cannot die, it will just reappear, even yourself if you would sense this, too, up in Spirit. Just trust that if there is something that occurs then it is a planned event, and you should sense this as a type of test. Try to do well, with the blessing and lifting it up to the Lord and then be at peace no matter what. That will indeed help you further with your astral traveling, as often Guides test in order to show proof that you are capable of higher understanding and further growth possiblities.

When you are out of body, you feel immediately the warmth sensation. Actual temperature is varied, but mostly it feels like you are now in a location that the temperature is in the upper 70’s. The actual temperature of Heaven is a constant 78 degrees. So you can sense that you would be warmer up in the Astral Plane. The distance between our auric field and the Spiritual auric field is approximately three feet above the level of the Earth. I know you think that Heaven is “out there” somewheres, but actually it isn’t. So now with you being able to astral travel out of body, you could also have the feeling that you are extending yourself outwards, instead of entirely upwards. This is how it feels.

Now with the astral travel done, the feeling of coming back into your body should be like a "denseness feeling", like you suddenly became heavier, which of course you have. Your denseness is considered to be thought-form Energy compared to Spiritual Heavenly Body Energy, which is so much higher in vibrations that it feels much lighter. That is why we compare ourselves to Living Light, as we truly are Particles of Sentient Living Light combined with Thought (being our God-Heart/Mind Connection.) Sometimes when I have these out of body experiences, I can’t even feel that I have a body still down on the Earth....I KNOW that I do have one waiting for me, but I feel so totally up there. I feel confident, though, that when it is time for me to go back, my Spirit will be reeled back in, which it always is. Also, if I am wanting to go back before that time when my Spirit body is reeled back naturally, then I just tell myself that I am going to go back now, and picture myself now inside my body in my own bed, and instantly I am back.

Try to have enough sleep during the night-time period, as the more rested you are when you are having the lucid dream, the more you will be able to interact with those in the dream, and have the memory later on. It is those who are not all that awake when the lucid part starts that have some problems interacting within the dream. They will perhaps have the memory of the dream somewhat afterwards, but won’t have the interaction as much.

Most people who stay up too late, then start this lucid dream sequence say, “I am tired”...and then drift off again while they are up there in the etheric level, and then the point is lost. That happens quite often, as it takes some doing to get the person awakened during the sleep/dream event. With these definitions there comes a clarification that helps understand the whole basis of coming down here to the Earth in the first place--GROWTH. We need to use the sleep state, too, so that we can experience personal growth on several levels so our over-all gain down here is achieved to the maximum benefit. Makes sense doesn’t it when you look at it in terms of efficiency? We spend one-third of our lives in the sleep state. Understanding that God wants us using that time period as well to become better human beings as our existance here is much like a school. What better way to use time during the night than at “Night School” too?

- 06:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Meditation excersize - aligning to god within

by Lily

This is an exercise in the technique of aligning yourself to the God Force Within You. It especially works when you first do meditation, then practice this.

I make a large sign of the cross with my hand vertical (thumb facing me), like the priests do. I really feel the Energy when I start right above and close to my head then make the sign of the cross with my hand, saying when my hand is at the top of my head "In the name of the Father", going down to my First Chakra with my hand, then saying at that point "and of the Son", next bringing my hand back up to my Heart Chakra, so that my hand stays in the verticle line of the cross and then gently over to my left side with my hand still verticle, saying "and of the Holy Spirit", as that is the Yin Holy Spirit Vibration. Then I bring my hand crossing back over my Heart Chakra and over to the right side.

Sometimes I do this couple of times when I start to get weary and need to refocus, and it always works! It helps to become "Aligned With God" as Father God is always mentioned first, then the Son, and then the Holy Spirit and this has helped me all these years to do multiple readings online.

Another exercise in meditation and calming techniques is to do again as stated above, but with some changes. Make the sign of the cross with your right hand, but this time do it repeatedly for several times, but with the change being that you make a elongated, (or flattened oval) figure 8 both vertically as well as horizontally in a continuous gentle way with your hand. Along with this, repeat the phrase like before "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." I always end the exercice by making a small heart shape with my hand in front of my Heart Chakra bringing my hand up making the left side of the heart then the right side of the heart, ending it at the bottom of the heart. I would say it feels like there is already this "Energy of the Holy Cross" inside our body,--like in Spirit there is the Energy pattern existing that the Father God Energy travels straight down from God into the top of our head through our Crown of Life Chakra and straight through all seven chakras being that it is the Yang (Masculine Energy)-God Vibration. Then when I make the horizontal crossing at my Heart, that is where the Yin Vibration-(Feminine Energy)-God Vibration is, so when I do this it pulls me into alignment totally with the Holy Father and the Holy Christ Consciousness plus the Holy Spirit completely, and then I receive what I receive for the person's highest and best good. (Endurance-wise the more you stay in tune like this throughout the reading(s) the less draining it is on you.)

Another thing I can mention, too, is to pray from your heart when you say a prayer just before channeling or reading, saying it in the most sincere words from your heart. I've noticed that sometimes when it gets hectic and I just start out saying a routine prayer, I right away sense that I am not tuning in well, as sometimes saying an often-used prayer makes you start to feel mechanical more and that's when you need to just "say what you feel" right from your heart,--that more than anything is where God knows where you are coming from, and will aid you even further if you are earnest in your attempt to give guidance for another's benefit, or to connect with God Within. Whether you do this to give readings for others or just to feel closer to God in meditation, it works well. Trust that it will work, too, as that brings with it even higher vibrations to cleanse and bring forth the Energy of Oneness with Holy Christ Jesus, as well as the Yin Vibration of Holy Mother which is also named the Holy Spirit. You see, it works either way, for giving a clearing for yourself or to keep focused with mediumship.

- 05:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Spirit guides

Spirit Guides are wonderful people who have assigned themselves to do service work endeavoring to create a better way down here with linking to the Christ Consciousness. This is all done in order to create a better blending of the Christ Consciousness along with the connection to God enforced with a much stronger link. They train extensively prior to their first assignment and although they are often people's best friends, former spouses, parents from a previous lifetime, etc. they do train for this assignment. Most have a higher Guide to is Guide to them plus others and are often called a "Supervisor". These Supervisors train for a much longer time and usually afford themselves the training of others along with the work in the "field". The Lord Jesus Christ is the One whom they report to and does have a direct link to the Guides established through the Holy Spirit, thus making their Lord available to them with questions and comments throughout each and every day always. They can see and converse directly with the Lord as can anyone in the Spirit Realm.

Usually there are three all told involved in each person's life down here. This is a variable, as often high souls do come down and thereby have what is called "Mission Work". If that is the case and there are others involved directly (as in having additional Guides assigned) then those extra Guides do have specific work assigned specifically. Many have Reiki Zen Master status and also have the ability to sense clearly and quickly with claircognizance. They are the elite group of the high souls as they are termed "angelic" and dwell on the levels of 12th Plane and above. There is the personal Guide and his/her Superivsor, and also a separate Guide who specializes in Reiki Energy Work, so as to help with the Helix adjustments and increasements according to the will of God. All these people work in conjunction with each other so that a regulated progress happens with the individual here on Earth.

More often than not the person themselves select their own Guide(s) or even ask others who they recommend amongst the established workforce of Guides. This "workforce" is called the Guidance Guild. This Guild itself is listed as a group of workers who have established themselves primarily for aid to others, however, there are many who are so devoted to guiding that they have earned what is called 50 Years Service Award . Those who have earned this have continuously worked in guidance for a full 50 consequetive years. They wear the robes of this Guild and insignia. They have strict guidelines for the Guild, as all do in this type of work. Often they endeavor to keep tabs on each and every one of their Supervisors and often this goes well, however, there are times when it doesn't (as in all work forces) and when that happens, if there is a prayer that is registered as a complaint, that is handed down directly by God to those in charge. These types of complaints do get attention and a review board examines the situation.

Night Guiding - Dreams:
You can sense by the sound of this title that there are those who will be aiding you while you sleep. Remember that your brain is functioning even while you sleep, and God makes good use of this sleep time which is actually one-third of a person's whole life. You can sense why with so much actual time involved there could be much learned during this cycle of a person's day. You can also sense, too, that by having Guides working for your benefit also during the sleep cycle, then you could be out of body. This out-of-body experience is truly "dreaming" and while you are experiencing dreams, some might mean something, and others might be "lead-ins" for the next sequence or scenerio of dream events. So often this is the case, as it does make the person unaware of the fact that there is a kind of testing done during sleep. Often the Spirit of the person tends to sense that there is something going on (lucidity) and then they anticipate such, so that's why the non-sense dreams that preclude the actual important scenerio of lesson-type dream events.

Spirit Guides do "act" in these types of dreams and ever notice if someone in the dream seems to have a vacant-type stare about them, not responding even a little, as they seem to be doing something rote and have a distance from you doing a kind of walking about? These actual beings are what are termed Thought Form Bodies, and they are created out of thin air and do represent the crowd of people as in an "extra" in a movie scene. They are doing what they are meant to do which is just be there as in the background doing a regular type of motion as in walking by. There are also real people who are termed "dream actors" and they do what they enjoy doing which is role playing. They are "bit actors" and have a type of situation whereby the portray a role in the dream. They enjoy doing this as they are well paid. They also have real jobs in the Heavenly Realm, and that is Guide work.

It is a part of the whole training program to have newbie Guides do dream acting work. This is for the betterment of the whole human experience, and they realize that, but often the person "wakes up" inside the dream situation and gets a bit over-excited and can cause the actor to balk, or say something telepathically to the head Guide who is leading the dream scenerio, as a Director would. They ask for aid often in these circumstances, so you can see why some dreams have a short or abrupt ending and leaves you just hanging, not knowing what was going on or how it all "ends". It can make the person upset also, as they sensed there was something majorly wrong with the whole dream situation, as their Higher Self gets directly involved and objects to the treatment, and that's why there are those who wake up in the morning and ponder this or that throughout the day when they are feeling this way. It could be described as an unsettled feeling.

So you see, it is not always without a glitch or two with creating dreams, having the message received, and hopefully gained by the person in terms of understanding the lesson given. Often the dreamer thinks that the Guide is there, as they can "sense someone nearby". These Guides do come and whisper words, commands, and theme messages in the person's ear while they are experiencing a dream sequence. Ever notice how you are able to just do and say things that seem much like someone else doing it? Or it feels "not right" when you are doing something and you start to balk, or say something that makes the Guide stop and/or change the whole dream ? They watch for your Auric Field to alter in some way to make the Guide see that the person is understanding, comprehending and making an adjustment in their way of thinking overall. That will show up later in actual living down here, and they watch for signs with their follow-ups later. So Guidance does make a huge difference in how people regard life here with their involvement. Hopefully you will be able to comprehend enough by what has been going on with your own Guide in your life to excell to a higher level back when you finally return home to Heaven.

- 05:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Schizophrenia Versus Being Psychic

by Lily

This is indeed a difficult subject, but one of the most important articles I feel I could write. When people first have psychic experiences with verbal audio contact, often they first think that they are schizophrenic. Why? because of the attitudes of how other people are when it comes to "hearing voices". Televison programs have used it often as plots just so that a disparagingly negative appearance is cast upon psychic experiences. Religious groups have made it appear a negative event, and much negative publicity has resulted. Automatically they think they are losing their minds and worry. Worry causes further problems and it all results in the blocking of anything psychic.

First and foremost, if you are hearing voices, listen to what is said. Is it a negative comment or a positive comment? Always is the Spirit realm full of wonderful people, but sometimes there are those who are negative and they do try to contact those whom they notice as Lightworkers down here on the Earth. They are allowed to travel sometimes and it is explained later in this article how to deal with such a contact. Lightworkers are highly gifted psychic individuals, and even if you are not aware that you are of Lightworker origin, you still have these abilities. If you are not willing to use them, then that's up to you, just that you are psychic whether or not you are willing to use Gifts of the Spirit for another's benefit. That is the first reason why people use psychic abilities--to help others.

When a person starts at first to hear spoken words inside their minds, they are right away sensing that the sentences they are hearing said to them are not coming from their own thoughts. They think "uh oh, I wasn't thinking that, where did that thought come from?" Instead of getting upset over it, the best thing is to try to sense just who is there, not go by the thought itself alone, but to sense whether or not there is a Spirit nearby. So that is the first thing to mention about "hearing voices". Next is the part where if you sense the voices are saying negative things to you, criticizing you over your own personality, try to right away pray for God's intervention. Ask God to give you total protection from this Spirit. Do not think that the voices will continue, as even if you are worried, those worries will extend into your thoughts and you might be asking yourself way too many questions about it while you are pausing, and that's another area of concern. You see, if you are not at peace with the whole issue, then the lack of peace causes a chain-like reaction. First you get worried, next you start wondering if your next thoughts were your own or someone else's, then you get into a pattern of thinking with this. I could cause you to become anxious over all of your thoughts which would in turn cause you to become anxious more and more of your day. Try to become One with God in all of this, then try to focus with your heart and allow God to lead with the correction.

With general Spirit contact, the loving thought is expressed with a congenial greeting or such a message. It is on the basis of love and friendship that this contact is made. With another type of Spirit contact, that of Spirit Guides, their efforts to contact you are also of the Light and are helpful and positive. They are intelligent comments, usually a quick statement by a Guide, as the Guide doesn't want to overwhelm a person. They don't ramble and they don't state complicated sentences with contradictions within the framework of the sentence. So you see, you would be contacted by either your own deceased family member or close friend, or a Guide of yours that you suddenly sense being there, along with hearing a few words from them. These are for the most part the main body of Spirit contact. The lesser or rarer type is a Spirit waundering through and notices that you are psychically able to hear them. It will show in your Auric Field if you are able to receive telepathic thoughts. It is called being Clair-audient, which means "clear hearing". You can also sense the energy from these people, sensing if they are male or female, and perhaps also the recognition energy, as in sensing the relationship to you with these Spirit people. Along with that there are several sensing abilities simultaneously being activated all to see, sense, and hear these Spirits. These are real Spirit people who are in a higher dimension. They are not of the person's own imagination. They are not negative in any way. It is allowed by God and it is mentioned in the Bible. The psychic ability is termed "Discernment of Spirits" and it is only one of many wonderful abilities that God has granted us. In 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12 it is explained wonderfuly by Paul. They are termed "Gifts of the Spirit", and Paul describes them all and says "to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." Always it is for the Highest and Best Good, and that is important to remember with any type of inner voice heard. The Catholic church describes it as Inner Locution and many of the Saints have had this ability. Another point to mention here is that God chose to bless all who wish to have it. In 1st Cor. 12:6 it says "And there are varieties of working, but it the same God who inspires them all in everyone". I mention this as people tend to think that only a few have this ability. It clearly says in the Bible that God inspires them all in everyone.

There is of course those of the Spirit world that do like to just chatter and they do cross paths with some psychic people and there is sometimes trouble ensuing with that. Trouble meaning that you hear what they said, you are not pleased, you ask the Spirit to leave politely, and also ask God to intervene and help you, and instantly the Lord does send Angelic Beings to remove the harassing Spirit. That does not mean that the Spirit is evil or anything like that, it just means that the Lord does take care of such events. But do try to realize that with this type of contact, the Lord does take care of it. It won't be occurring over and over again. Usually there is a reason for this contact, too. For example, a haunted house that the Spirit feels ownership feelings concerning the home and doesn't like your personality and/or auric energy so they try to speak to you to have you be the one who leaves. There again you ask God to intervene.

You can see the difference in the various types of contact. Along with the Spirit contact there is also the other senses involved, as you can often sense the feeling of the person nearby, (as their Auric Field is touching your Auric Field when this happens), which in itself is still another verification of Spirit. There is also your ability to sense odors, as in perfume or a tobacco odor, which is a possibility. So you can see that the Spirit Realm can do many things in their way of contact, even your feeling a Spirit hand touching yours. When Guides contact us they use their ability to project a thought image. They can show you something that they first manifest inside their own Auric Field and then thought project it into your mind. With the useage of telepathy they can show you objects that will show symbolism or show a message visually, too, so remember that when you are starting to sense something happening like this, don't panic. It isn't you yourself manifesting it, it is a Guide or someone else showing you something. So when you know it wasn't you a second ago thinking about a subject and you just suddenly hear or see something inside your mind and wonder where did this come from, realize that's how Spirits and our Guides contact us. Remember that this will all be a pleasant experience, and one that is a teaching aid to you. That is the purpose.

When you have schizophrenia that entails disturbance of the Auric Field and blocks the energy of the Hope Chakra which indeed is where the Love Light God Trinity is located. This is your Fourth Chakra (Heart Chakra), and it makes clear the vibrations of the Holy Spirit. You can access it directly by focusing on your Heart Chakra and it will make you realize that the issues of the Hope Chakra are indeed an important energy.

It is important to mention the Id here. That is where the schizophrenia comes in. The Id is where the body of the Spirit is "housed". That is another thing, as most people don't seem to realize that the "housing" or "Temple" of the Spirit is indeed a thought form that contains just one element, the Id. It is that which is termed a "container" so that the Spirit is willing to remain there intact during the whole interim of being down here on Earth. It is so that the housing will stay contained and not travel out. It is also a part of the usage idea of being down here on Earth. It is always a complicated issue explaining something that is totally not of the Earth Plane and makes for difficult terminology to explain it. You see, with terms such as Id, the whole issue of understanding something that isn't of this realm a difficult situation. With understanding that difficulty, the explanation will be given in the best terms possible. You can sense that with the Id being another part of the whole Temple of the Spirit down here on Earth, the issue of being "self-contained" a huge necessity.

We are truly spiritual beings encased in physical bodies down here on Earth and it makes it clear that we need to consider and focus on the Whole Us, the Entire Being Of Who We Are to truly understand ourselves better. We need to always consider the Body, The Mind, The Spirit, and The Soul together. If any one part of the whole is in trouble, as in schizophrenia, it truly intertwines with the other parts and causes trouble everywhere. That is a part of the issue of schizophrenia. Another part is the situation of Karma. You see, there is truly nothing in the Spirit Realm that is accidental, especially when it comes to the discussion of major health issues here on Earth. If there is a trouble with the mind, then it is from that same area and usually same energy that the Karmic indebtedness is. That is why schizophrenia is the separation or the bi-polar affect upon the brain. What it appears like in Spirit is a dark cleft down the very center of the person's Auric Field, like a separation between the two sides of the Auric Field. It also shows that the energy there is troubled with the vibration altered. You can sense that the issue of control is a part of the condition of schizophrenia, plus the fact that when there is a separation within something there is a kind of blockage there with the energy. You can have what feels like your own mind thinking that there is "another somone there", a kind of re-routed energy where you think you are thinking about something, but it really is your own mind trying to focus on completing a whole thought. It is instead the mind re-routing the energy so that the way the message is conveyed through the mind is reflected back upon the mind and it makes the mind think that there is "someone else" giving you the information. It feels like your thoughts are being re-threaded into another passage, and then re-routed and that causes the "being watched" feeling of paranoia.

The negative energy is strong with schizophrenia with doubt, worry, and concern, which causes the mind to feel oppressed and fearful. Fear consumes the confidence energy, and thus makes it all turn into a sad state. You can see that with schizophrenia, people are worried constantly and that drains down the Hope Energy. When the Hope Energy is drained, that's where trouble happens. Extensive draining of the Hope Chakra can make The Way, The Truth, And The Life which is the Christ Consciousness inside you feel like it is dissapated. Then you are working towards a total schizophrenic state. If you can block the path of the draining of the Hope Chakra with love and complete calmness, then the schizophrenic episode will be curtailed. You see, there is no one "watching you" or going to make you feel possessed. You are not going to have your Soul possessed, removed or anything like that, which is one of the major worries of a schizophrenic, the losing of oneself and their identity.

All this is in order for the person to deal with issues relating to Karma, as most major afflictions are Karmically related. It is a sad situation but with so many people having various problems with their mental states, you can sense that Karma is directly related, as "what goes around, comes back around" and generally in the very same area. Often bi-polar disease or schizophrenia is a direct result from someone involved in a drug-type situation from a past life. That means that they either were selling or involved in the distribution of drugs or various other avenues of industry involving drugs. They could also have been a willing user of drugs, but most of that is dealt with up in Spirit prior to coming down here on Earth, otherwise there would be indeed a huge amount of people having schizophrenia. Also with the reason of what goes around comes back around, and that means that if there was a violent attack where the person in their past life caused major affliction to another in the area of the brain, then there would be another lifetime that the perpretrator would have involving damage to their own brain, (i.e. such as a lethal blow or damaging blow to the head of another). So you see, variations can result and there can be many ways that negative Karma comes back around. All this is indeed a hard issue to deal with, but with Karma there isn't much a person can do about discharging the negativity up in Spirit, if it was caused down here on the Earth. Most of the time people realize it as a hardship and deal with it accordingly. That is the major difference between just hearing voices and schizophrenia.

Historically speaking, many times in the past people who stated that they were hearing voices were right away considered to be hearing demons, and in the Dark Ages were indeed treated as witches and demon-possessed. Look what Joan of Arc went through after her capture by the English who were at war with Joan's country of France. The English didn't care about her mystical holy experience she was going through. All they cared about at the time was to discredit Joan and then destroy her. She was hearing voices of saints speaking to her, St. Michael, St. Margaret and St. Catherine guiding her. She was judged by the English with the precept of her being a witch and their intent was to obtain a written confession by her denouncing her "voices", then burn her at the stake. It was purely a political maneuver to denounce her publicly in an effort to humiliate the French, their enemy. Joan wasn't schizophrenic, but a true saintly being here for a mission of importance. When her voices stopped speaking to her, that was her notice that God had concluded the mission work. She was triumphant at that point, but not to the point of what she herself wanted, thus making her will come before God's will, and it went downhill for her after that. She did sign a confession under torture, but later recanted her confession. The Catholic church 489 hundred years later cannonized her as a Saint in 1920.

The Dark and Middle Ages were a severe time for those who were schizophrenic. Unfortunately, many were killed with biased trials given or "tests" done on them to see if they were evil. One such horrible test was to take the person and make them wade out into a body of water, and if they floated on their backs, then they were judged not possessed or a witch. If they didn't float and went under a bit, then right away it was decided that they were evil and needed to be destroyed. Approximately 9,000,000 people were killed during the whole of the Inquisition which includes the two major inquisitions, the Spanish Inquisition and the French Inquisition lasting up until 1858. Just how many of those poor people were what we term now schizophrenic or bi-polar only God knows.

So if you are wondering if you are schizophrenic or psychic, try to first ascertain what the voices are saying to you and use logic with this, as positive messages convey that of the Holy Spirit and those of the Light. If it is otherwise, then see if there is any way you can first deal with it with God's divine intervention. Next if you sense that there is no alleviation and the trouble continues, then by all means go to your physician and deal with it in a positive way. Don't become overwhelmed and then go to the doctor, otherwise the doctor will sense you are having more than just one problem there. Try to explain what exactly you are experiencing and detail the experiences in a concise, mature way. Your doctor will determine the course of action to take, and please feel free to question anything the doctor might be suggesting in the way of medicines and their side effects. Take an active part in your recovery.

- 05:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 24.10.2007.

Psychic attack - psychic draining

by Lily

This is a difficult event in anyone's life and it is important to understand just what a psychic attack really is. So much of the time it is misdiagnosed, and people are put on medication without even knowing the source of all their trouble.

What I do want to address is the issue of being drained psychically, physically and emotionally by someone else. It can be just from their conversational contact with you, it can be from a negative Spirit or negative energy residing inside your home, or a negative Spirit trying to attach themselves to you gradually, or various other types of negative vibrations.

The symptoms are:

- Noticing a presence as in someone watching you .
- A heaviness or fearfulness in a certain room in your home.
- Sensing a cold spot in a room or cold feeling on part or all of your physical body .
- Feeling someone touch you when you are all alone or no one nearby.
- A loss of self-esteem and/or self-confidence.
- A burning sensation at the upper back just below the nape of your neck
and in that area a feeling of "entrance" as in energy going into your body there and even burning the back of your Heart Chakra.
- Behavior and personality changes.
- Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability .
- Memory lapses .
- A drained feeling or fatigue without cause, as in a drain of vitality or energy.
- Hearing harassment voices inside your mind, as in negative words, demoralizing and degrading you, and bossing you around.
- Illnesses that come on suddenly that a doctor cannot diagnose.
- Sudden illnesses that cannot be explained, as in a flu-like symptoms, headache, low-vibrational trauma inside your body
- Hallucinations
- Inability to sleep well without having to take sleeping pills
- Waking up in the middle of the night sensing someone in the room
- Recurrent or frequent nightmares, such as being raped, tormented or tortured.
- Difficulty to cope with everyday routine life.
- Sudden explicable inability to cope with responsibilities, such as hardship at work doing what used to be easy.
- Sensing frightening shadows from the corner of your eyes
- Depression without understanding why or knowing an apparent cause, and becoming chronic
- Opressed feeling, Sorrow feeling, Negative thoughts
- Feeling isolated, and even wanting to be isolated.

All these symptoms are major in importance as coping with everyday life has now become difficult, and your Auric Field feels different, odd, or violated. You can feel the difference and you know something/someone else is doing it, as it isn't coming from you but into you. Why?

First I feel it necessary to present to you some historical background information concerning what in ancient times was labeled "demonic possession". I know this isn't a pleasant subject, and one that I used to find uncomfortable especially when I would read about it in the Bible.

One would logically first assume that Schizophrenia would seem to be the cause of some of these symptoms, but then again the demons would leave when the Lord Jesus commanded them to, and in Matthew 4:24, it was mentioned that there was a difference there by the separate listings between the medical afflictions and the demonic afflictions.

Trouble is that when the Bible was compiled and published so long ago, little else was written about demon possession afterwards. To assume that demons or dark spirits were not still out there causing trouble with humans down here just isn't true.

Astral Realm Warfare and Second Dimension Astral fights with demonic beings:

If you have invited something/someone in, then there might be a problem there. So many times I get letters by worried people who have gotten involved in the dark and now are having problems because of it. They want out, as it's "not fun anymore", and the negative beings won't go away. They can't "turn it off". Hallucinations and sleep deprivation amongst other negative side affects becomes a problem.

Being fascinated by the dark is an open invitation to get trouble coming into your life. I've given many readings whereby the persons were doing negative acts in the Spirit Realm when Astral traveling, or causing some sort of negative activities whereby they were directly involving themselves in fighting demons for "fun". Later though, they are having trouble sleeping, as they are not being allowed to sleep with the demons continously harassing them to make sure they don't sleep. Like attracts like, and with the dark anything can happen, even though sometimes these people think they know all the ins and outs of "astral warfare".

Believe me this is the worst thing to do with getting involved with psychic warfare. You see, they people think they are "killing" the demons, but nothing can be killed in the Spirit Realm, so they just re-materialize moments later. With these people thinking that by manifesting in their minds all sorts of negative weaponry, nothing will actually make the demons leave. The demons might pretend to leave just to give the people the false thought there that they have "won" a victory, but they have alterior motives.

It seems to be an attraction by the youth these days, with even forum groups formed just for that reason. The majority of the youth are males, however, there are also a smaller number of teenage girls getting involved. This invokes negative Karma for these people. To give a general assessment here for this type of situation, I have been told by my Guides that "there hasn't been so many young people getting invovled in the dark since the days of Ancient Messopotamia."

You can sense that with so many getting involved in the dark, it will cause them trouble for several lifetimes to get rid of that attraction of dark forces, plus the fact that when they return to Spirit after they die here on Earth, they will have Purgatory for their residence. That is something they might not realize, as after a time when they get used to the lower vibrational rate, there also is the confinement of cells whereby they have to dwell in a prison for a time since they used the dark for entertainment.

What about a Spirit who is causing you strife? A feeling or a presence there in your home that makes you feel sad, depressed, or any type of feeling that initiates a negative sensation? Those types of energies coming from a Spirit can cause the human being on Earth to feel sorrow, depression, anything similar to a “flu-like feeling” which is all of the dark. Why is that allowed by God?

I know there are those of the dark who are released systematically so that there is a balance of Good and Evil in the Universe, and there are times when the dark spirit shows progress and has earned a type of reward by being allowed to visit the Earth to travel. Why doesn’t that visit get supervised? It might, but there again having the manpower it takes to monitor all the negative spirits in the realm would be a huge undertaking, and although some do get away with causing trouble, sooner or later they get noticed and thereby causes trouble both for themselves, plus the ones who are supposed to report on their activities. There are also entities that truly are not of sound mind, and they, too, have earned visiting rights to Earth. There have been books written about such types of spiritual attacks, and as such does take time to remove the situation.

Protection against a psychic attack:

Strengthening your own Auric Field with affirmations does help, but remember that the Lord is the final One who says what goes and what doesn't go. So if there is an issue there with you in your life with what you might suspect as a negative Spirit bothering you, try to sense why? Try to sense if there is someone else also there, (as in a Guide perhaps watching), and try to locate where the Guide is in the room also. If you can't, then ask why is this occurring, and if you should sense a negative answer, then sense, too, if there is also someone else there during the contact.

I say this because there are times when there are Guides doing the trouble in order to make or force the Earth person to try to become more close to God. I know that sounds rather pushy, but there are times when the person themselves have asked to be forced so that they could advance into a higher energy wave length up in Spirit. That request is at the time when a person plans out their future incarnation and when they plan out their Life Chart which is a blueprint of their goals. Another reason is that when you arrive at a certain location, or a home you have moved into, there is already a negative Spirit dwelling and perhaps the vibes they get from you make them angry, so they attack defending "their residence", even though you are legally living there renting or purchasing the property. That doesn't matter to a problematic Spirit.

What to do about it? If you yourself are being attacked, then you need to first stay calm, pray to God for help, asking God to send Angels to protect you, and to keep up your faith in what happens afterwards. If you fully understand and comprehend this magnificence of existing in everything made of God, then you realize that all of us are truly divinely interlinked. That is why when the Lord Jesus said, "do unto others as you would have done unto you", this the true way of dealing with everyday life.

If you are having a sensing of someone else sending you a negative vibration or energy and want knowledge of how to handle it in the way God would want you to, the best thing to do is to pray to Him for help, and ask Him to send His Angels to protect you, as you do not want to send anything negative back to the negative person as that truly isn't God's way. Then bless the person or persons whether they are here on Earth or in the Spirit Realm and send them love and forgiveness and release or place all of this whole event up to the Lord. Love thine enemies is what Lord Jesus asked us, so if you send Love to these people and forgive them whether they are in Spirit or here on Earth, that is NEUTRALIZING EVERYTHING to do with the WHOLE SITUATION, including what they ALSO are sending to you, see?

It encompasses the whole entire event with Love Energy, and Love is the Highest and Strongest Energy in existence. Light Energy is second. So you can see that you are doing an even greater and more powerful act by being loving and forgiving of this negative attack. God does protect, and He works the best with those who are willing to see the situation from its greatest, highest and most profound vantage point. When someone can assimilate the whole ramifications of the psychic event of spiritual attack and realize that God is truly the One in charge, then you have placed the correction in God's Hands, and He will do what He feels is necessary. You do not need to do anything other than this.

Therefore, trying to imagine a mirror to reflect back the negativity isn't needed or necessary or trying to visualize neutralizing the energy yourself in any self-technique would still be placing the effort IN YOUR HANDS and not Gods, you see? It is not allowing God to do the effort. When God fixes the situation it stays fixed, so you won't need to do anything else except BELIEVE that God is now correcting the situation. That is where Faith comes in. Faith in God that He is now handling the issue, and you are well, safe, and wishing the highest and best good for that negative person, not harboring ill will towards him or her.

Your Auric Field is automatically shielded with this whole attitude and thought process you believe. I know when I do this, I can actually feel my own Auric Field develop a shielding around it in front of my heart chakra, and I FEEL totally protected. It is permanent, and does not need to be repeated.

Psychic draining by others in physical form:

Who are they? They are the types of people who come in contact with you and right away start off complaining to you about their problems, etc. and essentially express negative thoughts about their personal life. After a while you notice that even though you give good, positive sound advice to aid them, they never take it. You notice that conversation after conversation is basically the same pattern, and though you considered them as friends, these people seem to make you feel drained afterwards.

Why is that? It is because of the energy depletion that causes the trouble, with a siphoning off of your Auric Field energy and going into their Auric Field. When they are through with explaining all their troubles to you with your giving them comforting advice and support, they are feeling better with you feeling worse. After a time you are left with wondering about the future of your whole relationship. Usually these people are not mean people, but have gotten into a habit of being self-absorbed and using others to be an audience so to speak for them to express their woes.

The type of people I am describing are not the type of people who do this occasionally but habitually, and they develop this personality trait gradually so even they don't seem to realize they have gotten into this pattern of being. They are living off the energy of those who are receptive to their contact with them. What is noticeable after a time is that they in essence do not truly want to be relieved of their troubles, but to release their own tensions and deposit them on you.

Not always can a person just break off contact with these people totally, (even if it is what you are wanting to do), as some can be of your own family. What is best in these situations is to keep in mind that when you recognize that trait in a certain person to block or shield yourself psychically when you initiate contact with that person. Then it will be in place and you will have that in the back of your mind constantly and will always keep yourself armed with phrases that you know will work in shielding you from that person's behavior.

I want to stress that if you are in a relationship whereby you feel drained, like your Spirit is being made to get "smaller" and feel like it's just being directly harmed, you need to assess just what is important to you overall. If it is a romantic relationship, yet you are having your self-esteem harmed and feel oppressed and abused, then it isn't worth staying in that type of relationship if there is no way it is going to improve. Little by little your own ability to control your own life in any way happens, and you eventually feel like a "slave". Depression is often the result. That is not good at all. You have a right to live in God's Universe, too, no matter what, and there is no excuse for abuse.

- 18:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 22.10.2007.

Meditation to meet your Guardian Angel

by Denise

Create the right atmosphere for this meditation, unplug the phone and make sure your not going to be disturbed, get yourself a glass of water, maybe you would like to put on so relaxing music and light a candle (make sure its safe mind), now make yourself as comfortable as possible.

Concentrate on your breathing, breath deeply and slowly in through your nose and out of your mouth continue breathing in this way for about a minute then relax into a steady breathing pattern, clear your mind as best you can and allow the the scene to unfold in your minds eye.

Now visualize yourself taking a walk in the country to a place of beauty and tranquility, its a warm summers day the sky's so blue with just an occasional candy floss cloud floating high above, the sun's shining brightly and the birds are singing happily, its so peaceful here away from the din off the traffic, have a walk around take a look at your surroundings be aware of the colours so bright and clear, there's a stream running nearby you can hear the water as it gently flows by, you can feel the gentle breeze blowing through to air and hear it rustling the leaves on the trees, listen as the birds are happily chirping to each other, there's flowers all around and you can see butterflies dancing around them and hear the occasional buzz of a bee as it fly's in and out of the flowers collecting the nectar.

There's a large old Oakwood tree nearby go sit underneath it for awhile and be in total harmony with your beautiful surroundings this is your very own sacred space, a place where you can feel safe and secure and free from all the hustle and bustle of life, take a few more deep breaths the air is so pure and clean you feel your skin tingling as your body is being cleansed with every breath you take, look up to the sky you see what looks like a star, but no ordinary star for this star not only shines during the day, its shinning with all the colours of the rainbow as you continue to gaze upon this beautiful star you realize its gently drifting down like a feather towards you, within no time at all its hovering a few feet above your head your not afraid just simply fascinated as you find yourself being encompassed within the rainbow of colours, it feels wonderful so peaceful.

Close your eyes and allow the colours to soak in to you, feel them cleansing and purifying every atom of your being, pretty soon the rainbow is replaced by a radiant golden glow, and your filled with an all encompassing feelings of love and compassion as you open your eyes to see standing right before you is a golden solar angel, your Angel sent from up above, in just one moment of time you now realise you can solve problems that have been bothering you for some time and that no problem is so large you can't handle it knowing you have the loving support of your angel, for this angel knows every thing there is to know about you and loves you regardless and will always be there standing beside you through good times and bad, take a little time to talk to your angel.

Maybe you would like to take a few moments to thank your guardian angel for all the blessings you've received in your life, and for the all the blessings you will continue to receive, you could if you wish ask for your angels name, but don't worry if you don't quite understand immediately for often our angels communicate symbolically, maybe your angel will show you something or give something to you.

Its time now for you to say goodbye with a tender hug and a wave goodbye your golden solar angel merges back into the rainbow and so in to the star as it floats effortlessly up from whence it came, you have no feelings of sadness to see your angel go for you now know wherever you are and whatever your doing your angels watching over you, take another look around you everything looks the same, the birds are still singing, the sky's still blue but now it feels so different, every thing seems so much lighter and brighter, as you get up to start making your way back your filled with an added strength you've never known before your feeling so very happy you could almost skip and dance as you make your way back home, take one more look behind and keep this image in your minds eye for you can come back to this place at anytime.

Home now, listen to the music, take a look around you be aware of your surroundings, maybe you would like to take a drink of your water and rub your hands together before standing up and having a good stretch.

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nedjelja, 21.10.2007.

How To Handle Psychic Attacks

by Salu

Good afternoon, my scribe. I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander of this Earth Transition Project. I come in the Light of Creator Source?The One Light.

Be still. See and feel the Light radiating outward from deep within you, forming a brilliant spherical bubble that completely surrounds you. This is your Protection from outside, low-frequency influences, such as negative thought-forms, low-level astral entities, and such.

Many ones efforting to connect to the Higher Realms in this manner simply entertain anything and everything that comes their way. This can, and often does, lead to great confusion. You must learn to discipline self to ALWAYS remember to surround yourselves with Light, and thereby clear your space, if you wish to remain beyond the reach or the influence of mischievous entities or thought-forms.

We see a need for clarification for some. What are these negative thought-forms? These are the result of individuals focusing their individual thoughts in a deliberate and persistent manner so as to cause another harm, discomfort, confusion, and such. Often the result on an unprotected individual will be a string of "bad-luck" happenings or a restless night of poor sleep that keeps the individual in a weakened mental or emotional state.

This kind of phenomena is most often referred to as witchcraft, sorcery, spiritual warfare, and such. The phenomena is QUITE real and is simply a negative focus of inner, God-given, creative potential you all have as a part of your ability to co-create. Many ones use these same abilities in subtle ways to, for instance, attract a mate or money, or in numerous other ways to affect and influence others.

Some ones become quite vicious and relentless in their attacks, especially when they perceive that another has somehow caused them to be a victim. In more distorted cases, wherein an individual has become the "chronic victim" and goes from one "tragedy" to another in total "soap opera" fashion, there will ALWAYS be a dark, non-physical entity overshadowing the individual. This sort of entity feeds on the low-frequency turbulence created around such individuals.

Often this sort of person will go to great lengths to manipulate others so as to convince them to "buy into" the illusion of "victimhood" and thus, through manipulation, get others to focus their thoughts in the same negative manner. This, in turn, creates an amplification of negative energy that begins to manifest in the physical.

A good example of this process would be "holy" crusades wherein so-called "spiritual leaders" perceive a threat to their political control over the masses, and thus create great exaggerations and distortions of facts in order to condemn, literally, anyone they so choose to condemn. These ones (and the dark, non-physical entities working through them) feed off the fear and anxiety that they create wherever they go.

This phenomenon, which occurs every day in your world, is responsible in a large way for the many wars that break out?especially the so-called "holy" wars. But, to bring this discussion down to a more personal level, this phenomenon occurs on a much smaller scale (and is more frequent) around those who effort to be Lighted wayshowers. Why? Because the Lighted individuals tend to bring order and stability into the world and, in essence, they are cutting off the "food supply" to those dark energies who feed and lust for negative emotional energy vibrations.

The Lighted wayshower who gains any sort of headway toward dissipating any significant amount of negativity becomes a target for attacks. These attacks are executed not only to try to stop any further positive efforts, but beyond that, to also try to achieve eventual overshadowment and control of the Lighted wayshower. Why? Because if that goal can be accomplished, then the "damage" done (from the negative entity point of view) can be undone, and perhaps the now-conquered person can be used to actually create great negativity, even if only in a subtle manner.

All this can EASILY be avoided by simply remembering to stay centered and call upon the Light (or God, or Angels of God, or Jesus, or whatever in your perception represents pureness of Goodness) and surround yourself with this Energy. There are myriads of Lighted Beings from the Higher Realms (Angels) who will respond to your heartfelt request.

Please know that the call for assistance is not viewed as a weakness. Rather, it is viewed as LEARNED WISDOM. Those who would laugh at you or ridicule you for believing in such things are simply those who are ignorant about such matters and are often parroting the "popular" opinion that is generated and reinforced by those dark controlling ones who wish to keep the masses dumb and pliable and thwarted from awakening to their true Potential.

Awakened individuals will see right through the lies, and they will see the games of manipulation. This sort of exposure causes the manipulators great restlessness as they perceive a very real threat to their ability to maintain control over others to do their will.

Many on your world are kept "in the dark" regarding these things. And, due to the great social pressures that society in general?and especially relatives and friends?are conditioned to exert upon those who seek out this sort of information, many searching ones are pressured away from the knowledge that would eventually free them from the shackles of ignorance, to thus reclaim their God-given power.

If you perceive that you MAY be under an attack from one who is either consciously or unconsciously sending negative thoughts your way, there are some very simple things you can do to protect yourself. First and foremost, surround yourself with the Love of Creator God. (His Light is a symbolic representation of this Love.) Number two, surround any and all ones whom you may feel could be the originator of the attack with the same Light/Love of Creator God. Picture a thousand Angels of Light holding your possible attacker in an affectionate embrace with the clear message that they are dearly Loved.

These things will ALWAYS prove effective.

By contrast, getting into a reactionary battle of who has the stronger will only results in a great karmic tie with the individual that will eventually need to be balanced out. Falling into this trap is a very quick way to ensure a "round-trip ticket" back into the physical for future lessons in learning how to utilize your creative energies in a mature and responsible manner.

As students of life, I should add here that there are ways to use these same creative energies in QUITE a positive way so as to NOT incur great karmic debts. Let us say that you have a neighbor whom you don't particularly get along with and you wish that they would move. You could wish them ill health or something else negative. Or, from a much more positive perspective, you could wish them great prosperity so that they perhaps acquire a better job or come into a lot of money, so as to bring forth the desire to move elsewhere.

Remember: when you send out energy (thought-forms), that energy is going to return to you AMPLIFIED. If you chronically dwell on the negative aspects of your life, and thus radiate that energy, you most certainly will be manifesting and experiencing more and more of that same negativity.

Learn to catch yourself when you are feeling any of the lower emotions, such as guilt, frustration, and anger. Know that YOU are responsible for your emotional state, and not anyone else. To attack or lash out at another will only serve to further disconnect you from that inner place of peace wherein you find communion with Creator Source, the One who created you.

To attack another is to attack another of God's creations and is, in essence, "spitting in the face" of God. Most of you, in your moments of anger and such, lash out upon another who is just as much loved by God, and an aspect of God, as are you. So how could such behavior EVER result in satisfaction? In the short term it may very well "feel" good to the fragile ego-self, for it may view such actions as a means of protecting itself. But, as you continue to grow, you will find that such cumulative attacks are what cause ulcers, tumors, cancer, and most commonly, heart attacks.

Remember: your environment is PERFECTLY balanced with respect to learning. This is to say that the "bio-feedback" signals which your environment and body produce are optimized for your growth potential. To ignore the subtle clues that give you insights which will lead to a greater understanding, will cause these "little" things to grow until you can no longer ignore them. Will it take a heart attack to get your attention? How about cancer?

Learn to view all sensations you encounter as SIGNIFICANT. Go within and ask for help from Higher Source if you cannot seem to grasp a meaning. Ask for confirmation of correct interpretation. You each have Guides ready and willing to assist you, and it is always much more expeditious if you try to meet them part way by being open to their presence.

Never overlook a "coincidence" or "chance" happening. Those things don't really exist except in the minds of those who deny their inner connection to Source and thus ignore the many ways that messages can be communicated to you.

- 21:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 20.10.2007.

Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection - Please use this psychic protection prayer as often as you can , say this prayer for 9 days in a row and please pause for a few seconds at the end of each sentence so that the energy can build around you.

I humbly ask for divine protection to protect me on all levels. I ask for the heavenly rays to be poured upon me in abundance.

I command the presence of the angelic realms and for Metatron and Michael to stand at the head.

May the Christ light, the Mahatma Energy, the holy spirit, the Reiki energy, the light of all Archangelic beings and all Ascended Masters permanently encase me with their love...

I ask the mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of my being. I also ask the mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of mother earth and all lifeforms according to the highest will of God.

I call forth Archangel Zadkiel, and St Germaine and ask for the Silver – Violet – Flame to be fully anchored, and permanently encased within and around my whole being

I ask that this Silver violet Divine flame be sent forth into my past, into my present, into my future transmuting all my karma..I also ask Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael to assist me... to help me transmute and perfectly balance all karma.

I ask the archangels to place a protective star of David, around my being and home permanently.

I call forth Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Hanniel and the company of Heaven and ask for the green flame, and the white flame to be fully anchored and permanently encased within and without my being.

I also call forth Archangel Metatron, the Mahatma, Lord Maitreya and Sananda and ask for all negative thoughtforms, lost souls, negative elementals and soul fragments to be permenently healed and taken into the light... within my auric field, home and world…may all be freed according to the highest will of God.

I also ask for the pink flame of the Archangelic realms to be fully anchored and permanently encased within and without my being.

I ask Archangel Michael to fully anchor my Silver Armoured Metallic Suit around my being permanently.

I ask Archangel Michael to cut away all karmic ties permanently and to anchor your special blue armoured flame permanently, encasing my whole being, from within and without, I also call forth Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael and ask for the sealing and transmutation of all holes and leakages within and without my Auric Field.

May all that is not in accordance with the highest will of God, within and without my entire being be immediately transmuted into Divine Light.

May I be Divinely aligned, healed and re-energised on every level of my being, perfectly balanced within the three fold flame of God.

May I always be shown the way and given full support in all the work I do for mankind's advancement and spiritual enhancement and healing.

May I be purified and Blessed upon every level of my being, in the work I do and be given more and more divine power as each day goes by and more and more protection as my healing progresses and expands.

May I radiate the heavenly rays wherever I go and help all who come across my path.

Dear beloved God Presence, I AM (Monad) presence, Soul Presence, The Mahatma Energy, the collective consciousness of the Ascended Masters, In the name of the God within us, I ask that this Divine meditative prayer, be multiplied and manifested and used to assist all lifeforms on this planet and throughout the universe. I accept it done according to the highest Will of God.

I humbly Thankyou – Amen.

- 00:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 19.10.2007.

Healing the Mind

Heal The Mind - Please use this prayer for at least 9 days, this prayer is very very powerful, all you have to do is fill in the blanks with the name of the person you wish to heal. You can also place your own name in the spaces. This prayer must be said with full divine intent and divine power, Speak with real gusto, whilst remaining centred within your own heart, know that you are helping to manifest the healing process in a huge huge way.

God's love, truth, wisdom and understanding floods ……… mind and heart. he/she love's the truth, he/she hears the truth and he/she knows the truth. God's river of peace floods his/her mind and I give thanks for his/her freedom.

………… is reflecting divine wisdom and divine intelligence in all ways. his/her mind is the perfect mind of God. he/she hears the voice of God which is the voice of love and peace and he/she hears no other voice but God's voice.

Whatever is not in accordance with the highest will of God is leaving …………. right now and I pronounce him/her free, radiant and happy, totally at peace and totally healed, mind, body, heart and spirit.

Now may God be fully manifest within ……… and may he/she be clothed in his/her right mind. The mind of God is the only real and eternal mind, this is his/her mind and he/she is calm, relaxed and ready to fly like a bird and move onto far greater things, using all his/her gifts and talents, bringing great joy not only to himself/herself but to many others.

May ALL good things be ………….'s.

I command this, I feel this and I see ……… whole and fully healed and perfect now.

I humbly Thank You


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Blessing Water

All you have to do is place your hands over the water or food or bathing water that you wish to bless. This prayer should also be used for bathing water and will have a wonderful effect on the water (70%+) that resides within your being. Please use this prayer regularly, you will receive an abundance of Divine Blessings.

Divine most powerful and most gracious father I command in your name that you bless the Water/Food that I hold between my hands and the water within my body and the oceans of our world, may you heal me completely, mind, body, heart and spirit.

I ask that the Water/Food be enriched with every vitamin, mineral, herb or homeopathic remedy or healing vibration that I may need to fill my being with, in order to restore me back to 100% full health both mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I ask that this Water/Food be empowered with an energy so great and so magical that it miraculously heals, every level of my being, helping me also to cut ties with the past and release me from anything and anyone that is stopping me from moving forward and upward onto a more joyful, satisfying and healthy lifestyle.

May this water be the most divine, sacred and blessed Water/Food that has ever existed on this earth plane and may it have a miraculous influence on me and on my life in general. I ACCEPT that I am being healed on all levels and that I DESERVE that healing!

May this healing received be an example to others so that they too can gain the faith that I have found within me and progress as I am progressing, and may I as your instrument of divine healing go onto perform miracle after miracle in your name.

Dear beloved God Presence, I AM (Monad) presence, Soul Presence, The Mahatma Energy, the collective consciousness of the Ascended Masters, In the name of the God within us, we ask that this Divine meditative prayer, be multiplied and manifested and used to assist all lifeforms on this planet and throughout the universe. We accept it done according to the highest Will of God.

I Humbly Thank You.


If you print out this prayer you could laminate it and place it within your bathroom and kitchen for easy reference. If you are using prayer for food say the prayer after the food has been cooked.

Longer Version

Divine most powerful and most gracious father I command in your name that you bless the Water/Food that I hold between my hands and heal me completely, mind, body, heart and spirit.

I ask that the water/food be enriched with every vitamin, mineral, herb or homeopathic remedy or healing substance that I may need to fill my being with, in order to restore me back to 100% full health both mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I ask that this Water/Food be empowered with an energy so great and so magical that it clears my cluttered mind of all disruptive thoughts and clears my body of all negativity and illness, helping me also to cut ties with the past and release me from anything and anyone that is stopping me from moving forward and upward onto a more joyful, satisfying and healthy lifestyle.

I demand full protection from ALL outside influences and ask that a barrier of golden light to be encased permanently around me so that nothing bad can draw close to me EVER again under no circumstances!

May this water be the most divine, sacred and blessed Water/Food that has ever existed on this earth plane and may it have a miraculous influence on me and on my life in general. With each Sip/Taste of this healing water that I drink I KNOW and I ACCEPT that I am being healed on all levels and that I DESERVE that healing!

I am strong, I am powerful, I am confident and self assured.

I am at one with the divine source that surrounds me and I am free to express myself in which ever way I choose.

May this healing received be an example to others so that they too can gain the faith that I have found within me and progress as I am progressing, and may I as your instrument of divine healing go onto perform miracle after miracle in your name.

I Humbly Thank You.


- 23:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Absent Healing Meditation

The first method to work on is General Negativity Cleansing.


An example of what to do is shown below:

Method 1 (Practice).

General negativity cleansing ( Never judge another if they have spirit attachments, negative residues,negative imprints etc, we are all of the light, Lost souls can be attracted to the light - this is how it happens ! this is also a wonderful exercise and of great importance for helping others !!)

open with prayer (_______) = Place in name of person you wish to heal)

"I/We humbly ask for divine protection to protect us on all levels. We ask for the heavenly rays to be poured upon myself and ______ in abundance.

I/We command the presence of the angelic realms and for Metatron and Michael to stand at the head.

May the Christ light, the Buddha light, the Mahatma Energy, the holy spirit, the reiki energy, the light of all Archangelic beings and all Ascended Masters permanently encase us with their love.

WE choose to accept and invoke a deep penetration of the Mahatma energy into our entire energy matrix , Thereby allowing a full open radiation of our Divine Selves in service to All That Is…

We ask the mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of our being. We also ask the mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of mother earth and all life forms..... within the entire universe according to the highest will of God.

I/We call forth Archangel Zadkiel, and St Germain and ask for the Silver – Violet – Flame to be fully anchored, and permanently encased within and around whole beings…

I/We ask that this Silver Violet Divine flame be sent forth into our past…into our present …into our future transmuting all our karma ...we also ask Lord Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael to assist us….to help us transmute and perfectly balance all karma.

We ask the archangels to place a protective star of David, around my being and ______'s, and our homes permanently.

We call forth Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Hanniel and the company of Heaven and ask for the Pink, Green and White flames to be fully anchored and permanently encased within and without myself and ______'s being.

We also call forth Archangel Metatron , the Mahatma Energy and Sananda and ask for all negative thought forms, lost souls, lost spirits, negative residues, negative elementals and soul fragments to be permanently healed from our past present and future and taken into the light….. within our auric fields, homes and world…may all be freed according to the highest will of God.

I/We ask Archangel Michael to fully anchor your Silver Armoured Metallic Suit Around my whole being and ______'s being permanently.

I/We ask Archangel Michael to cut away all karmic ties and to anchor your special blue armoured flame permanently, encasing our whole beings, from within and without, I/we also call forth Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael and ask for the sealing and transmutation of all holes, tears and leakages within and without my Auric Field and _______'s Auric field.

May all that is not in accordance with the highest will of God within and without our entire being's be immediately transmuted into Divine Light.

May we be Divinely aligned healed and re-energised on every level of our beings, perfectly balanced within the three fold flame of God.

May we always be shown the way and given full support in all the work we do for mankind’s advancement and spiritual enhancement and healing.

May we be purified and Blessed upon every level of our beings, in the work we do and be given more and more divine power as each day goes by and more and more Divine protection as our healing progresses and expands.

May we radiate the heavenly rays wherever we go and help all who come across our paths.

We also ask that the energy created during this meditation be multiplied and used to assist all lifeforms on Planet Earth according to the will of each I am presence and according to the highest will of God. We humbly thankyou !

I ask to be used as a healing instrument for ______, according to the highest will of God".

Now sit, relax and meditate...for the suggested times below

1st time 30 minutes per day
2nd time 30 minutes per day
3rd time 30 minutes per day
4th time 30 minutes per day
5th time 30 minutes per day
6th time 30 minutes per day

"We humbly Thankyou"

(The first 6 times should be done within the first week - if you can manage this, do not worry if you cannot do it all at once, but please finish the first three hours in a relatively short space of time.)

Imagine what would happen if every person choose Just "one" person to meditate and heal within our World !!!

- 23:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ascension Course

by David Jeans

A Request from the Spiritual and Cosmic Hierarchy

Beloved reader, you read this text because you are one among many who have heard the call of the new millennium. This is a call to leadership and to uphold your rod of power, wear your mantle of self-mastery and share the path of God with your brothers and sisters on Earth. As one millennium passes to the next, we speak in unison the actions put forth by our beloved brother during his ministry as the Christ: "Oh thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, get ye up into the high mountain." The mountain, dear hearts, is the mountain of ascension and this dawn of the seventh golden age is calling forward all who would stand firm and strong upon that mountain and, with love, help guide their brothers and sisters up the path into the glory of their own ascension so that the kingdom of God be manifest on the Earth.

This is the hour of transformation and many are the ascended masters, angels, archangels and brethren from other worlds who wait for your simplest request to serve you in ever greater capacities. This is the hour to stand forth and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not alone. In fact, the subtle presence of the higher realms has led you to read this text you now hold in your hands and calls you to action. This is not the hour for timidity or shyness to hold you back or for you to wait for total clarity. You have found this text and it has found you, because you are ready to help anchor heaven on Earth. You are clear enough, beloved pilgrim, to gather your fellow travelers around you so that you may help assist one another up the mountain of ascension into the rarefied air of full God realization.

Within these pages are practical tools and guidelines. The path has been forged for you, beloveds of God's heart. The road has been cleared and the way uncluttered. All you need do is follow the simple tools and guidance unfolded here, and you will be enabled to unfold all the love, wisdom and power that lies within you and your fellow travelers.

We of the celestial realms, we of the inner-plane hierarchy of planetary and cosmic ascended masters, we of the angelic and archangelic line, await your willingness to serve. Likewise do we call you forth. In unison we sound forth the call to let go of any imagined obstacles or self-imposed limitations or discomfort. If you feel the force of God moving within you and seek to share that divine energy, then you will follow the inner light that guided you to these pages, and in groups of two, three, four, twenty, fifty or hundreds you will join with us in helping to guide all to their greatest glory.

You have taken the first step toward the manifestation of this divine vision by finding this text and reading thus far. You have heard the call and a road map is unfolded within the ensuing pages. Do not wait until the hour of perfection, for that hour shall never come - it will only be recognized. You are perfect now and ready now. All further journeys lead but to greater realization of this fact. Have the courage and the will to forge ahead, to answer our call and the call of your brothers and sisters who wait for you to pick up your mantle of leadership so that they may pick up their own.

We give you our solemn vow that we are ever by your side and there shall we remain to guide you, as you in turn help to gently guide others. Fear not, oh beloveds, and heed the call. Our prayer remains what it has been in the millennium past: "Oh, thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (yea, to humanity), get thee up into the high mountain." We await your arrival and accompany you in your journey.

Opening a Class Session

After meditating and consulting with the masters, this is what we have come up with for the opening of a class session:

1. Clearing Negative Energies: The Burning Pot

2. Unifying the Group Energy: Holding Hands

3. Establishing the Ascension Column and Pillar of Light

4. Clearing with the Platinum Net

5. Axiatonal Alignment

6. The Ascension Flame

7. Invoking the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy

8. The Soul and Monad Mantras

9. Michael's Golden Dome of Protection

10. The Great Invocation

11. Three Oms

12. Optional Prayers (differing each week, such as the Lord's Prayer, Rosary, Saint Francis Prayer, Affirmation of the Disciple)

This is only the first ten minutes of your class, so I think you can already sense how powerful the class will be. This sequence of prayers, invocations and mantras will be the same for every class opening.

Let me now briefly go through each one of these to explain what you will be doing. Since this text is for teachers of all levels, the masters told me to be sure to explain the process for beginning to advanced teachers.

1. Clearing Negative Energies: The Burning Pot

I would recommend setting up the burning pot about five minutes before you officially begin the class. Everyone will be seated, and on the floor in the center of the room is a hot plate, on which is a little metal pot. You have already poured about a quarter inch of Epsom salts into the pot. As you are about to begin, pour no more than half an inch of rubbing alcohol over the Epsom salts. When everyone is quiet, throw a match into the rubbing alcohol. For about five minutes it will burn up all the etheric, astral and mental negative energy in the room. I call this the New Age campfire. Everyone in your group will love it. Explain its effects. I would also recommend that you light some sage or incense at this time.

2. Unifying the Group Energy: Holding Hands

When the pot burns out, the spiritual atmosphere of the entire room will be clear. Then guide the group to hold hands for one minute and connect with each other's heart chakras. This will unify the group consciousness.

3. Establishing the Ascension Column and Pillar of Light

The next step is to call the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy to establish and activate a gigantic ascension column in the room. Ask that it be connected to a gigantic pillar of light and to your group's planetary and cosmic antakarana, the tube of light that connects you with your monad and God.

4. Clearing with the Platinum Net

Call forth to Melchizedek, the Mahatina and Metatron to bring down the platinum net through the entire group and your home. Platinum is the highest-frequency color available to Earth. The only higher frequency is the clear light of God, which has no color. The platinum net will clear the group and your home of all negative and imbalanced energies on all levels.

5. Axiatonal Alignment

The next step is to call again to the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy for a planetary and cosmic axiatonal alignment. This will balance all meridians of each individual and instantly align the group energy with God and the consciousness of the Spiritual Hierarchy on all levels.

6. The Ascension Flame

The next step in the class is to call to the Spiritual Hierarchy and inner-plane ascended masters to anchor and activate the golden white ascension flame. You will instantly feel and even see this energy coming in.

7. Invoking the Spiritual and Cosmic Hierarchy

The next step in the class is to call to the entire Spiritual and Cosmic Hierarchy to join your class. Ask that the appropriate master step forward to overlight this class. If there are particular masters you are connected with, this is the time to call them forward. If you like, you can also suggest that the group call forth the masters they would like to assist.

8. The Soul and Monad Mantras

The soul mantra was given by ascended master Djwhal Khul to the Earth through the channelings of Alice Bailey. In my opinion it is one of the most profound mantras on the planet and should be recited every time any spiritual work is about to be ignited. The original soul mantra goes as follows:

I am the Soul,

I am the Light Divine,

I am Love,

I am Will,

I am Fixed Design.

Since most of you, my beloved readers, have already passed your fourth initiation, it is appropriate to change the soul mantra to the monad mantra, the updated version. The word "monad" is simply substituted for "soul".

I am the Monad,

I am the Light Divine,

I am Love,

I am Will,

I am Fixed Design.

Actually, I recommend that you say both mantras in the order given. Saying them will ignite your higher self and mighty I Am Presence (monad) into action. (Try it, you'll like it!)

9. Michael's Golden Dome of Protection

The next step is to call for Archangel Michael and his legion of angels to create a golden dome of protection for the group. Archangel Michael serves on the first ray, and his specific function is to provide protection. You might also request protection for each member of the group in their spiritual paths and service work.

10. The Great Invocation

The next step is to recite the Great Invocation. (Have it printed out before your first class so that each member will have a copy.) This is a prayer given by Urd Maitreya, the planetary Christ, sometime between 1945 and 1950. It is one of the most powerful prayers ever given to lightworkers and the new group of World Servers. I will first give you the short version, then the longer version. I recommend doing the short version for most classes, but on special holy days the longer version.
This mantra was obtained from the Alice Bailey book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy.

Short Version

From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

11. Three Oms

Sounding the Om is always a wonderful way to attune with and activate the God force. It is also helpful in raising the vibrational frequencies before your prayers and the rest of the class.

12. Optional Prayers

The next step would be to choose a new prayer each week to end the opening 10 minutes. The masters again recommended the Lord's Prayer, the Rosary, the Prayer of Saint Francis and/or the Affirmation of the Disciple, which is a prayer channeled by Djwhal Khul through Alice Bailey. Djwhal's prayer is a classic, one I think your group will enjoy on occasion. Feel free to add prayers of any religions or spiritual paths. If group members would like to share a favorite, that is another option.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

Divine master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Traditional Rosary

In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth;
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended into hell;
the third day he arose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven to sitteth at the right hand of God,
the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge
the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
Our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our signs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us;
and after this, our exile, show unto us
the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus;
0 element, 0 loving, 0 sweet Virgin Mary.

Pray for us, 0 holy Mother of God,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
0 God, whose only begotten Son, by his life,
death and resurrection
has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life.

Grant, we beseech thee, that meditating upon these mysteries
in the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
we may imitate what they contain,
and obtain what they promise,
through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

A New Age Rosary

From Earlyne Chancy's A Book of prophecy.

First make the sign of the cross five times, honoring our Lord's five wounds.

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Pray for us who seek refuge in thee.
Holy Mother, save us through your
Immaculate Heart's flame of love.

Mother of God, send down your grace
through your Immaculate Heart's flame of love
to the whole human race, now and at the hour of our death.

Eternal Father-Mother God, I offer you the Body and Blood,
the Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins
and the sins of the whole world.

For the sake of his most sorrowful Passion,
have mercy on us and the whole world.
Holy God, Holy Omnipotent One, Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.

The Affirmation of the Disciple

This affirmation is from Alice Bailey's Ponder on This.

I am a point of light within a greater light,
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.
I am a point of sacrificial fire,
focused within the fiery will of God and thus I stand.
I am a way by which men may achieve,
I am a source of strength enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of light shining upon their way, and thus I stand.

I strive toward understanding.
Let wisdom take the place of knowledge in my life.
I strive toward cooperation.
Let the master of my life, the soul,
and likewise the one I seek to serve,
throw light through me on others.

In the center of the Will of God I stand.
Naught shall deflect my will from His.
I implement that will by love.
I turn toward the field of service.
I, the triangle divine, work out that will within the square
and serve my fellow men.

I am a messenger of Light.
I am a pilgrim on the way of Love.
I do not walk alone, but know myself as one with all great souls,
and one with them in service.
Their strength is mine. This strength I claim.
My strength is theirs and this I freely give.
A soul, I walk on Earth, I represent the One.

I am one with my group of brothers, and all that I have is theirs.
May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.
May the strength which is in me lift and aid them.
May the thoughts which my soul creates
reach and encourage them.

I know the law, and toward the goal I strive.
Naught shall arrest my progress on the way.
Each tiny life within my form responds.
My soul has sounded forth that call,
and clearer day by day it sounds.

The glamour holds me not.
The path of light streams clear ahead.
My plea goes forth to reach the hearts of men.
I seek, I try to serve your need.
Give me your hand and tread the path with me.

The sons of men are one and I am one with them.
I seek to love, not hate.
I seek to serve and not exact due service.
I seek to heal, not hurt.

Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
Let the soul control the outer form and life and all events,
and bring to light the love
which underlies the happenings of the time.
Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.

Let love prevail.

Let all men love.

Closing a Class Session

After consulting with the masters, we came up with the following closing. This is just a tentative format and will take 10 to 15 minutes. Trust your own intuition and creativity if you get new ideas or want to change things around. My role is to give you a basic structure to work with, but it is not written in stone (excuse the pun).

The masters and I recommend the following.

1. Clearing with the Platinum Net

2. Axiatonal Alignment

3. Removing the Core-Fear Matrix

4. Infusing Core Love and the Christ/Buddha Qualities

5. The Soul and Monad Mantras

6. Visiting the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek (see page 34)

Group Prayer for Self and Others

Prayers of Protection

Prayer to Hold and Retain Energies

Prayer for Ascension Acceleration

Return and Grounding

7. Invoking a Golden Cylinder

8. Invoking Galactic Healers and Healing Angels

9. The Great Invocation

10. Three Oms

11. Prayer of Thanksgiving

1. Clearing with the Platinum Net (see page 57)

This was part of the opening and requesting it again will again clear away any negative or imbalanced energies released and cleansed during class.

2. Axiatonal Alignment

This ascension activation was also done at the opening; this time it will solidify the attunement and ensure that each group member leaves fully aligned.

3. Removing the Core-Fear Matrix
This clearing program and dispensation from the Spiritual Hierarchy is extremely important for each closing. Removing the core-fear matrix is accomplished by a latticework of light that the inner-plane ascended masters anchor over each individual and which will highlight any imbalanced programming in your four-body system. The ascended masters have the ability to pull all fear-based programming, all negative-ego programming, all separative programming, right out of your field, like a gardener pulling weeds. Fear-based programming shows up under the latticework of a light-matrix removal as gray and black weeds intertwined throughout your subtle bodies. In each class session take at least 5 minutes for this. Ask the inner-plane masters to remove all the core fears and the programming of negative ego, self-centeredness and separation. If there are specific negative-ego qualities that you wish removed, this is a good time to request it. Then wait another 4 or 5 minutes and feel it being done.

The group members will be able to feel these dark weeds being pulled out through the crown chakra. Doing this on an ongoing basis over many months will eventually clear these psychic weeds from your system, though you still have to do your consciousness work so they won't return. This is a new dispensation of the Spiritual Hierarchy; its value is beyond words. Also request that this work continue during the night.

4. Infusing Core love and the Christ/Buddha Qualities

After 5 minutes of core-fear removal, the next step is to invoke an infusion of core love and the Christ/Buddha qualities. Ask the inner-plane ascended masters to bring forth a downpouring of core love infused with the Christ/Buddha qualities. Since the core fear or negative-ego programming has been largely removed, there is room for its replacement by the Christ/Buddha qualities. This is another gift of the masters to help infuse your subconscious mind and four-body system with these qualities. Then remain silent for four or five minutes to receive this blessing. Everyone will be able to feel it.

5. The Soul and Monad Mantras (see page 2)

The next step is to repeat the soul and monad mantras as from the opening. This will expand the aura and bring more light into it.

6. Visiting the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek (see page 34)

The next step is to ask the inner-plane ascended masters to bring forth a group merkabah, which is like a spiritual boat that will take the group to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek and his ascension scat. Sit in the silence of this energy for a minute, and then ask the group to share any personal prayers they have for self or others at any level (physical healing, relationships, health, money problems, spiritual help and so on). Encourage them to not be shy, and be the first to share some of your personal prayer requests.

The Golden Chamber is one of the holiest places in the universe to visit. It is like the ultimate church. Encourage the class to share their prayers from the deepest part of heart and soul. Praying for others is also fine, and if you are inspired to pray for world conditions and events, that would also be appropriate.

The leader or chairperson for that week might also have a regular prayer for protection and for everyone's energy to be sealed in order to retain the attunement achieved in class. I recommend that you request an acceleration toward ascension and that the masters keep working with the group at night while you sleep.

The final prayer request in the Golden Chamber would be that the class be returned back to Earth in the group merkabah and into their physical bodies. Then request everyone to place their grounding cords back into the Earth.

7. Invoking a Golden Cylinder

The next step is to request the Spiritual Hierarchy to anchor a golden cylinder. This is a golden tube of light that is anchored around each individual, drawing out all negative or imbalanced energy like a magnet, so that each person will go home crystal clear in their subtle bodies. Take about one minute to do this.

8. Invoking Galactic Healers and Healing Angels

This invocation is a request to balance the chakras and body energy fields. This will ensure that all class members go home totally balanced. It is also a good idea to request each class member to inwardly ask the galactic healers and healing angels to work on any specific health lessons and continue this healing at night during sleep, assuming the member wishes it.

9. Recite together the Great Invocation.

10. Then chant three Oms.

11. Prayer of Thanksgiving

Beloved Father/Mother God, we thank you for this time together. We thank you for allowing our group to celebrate the divinity of all life, to share in the love of the heart of God and the light/wisdom within the mind of God. We thank you for assisting us in our ascension process and granting us the love, wisdom and power to life a life of service. In gratitude to you, Father/Mother God, both within and without, we ask to merge our wills with thine own, and thank you again for providing this precious time of communion and sharing. Amen.

- 23:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 17.10.2007.

The Armor of Light

By George A. Boyd © 2006

As seekers move their meditation out of the safe harbor of the personality into the mystic seas of the Subtle Realm, the first band of the Superconscious mind, they encounter a dark realm called the Lower Astral Plane. The Lower Astral Plane is the repository of the collective evil of humanity. It is a dangerous place to visit; it is a more dangerous place to dwell. We excerpt from our other writings (1) on this subject to inform you about this realm; we will also give you a meditation that you can do to help protect yourself against the dangers of this realm.

The Lower Astral Plane

"The Lower Astral is a realm of great fear, of great torment and great evil. The myths of underworlds and hells, the tales of dark sorcerers, witches and magicians from many cultures point out the horrors and perils of this realm. Yet it is incumbent upon the spiritual seeker to summon his or her strength and courage, to face this darkness of fear and to overcome it…"

"The horror movies popularized by Hollywood, and the widespread acceptance of fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons, testify to the fascination this realm exerts on our collective psyche. The deformed and hideous monster, the zombie and the undead, the sorcerer mixing his vile potions, the black magician and the wicked witch who curse, weave strange spells and bring malevolence, the vampire who preys upon the living for blood, the mysterious occultist immersed in arcane astrological and kabalistic symbols, and the tyrant and dictator who rules nations by a rod of terror and mass-hypnosis, are characters who come up from these depths. These images haunt us, frighten us, and remind us that human beings are capable of great evil and that we must be aware always."

"The Lower Astral is a magnetic continuum that attracts the lower thought forms of human beings. It collects human negativity the way a sewer collects wastes. Its energy is strangely fascinating and hypnotic; its methods are seductive, intimidating and ruthless. You will know these lower astral strategies by the following signs:"

(1) It evokes desire and craving in you by seduction and temptation, and plays upon your weaknesses until you give in, like the drug addict is compelled to return again and again for another shot of heroin.

(2) It turns people into obedient slaves by intimidation, blackmail, extortion and terror, like the way hostages will obey their captors for fear of being killed.

(3) It uses cruelty and pain to extract what it wants to know from you, and it does not value your human life, nor honor the rules of morality and decency, fairness or dignity—it seeks to obtain its ends by any means—like the terrorist group in all-out war against its enemies, or the criminal who will kill others in order to steal their possessions.

(4) It will strive for wealth through any illegal and criminal avenues, though it enslaves and destroys the both individuals those who buy its wares and their families and communities around them, like the drug dealer and the black market seller of automatic weapons.

(5) It promises strength and solidarity against fear, but bans together to do evil, like the terrorist group or the criminal gang.

(6) It promises you fame and immortality, but delivers degradation and misery to the multitudes, while feeding you megalomanic delusions of godhood. This has given us genocidal tyrants like Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin, and cult leaders like the Reverend Jim Jones.

(7) It promises magical powers, and control of powerful spiritual forces, but more often than not, the one who summons these powers ends up being possessed and tormented by them. For there are some doors that should not be opened—and the Lower Astral is littered with souls who have gone insane tampering with occult forces.

"It is your challenge to cross this dangerous straight, or be blocked in your upward climb by your own terror. For it is by understanding the mystery of the ego and its vulnerabilities that you will gain the key to traversing this realm, knowing that the lower astral predator preys on weakness, but flees in cowardice at the appearance of strength."

"It is important to understand that acting on Lower Astral suggestions lead to ensnarement, addiction, and degradation of character. The intensity with which these visions will assail you, tempt you, and try to beat you into submission is very powerful indeed, but like Ulysses facing the Sirens or the Lord Buddha encountering the hosts of Mara's demons, you must resist them assiduously, with all your might and strength."

Meditation for Building the Armor of Light

Relax your body completely, and imagine that you have entered a beautiful forest in the Springtime…"You will enter into a quiet, natural place. In your inner vision, as you look around you, you will see the gentle forces of nature. Feel the wind blowing through the trees, hear the sounds of water in the stream, smell the scents of the plants around you, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. This is a place of beauty and safety. In this place you will build your armor of Light."

Invoke: "I call upon [the Master(s) or Spiritual Teacher(s) of your preference] to protect me as I journey across this sea of darkness."

Affirm: "I put on the whole armor of Light."

Visualization: visualize an ovoid of white and golden light surrounding your physical and psychic body that holds out all negative influences.

Recognize: the Lower Astral is a Plane of great danger.

Affirm: "I shall not yield to the temptation of…

lust: I maintain purity of heart and intention.
drugs: I keep my body pure.
crime: I earn my living honestly: I do not cause harm to others.
cruelty: I revere the life in each one: I do no harm.
revenge: I pursue justice, but I do so with compassion: I grant forgiveness, act with mercy and end the cycle of pain and tears.
hatred: I forgive and release those who have harmed me out of ignorance.
ignorance: I seek and live the Truth. I walk the Path of Light.
vain glory: I am the instrument of my Spirit. I renounce my desire for recognition and fame so that I may serve selflessly and spread the Light to all.
Affirm: "I put on the whole armor of Light, and walk in the Light of Divine Protection."

"After this initial exercise of building the armor of Light, you can summon it again when you begin your meditations by simply affirming, "I put on the whole armor of Light." Every few months, you may wish to renew your armor of Light by building it again with this meditation."

If you cross the Subtle Realm in meditation, you will benefit from building your armor of light to protect your self from the influences of the Lower Astral Plane.

- 07:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

"Did this really happen?"

by craniolaura

"Okay, I have Heather's permission to talk about our session together.

Last Monday Heather came over for what we thought was going to be a cranio session. Boy, were we mistaken. Our sessions together have always been interesting but lately, and I contribute this to all the work she has done on me, our sessions have been evolving into something other than cranio!

While treating Heather, three different energy beings came into my body and started instructing me as to what to do. Let me tell you, I have never ever seen or heard about the techniques they directed me to do. And I do have to say directed me, rather firmly actually. Every time I would question what they were telling me, they would get very forceful!

Well, the last energy being was male and very strong! He communicated with Heather and delivered a "message". Naturally I was scared to begin with. But, I knew in my heart that these beings were from the light.

Heather even commented that she could feel hands on her body, other than my own! While I was treating Heather I was told to raise my vibration by holding universal light in my heart. But, I couldn't help but "peek" in on what they were doing to her. After all, I was concerned for her as I have never experienced this before!

Well, oh my Gosh! I "saw" her energy body and how it was connected to the universe. What they were having me do was literally unlocking and turning keys to help her move on to the next faze of her journey. I actually "saw" how she was connected to the universal energy because every time I would perform a technique I would see its effect and shift in the universe.

I'm still bewildered by the whole experience. I was told however, that this had to be done, Heather was ready for this shift and I was to trust that only good would come out of this treatment.

I believe the treatment was very short in time, however, it felt like it went on forever. I feel so honored to have been a participant."

- 06:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 16.10.2007.

Psychic Self-Defense - protection for the mind, body & soul

by Ronald Eppich

The term "Psychic Attack" actually covers a broad spectrum of situations in which one individual, the aggressor, deliberatey projects a clearly defined malicious intent upon the non-physical person of another, the victim. To differentiate, the intended results of the attack may affect the physical body through disease or death, but the attack itself is aimed at the non-physical planes of the human energy field. Psychic attacks range in complexity from a very brief, but highly emotionally charged anger or hatred with a "wish" for some clearly defined negative consequence, to the very elaborate, ritualistic practice of malicious sorcery. Although the practice of psychic attack covers such a broad spectrum, the principles of psychic self-defense are much more universal. Once you have "mastered" the techniques of psychic self-defense, and in the absence of some vastly superior power, the application of basic psychic self defense will work.

WARNING: If you believe yourself to be the victim of a psychic attack originating from a professional sorcerer, I strongly urge you to seek qualified professional assistance immediately. In the event that someone has gone to the expense of employing a professional sorcerer against you, you may rest assured that they are deadly serious about your demise. Professional attacks are EXTREMELY costly, and not to be taken lightly. Psychic attacks that originate from such a source are well beyond the capabilities of the inexperienced or the amateur. SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY!!!

To understand psychic attack, we return to the "Five Principles of Universal Magick". The five principles are:


In a "Psychic Attack", the DESIRE aspect of the magickal act is based not only on the aggressor's desire to inflict an attack, but on the motive for the attack as well. It is important to understand that a psychic attack is normally a deliberate act, usually in response to some perceived action on the part of the victim. Since psychic attacks are based solely on the aggressor's perception of a person or situation, the attack and the motive may have no basis in fact. This does not prevent the aggressor from feeling justified, if not benevolent, in initiating the attack. Because of this "perception factor", many victims either never realize that they have been targeted, or fail to accurately grasp the motive or the severity of such an attack. In only the ugliest motives of greed or maliciousness are psychic attacks totally unprovoked.

The INTENT aspect of the psychic attack is the clearly defined result or outcome of the attack. This can include virtually anything that you can think of, including extreme financial loss and even death. In the magickal act of psychic attack, the more forethought and clearly defined programming the aggressor completes, the more successful the assault will become, lacking any adequate defenses by the intended victim. To be most effective, the attack should include such programming as the time and place of the assault to produce maximum vulnerability, the victim's point of vulnerability, the programmed objective and method of execution, and the post-attack dissipation of the energy or projected thought form.

In the ALIGNMENT aspect of the psychic attack, the aggressor must eliminate any internal conflict within himself/herself regarding the intended act. Internal conflict, as it relates to psychic attack, is normally generated when there is a moral issue associated with the intended act. The purest act of magick will manifest with the greatest expectation of success when there is no internal conflict. Any internal conflict will have a proportionately negative effect on the aggressor's chances of success.

RITUAL is the aspect of the magickal act that generates and focuses the power necessary to accomplish the attack. Rituals can be as simple or as complex as the practitioner chooses or requires, but the function is always the same. Frequently, in the creation of a psychic attack, the aggressor uses a likeness of the intended victim in the form of a doll called a "poppet". To achieve the maximum connection between the magickal act and the intended victim, the aggresor will attach any available personal items of the victim, including hair, clothing items, jewelry, etc. This doll, now having "become" the intended victim, becomes the focus of all the power and intent of the aggressor.

Having now completed all of the steps of the magickal act, the aggressor has only to watch and wait with EXPECTATION for the psychic assault to take its course. In association with the psychic attack, this is a good time for the aggressor to set up whatever protection is required in the event that the victim successfully repels the attack and the attack is turned back against the aggressor. This is a mistake that many who practice psychic attack make, thinking no one would dare oppose them or even have the power to oppose them. This mistake can be fatal.

This is a very brief summary of the process of creating a psychic attack. For obvious reasons, no further explanation will be given, but this should give you, the intended victim, an idea of the process an aggressor will use to bring negative forces against you.


The symptoms or affects of a psychic attack are very individual. Where and how the attack will affect the intended victim is individually programmed by the aggressor. There are, however, some general warning signs that may be an indicator of a possible attack. Remember, any one of these warnings alone may or may not indicate a psychic attack in progress. If you are fortunate, the aggressor may be foolish enough or confident enough to make their intentions very clear. This is generally not the case. Lacking any formal notification from the aggressor, the individual is left to use reason and intuition to determine the presence of such intent.

General warning signs might include, but are not limited to:

1.) A feeling of weight pressing down on your while you are asleep or dreaming.

2.) A continuous and intensifying sense of oppression or fear while awake.

3.) Nervous exhaustion or wasting away to "skin and bone" when there is no medically diagnosable physical cause.

4.) Being terrified of going to sleep due to constant, repetitive nightmares, particularly where you are constantly being chased or assaulted.

5.) The feeling of being stalked by someone other than a physical person.

6.) Obnoxious odors that come and go with no apparent physical cause. (These odors will be noticed by anyone who is around when they are present.)

7.) A sudden and inexplicable desire not be to alone. (This is not the ordinary aversion to loneliness, but an obsession not to be left alone for even the slighest moment.)

8.) Inexplicable outbreaks of fire or fever. (This is often associated with elemental activity.) This affect is often associated with someone practicing ancient culture-specific magick, in this case, ancient Egyptian.

9.) The intuitive or visible presence of a manifest thought form. (similar to a ghost, but man-made.)

10.) An inexplicable numbing, followed by paralysis, beginning at the feet and extending gradually up the body.

11.) The rapid and inexplicable onset of constant choking or suffocation.

12.) Sudden and inexplicable losses. This may be by financial down-turn or mysterious theft.

13.) Sudden and inexplicable pestilence, such as flies, spiders, snakes or other undesirable insects and creatures.

Remember, the affect may be anything the human mind can conceive and the aggressor can generate enough power to manifest.


Like the assassin plotting the attack on his next physical victim, the psychic attacker plots the attack on his intended victim. In order for the psychic attack to be successful, it must penetrate the victim's consciousness and implant itself deep within the subconscious, where it alters the victim's "illusion of reality". Attached and rooted deep within the subconscious, the psychic attack spins its web around the victim's very thoughts and beliefs, altering and disrupting normal patterns in such a subversive way that the psychic attack's presence is almost imperceptable. By the time the attack's effects become noticable, the damage is well established and advanced. The carefully programmed attack is now one with you.

How the attack penetrates the subconscious and establishes itself depends on the victim's vulnerabilities. The entire human system is a complex bio-electro-magnetic field. The psychic attack is a projected thought, an energy form carrying a magnetized imprint of a malignant pattern programmed to disrupt a specific energy pattern within the intended victim's subconscious. It really does not matter how the attack penetrates the subconscious, its presence by whatever means is sufficient. Psychic attacks are always the product of some form of suggestion. Suggestion simply means that a message has bypassed the conscious mind and was planted direcly in to the subconscious. This is the entire basis of subliminal programming for weight loss, to quit smoking, become motivated, or overcome a terminal disease. But suggestion is a two-edged sword. The subconscious mind, as we discussed in the "Anatomy OF A Magickal Human", does not analyze or judge incoming data. It simply acts on the information that is programmed and imprinted within it.


The auric layers are actually egg-shaped, luminous energy fields that completely encapsulate the physical body in ever-expanding layers of higher frequency energy fields. Each layer can be defined by location, color, brightness, form, density, fluidity, and function. The layers are connected to the organs and biological systems of the body through a series of energy vortices called "chakras". The "auric layers" correspond to the chakras, in that the closest layer to the physical body is the first layer, and is connected to the first chakra. The second layer is connected to the second chakra and is the second layer out from the physical body. The chart below shows the location of each chakra and the associated organs and/or biological systems.

Beginning with the genital area "Root" chakra, the seven layer, seven chakra system looks like this;

Layer One, Chakra One - the Base or "root"- autonomic function, sexual energy, regeneration and creative drive.

Layer Two, Chakra Two - the sacral - endocrine system, emotional aspects of human consciousness, purification, metabolism, and immunity.

Layer Three, Chakra Three - the Solar Plexus - sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal glands, body energy, circulation and general mood. Also intellectual thought & linear reckoning.

Layer Four, Chakra Four - the Heart - the Thymus Gland, associated with love, both individual as well as humanitarian.

Layer five, Chakra Five - the Throat - the higher will and the power of the spoken word, ability to speak our truth, and taking responsibility for our actions.

Layer Six, Chakra Six - the Third Eye - the Pituitary Gland - visualization and psychic powers.

Layer Seven, Chakra Seven - the Crown - the Pineal Gland - connection to your higher self as well as the OtherWorld and the Divine. It is our connection with the higher mind, and the integration of our spiritual and physical makeup.

Any incoming psychic attack must attempt to access your sub-conscious, and thus your conscious reality or your physical body through one or more of these channels. The object of the psychic attack is to disrupt the natural harmony within your body and/or your illusion of reality. In some cases, by creating a disruption within the body, the aggressor either intends to inflict pain, suffering, or death. In other cases, the aggressor intends to create a disruption in the harmony and continuity of life's natural events. In the most severe cases, the agressor may actually intend to create such disruption and exert such control over you as to actually "own" you (steal your soul.)

It is important to understand that the creation of these advanced forms of psychic attack are generally well beyond the range of the average person, even well beyond the range of the average "New Age" practitioners. The knowledge and power required to perform advanced magick comes from a lifetime of occult practice.


I am always amused at the variety of techniques that people espouse to protect them from "evil". One of the most common that I am aware of is the "visualized protection" technique. This system includes visualizing yourself surrounded in a bubble of light or using a mirror or reflective surface to reflect the attack back to the aggressor. In my mind, visualizations are very much like affirmations, especially those affirmations used to treat terminal disease. What is the difference between those who successfully use affirmations and survive, and those who use affirmations and die? I believe the answer is very simple. Those who use the affirmations in conjunction with the FIVE PRINCIPLE LAWS OF UNIVERSAL MAGICK, as stated above, and do so with sufficient emotional power to imprint the desired reality on the subconscious live. Those who repeat sentences and phases die!

It is the same with Psychic Self-Defense. Any system lacking sufficient power to reach and affect the subconscious mind will fail. It's that simple. The successful psychic attack reached and affected the victim's subconscious, radically altering the reality of the victim. You, as an intended victim, must create a system equally capable of accessing the subconscious and re-aligning reality. If you have done everything correctly, following the steps outlined above, and no greater force opposes you, you can expect your efforts to be successful. However, a warning again - if you are not successful, do not hesitate to seek professional assistance immediately.


I have taught many people my favorite visualization defense. I believe this visualiztion has power, aside from the emotional factor, because it truly symbolizes shielding. The subconscious relates to symbols. In one of the Batman movies, we get to see Batman's car. One of the most awesome features of this car is it's shield system. When Batman requires shields, he presses a button and instantly an armor plate envelopes the car. What symbolic power. Now imagine yourself, on symbolic command, completely engulfed in a huge plate armor cocoon. But this is not all. Remember the power of emotion. We must now charge and reinforce that armor. Raise your emotional level, directing all the power generated into those shields. Feel the power flowing through you and around you. Feel the shields come up and slam into place. Hear them lock into perfect position. Experience the moment. Feel it. Practice it. Memorize it. Empower it. Reinforce it. Then drop your shields and start all over again. You must be able, on command, to generate the required power to activate and reinforce your psychic shields. The subconscious has the power to do that. But it must be programmed to respond instantly to your thought command. Practice your shields until there is no doubt in your mind that you can generate power and activate shields on command.


In Max Freedom Long's book, "THE SECTRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES", Max relates a story about a young Hawaiian man who inadvertently fell victim to the Huna Death Chant by breaking his village's taboo of having contact with white people. The white man, being familiar with the ways of Huna, recognized the advancing symptoms of the Death Chant and set about to release his young victim friend. The story relates that the white man WORKED HIMSELF INTO A FRENZY OF EMOTION, working feverishly over the young man, pleading the innocence and youth of the victim versus the wickedness and maliciousness of the aggressor. The white man worked constantly and tirelessly in this frenzy of emotion, until at last HE FELT THE SPELL BREAK. Exhasusted and wrung out from emotion, the white man collapsed. But immediately the affects of the Death Chant on the young man reversed its course until it was all gone and the young man regained his strength. The story concludes with the fate of the Kahuna aggressor. At the same hour that the spell released it's intended victim, the Kahuna began screaming and staggering about the village, wailing that he had failed to protect himself from his own spell and that it had come back upon him. The Kahuna, needless to say, died the slow and agonizing way of the Huna Death Chant.

This is a classic example of the force of emotion, the pure force of will, and the wisdom that is required to break such a spell cast properly. Psychic Self-Defense is not about fantasy warfare. It is about survival of the fittest.


Many of today's religions have a creed to the effect, "And if it harm none, do as you will". Shamanism has no such creed. A shaman is as equally adept at the dark side as he/she is at the light side, and uses whatever means is necessary to accomplish his/her task. In the Shamanic tradition, if you are struck by an aggressor, you are bound to strike back with sufficient force that the aggressor will never desire to assault you again, in the event that he/she is still able. In your life and in your magickal works, never show ignorance or weakness. Do all that you do from the most advantageous position you can achieve. Know your allies, and know your enemies. NEVER OVER-ESTIMATE YOUR OWN POWER. NEVER UNDER-ESTIMATE THE OPPOSITION. NEVER FAIL TO PROTECT YOURSELF IN ALL THAT YOU DO. Be constantly aware of your own feelings and intuitions. If something "feels" out of place, examine it. You notice that I constantly refer to intuition and feelings. That is because by the time logic and conscious awareness engage, precious time has elapsed. Logic is based on empirical data, and that can be extremely limited and erroneous. It is far better to trust your intuition and be "wrong", than wait for conscious awareness and be trapped.

- 22:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Hauntings And Attacks

by Ronald Eppich

The Malicious Encounter

Almost from the inception of this website, readers have written asking for more information on two very distinct categories. The first, but not necessarily the largest, concerns what an individual living in an urban environment might do to become more involved and adept at magick and shamanism. The second question, and the subject of this page is, "How do ordinary people either prevent, halt, or cope with malicious 'demonic' attacks?" Several readers have indicated that their situation is ongoing and that it actually involves physical bites, scratches, bruises, and other physical ailments. In most cases, the readers' messages express an almost tangible horror and frustration at their situation. The psychological trauma is readily apparent. These strange incidents are not confined to primitive third world countries still steeped in voodoo and witchcraft. As a result, the distinction between superstition and reality is breaking down, even in the conservative mind. Modern science and mainstream religion, once again, have failed to come up with the answers or solutions to our present dilemma. We are being forced to acknowledge a world outside our own, much more aligned with myth and superstition than we might feel comfortable admitting. With so much demonic activity afoot, we can no longer stick our modern, educated heads in the sand, and pretend that whatever it is out there can't see us. After all, if we don't believe in it, it can't hurt us, right?

I found the following news article about an ongoing demonic attack in Africa both very unusual and classic at the same time. The description of the victim's state of mind and physical condition are classic to one particular form of attack. On Thursday, July 19th, 2001, the BBC News reported the following article, relating some very classic aspects of a malicious attack.

Sex-mad "ghost" scares Zanzibaris
By Ally Saleh in Zanzibar

Fear has struck residents of the Zanzibar Islands after rumors of the re-emergence of a sexually voracious ghost that attacks people while they sleep in their beds at night.

Many Zanzibaris are now refusing to sleep in their houses, as they believe that it only preys on people in the comfort of their own beds.

The ghost or genie goes by the name of Popo Bawa, and people believe that it sodomizes its victims, most of whom are men.

In the latest panic, he is said to be striking in the north of Zanzibar Island, as well as in central Pemba.

People claim that his presence in the house is revealed by an acrid smell and a puff of smoke. Victims then speak of being in a trance or "dream-like" state as they are molested. And so the story goes, if they do not reveal what has happened, then Popo Bawa will strike the next night.

Popo Bawa is reported to have previously terrorized the island's residents in 1995 and 2000. Another ghost, known for attacking children, was reported to have terrorized the islands for six months.
(end of article)

The question then remains,"What, if anything, can be done about malicious hauntings and possessions"?

Let me begin by stating that not every possession or haunting is negative or malicious. Many individuals throughout the ages have displayed paranormal gifts that they attribute to a spirit possession, such as channeling (i.e. Edgar Cayce). I, myself, by clinical definition, am probably 'possessed'. I have both conscious and unconscious interface with six dis-incarnate beings almost constantly. In cases such as mine, the relationship is mutually acceptable and advantageous. Prior to the advent of modern science and religion, cultures relied on medicine men, sorcerers, and shamans who claimed these otherworld contacts as their source of wisdom and power. Many of the less westernized cultures around the world still rely on such individuals. For this reason, it is important to find out the intention of the entity haunting or in possession.

Many physical locations, including dwellings, are haunted by "lost" or "Earth-bound" spirits, who have failed to move beyond the physical plane for some unfortunate reason. Some hauntings that may at first appear vicious are etheric recordings of highly charged events, such as murders, which occurred at that location. When such hauntings occur, they do not occur in real time (as if they are just now occurring). The event or apparition which you are experiencing is actually a recording of an event so charged with emotional energy that it created a memory, if you will, of that event upon the magnetic ethers of that specific place. The recording may be complete with every aspect of the five senses, as well as the most minute detail of horrifying emotion. It is so real that you believe that you are actually experiencing it. It is most likely activated by a change or fluctuation within the electro-magnetic field created by your presence within the field where the recording is contained. But it is not real or malicious, at least within the latter time frame that you are experiencing it. It is simply like watching a really good horror movie.


Earth-bound spirits are highly territorial and most hauntings are primarily location specific. Hostile or aggressive Earth-bound spirits will often interact with those of us who come into their presence as if we are intruders, usually because some worldly attachment that they had prior to their death really does give them a kind of first rights. If you encounter a really aggressive, hostile Earth-bound spirit, evacuate the premises immediately. In any case of unfriendly spiritual encounter, seek immediate professional help. Let me explain by way of a real experience.

In Medford, NJ, I was called to a single dwelling home occupied by a middle-aged single woman living alone. This house was haunted by an apparition of an old man, and a myriad of loud and unexplained noises which kept the woman unsettled constantly. No open acts of personal aggression were present. Her sleep, as you can imagine, was broken and restless. I and my assistant, my wife, arrived at the home late one evening. Upon arrival, everything appeared very quiet, but the tour of the house, and particularly the basement, indicated that the spirit in this house was very much present, aware and biding his time. Several areas of the house feel very cold, while other areas raised goose bumps on my skin as I passed through. The feel of something wrong or out-of-place pervaded the house. I went to work by entering a Shamanic, or twilight, consciousness, and set out to contact the spirit. That was not difficult! Upon contact, I was informed that he was the deceased former owner, and a widower. During his life, he had been, according to him, a very shrewd coin dealer and had amassed a significant collection of valuable and rare coins. To protect his investment, he had put a hidden vault in the wall behind the pegboard backstand of a very heavy work station in the basement. The problem seemed to be that someone had "stolen" his collection and now there was an "unknown intruder" in his house, and he was angry. As in many cases, the old man had no knowledge or recollection of his death at all.

As it turned out, the woman was aware of the now empty vault that the deceased man's adult children had cleaned out at his death. Oddly enough, she semed somewhat familiar with this man's family, including the history of the ghost's mortal life as well.

The woman now living in the house was an airline stewardess. She had coffee cans full of useless coins from around the world. She was instructed to fill the now empty bank bags from the vault full of these foreign coins and close, lock and forget about the vault. In a later phone call, she said that she had followed my instructions to the letter and the problem was resolved without further apparition or noises.


Demons, or malicious spirits, are an entirely different story. Demons are not territorial, and strike at will. However, demons are not arbitrary in their patterns. Demons choose their victims by very specific criteria. One of the primary criteria is vulnerability. A victim's vulnerability can include such things as guilt, depression, fear, hopelessness, anger, loneliness, cultural background, belief system, occult associations, etc., which may carry a negative energy.

It is my experience that these demonic entities are of one of two types:

1.)The classic demon who desperately desires a mortal body, and will take any body that a weak or absent owner will relinquish. This category may also include Earth-bound spirits.

2.)The demon that feeds off of strong emotional energy, usually negative energy. I believe that, by far, this category outweighs the first.

In my research for this page, I found that most individuals who become involved with malicious possessions and hauntings professionally, including priests and excorcists believe the actual occurrence of deliberate, malicious attacks are minimal, but they do occur. However, it has been my experience that these incidents are more prevalent than is believed, and are increasing.


I can not overstate the value of using common sense and good judgment in dealing with extra-ordinary situations, particularly as it relates to ghosts, demons, and entities. These beings are real. Many of them have very real physical capabilities.

Any being sufficiently empowered to manifest in this plane is a potential threat. I realize that we had fun as children, frightening one another with ghost stories until we were afraid to be in the dark at night. And now as adults, I understand the adrenaline rush that comes with the prospect of staying in a haunted house or a face-to-face encounter with a ghost. Thats all cool! But!!! If you do not exercise extreme caution, fun could quickly turn to tragedy.

By way of example:
One afternoon I was visited by several young people, I would guess their age to be 22-25 years old, who were quite obviously terrified. We visited for quite some time. The source of their trouble seemed to revolve around a late night dare to visit a haunted house. Not just any haunted house, but the world-famous Whaley House in Old Town San Diego. The Whaley House is considered to be one of the most actively haunted houses in the world! They did, in fact, visit the house well after mid-night. According to their story, they arrived at the house and walked around, peeking in the windows and generally having a great time, when one of them noticed an old woman standing on the second story balcony staring off toward the horizon. They hid in some bushes around a tree below the balcony and watched. Suddenly, she looked straight down at them and gradually began to float directly toward them. They fled for the car and locked the doors. The car wouldn't start. The old woman came to the car and glared in at each of them. They said she stared at them "what seemed like forever". They said her glare was angry and nasty, like nothing they had ever experienced, and they were trapped. After what seemed like forever, she slowly faded away. The car then started and they left.

But the story did not end there. Deep inside, they each felt that the old woman had put something inside them. They couldn't describe it, but the feeling of the experience would not diminish, and the old woman would not go away. She was in them. They described horrible nightmares, daylight apparitions, and a sense of doom prevailed around them.

REMEDY: As a trained shaman, I tend to look at situations a little differently than priests and clergy of other religions. It is my belief that every thing has a right to exist, and disincarnate beings'lives are as valid as our own. Our human interpretation of their existence is usually based on our own limited perception of that existence, which is seldom complete or valid. The very words that we use to name things implies much of our feeling about them. For example, we call one spiritual being an angel, while another we call a demon. We seldom take into consideration anything but our own human aspect.

We might easily fail to take into consideration that these young people were trespassing on private property well after midnight with mischief in mind. They approached the house, looked into the windows, ran through the lawn, etc. If this home was occupied by a normal family, most likely the police would be called. Why should our behavior differ from one situation to another? The young people's behavior was abhorrent. Whether they were chased away by a ghost or a mortal human being is irrelevant.

I admonished the young people about respect and proper behavior. They were instructed to send a clear mental message to the woman indicating that they were going to jointly return to the house, bringing gifts of flowers and candy to the house, and begging the forgiveness of the old woman for their disrespect and misconduct. They were instructed that if they were allowed to approach the house without incident, that their message had been received and the woman was willing to listen. If not, they would continue until they could. They were to continue this regiment on a regular basis, at their discretion, until such time as their internal feelings returned to normal. This incident ended successfully with the first installment.

This is a classic example of the effects and after-effects of a true malicious haunting. The consequences were not undeserved, but they were unfortunate.

Obviously, not all situations are this simple, but the vast majority really are. Respect, understanding, and cooperation will resolve most spiritual situations much quicker and less painfully than exorcism. We, the mortals, deliberately or inadvertently create most of our own problems by lack of understanding, lack of respect, and our arrogant mortal attitudes. Most frequently, we say, "How dare that ghost occupy my house" or "That evil, vile, malicious demon attack me!" It is my approach in these situations to converse with the demon or spirit, when possible, and determine the reason for the difficulty. I have personally spoken very calmly and effectively with some very ugly spirits that possessed a mortal body, and had a very interesting conversation without threat or hostility. My intent is the same, the spirit is going to leave that mortal body. My methods are different.

I, personally, do not believe in Satan or his hosts as explained in Judeo/Christian beliefs. I do not believe that Satan can influence or overpower you. I do believe that you can leave yourself vulnerable to negative influences. I believe that we give far to much credit to beings and entities of our own devices, rather than accept that man has a very evil, dark side that we hide, not only from society, but even from ourselves. I sincerely believe that many of the things that we encounter are manifestations of our dark side, empowered by our repeated reinforcement of our belief in them. I do believe that there are inter-dimensional beings out there that will prey off of mortals for their needs just as a lion feeds off of an antelope. Lions are not evil, just hungry. That does not negate the fear or horror the prey feels when singled out for the kill. We can be prey to beings that we have no knowledge of or defense against. The average person can only avoid those thoughts and actions that make you the most obvious prey.

When considering self-defense against malicious entities, prevention is your greatest weapon. Be aware of your mental, emotional and psychological state of mind. Long term negative states of mind are an open invitation. We all have bad moments. It's not the individual thought as much as it is how long and how hard we focus on that thought. Avoid long-term anger or depression. If you need to, see a doctor or seek professional therapy. Avoid thoughts of self-injury or suicide. Do not focus on or invite unknown entities into your life. Do not invite deceased loved ones and relatives back into your life or back to the mortal plane. Do not dwell on demon or ghost-related material, and do not visit haunted places. Do not "play" at witchcraft or the occult. Read, study, and practice with experienced practitioners BEFORE you try it yourself. Remember, we all have different levels of resistance and immunity to spiritual matters, just as we do in mortal matters.


The most commonly accepted method of dealing with malicious possession or haunting within the Judeo-Christian faith is called exorcism. That topic is sufficiently large to warrant a separate treatise, and shall be dealt with on page two of this article, called "Exorcism".

Again, untrained individuals encountering seemingly malicious entities, by either possession or haunting, should seek professional help immediately!!! Exorcisms should be performed by trained practitioners skilled in dealing with matters of the spirit and dis-incarnate realms. Exorcism can be extremely dangerous. Ministers and priests have brought physical harm, as well as other dire consequences, upon themselves and others by malicious entities that failed to respond to their efforts. DO NOT ATTEMPT AN EXCORCISM ALONE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!


Among some cultures, ghosts are considered to be responsible for many illnesses and disasters, while among other cultures, like the Haitians, spiritual possession is sought for as a right of passage.

William Howells, in his book "THE HEATHENS" (1962) has described several techniques used around the world for exorcising evil spirits and diseases, such as: "using sweat baths, cathartics, or emetics to flush out the offending spirits; trephining; manipulating and massaging the body; sucking out the disease object; scraping or sponging the illness out of the body; reciting magical spells, coaxing, or singing songs to lure the spirit away; tempting them to evacuate the body by laying out a sumptuous meal for it; keeping the patient uncomfortable, sometimes by administering beatings, so the spirit will be discontent with the body and want to depart; building a fire under the patient to make it uncomfortably warm for the spirit; placing foul-smelling, overripe fruit near the patient; and scandalizing the demon by having the patient's naked wife jump over the patient".

Continuing, Howells writes, "There is considerable evidence to support the belief that trephination among pre-Columbian Peruvians was a supernatural-based method of exorcism. A technique of skull surgery, trephining involved cutting a hole in the skull with a type of small saw or knife known as a trephine. Although the primary reason for the procedure was generally believed to be the physical easing of pressure on the brain, the supernatural reasons for the practice cannot be overlooked."


The traditional shaman would approach the problem by undertaking a spirit journey to determine the cause of the affliction. The shaman may discover the victim's condition to be caused by an intrusion (such as a poisonous spiritual dart), the loss of the victim's soul by spiritual enslavement (possession), or the loss of soul by the mortal inhabitant neglecting or abusing the soul (depression, suicide attempts, etc.). Having established the cause of the ailment, the shaman then undertakes another journey, allied with his helping spirits, to remove the intrusion, release and return the captured soul, or entice the unhappy soul back into the body.


You have probably noticed by now that I do not follow the path or practices of a traditional shaman in my dealings with malicious spirits. I may, upon determining the cause of the haunting or possession, choose to perform a shamanic ritual to resolve the situation, but in actual practice, I am much more closely aligned with the definition of a sorcerer than a shaman.

- 22:08 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

The Shadow People

by Ronald Eppich


Quite simply, Shadow People (or 'Ghosts') are beings or entities that are at a different vibrational level than we are. In this 'grid existence' (or universe) we live in, there are twelve separate dimensions, and within each dimension are twelve separate parallel existences, ranging from being very similar to ours in vibration to being so different from us that the vibrational differences would tear us apart. Most Shadow People are in one of the parallel existences very close to us vibrationally, such that a 'shadow' of them can be seen in this existence, like being seen through a very thin veil of material. These existences are very easily accessed, and include the lower astral planes, as well as the location deceased spirits exist in before leaving this dimension.


Most "Ghosts" are location-specific. That is to say, they seem to be attached to a particular place or person, such as a young child. Usually, a place that is "haunted" is well known among the local residents, with some places achieving a much broader recognition. Since most Ghosts are location specific, you can significantly reduce your probability of contact with these individuals by being aware of any known or reported activity in your area and avoiding these locations. Should you find that you are the guest or owner of a maliciously haunted location, residence or otherwise, evacuation is highly advised.

Sometimes residential developments and other buildings are built upon areas already active, such as ancient burial grounds. If you find that you are in such an area, my advice is to gain the services of a shaman or medicine man who can communicate with the Ghosts or Entities. Exorcism, in the traditional sense, is often the most traumatic and least effective way to solve the problem. Shamans, Mediums and Medicine People are trained to communicate and negotiate with these OtherWorld beings. Often, the solution is very simple, such as returning artifacts to the burial site. If no satisfactory solution can be found, exorcism is a last and risky resort. In the event that all else fails, the individuals involved must assess the potential dangers of remaining in such an environment versus taking a loss and moving on. Remember that the risk involved here is much more than just physical safety, which is always paramount. There are emotional and psychological tolls that must be assessed as well. When children are involved, the potential damage is significantly multiplied.

There are some homes so significantly disrupted by such hauntings that physical injury and death may be a real possibility. These are, of course, the extreme, but they do exist. Unfortunately, some structures can be very expensive, and people are understandably hesitant to leave or take such a financial loss. The alternative can be much higher. If you are considering buying a piece of property, disclosure laws in many states now require a seller to inform a potential buyer of any para-normal problems. Aside from this, you might want to check with neighbors and other local residents about the background of the property to see if there have been any previous hauntings, if someone is known to have died on the property, or if the area is located on an ancient burial or ceremonial site; and if it is, consider buying some other property.


Generally speaking, when we experience encounters with the OtherWorld in a place that is not known to be haunted, it may be our own fault. Malicious Ghosts, Demons, and Inter-dimensional Beings are attracted to us through our energy. Certain activities are known to raise our own vibrational level and energy output. In magickal acts, this is critical. When we focus our thoughts and energy on Spirits and Ghosts, begin talking to or about them, or engage in any activity that is designed to directly contact them, we send out an invitation that attracts and empowers them. Those Ghosts who are aware of humans most usually are attracted to us by the energy we are sending out. They are curious. And they are usually malicious simply because they can be, and there is nothing the average human can do to stop them. Inter-dimensional Beings can channel our energy to open inter-dimensional portals, allowing them to pass through. Some of these beings are neutral, but many of them are malicious, and come from existences that are hostile to us. So a second rule of thumb, if you want to avoid para-normal contact, is to resist the urge to tell "ghost stories", play with Ouija boards, attend séances, or be involved in any other para-normal activities that might attract unwelcome guests.


Sometimes we may experience an "energy leak" in our auric energy fields that attract these beings. It is believed, for instance, that poltergeist activity is empowered by the excess sexual energy of pre-pubescent girls. There can also be times when we may receive a tear in our auric field due to a trauma of some kind, with a resultant energy leak that attracts etheric vampires and other entities. This situation can be repaired by the services of a good healer or shaman, who can seal the energy leak and repair the tear in our auric field.


Animals are highly perceptive of Ghosts. Sudden and unusual behavior by a pet, such as growling or hiding, focused at a particular spot in a room or geographic area should be highly suspect for ghost activity. Children also are highly perceptive of the presence of Ghosts. Often children may be the terrified victims of hauntings and the adults may not even be aware of anything unusual happening. If your child/Children have imaginary friends that they talk to, or if they have frequent nightmares, are afraid of certain places in your home, need a night light, or are unusually afraid of being alone, ghost activity MAY be the reason. Remember, not all "Ghosts" are malicious. An "Angel from God" appearing to you would follow the same criteria and appear the same as a "Ghost".


In this section, I am going to answer many of the questions that have been posed to me about the nature and intent of these OtherWorld beings. My answers will come from my own personal experiences and conclusions, as well as information that has been channeled through me as a result of these experiences.

In order to adequately discuss the nature of OtherWorld beings, I am going to have to break this subject into sub-categories. These categories are going to be divided into related pairs. The pairs are as follows;

1.) Ghosts vs. Manifest Thought Forms

2.) Earth Bound Spirits vs. Inter-Dimensional Beings

3.) Real-Time Experience vs. Etheric Recordings



A "Spirit" is the eternal essence of a deceased mortal. Having transcended mortality, and shedding the dense, physical body, the individual consciousness or "Spirit" takes on a body composed of much higher frequency matter. We, as mortals still within the dense material world, perceive this new body as an energy field having the ability to manifest itself to some degree on the physical plane - a "Ghost". Ghosts may be either human or animal, and each will appear in their respective form. Ghosts, almost universally, are highly territorial, and may be attached to either a specific living person or a specific location. There may be a wide variety of reasons that explain the Ghost's continued presence at a location; however, the most common reason is believed to be the highly emotional circumstances of his/her death. A Ghost periodically makes its presence known by such manifestations as a significant drop in ambient air temperature; significant changes in the electro-magnetic fields in and around a specific area; perceived audient or clairaudient activity; a visible appearance ranging from a white/dingy misty, transparent cloud to a full physical apparition that moves or floats very slowly across an area; movement of physical objects without apparent cause; and finally, by actual physical apparition or physical contact of some form with a mortal human. For purposes of clarification, there is no "normal" or "typical" Ghost. Ghostly visitations are extremely individualistic and variable. Ghosts, like mortals, exhibit a wide range of personalities. Most Ghosts, when visible, are merely going about their business. Only a small number of Ghosts may actually be hostile enough AND powerful enough to do physical harm. The much greater possibility is that these personalities may be aggressive enough and angry enough to be dangerous, not from a physical standpoint, but from the emotional or psychological harm caused by the intense trauma of the aggressive and hostile experience. Extreme caution should always be used in the presence of Ghosts. Remember, any Ghost that can move a physical object has tremendous power and can make physical contact with you!!!


A "Manifest Thought Form", unlike a Ghost, has no previous mortal experience. It is an energy field that is created, programmed and empowered by a living person. Many people project their anger, their animosity, their emotions, their very life force into an etheric receptacle. They "bottle up" their thoughts and feelings, and let them constantly accumulate and intensify. As these emotions and projections accumulate, they begin to take on a definite shape and disposition. In the early stage, this creation is small, simple and powerless, and can be controlled and even destroyed. Sorcerers have long known how to create and use Manifest Thought Forms as an instrument of their work. They are created, programmed and dispatched against a human target as an agent of destruction. Given sufficient definition and empowerment, the Manifest Thought Form takes on a life, a consciousness of its own. No longer subject to its creator, it is now out of control, and the creator becomes powerless to destroy it. Eventually, it will begin to feed off the negative emotions of others. Unlike a Ghost, it is not trapped by an emotional bond to a particular place. This entity will take any shape that the thoughts and emotions they are feeding off of project. This accounts for the grotesque and malformed figures and features frequently observed with this type of manifestation. The Manifest Thought Form has no "higher level thought processes" or moral ethics. It is pure negative emotion created into a manifest energy pattern endowed with a highly negative disposition and temperament. Its sole function, devoid of any other programming, is to feed off negative human emotion, and where possible use its aggressive, hostile nature to generate more negative human emotion. It is not territorial, and contact is always unpleasant. Its behavior is highly unpredictable and ugly without provocation. This type of entity is also the most difficult to remove by exorcism. By the time we experience a Manifest Thought Form, it is already highly developed and powerful. This category accounts for the largest number of actual "evil" and "mischievous" contacts we may experience. The Manifest Thought Form's most common appearance is that of a dark misty shroud that prevails within an area, followed closely by an extremely dark, ugly floating mass or a pitch black grotesque figure or shape. There may be audient or clairaudient activity. There is always an impending sense of doom, fear or possession associated with these entities. Mechanical devices, such as clock chimes and music boxes, may inexplicable begin playing. This is a sure sign of its ability to affect the physical plane. If challenged or provoked, it will attack, usually resulting in temporary physical paralysis and intensified assault. Its ability to withstand traditional exorcism techniques is phenomenal. The best defense against such a being is a calm, level emotional state in which your logical, conscious thought, not emotion, is in charge. It may resort to any tactic it knows to shake or rattle your will. Emotional control is the key. Remember, never be foolish enough to believe that just because it is no longer manifest at this moment, that it is gone forever.


An Earth-bound Spirit is any spirit that, for whatever reason, is caught, trapped, or lives within the physical Earth plane. The classic example of an Earth bound spirit is the Ghost of a deceased person who lingers within the Earth plane, seemingly incapable of "moving on". This inability to "move on" may be accounted for in several ways. One of the most common reasons for Earth-bound Spirits is that a very powerful emotional tie exists between the spirit and another person, place or thing. This emotional tie creates a nearly unbreakable link to this world. This tie may be the highly emotional circumstances of the person's death, or it may simply be an obsessive emotional tie to some person, place, or thing while the individual was living. Mothers who died in childbirth or with extremely young children frequently become Earth bound for some period of time. A spirit can also be trapped and become Earth bound by the persistence of his/her survivors. This can occur when survivors of a deceased person hold so strongly to the memories, possessions and personal articles of the deceased, that the deceased becomes a virtual prisoner. A third reason seems to be that the deceased died so quickly that they are unaware that they have died. They are frightened and bewildered by the sudden change in their environment, but simply don't realize or refuse to recognize that they are no longer a participant of the physical world.


This is probably one of the most difficult categories to pin down. There are undoubtedly a myriad of beings that exist in the dimensions that surround us, but determining exactly which ones are earth bound and which ones cross over into our physical dimension from another dimension is highly speculative.

Probably one of the most common inter-dimensional contacts I have experienced is the grayish human-like silhouette normally most visible in a quiet, dim lit area and most often seen through peripheral vision. The speed of movement, if any, varies with individual sightings. The most common aspect of these contacts is that the entity seems totally oblivious to the viewer's presence. They seem to simply be "passing through" our space. This is, in fact, the case. There are times when the veil between the worlds is very thin, or even overlapping. During these times, we can visually perceive energy patterns and movement within the other realms. These individuals represent absolutely no threat whatsoever. You may simply acknowledge their presence and go about your business.

The second category of inter-dimensional beings I would like to discuss are the "Curious George" type. These are the presences that you normally experience as a strong feeling that someone or something else is in the room. You can feel the movement, and possibly get a quick glance. I refer to these as the "Curious George" type because they almost universally are drawn to you by the energy that you are generating through the activity you are involved in. This activity can range from deep, heavy thought or meditation to a deep or emotional conversation or an activity or ritual which raises the energy level. They are there because you have attracted their attention. This type of being can be a curious, detached observer; a benevolent, helpful influence; or a disruptive presence. The effects of their presence is relatively limited and requires no acknowledgement at all.

The third category includes the actual Inter-Dimensional Malicious beings. During a channeling session, a question was asked about the origins of evil on Earth and whether "demons" were Earth bound or inter-dimensional beings. In response to that question, the answer came back, "The greatest evil that exists in the Universe exists in the hearts of man. This does not preclude the existence of 'evil or malicious' entities within the physical Earth plane or those who have access to the Earth plane through the dimensions, but mortal humans are by far the most deliberately evil and malicious beings, WHEN MOTIVATED TO BE SUCH". This statement seems to indicate to me that we are the single largest source of our own problems. I believe this statement to be not only a general statement of the dark side of human nature, but a statement directly connecting that dark nature with dark, malicious entities, such as Manifest Thought Forms.

There are chaos dimensions that have access to our physical Earth plane. Within these chaos dimensions, beings exist that have a very different energy from ours, beings whose very energy field is radically different and potentially fatal to humans. Within these dimensions, there are beings whose appetite and needs create behavior patterns we consider grotesque and malicious, but whose intentions are neither dark nor malicious.

For instance, there are energy vampires who thrive on the emotional energy and life force of their victims. We consider this behavior malicious and frightful, while to them it is merely survival. Obviously, the victim in any circumstance is left to assume the motives and intent of the assailant. It has been my experience that the universal ability of Ghosts and entities to "appear" and "disappear" sometimes makes it very difficult to differentiate an Earth bound ghost from an inter-dimensional one. Needless to say, TREAT ALL MALICIOUS GHOSTS AND ENTITIES EQUAL.


2.) ALWAYS REMEMBER, THEY HAVE THE HOME COURT ADVANTAGE. You are going to have to meet them on their terms.

3.) NEVER BECOME COMBATIVE OR CONFRONTIVE. Even ordained ministers and highly trained exorcists have been badly assaulted by defiant Ghosts and Entities. The best advice is to get away if possible.

4.) DO NOT ENGAGE IN PRACTICES OR ACTIVITIES THAT MIGHT ATTRACT THEIR ATTENTION. I can tell you from personal experience, they are never but a thought or a breath away. If you call, they will come!!!


Real-Time Experience is when you are experiencing the event as it actually occurs. In Etheric Recordings, a highly emotionally charged event is recorded on the ethers electro-magnetically as it actually occurs. At times, due to a sufficiently strong etheric trigger, the event is replayed over again. The energy field that surrounds the Earth is essentially comprised of a material agent called Ether. This etheric substance is highly susceptible to magnetic imprint, much like the magnetic imprint on tapes that are used to program computers. The ability to imprint this ether has long been the source of power to the knowing occultist, who deliberately programs the ether to achieve a desired result.

- 22:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 12.10.2007.

What are Implants and Negative Elementals and How do They Affect Us?

There are two types of implants. The first type of implant contains fear programming which are lodged within one’s system when one experiences deep fear, trauma, accidents or depression from childhood, adulthood, and even past lives. This would serve to keep the person in the space of fear and thus prevent the person from owning their personal power and self mastery, and to think, feel or act from Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. The second type of implant is a tool used by negative ETs to siphon energy from one’s energy system, which they use as a tracking device and also to block one’s access to love and light.

Negative elementals originate from negative thought forms, which are attracted to negative emotional energy. So if one is filled with negative emotions such as anger, judgment, violence, lack of self love and worth, guilt, worry, sadness, depression, inferiority, upset, lack of inner peace, lack of evenmindedness, attack thoughts and feelings, negative elementals will easily attach themselves to one’s energy system.

Obviously these negative energies do not serve our higher purpose and can often sabotage our spiritual progress.

“This is nothing to be afraid of since everyone on earth has them – and we have had them throughout all of our past lives. However, as we move upward on our path of initiation it is important to clear them.”
Why is it Important to Remove Them?

“The people on earth cannot achieve ascension and self-realization without addressing both of these aspects. (psychological level & psychic level of soul psychology) The psychic level of soul psychology deals with the principles of esoteric psychology that most people are not aware of.”

“We can do all the psychological clearing work in the world, but if we don’t address this psychic level of soul psychology, we will never fully recover from our physical or psychological problems. On the other hand, we can work at the psychic level of soul psychology and clear all these negative aspects, but if we don’t so the integrative psychological work as well, we cannot recover fully or achieve full self-realization. In other words, these two approaches must be united.”

(Extracts are from Soul Psychology, Revised Edition by Dr Joshua David Stone)

How are the Sessions Done?

Sessions are done remotely, which means we need not be in the same physical space to do this. A group merkabah will be formed for the clearing to take place and we will be overlighted by Spirit, the Archangels and the Masters. Each session will last for about one hour and the clearing includes:

Implants, negative elementals, negative astral energies removal

Clearing of chakras, meridians, energy field

Cutting of cords with people, places and things which no longer serve you

Core Fear Matrix Removal program

Removal of Earth crystals

Clearing & healing of etheric body and auric field

Any other clearing/healing as required and recommended by Spirit and the Masters

- 15:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 11.10.2007.

Fear Matrix Removal Program

Rev. Claudia McNeely DD

Recently I was thumbing through the book "Beyond Ascension" by Joshua David Stone and re-discovered a very powerful healing technique which I had completely forgotten about. It is called The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program. I used this myself for a long time, but then forgot about it. I am very glad to have re-discovered it. It is a special dispensation received a few years ago from the Spiritual Hierarchy to remove core fear. There are only two emotions on Earth, love or fear. You have either love-based emotions and reactions or fear-based emotions and reactions.

The Fear Matrix Removal Program is a divine dispensation from the Creator that allows members of the Spiritual Hierarchy to actually pull your core fear patterns right out of your subconscious mind and four body system. Clairvoyantly, these can be seen as black roots with many tentacles throughout the body. As they are removed through your crown chakra, they are completely removed from your soul records.

Whenever you feel your buttons are being pushed, or you have a negative reaction or emotion, a fear program has been triggered. Immediately call to the Ascended Masters and have them remove it. It is recommended that every night before going to bed for three to six months that you ask for all of your core fear to be removed. If you request to be officially signed up for the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program, they will also work on you without your having to ask. Anytime you become aware of an area where fear-based programming lives, then immediately call to the Masters to remove that specific program.

It is very important to be specific and state which fear-based program you want them to remove. You cannot just ask one time that all fear-based programs be removed and never ask again. You must continually work with the Masters and continually as them to remove the core fear patterns in different areas. Make a list of all the possible core fears and negative ego programming you can think of. Each night before going to bed, ask that a particular area be removed from this life and all your past lives. After the core fear is removed, you must ask that it be replaced with core love, so that it doesn't come back.


Ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering your spiritual growth. You will feel them moving out the top of your head. Then request that they focus on your physical body and ask them to remove any and all fear based programs lodged there. Then request that they move into your etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking you. Move on to the astral body and request that they remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from your astral, or emotional body. Then request that they move to your mental body and remove all thought forms of an imbalanced and negative nature. Then move to your spiritual bodies and request that they be cleared.

Ask that the programs be completely removed from your soul and from the Akashic Records. You must give your permission for them to do this.

During another meditation, to through each of your seven major chakras. Begin with the first chakra and request the Fear Matrix Removal Program to remove all imbalanced energies and fear-based programs preventing you from achieving your ascension in the first chakra. Then do the same for each of the other six chakras.

Do this for twenty-one days and see what happens!

I highly recommend 'Beyond Ascension' or any of Joshua's other books. They are filled with many powerful techniques for spiritual growth.


- 10:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Clear to Channel ~ Developing Discernment

by Tae'En [Shely Mort]

Our vibrations, personally and collectively, are rising and the veils are thinning. We are becoming more and more aware of many different interdimensional beings around us. We talk about, and connect with, angels, light beings, galactic beings, ascended masters and many other beneficial entities and energies; we connect by channelling, in visions and through intuition and meditation. We are looking for, and receiving, more spiritual and energetic guidance from non-physical beings, and are also using these contacts in our healing. We are asking how we can know which information is trustworthy, and how to trust our connections and perceptions.

We are intuitively aware that not all messages come from pure sources aligned with the highest vibrations, and that some of what we are exposed to can be questionable, and sometimes completely misleading or worse. We ask how we can get a clearer connection to the information we do want to, how to get rid of influences we don't want, and how to tell the difference! And it is always a good to clear your sources, to become more discerning, no matter what your level of intuition or involvement is. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to do this. [The best methods are usually deceptively simple when it comes to spiritual matters!].

First, know that no high vibrational being [or worthy spiritual teacher for that matter] will ever talk about blaming anyone for your situation, or use language that gives rise to feelings of division, or say anything that makes anyone feel fearful, limited, victimised or powerless to change things, with or without their help. High vibrational beings are joyful and lovingly supportive, and you will feel uplifted and expanded by the quality and feel of their communications. They will always encourage you to deeper feelings of wellbeing and self empowerment.

To come into a clear perceptive space, tune into your inner being and start by mandating that you are rendered absolutely inviolate, and absolutely harmless in thought word and deed, through the over-souling awareness of that highest aspect of your consciousness that knows itself as Source, without differentiation, and which communicates directly with you as an individuated consciousness. We could also call this your GodSelf , if you like. Make the statement, preferably aloud. You could do this right now if you like. You do not need to set up special spaces to communicate with your highest aspects.

Offer everything that you do, say, intend and create - All that you Are - to the Highest Good, under the Light and The Law of One states that we are All One - that which is done to any single one, is done to All; that what one experiences, all experience. That we are one of many, and many of One. It is the law of Highest Good. Always remember that your decree is your command - ask and it is given. "And so it is" or "Amen" are some examples of how we affirm that.

Mandate that everything that comes to you, and goes from you, always goes by way of that very. That nothing that is not aligned under the Law of One may ever approach or communicate with you in any way . That if you do come into contact with anything that is not clear, it will be beneficial for your growth and learning, and that you will immediately become aware that something which requires your attention is happening. If you are ever unsure, call everything into clarity and transparency - command that " all is clear and apparent under the Law of One" . Command that anything that is not aligned under the Law of One leave your presence immediately. Ask for every entity to identify itself under the Law.

Just because something says "I'm Archangel Michael" doesn't necessarily mean that you have what you would call Archangel Michael! Or that the consciousness you've connected to is at a clear enough vibrational level to relay accurate and beneficial information. Ask to commune with the highest manifestation of that energy under the Law of One. [It might be beginning to sound monotonous, but putting everything under the Law is a great filter - it keeps it clear & simple, and after a while anything not aligned will not even bother to approach you - mostly.] Mandate that if there is anything you need to become aware of, it will be made clear to you with ease and grace. Ask that any lessons come with ease and grace. Then trust that All is Well.

You are in charge of You, and your experience here on Earth - make no mistake: it's your life and the Law of Free Will applies absolutely - You make the rules for You! You also get to choose whether to choose awareness and responsibility, or whether to ignore good practice, and you are free to experience the consequences of your decisions. You are very free indeed!

Another area that gives people concern is the existence of, and potential or actual "energetic entanglement" with, non-beneficial beings, "entities" or energies. People talk a lot about "protection", but it's not a very helpful concept because, if you think about it for a moment, it will be apparent that protection is a fear based concept - it holds the assumption that non-beneficial things are being drawn to you! And further, when you are fearful enough to want protection, by the Law of Attraction * you are already attracting what you fear! Non-beneficial entities, etc, are attracted by fear in the first place - it's their job to make darkness darker, to increase resistance, and lower vibration. You don't look for protection when crossing a highway, you be sensible and take care!

A better way is to intend to always be vibrating energetically and spiritually above the perception or interest level of non-beneficial consciousnesses [including humans!]. If you focus on raising your vibration, and consistently find ways to do that, you will get clearer faster. Repeating the phrase Nua-Ka Nua-E Kuo-A [pron. "Kwo -A"] a few times will create a field of 100% positivity around you, which will help you to raise your vibration. Every couple of weeks you can tune into your God-Self and say "I raise my vibration now", and the very best way is to consistently find things around you to appreciate, which will take you to new levels quickly and easily. Cultivate an 'Attitude of Gratitude".

Anytime you are not comfortable, or are unsure of what's communicating with or affecting you, you can command that anything that is not in alignment with your highest good be cleared absolutely, and that anything non beneficial pass through you without affecting your field. Command that you are only ever open to receiving that which comes fully under the Light and Law of One.

If you are aware of the presence of entities or other non-beneficial energies in someone's field, or space, or in your own, you can call on those benevolent beings that have mastery in this area, who come under the Law of One, to remove them. They will, and they are very effective. You could also directly command that any entities [to leave your field and go to their next level of service, by invoking the Law of Free Will, and the Law of One. But do be aware that there are some very challenging 'super-entities' that are very slippery characters indeed. They may hide away to return later, or be so clever that you will not spot them at all. If something seems stuck, or returns later, or feels not right, and you can't clear it, call on an earthly expert for help. Sometimes it takes a human being to get resolution in the earthly plane. Sometimes you need to heal or release why they've attached.

Command that all your guides, and all light beings, angels, archangels, galactic beings, ascended masters or whatever that wish to communicate with you, come under the supervision of your GodSelf. Call them all fully into alignment with the Law of One. All beneficial beings will be delighted at your discernment and comply instantly. Command that all that are not so aligned be gone immediately. You may actually experience some guides or "angels" leaving! [If so, ask for more beneficial and appropriate light beings to replace them.]

There are many characters out there, floating around in the astral plane, or in galactic dimensional space, that say they are the real deal, and speak the "Highest Truth". Some will simply be well meaning and deluded, and may delude you too! Others are actually interfering maliciously to further their own agendas, while still others simply want a piece of the action because this is a very exciting time and place to be a participant in! There are lots of cosmic visitors and spectators around observing The Shift, and few of us have time to waste with distractions and tourists! The "etheric" realms are mirrors of our own, and just as challenging.

When communicating with your GodSelf, or the beings of your choice through your GodSelf, call for a clear channel. "I connect fully, clearly and openly with my GodSelf Aspect", or you could simply command "Clear channel!" Then clear any interference from the equivalent of cosmic "junk mail": "Clear communication!". Call for your personal stuff, preferences, prejudices etc to be put aside: " Clear personality; clear judgement! " and call for all else that which is not aligned the highest good to also be cleared. 'Clear all that is not aligned under the Law of One". Command that if there is anything at all you need to become aware of, it be made clear to you immediately, with ease and grace.

Now you're in a position to be confident in the quality of your connection. If at any time in any of your communications, intuitions or practices you are not sure that all is as it appears, simply command that all be made clear and apparent under the Light and Law of One, and command that anything not so aligned be removed forthwith from your presence. Calling upon the Law of One is a simple, foolproof and direct way of clearly ensuring the highest good is being served - as Universal Law it must be obeyed when invoked.

As you practice these techniques your discernment will improve, and you will develop, if that's your intent, into a clear channel, healer or conduit, of the highest clarity and vibrational integrity.

- 09:24 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Suppressor Parasite Entity Removal

by Lisa Renee

There is a battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of this planet and the human consciousness. As we are provided dispensations that allow us to embody divine energy in physical form and move the planetary awareness toward the light, the survival and force of darkness on this planet is threatened.

During this time of shift into a higher consciousness and the resultant need to create new paradigms, there are new multi-dimensional challenges for those humans that are taking a conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the evolution of the planet. These challenges come in many forms including psychic attack, negative implants, tags and entities that diminish the quality of your energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum functioning by harvesting and utilizing your precious resources. Hence suppressing your ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live your maximum soul’s potential of experiencing joy, bliss and freedom on the Earth Plane.

During the evolutionary process of one’s awakening and remembrance of the soul’s blueprint and contracts, the more conscious and ascended beings take back their sovereignty and live in accordance with the laws of the Creator rather than man-made laws, thereby transcending darkness and living in light. As a result of living in the light, these humans, through their actions, influence and guide others to the light, thereby exponentially increasing the power of the light and diminishing the force of the darkness.

Those awakening to remember themselves as light-beings and becoming a part of the collective light-worker or star seed grid network on this Planet tend to be the targets for dark forces The energy of a highly conscious human being creates a frequency signal that activates “the radar screen” of awareness at the center of dark consciousness. Once on the radar screen of darkness, darkness places a “tag” on the enlightened being to track them and determine if they are a threat to the survival of the “I am”, ego and self awareness of darkness.

If the enlightened being is deemed a threat to darkness, a Suppressor Parasite Entities (“SPE’s”) is sent to be surreptitiously implanted in the physical mental and emotional bodies of such enlightened beings (“targets”). These targets tend to be lightworkers, healers, spiritual leaders and other highly powerful and/or influential people whose authentic purpose and mission is to bring about positive global transformation, raise consciousness, heal and bring back our divine inheritance.

SPE’s are sent as a parasitic energy operating in a unified group consciousness to cleave onto a particular corded trauma, event or negative thought form held within the physical and/or energy bodies. The dark forces use SPE’s to suppress consciousness, the experience of higher emotion and the realization of enlightenment of their targets.

SPE’s predominantly use implants, negative energies and entities that grossly emphasize and exacerbate the psycho-emotional-spiritual imbalances in the human body by a variety of multi-dimensional tactics. The goal is to create a parasitic energetic effect draining the host of its valuable resources such as physical vitality, emotional balance, mental clarity and ultimately self-sovereignty as a powerful God Being.

SPE’s act as multi-rooted parasites (much like cancer or crabgrass) that rob the host’s power and energy thereby perpetuating lower emotional levels of the implants, thereby draining their host and creating obstacles that block the host from finding and/or achieving the host’s higher authentic purpose, raising consciousness or furthering spiritual ascension. SPE’s unify existing low level emotional implants that promote fear, pity, apathy, greed, guilt and shame. Examples of these implants include limiting emotions and belief patters resulting from societal programming through mass media and education, the expectations of family and friends and our need for their love and approval, giving up of our personal power, and other non-empowering limitations and perceived obligations. SPE’s also have been witnessed to block connection to the Creator, angels, guides and the light, as well as higher level emotions such as love, joy, serenity, passion and compassion.

As a result of SPE’s, we have recently witnessed the rapid spread of a negative and/or painful physical effect on implanted hosts. This will be sensed or felt in the human body as a pain, stiffness, soreness, “brain foggy-ness”, headaches, throbbing, disconnection, dizziness, lack of focus, depression, irrational fear, distraction from authentic purpose, and blocked or low energy. This creates a distortion in the bodies energy, therefore creating a distortion from the perfect blueprint body and creating pain or blockage in the physical body. Ultimately this is a distraction technique – by placing the host in pain and/or lower emotional states , their awareness is least likely to be focused on their goals or the soul’s purpose.

SPE’s appear to have a special immunity to love light and require a spiritual warrior approach. It is not love light that will effect these entities, but rather the power of light itself taking over the force of darkness. Since power overcomes force, it is this application of power that is critical. There was a differentiation between Love-Light and Light-Power, as there is a braid of both in Liquid light, it was the Light Power that worked best to vanquish the SPE’s.

The removal of SPE’s can be accomplished by being in one’s own power consciously while holding higher emotional states (ecstasy, love, joy). Start by focusing on God’s Light-Power and One’s Will and Might while and bringing abundant light of the Creator through the crown chakra to the power/solar plexus chakra. This is accomplished by utilizing the chakra with visualization and breathing in great amounts of divinity to expand the Light –Power to neutralize the negativity of the SPE.

The power of light is then directed from the power chakra at the SPE’s in a spiritual to-the-death battle. The battle entails the host, as a spiritual warrior, utilizing the Light Power and the host’s “Warrior Will” to infiltrate the SPE’s at their nucleus and at their roots. As the power of Light Power fills these entities they begin to weaken and die.

So long as the host is totally within their power and will not partake in lower emotional states and feels only higher emotional states, the host will prevail over the SPE’s as power triumphs over force

Toning using the notes E and B is also very effective to increase both power and light during the session. You can download a sonic piece composed for SPE Removal at http://www.guruvie.com.

Getting rid of SPE’s is not easy. The SPE’s are intelligent and resourceful and will try to deceive, frighten, threaten, plead, cajole, use guilt and create pain in order to remain attached to their host. Communicating with the energy/entity may be informative, however will usually not be effective in expediting the process as they have been purposed with their selfish motives and are parasitic in nature, not symbiotic to the organism upon which it is feeding. They simply are not willing to release the host with rationale as they are programmed to provide this purpose from a greater authority of whom they serve.

If the host is not strong enough in their power and will, there is assistance available in the form of guided power meditation and power healing that exorcises SPE’s from the hosts body, mind and emotions. Because SPE’s tend to “root-in” deeply, removal is sometimes a painful process. However, the pain is temporary versus the ongoing pain of playing host to SPE’s.

The process of SPE removal involves locating the SPE through intuitive feel. These SPE’s are sensed as throbbing, pulsing low-level energy masses that manifest physically in the form of a very deep and many times hidden or buried muscle spasm. The SPE can be brought to the surface through deep trigger point work and percussion techniques. Once the SPE has brought to the surface and revealed itself, the hands and fingers are used to gather the SPE energy mass and pull the energy mass into one concentrated area and continue slowly gathering and pulling the SPE down an intuited natural line of release through the body’s own meridian line system through an extremity (hand, foot, top of the head, point of the chin).

We have found that a dual protocol using male and female energy has proven effective in removal and reduction in the pain associate with the removal process. Generally, the male energy is focused on the exorcism and removal of the SPE, while the female energy focuses on supporting the host - giving power, love and light to the host while removing pain through the female nurturing and soothing energy.

Certainly balanced integrated spiritualized beings claiming their own God Power and setting the appropriate shields and filters against negative energies not serving the highest good is the best defense mechanism available. Being aware of your individual energetic field, your aura and multi-dimensional bodies becomes a must when you have attained these levels as its necessary to perform regular spiritual house-cleaning for maintenance to feel balanced and healthy while integrating higher spiritual currents and balancing the demands of 3rd dimensional daily life.

- 00:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 09.10.2007.

Chakra Cords

by Dean Ramsden

What are chakra cords?

Relational Energy Healing uses a developmental map of ten chakras to show how each chakra grows sequentially as we evolve from a pre-natal infant self into an adult self. A vital part of the psychic anatomy that makes this growth possible is the phenomenon of chakra cords. We are all familiar with the umbilical cord that connects us to our mother prior to birth. The chakra cords extend that connection to the mother (and then to others) long after this physical cord has been cut. Chakra cords are the invisible connecting link to those people who become important to us.

To the psychic vision these cords appear as transparent filaments capable of transmission or reception of energetic connection. When "seen" from below they look similar to the tendrils of a jellyfish. Sometimes this flow goes both ways (as in a healthy and mutually-supportive relationship), and other times the flow is mostly one-way, draining one of the individuals. Popular love songs unknowingly refer to these connections, which are often most noticeable in their absence. For instance, in the Sixties Diana Ross sang, “You keep me hanging on.”, indicating a romantic relationship that has become one-sided and unhealthy.

The age of the cords is also a factor in relational energy healing. Aged cords are often tarnished with the accumulation of unresolved feelings or difficult memories, much in the way jewelry becomes encrusted with stains from lack of care or use. Tarnished chakra cords restrict the vitality of our lives by keeping us “hooked into” old relationships long in need of restoration or resolution. By cleaning cords, and by engaging in personal process work, we can release the past and move fully into the present as well as create a more desirable future for ourselves.

Cutting the cord, and untangling cords.

You may have come across healers who advocate cutting cords. While certain cords are appropriate to remove (see Junk Cords, below) many cords to others are deeply engaged with our chakra system, and infiltrate into our organs. Cutting a cord, such as to a parent or an ex-loved one, may exacerbate existing emotional pain by shocking us into a deep state of abandonment.

Rather than randomly cutting cords to escape emotional pain I advocate judicious pruning, cord cleaning, and the emotional clearing of cords using personal process work. In this way the cords will “power down”, losing their charge and influence upon us, while we retain the nourishment and lessons the relationship brought to our lives. In the words of Ken Wilber, we “transcend and include” the relationship, and the past becomes part of our spiritual evolution. We learn to draw strength, compassion, and wisdom from the relationship, even though it may now be over. This work can be achieved even with those who have died, as the cords often remain attached long after the physical body of the other person has passed on.

Tangled cords are very common, and the first job of a relational energy healer is to untangle and energize cords in the chakra indicated by the client’s presenting issue. Imagine running your fingers through long, wet hair after a dip in the ocean, and you will get the idea of how a relational energy healer untangles cords.

Five common types of chakra cords

1. Junk Cords: analogous to "junk mail" or e-mail "spam", junk cords casually hook into the lower chakras as part of a failed attempt to probe or control us in some way. I call them junk cords because they remain hooked into the surface of a chakra long after the probing from another has ceased. I often find excessive junk cords in clients with unexplained fatigue or who struggle with personal boundaries.

The classic example is the salesperson or telemarketer who tries to "hook" you into making a purchase you do not wish to make. As you walk away you feel affected or invaded in some way you can't put your finger on. Junk cords are the easiest cords to remove as they only hook lightly into a chakra's surface via a little "fish hook" at the cords termination point. The healers' s energy hand (see diagram above) can release the hook and thens send it back to the originator.

2. Transitional Cords: these are "feeler" cords that attach and detach rapidly, as we explore a connection with another person. They function to orientate ourselves to another, allowing us to receive or download information to this person, or to focus the transmission of memetic thought-forms. Feeler cords touch us when the other is objective and curious, but not interested in forming a personal or permanent relationship with us.

All of us have experienced this as we ask for driving directions, or listen to a theatrical performance or lecture. It is a passive and yet focused way of connecting with others, one that does not infringe on our or another's personal boundaries.

As transitional cords do not linger we have no need to detach them. However , extended or intensely curious attention will overcharge our chakras, producing such phenomena as stage fright, fear of public speaking, or shyness. Learning to tolerate being "seen" by others - warts and all - is an essential skill for the empowered individual. This is what allows us to make a stand for something important, or to make a verbal statement of intent, or a request for a change.

3. Attachment Cords: when we do accept or initiate personal contact with another we send attachment cords deep into the inner structure of the chakras, forming permanent or semi-permanent links to others. Typical examples of this are the bonds we form with parents, siblings, family members, and our children. We also attach these cords to long-term partners as well as others with whom we have bonded in an emotional or sexual way. These cords transfer both healthy and unhealthy energies from one to another, influencing us at many levels of consciousness.

An example of this is seen in the psychological concept of transference. For instance, if I am dependent upon my job I will probably cord with my boss in ways that are reminiscent of similar dependent relationships with male authorities from my past. As another example I may meet a man whose behavior triggers memories of the way my father acted towards me, and my interactions towards this person will be tainted with the unresolved feelings towards my father. I may find myself arguing with this man similar to the way I argued with my father during my upbringing. This indicates that I am in "transference" with him; my attachment cords are distorting my present experience by bringing in the past.

To heal dysfunctional attachment cords we must engage our personal process. We must be willing to examine the habitual beliefs and patterns of our lives, and explore alternative responses to unhealthy behavior. As attachment cords can go through the chakra and deep into the sushumna, and even wrap around organs, it may be necessary to remove them. An alternative approach is to "graft" a new experience onto the cord, effectively "re-programming" the cord and adapting the experience in service of the individual rather than to her detriment. Chakra cord grafting can significantly change the impact of toxic or unhealthy attachment cords, and can re-write the relationship.

4. Heritage Cords: just as our bodies contain genetic coding from our ancestors, our chakras contain unresolved or habitual relational cords from past family members. Often we find ourselves repeating family patterns stretching back many generations. Just as a parent may hear herself speaking to her young child in the identical way her own mother spoke to her, so family relational patterns are held within heritage cords, unconsciously affecting the choices we make in our lives. By bringing these patterns to our awareness, and by re- patterning heritage cords, we can heal the past and begin to make new choices.

Work with heritage cords is indicated in such situations as dysfunctional partnerships or where we find ourselves repeating a common family pattern, bound and controlled by our family situation.

Working with heritage cords is similar to techniques used with attachment cords, except for the important distinction that the patterns involved will probably be linked deep into both the family and cultural matrix of the person. This makes repairing the damage and reprogramming the cords much more difficult. Ideally, heritage cord work is done in a group setting, which allows for a recapitulation of the original family-based pattern. However, slow and persistent changes to heritage cords (coupled with current-day attachment cord work) can erode the grip of the familial past and allow an individual to transcend chronic family patterns. These patterns are popularly known as "karma" or destiny, implying that our future is written ahead of time in the heritage cords of our ancestors.

5. Self Cords: we cord to others to explore relationships and experience the reality of the other, and we also cord to ourselves to provide a "witness" to self that is vital for a healthy adult. However , many of us were not supported in growing healthy self cords, due to poor parenting models or being raised in dysfunctional or alcoholic families. Co-dependent behavior is another way of saying "I get my reality from you (via relational cords) and not from my own sense of self (self-cords)". In fact, I may choose you over myself, and have one-sided relationships based on inadequate self cord development.

Relational Energy Healing & Chakra Cords

What are chakra cords?

Relational Energy Healing uses a developmental map of ten chakras to show how each chakra grows sequentially as we evolve from a pre-natal infant self into an adult self. A vital part of the psychic anatomy that makes this growth possible is the phenomenon of chakra cords. We are all familiar with the umbilical cord that connects us to our mother prior to birth. The chakra cords extend that connection to the mother (and then to others) long after this physical cord has been cut. Chakra cords are the invisible connecting link to those people who become important to us.

To the psychic vision these cords appear as transparent filaments capable of transmission or reception of energetic connection. When "seen" from below they look similar to the tendrils of a jellyfish. Sometimes this flow goes both ways (as in a healthy and mutually-supportive relationship), and other times the flow is mostly one-way, draining one of the individuals. Popular love songs unknowingly refer to these connections, which are often most noticeable in their absence. For instance, in the Sixties Diana Ross sang, “You keep me hanging on.”, indicating a romantic relationship that has become one-sided and unhealthy.

The age of the cords is also a factor in relational energy healing. Aged cords are often tarnished with the accumulation of unresolved feelings or difficult memories, much in the way jewelry becomes encrusted with stains from lack of care or use. Tarnished chakra cords restrict the vitality of our lives by keeping us “hooked into” old relationships long in need of restoration or resolution. By cleaning cords, and by engaging in personal process work, we can release the past and move fully into the present as well as create a more desirable future for ourselves.

Cutting the cord, and untangling cords.

You may have come across healers who advocate cutting cords. While certain cords are appropriate to remove (see Junk Cords, below) many cords to others are deeply engaged with our chakra system, and infiltrate into our organs. Cutting a cord, such as to a parent or an ex-loved one, may exacerbate existing emotional pain by shocking us into a deep state of abandonment.

Rather than randomly cutting cords to escape emotional pain I advocate judicious pruning, cord cleaning, and the emotional clearing of cords using personal process work. In this way the cords will “power down”, losing their charge and influence upon us, while we retain the nourishment and lessons the relationship brought to our lives. In the words of Ken Wilber, we “transcend and include” the relationship, and the past becomes part of our spiritual evolution. We learn to draw strength, compassion, and wisdom from the relationship, even though it may now be over. This work can be achieved even with those who have died, as the cords often remain attached long after the physical body of the other person has passed on.

Tangled cords are very common, and the first job of a relational energy healer is to untangle and energize cords in the chakra indicated by the client’s presenting issue. Imagine running your fingers through long, wet hair after a dip in the ocean, and you will get the idea of how a relational energy healer untangles cords.

Five common types of chakra cords

1. Junk Cords: analogous to "junk mail" or e-mail "spam", junk cords casually hook into the lower chakras as part of a failed attempt to probe or control us in some way. I call them junk cords because they remain hooked into the surface of a chakra long after the probing from another has ceased. I often find excessive junk cords in clients with unexplained fatigue or who struggle with personal boundaries.

The classic example is the salesperson or telemarketer who tries to "hook" you into making a purchase you do not wish to make. As you walk away you feel affected or invaded in some way you can't put your finger on. Junk cords are the easiest cords to remove as they only hook lightly into a chakra's surface via a little "fish hook" at the cords termination point. The healers' s energy hand (see diagram above) can release the hook and thens send it back to the originator.

2. Transitional Cords: these are "feeler" cords that attach and detach rapidly, as we explore a connection with another person. They function to orientate ourselves to another, allowing us to receive or download information to this person, or to focus the transmission of memetic thought-forms. Feeler cords touch us when the other is objective and curious, but not interested in forming a personal or permanent relationship with us.

All of us have experienced this as we ask for driving directions, or listen to a theatrical performance or lecture. It is a passive and yet focused way of connecting with others, one that does not infringe on our or another's personal boundaries.

As transitional cords do not linger we have no need to detach them. However , extended or intensely curious attention will overcharge our chakras, producing such phenomena as stage fright, fear of public speaking, or shyness. Learning to tolerate being "seen" by others - warts and all - is an essential skill for the empowered individual. This is what allows us to make a stand for something important, or to make a verbal statement of intent, or a request for a change.

3. Attachment Cords: when we do accept or initiate personal contact with another we send attachment cords deep into the inner structure of the chakras, forming permanent or semi-permanent links to others. Typical examples of this are the bonds we form with parents, siblings, family members, and our children. We also attach these cords to long-term partners as well as others with whom we have bonded in an emotional or sexual way. These cords transfer both healthy and unhealthy energies from one to another, influencing us at many levels of consciousness.

An example of this is seen in the psychological concept of transference. For instance, if I am dependent upon my job I will probably cord with my boss in ways that are reminiscent of similar dependent relationships with male authorities from my past. As another example I may meet a man whose behavior triggers memories of the way my father acted towards me, and my interactions towards this person will be tainted with the unresolved feelings towards my father. I may find myself arguing with this man similar to the way I argued with my father during my upbringing. This indicates that I am in "transference" with him; my attachment cords are distorting my present experience by bringing in the past.

To heal dysfunctional attachment cords we must engage our personal process. We must be willing to examine the habitual beliefs and patterns of our lives, and explore alternative responses to unhealthy behavior. As attachment cords can go through the chakra and deep into the sushumna, and even wrap around organs, it may be necessary to remove them. An alternative approach is to "graft" a new experience onto the cord, effectively "re-programming" the cord and adapting the experience in service of the individual rather than to her detriment. Chakra cord grafting can significantly change the impact of toxic or unhealthy attachment cords, and can re-write the relationship.

4. Heritage Cords: just as our bodies contain genetic coding from our ancestors, our chakras contain unresolved or habitual relational cords from past family members. Often we find ourselves repeating family patterns stretching back many generations. Just as a parent may hear herself speaking to her young child in the identical way her own mother spoke to her, so family relational patterns are held within heritage cords, unconsciously affecting the choices we make in our lives. By bringing these patterns to our awareness, and by re- patterning heritage cords, we can heal the past and begin to make new choices.

Work with heritage cords is indicated in such situations as dysfunctional partnerships or where we find ourselves repeating a common family pattern, bound and controlled by our family situation.

Working with heritage cords is similar to techniques used with attachment cords, except for the important distinction that the patterns involved will probably be linked deep into both the family and cultural matrix of the person. This makes repairing the damage and reprogramming the cords much more difficult. Ideally, heritage cord work is done in a group setting, which allows for a recapitulation of the original family-based pattern. However, slow and persistent changes to heritage cords (coupled with current-day attachment cord work) can erode the grip of the familial past and allow an individual to transcend chronic family patterns. These patterns are popularly known as "karma" or destiny, implying that our future is written ahead of time in the heritage cords of our ancestors.

5. Self Cords: we cord to others to explore relationships and experience the reality of the other, and we also cord to ourselves to provide a "witness" to self that is vital for a healthy adult. However , many of us were not supported in growing healthy self cords, due to poor parenting models or being raised in dysfunctional or alcoholic families. Co-dependent behavior is another way of saying "I get my reality from you (via relational cords) and not from my own sense of self (self-cords)". In fact, I may choose you over myself, and have one-sided relationships based on inadequate self cord development.

Self cord work is a vital part of relational energy healing, and radically supports therapeutic growth and support by enhancing the "wiring" of contact to self. These cords can be identified as emerging from relational cords and implanting themselves back into the head of the chakra (usually on the outer edge of the chakra).


Cord healing can assist the client's growth and healing when client and healer release energetic splits, conflicts, or other negative influences held within particular cords and their associated organs. The reparative healing concept of Relational Energy Healing holds that once the obstructive or life-negating issue is resolved it triggers the return of the natural growth of the chakra. This will reset the healthy relational needs of the client. Many times this will result the client's relationships beginning to change. Some relationships may even fall away. The new pattern will make new options, or types of relationships, possible.

Change and transformation is about evolving towards the empowered and choice-driven individual. Reaction is replaced with response; choice replaces compulsion or addiction. Then we will grow closer towards our life goals, and towards our soul's longing. We can choose to drop the pain of the past, and to embrace a creative and exciting present. We can learn to consciously participate in our own evolutionary unfoldment.

- 21:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Removing negative cords

by Aunt Clair

Marlene was the first teacher who taught me about cord cutting a decade ago . She said we can deep cleanse and use fire energy and burn away all of the superficial junk cords daily . The loved ones are deeper and will not be harmed . She believed we should remove negative cords ourselves and she tuaght this method .

Open in protection , raise energy , sit in dim light and look at our chest in the centre is our heart chakra . Look with the brow centre through the third eye with the physical eyes closed . Call in your highest source and connect to your highest angelic self too .
Ask them to help you remove negative cords . First say the name of the person who you know you wish to disconnect too now . Say it again until you see the cord light up . Put your energy hands on that cord and pull slowly and loosely to remove it . If it is tough manifest psi scissors and cut it away . Burn the end with white light or fire energy to cauterise the wound and prevent re- attachment . Say aloud ," let no enmity exist between me and thee . I remove my ties to you now . "

Discipline the mind to push away any thought of that person . Make sure you remove any jewelry connected to them and remove their items from your home and immeditate surroundings . Wear nothing that is theirs . Remove their photos from your sight and do not speak their name . If someone begins conversation about that person with you say," Who ?" and without saying their name tell them you do not want to be connected to the energy of that person again .

After you have cleansed the home and bedroom of this person's energy consider new bedclothes , fresh air in the room , new paint on the walls , redecoration . Then look again and make sure the cord is gone .

- 21:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Removing energy cords and links from a past relationship

by Aunt Clair

To remove a link from a person
think as little as possible of that person
dismissing each thought with a pair of cosmic scissors
like cutting a phone cord
or pulling the plug
clean your space of any reminders
clear email
clear photos
clear clutter too and keep the lights on in front of pc
sleep with a fan on next to you
sleep wiith window open
reshield the entire home
especially unclutter your bedspace and shield self & bedspace

read about protection and choose banishing methods that ring
true for you . ie cord cutting

And you could also read IIH Bardon on using elements to influence and change relationships and use elemental energies to end a connection

open in protection
deep cleanse energy
raise energy
choose an element to work with that is strong in you
print an email from the person out and burn it
as you burn it
say visualise and will
as I burn this email
I burn away this connection to me
to clean smoke
to ashes
it is gone

use a plastic easter egg
write the name on a bit of paper
fold the paper into a strip and roll it up
put the rolled up paper in the egg
bury the egg in earth
plant a flowering plant over it
as I bury this egg
I bury this grief
I forgive
I forget
I move on
This connection is buried
the relationship is dead

or as you feel
send only "end and shield "
send no anger , fear or other negative emotion either

I suggest mirris and stellis to shield the walls;
Mirris is black and akasha forming a mirror of energy that is reflective
Stellis is lapis lazuli blue it is thick strong cold shielding

Personally I recommend prayers and would do the LBRP
to evoke the princiipal archangels to help you

deep cleanse and raise energy daily
be kind to others
share and love
and it will return to you in kind also

- 20:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 04.10.2007.

Healing emotional trauma

by Diamond Heart

All people have experienced suffering in their lives whether large traumas such as of experiencing or witnessing abuse ranging down to small hurts that still leave a mark if only equal to a scratch. All wounds deserve healing and repair. Consider how a mere drop of water does no harm yet given time can wear down a mountain.

Start small with your healing working unless you are doing this work with a qualified therapist. Please. I never want to encourage anyone to tackle more than they are fully ready for. I have thrown myself too many times into a state of overwhelm and seen others push themselves too far and too fast. Again please start with small wounds then work your way up with care.

Ground/Shield/Invite what spirit guides & allies you wishSend Reiki, using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or intention, to an injury in your past.

For example send to the first time you can remember being lied to as a child. Did you feel hurt and betrayed? Did you feel like there was a lump in your throat? Where is the emotion located - in the heart, all through the body or just in certain areas? Remember to breathe. Try counting to eight or ten as you inhale and exhale slowly from the belly. Breathing from the belly is more relaxing.

Get into the past feelings as much as you can and still let them flow. Use Sei Hei Ki as often as needed. Switch your focus to your current self and send Reiki to yourself now so as to help the processing once you have released as much as comfortable for one session. Check in a day or two to see if there is still an emotional charge to the event. If so and you feel ready treat it again.

This technique can also be used for physical as well as emotional or combination injuries. Simply pick an event from your past that you would consider a level 3 or under on a scale of 1 to 10 that you can recall or was told of by your family yet you yourself was too young to recall and treat as I described above. You may be amazed at what even such small healings such as these can do for you.

- 10:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Healing your birth and conception

by Diamond Heart

Try this every other day for a week or two then note any changes in your life and being.

Invite your spirit guides & allies if you wish

Send Reiki, using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or intention, to your birth from just before the labor starts until you take your first unassisted breath. If you like send with the intention that those around the infant you can choose to receive Reiki as well.

If emotion or memories arise let them flow and release. If they are intense stop sending to the past. Breathe into the emotion and send to yourself now until the intensity lessens then resume sending to the past. When you feel you have worked as much as you comfortably deal with for one session stop sending Reiki. Healing is not a race to be run. It is the rebuilding of that which is unwhole. All need sufficient time to integrate changes or else risk plunging into overwhelm thereby causing crisis in the present and halting the progress of healing.

Once you have worked with your birth for a time use this process to send to your conception. I also suggestion treating the time of pregnancy. Try treating it as a whole or divide your treatments for the months or trimesters. Use whichever feels would be the most effective for you. Again if you are willing send the Reiki with the intention that those around you during these times may receive it as well.

- 10:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

The moment of your soul's creation

by Diamond Heart

This is deep work so please only try this when you are in good spirits and prepared to deal with anything that arises.

Invite your spirit guides & allies

Send Reiki, using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or intention, to the moment your soul came into being. Remember to breath into any emotion that arises. Let any images, thoughts and emotions flow. When you feel you have sent long enough or your guides tell you so stop. You can use a pendulum as a time keeper. Take a necklace or anything with a bit of weight hung a piece of string. Clear & charge it with Reiki. Ask all beings of light to please bless and charge it as well. Ask a guide to take control of the pendulum for the duration of this treatment asking it to spin the pendulum until as much treatment has been performed as comfortably possible at this time. When the pendulum stops spinning the treatment is done.

I have done this only once so far myself. I have been working with the Essential Energy Balancing books by Diane Stein in which she keep mentioning healing to the Moment of Self; meaning healing to and from the moment of the soul’s creation. Also Reiki_On, the Reiki teaching and discussion group, has regular experiments where people are invited to try new things with Reiki one of which was sending to a past event.

Having experimented with sending reiki to past events to good effect i decided on a whim to send to the moment of my soul’s creation not expecting anything to happen. I was jolted to feel emotions emerge of shock, fear, pain, and the thought the gist of which was ‘I didn’t know this was going to hurt!’ I guess every birth has it’s share of trauma even off the physical plane. Since I have been dealing with some stress relating to rather more current events I have yet to do another treatment. I am curious what will come up next time!

- 03:26 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Shielding With Archangel Michael's Pillar of Light

by Diamond Heart

" Archangel Michael please give me a pillar of light to protect me from all harm. Please give my home, property and vehicle a pillar of light to protect everyone within from all harm. "

As an Empath I have spent a good part of my life trying to find effective ways to not pick up on what others are feeling. An unshielded Empath is like going naked in a sandstorm. It means starting the day in a good mood only to be dragged down to the depths of despair when one encounters a depressed person.

If you find your emotions change depending on the mood of those around you you too may be an empath. Or symptoms may be more subtle as you only pick up emotions from those closest to you. In any event it will not harm you one bit to try the treatment program most empaths find helpful - Grounding and Shielding every single day.

The easiest shielding technique I have learned is to request Archangel Michael to surround me with a Pillar of Light to protect me from all harm. Instantly I will feel whatever disturbing or irritating emotions I was picking up cut off along with a feeling similar to warm sunlight on my skin combined with a very gentle pressure complete surrounding me.

At times splitting headaches will coincidently end within minutes of asking for the Pillar of Light. People I know who are not known to have minor much less strong psychic gifts have told me they feel as if the air is fresher and they feel more peaceful after invoking Archangel Michael’s aid.

Now to give credit where it is due. I found this technique in Christopher Penczak’s ‘The Witch’s Shield‘. In his book he credits John Armitage who is the founder of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, a Reiki offshoot.

I highly recommend Penczak’s book not for just psychic self-defence but as a way for those psychically sensitive, seeking to develop psychic abilities, or energy healing facilitators to get and stay clear. I knew very few if any of those who have negatively effected me consciously intended to use me as their emotional garbage dump and yet I was harmfully effected again and again. You can check your local library for a copy, suggest they get one or request an interlibrary loan to find out if this book will be as useful to you.

- 03:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Basic Psychic Shielding

by Diamond Heart

Grounding, Shielding, and Clearing are essential practices for good psychic hygiene. The more sensitive among us will find they feel their best when doing all of these on a regular basis.

When starting out it is best to do grounding and shielding daily to establish them properly. Then experiment if you like to find out how often you need to ground and shield to feel your best. Personally I do them at least once per day and usually more. I feel best if I do them before doing energy work (Reiki, MAP, meditation, after energy work, and before sleeping. Sometimes I am simply too agitated to sleep until I shield my home as well as myself.

At it’s most basic shielding is simply wrapping your aura, the energy field that surrounds and encompasses your body, in a coating of energy with the intention of repelling anything harmful. One can visualize their aura coated in one color of light such as gold or a scintillating rainbow swirl. One can image a hexagonal gold mesh, white light, or a layer of flame.

It is up to each person to choose what suits them best at that time. Sometimes I visualize being surrounded by an electric field that neutralizes harmful energy with an electric crackling noise like a bug zapper. Always set your shield to be permeable to positive energies so love and healing can come and go.

If you are attuned to Reiki charge your shield with it and draw (mentally or physically) symbols on it. I particularly like using Raku because this symbol is used to separating people’s energy and earthing negativity (aka sending it to the earth for energy composting). Now while traditional Reiki masters say people can’t use the symbols until Reiki II and III I could after Reiki I.

Some are horrified or offended for me to even suggest it to others. Well renegade that I am I say go ahead and try them if you like if you are are Reiki I. Try drawing CKR, SHK & Raku on your shield front, back, right, left, above, below and in the center on yourself, your car, your place of work, your home, and the property it is on then see how it makes the atmosphere change for the better. You need not do this in person, simply visualize drawing the symbols from a distance.

In general a person’s aura is no wider than the fullest reach of their arms. You might find yours extends too far away, too close, lopsided, weak in certain areas, or has holes. You can correct this by visualizing it being hole and perfectly egg shaped. Mentally or physically reach out and smooth your aura’s boundary smoothing any lumps out and filling in weak or holey areas.

Feel free to ask your spirit guides and allies for help as well if only for the sake of establishing a working relationship with them so it will be easier to work with them on very serious issues. Imagine using blobs of colored energy to fill in the holes and weak areas or use Reiki if attuned. As always experiment until you find which techniques suit you and your issues the best.

Have fun and be silly. Use a phrase from a song you like that relates to what you are visualizing, make up a rhyme or borrow a scene from a sci-fi movie to inspire your shield effectively resisting even the most dreadful of energies. While the effects of shielding are serious one need not be solemn for them to work.

- 03:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

All purpose invitation for sublime divine felicitous facilitation of angelic assistance

For yourself:

“I ask all Beings of Divine Light and Divine Love who have my highest good as your intention who are willing and able to help me please help me with _______ now. Please help me release and heal anything that blocks my request. Thank you all.”

Or for all beings:

“I ask all Beings of Divine Light and Divine Love who have all beings highest good as your intention who are willing and able to help us all please help us with _______ now. Please help us release and heal anything that blocks this request. Thank you all.”

Light beings respect free will and so cannot act without your permission and so we must needs request or otherwise grant permission for help. We have all been graced with a plethora of allies in spirit form. So please don’t make them sit around twiddling their thumbs (or ectoplasm) just because you are too busy feeling unworthy, unpsychic, or what ever the heck is holding you back from simply asking.

They want to help as much as they can or they would not have taken the job!

- 03:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

What Are Negs?

What are negs? Negs are negative Thoughtforms and Egregores.

Negs are also beings, in or out of physical form on our plane of existence, that are harmful. All feed off negative energy. Some act to create negativity to feed off of, others are opportunistic scavengers.

I say these things not to make others paranoid but to encourage others to take control of their own energy. In other words reduce psychic littering that strengthen the Negs.

Just as it is not wise to toss meat scraps around one’s home if one wishes to avoid creatures ranging from stray dogs to coyotes, it is wise to properly disposed of one’s own psychic trash.

For now consider the concept of Psychic Hygiene and Energy Composting. Look up Grounding and Shielding There is no need to fear Negs. There IS need to learn to deal with them in the most efficient way possible.

Grounding and shielding are the most basic and fundamental techniques that are necessary for healthy use of psychic abilities.

Many people live in their heads focusing their energy in that space. Others attempt to live half-way out of their body whether from traumatic events or illness that made life on Earth painful. Some attempt to avoid fully living in their body due to mistaken beliefs that Earth level existence and the human body is unclean, less evolved or simply some sort of mistake.

My personal take is we are all here for good reason, that life on Earth in a human body is a great gift, and it is up to everyone to make the most of it. Do not be surprised if body issues and negative beliefs about physicality arise when grounding. If this happens take this opportunity to heal yourself. Don’t force it. Be gentle with yourself, breath into the difficulty and let it flow out of you. Invite your guides aid as needed (or simply for the joy of working with them).

The simplest way to ground is to focus upon your feet. Pay attention to every sensation from every part of your feet. Then visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet spreading deep and wide into the earth. If you wish for more detail imagine you are a tree with leaves gently swaying in the breeze with mighty roots sunk into the earth that drink in nourishment. If you relate better to things mechanical try visualizing that you have grounding wires from your feet into the earth. Play with the images until you find ones you relate to best.

Another technique that is useful to use if you are familiar with Chakras is to visualize that a grounding cord is growing from your Root Chakra down to the center of the earth. Alternatively grow one from your Root Chakra to your Earth Star Chakra (which is about 22 below your feet) and from there down to the core of the earth.

Do this at least once per day. This is basic Psychic Hygiene that needs to be done regularly just as for good health people wash their hands and brush their teeth.
I learned the concept psychic hygiene in the book ‘The Witch’s Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self Defense‘ by Reiki Master and Wiccan Christopher Penczak. For me this concept best expresses the importance of daily practice of grounding, shielding, and energy cleansing techniques.

Now once a person has done these regularly for a period of time they may find that only doing them once per week is enough because with practice grounding becomes automatic while other more psychically sensitive individuals will find they feel at their best with more frequent practice. Those in healing professions whether of the conventional or complimentary variety will most likely find that daily use is best for both themselves and their clients.

- 02:49 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Who you gonna call?! Archangel Michael!

by Diamond Heart

Archangel Michael is the go to guy for dealing with all sorts of psychic nastiness.

He will cut cords, exorcise entities, remove and destroy thoughtforms and egregores, transmute negative energy, help confused spirits cross over, help you shield, and much more. Ask and he will help you as much as he can.

He is an extraordinary protector and defender. Call on him to protect your sensitive child’s dreams and he will stop nightmares picked up from others. Heck, ask him to help you shield your senses when you sleep and see how much more rested you feel in the morning without picking up on every Tom, Dick, and Harry’s trials and tribulations as they exude misery as they slumber. Everyone releases energies when they sleep so reinforcing your shielding beforehand is extremely helpful whether you call on Archangel Michael or not.

There are many often involved and detailed ways of clearing harmful things oneself. I confess to being lazy for I call on Archangel Michael to help me with these things all the time. It is quicker and undoubtedly much more effective than me mucking around trying to figure out how to perform an exorcism on an acquaintance showing distinct signs paranormal weirdness and who is more apt to think me ready for the looney bin than herself having an unfriendly visitor in her head.

With less serious problems I do what I can on my own and then asking Michael to deal with the rest. When dealing with the stronger negs I have been advised to leave it all to him and other powerful beings of the light.

If you ever encounter something you suspect is a possession or negative haunting ask Archangel Michael to remove it taking it to a place where it can do no more harm and if possible can be healed.

Call in all beings of divine light and divine love to heal the de-possessed person especially that which allowed the neg to move in and set up housekeeping to begin with. This is one of the very few situations where i have not needed to get permission from the person being healed.

For removal of harmful cords or anything else simply ask Archangel Michael and your allies for their removal, healing, and transmutation of the negative energies. I don’t like to leave harmful energies lying around for the unknowing psychics among us to encounter and that might be of use to negative entities. Also negative energy can be like garbage attracting scavengers who will make the mess worse even though they are not capable of serious harm.

Back to de-cording. Cords can be stubborn to remove returning again and again. Cut them three times per treatment for Body, Mind and Spirit. Sometimes this is due to karmic agreements so always ask for help releasing all karmic contracts that cause you harm starting with the cords.

There are also cords that do not just transmit loving connections but negative emotions and physical illnesses of loved ones. Ask Michael and your allies to cut those that cause you harm if you wish to maintain the loving cords but check for regrowth due to habit or the wish to spare the loved one suffering.

IMO it is not wise to take on others sufferings except as an occasional act and only when you know how to transmute and cope with the energy safely. It is better to help people learn to deal heal themselves as much as possible. Teach them the tools to deal with the troubles in their lives in a healthy manner as possible. Support them every step of the way but do not be their sole source of healing.

I have met people who are willing to trust in their good intentions and some white light to go ahead and tackle a probable demonic possession themselves. Intention is powerful, white light is powerful but you won’t know if it is powerful enough without trying it out and I prefer the way of caution.

Unless I have been trained in something that could cause harm by qualified teacher I won’t do it. In those cases I call in someone qualified whether human or spirit being to take it on.

But then even if I was not a natural cautious fuddy duddy in the case I mentioned in the previous post with the suspected possession I was corded by the entity and people could physically take a hold of it.

Once I was done panicking I called on Archangel Michael who removed the cord and eventually the entity. I had to ask almost every day for a week before I got a message that it was gone - it was so strong and dug in.

Before attempting to deal with a tough thoughtform, attachment, or entity double check and ask your guides if it is safe for you to deal with it directly. Even if it *is* safe remember ground, shield, ask your guides (and Michael if you wish) for protection before doing anything.

If it is not safe ask all beings of divine light and divine love willing and able to help, including Archangel Michael, to deal with it.

Ever since the encounter I had with that entity I have asked every day several times per day for help removing anything harmful including entities, energies, thoughtforms, implants, cords, etc. from everyone and everything I have the right to ask to be cleared.

Then I ask for everyone and everything involved to be healed every which way possible including to the source of the problem, meaning what ever it was that allowed the negative thing to set up housekeeping in the first place.

Finally I ask the harmful things be cleansed, healed, transmuted to positive energy, taken to a place where it can do no more harm until it is healed or if absolutely necessary and for the highest good of all beings annihilated.

I try to cover as many bases as possible so as much harmful stuff gets cleared in one go. I keep asking for all of this because I know that people keep creating negative thoughtforms unconsciously making them out of bad habits including thought patters such as “I will never get a good job, house, etc”. Then I look at the state of the world and I figure there must be some pretty nasty thoughtforms at work or being created there as well. The more harmful energies that are transmuted to positive the better.

When it comes to releasing stuck spirits who are not intentionally harmful it is still good for a bit of caution. They might strike out in fear managing to do a bit of damage. I admit I am a wimp. I don’t want to deal with even a triggered migraine if i can help it.

If I suspect or know a person hasn’t crossed over after death I ground, shield, ask for protection, then ask my guides to call in the person’s guides to help it finally cross over. I offer Reiki to the guides and let them do their thing. Some find it fun to have a ghost around the house.

I think it cruel to leave a person stuck when they did not consciously choose that mode of existence. I don’t force spirits to cross over unless they are harmful. As I said before I call in all beings who have their highest good as their intention to help the person realize what state they are in so they can choose. Please don’t treat spirits like these as pets. They are people and deserve the same respect and dignity an ill and injured human being still in a body gets.

- 02:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Setting the Captives Free: an Essay on Demons

Demons... are they real?

I had always wanted to love Jesus with all my heart, but something seemed to be in the way.

Linda, my wife and I were living in Alexandria, Louisiana. We were attending the "Sheep Shed" over in Rustin about forty miles away. Since we had recently been filled with the Spirit, we felt as though we needed "shepherding." The "Sheep Shed" was an actual shed where Spirit-filled believers met on Sunday evenings for worship. We attended our various churches on Sunday mornings, then came together for praise and worship in the evenings.

One evening I received a phone call from my neighbor, Conrad Murrell. Brother Murrell was a Baptist evangelist. He said on the phone (rather quickly too), "....Lynn, I need your help. Billy [his son] is manifesting demons." I could tell he was nervous. I didn't know what to say. I had never seen demons manifested before. I had read about them in the Bible. I said, "I'll be right there."

Brother Murrell lived no more than three minutes from our house. I told my wife what was happening. We went over. Brother Murrell opened the door. Walking in, we witnessed an eleven year-old boy scooting along the floor on his hands, making sounds like a dog and hiding from the light.

"....Turn that lamp off. Turn it off. I don't like it," he yelled with a deep voice.

That scared me. I mumbled under my breath, "This ain't church" and sat on the couch next to my wife, not knowing what to expect. Billy would only respond to commands given "in the name of Jesus" and to phrases mentioning the blood of Christ.

Brother Murrell was in charge. Linda and I were just sitting there. For an hour or so we watched demons scream, bark, slobber, and come out of the lad's mouth with a vengeance. I witnessed my first demonic deliverance. It wasn't a pretty sight and I didn't enjoy it. "Church," with its soft lights, prelude music and its sentimental singing is much more peaceful. The demons would talk back. Say ugly things and yell, "We're not leaving. You can't make us leave. We've been here a long time."

Then Brother Murrell, to my surprise, asked one of the demons, "Does Lynn Ridenhour have any demons?"

"....Yes, " it snarled.

My heart sank. Sweat popped out on my palms.

"Who are they?" asked Brother Murrell.

What I heard next floored me.

"False Revelation."

The demon went on to name about fourteen more. Brother Murrell got a pencil and started writing down their names. I knew that eleven year-old boy on the floor didn't know what he was saying, didn't have that kind of vocabulary, nor did he know that much theology. Someone else was doing the talking. Then it dawned on me, big time...this is real. I asked for deliverance.

Brother Murrell sat a chair in the middle of the room and asked me to sit in it. He took charge, covering those present with the blood, and commanded the spirits in me to manifest themselves. He had no sooner spoken 'til I was literally picked up out of the chair and thrown on the floor. It was like I was coming out from underneath anesthesia. I lay there and could hear everyone talking out there but they sounded so far off. So far away. I couldn't move. My motor skills had shut down, had been taken over. I couldn't even talk. Something was choking me. And I was frightened.

Brother Murrell commanded the spirits to let go of me and to leave. I heard my vocal cords screaming back, ".We're going to kill him! We're going to break his neck!" Then my neck started twisting until I thought it would snap. Brother Murrell responded, "....You'll not kill him. I have authority over you in the name of Jesus. You must obey me."

One of them screamed, "....We're giving him a heart attack."

All of a sudden, my heart started racing out of control. I experienced shortness of breath. My face broke out in a cold sweat. Brother Murrell put his hand upon my chest and commanded the demons to stop. The throbbing stopped and my heartbeat immediately returned to normal. I was really terrified.

Four hours later the session ended. All the spirits didn't leave, but many did. (I was exhausted) I went back for deliverance sessions for two weeks. Finally, I was free! Free in Jesus, what a difference it made. No. What a difference it makes.

I had forty-eight spirits in me. Some of them affected my body; others, my mind.

I remember, for example, on a number of occasions I could "feel something" traveling up and down my spine. I was always going to chiropractors. My spine would not stay in line. I had no idea it was spirits "nesting" in my spine, causing my vertebrae to be subluxated. My spine was their home.

Chiropractors could not get my vertebrae "to tick." To stay in line. And I went to a number of them. In a matter of two or three days, (usually a matter of hours) my vertebrae would be out again.

Since my deliverance, for the past thirty years my spine's been fine. That something" traveling up and down my spine has left me. Yes, I was born again when all this was happening. And yes, I was Spirit-filled. Just recently my wife and I had been introduced to the blessed Holy Spirit.

- 01:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 03.10.2007.

About entities

by Susan Barber

Entities are energetic life-forms that become attached to the energy fields of people, land, buildings — even villages or countries. Removal of these entities from individual people's fields has become a part of Drunvalo's teaching on the heart meditation, because many kinds of entities — either intentionally or simply by their presence — will actively prevent us from entering the heart space.

Drunvalo guess-timates from his experience that approximately 50 percent of people worldwide have one or more entities. So not everyone has them. The percentage seems to change in different countries. In some countries very few people have entities. In some, almost everyone does. In America, he says, it seems to be about fifty-fifty.

For this article, besides relying upon Drunvalo's teachings and my own experience of entity removal, I also spoke about entities with Drunvalo's nephew Ken Page, a powerful empath who has worked extensively with entity release. Ken said that to his knowledge there were an incredibly varied number of specific forms of entities, including discarnate human souls, thought forms, elemental forces, animal spirits, and multidimensional and extraterrestrial beings.

Some entities are made up of energetic patterns created by our decisions about past-life or this-life experiences, or by strong negative emotions like hatred. Entities can form from people's fears of things like cancer. Spells and curses can create entities. For it is true of all energy that patterns, once created, take on a life of their own.

In a sense, Ken said, some entities are foreign to us only because they are "out of time" — no longer related to who we are now or what is going on in our lives today. Like static from a nearby station on the radio, they interfere with our clear reception of what is happening in the now.

And many entities, Ken pointed out, are actually frightened, wandering souls whom we are harboring until we can help them find their way back to the Astral Light.

It's Not About Good versus Evil

A major contribution that both Ken and Drunvalo have made to the thinking about entity release is the perception that nothing, in and of itself, is bad or evil. An entity may be wreaking havoc simply because it does not belong in the this world, this dimension, this body, or this time. But there is a place where it does belong. And if we can help entities to find that place, they will go willingly.

So rather than looking upon invading entities as evil forces that are to be hated and banished to the outer depths of the Universe, we can look upon them as beings "caught outside of time," beings who actually belong somewhere else (or somewhen else) and who will be cooperative — even happily excited — if we can help them find their way home.[2]

And so, whatever the energy is that appears to be invading our space, we need to be able to look upon it with compassion. It is when we cannot do this that we remain "stuck" with patterns from the past that don't really apply to who we are now. This is because when we think in terms of "getting rid of" something, we are coming from dislike, anger, or fear, and this attitude frightens the entity rather than enlisting its cooperation. In a fear state, it's not going to dialogue with us. It's going to feel — with good reason — that we're trying to kill it.

Entities who feel they are under attack from the host may cling stubbornly, like terrified children, to whatever little corner they have managed to create — however uncomfortable and ultimately unrewarding — rather than take the risk of venturing out to possible anihilation.

Admittedly, looking upon entities with compassion can be difficult. They basically seem to be part of ourselves, and it's often a part that we absolutely do not like! But the more we dislike something, the more energy we are giving to it, and the more difficult it is to release.

So the only answer, of course, is self-acceptance. Ultimately, we have no choice. We must learn to accept that we are All of it, the good and the bad, what we prefer and what we do not prefer. We can choose what we will manifest only when we realize that the potential for All — including our faults and our unworthy fascinations — lies within.

Can I Do Entity Removal?

For the most part, entity release is something that's difficult to do for ourselves. Even Drunvalo says that he probably would not want to try removing an entity from himself without outside assistance.

But what about doing this for others?

Drunvalo says that, especially in the last year, he's received more requests for this teaching than for perhaps anything else. And with good reason. Before using the entity clearing as part of the Living in the Heart workshops, Drunvalo says, fewer than 50 percent of the people in the workshops would actually be able to enter the Space in the Heart. Once the entity-clearing process was introduced, the numbers moved to 95 percent and above.

It's a natural conclusion, then, that if you want to succeed in this heart work, the odds are good that you are going to need to do some entity clearing first. And we thought long and hard about giving the instructions in this article — before finally agreeing that we cannot, with integrity, put this information out for general use.

Why not? Because unless you are someone who is really adept in the handling of the energy fields needed for protection, it's possible for you to endanger yourself and others by doing this work. Drunvalo says that he has seen many, many people who left his workshops — having both watched and experienced this work — and then tried to do entity clearing on their own. And the results have too often been extremely negative.

"I've seen people who seemed perfectly all right before," Drunvalo said, "who were a total mess because they tried to do this work on their own and did not know how to protect themselves and others."

Perhaps there is someone in your community who does entity clearing. If so, and you decide to work with them, make sure that they know you want whatever entities you are releasing to be perceived and treated with love and compassion.

Ask any practitioner you work with to send released entities "home," and ask them to use archangelic help in doing this. Archangel Michael is the traditional agent for sending entities on to the Light, and he really wants to help us with this.

Also, make sure that your practitioner specifically declares that whatever entities come to assist in this process are of the Christ Consciousness. Declare yourself, before any entity clearing is done, that only beings and energies of the Light may join you in what you are about to do.

- 22:51 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 01.10.2007.

Psychic protection

by Peggy Jentoft

People often want help with protection. This may be for protection from psychic attack, from physical danger, from emotional distress, from negative energies or from disease as well as other possible reasons. There are vast numbers of stones, spells, spiritual techniques, energy work, and filters and shields that can be used for protection .

Protection is aided and enhanced by the ongoing process of cleansing and clearing your energy body and by developing your mental, emotional and spiritual integrity. When you work to heal yourself this will help prevent re occurrence of difficulties from whatever cause. Ones own fear of psychic attack is usually far more harmful than actual attack. Fear is a primary
attractant to all forms of possible psychic danger.

I usually distinguish between actual psychic attack and a kind of background negativity or reaction negativity which is very common but usually does not comprise true attack, this energy is often amplified by the receiver. I do think that everyone needs to learn to have boundaries and a moderate protective shield or filter as a routine. That is part of normal spiritual hygiene and is usually enough to provide shelter from the kind of frequent perceived assault of background negativity .

It is also of value particularly when you are doing work with people who do have concerns and issues with psychic attack or feel vulnerable to such effects to have some idea of how to throw up a major protection though maintaining such a total shield all the time as many do is often harmful because these total protective shields can block reception of needed information and energies as well.

Actual determined all out psychic attack is far less common than many think it is and major defenses are often used inappropriately. It is true that attention attracts energy and paying attention to attack and fear of any kind can draw it to you. Even then ones relationship to events will be different in accord with ones personal spiritual balance.

One concern people who are doing energy healing work often have is about the potential for picking up negative energies through empathy or from clients. Properly done healing work will have built in safe guards against this, so long as the practitioner remains neutral in the sense of not using their own energy or trying to force specific results.

When it comes to energetically protecting oneself from physical danger
these techniques can and do help, but they do not eliminate the need for normal common sense precautions. When a person deliberately places
themselves in harms way they may indeed attract trouble. ( Don't walk down a dark alley, in a bad neighborhood, at midnight, wearing a mink coat and diamonds, and get mad at God /Goddess if you get mugged).

Part of protecting ourselves involves basic spiritual hygiene, working to remove energetic blocks, repair aura damage, remove implants and entities, general practice of clearing and balancing your aura and chakras and staying grounded will help prevent susceptibility to and harm from the influence of energies, emotions and even psychic attack from others, deliberate or unintentional from people and non physical entities.

Whether such influences or entities are imaginary or real in a specific case is usually moot. Most methods of protective work are still usable whether the negative energy is from external or internal sources.

Light is used for protection. Spiritual shakti (energy), invoking angels and/or other protective forces are among the most common protective methods.

Crystals can be programmed to bring in and help amplify spiritual light and energy. Another form of light people also often call on is the violet flame of Saint Germane for protection and evaporating negative attachments. Always ask your Spiritual Advisor such as Solar / Companion Angel ( also called guardian angel) for help with protection, you will receive it.

If you do not like the term Angel use any other name you prefer for protective and guiding entities and forces. (Sometimes part of your life
lesson is that you have the ability to deal with issues of protection, in which case the angelic protection will remain as back up rather than being overt).

The more you attune with spirit and move in accord with your own Soul purpose the less need for protections you will have. These methods do not require you to practice or believe in any particular faith or path.

If you have been attuned to an energy work system you can use that shakti such as Quartz shakti, the crystal healing shakti, Reiki ,etc..Some energy work systems do have specific shakti and procedures for

Without attunement to an energy system you can call on White, Golden or
rainbow light or other energy to fill your aura and form a protective bubble, filter or force field around you. Some of us use the very Star Trekish (mental) command "shields Up!"

Having a gesture or movement or mental image that is used as a trigger for your protective technique often increases a persons ability to focus and
create a shield or filter. One such movement is to hold the index finger and thumb of each hand together and visualize yourself in a strong white sphere/egg. Another gesture activation is to place your hands palms outward, thumbs and index fingers together forming a triangle.

Mental imagery or a small gesture such as tapping your wrist or rubbing your index finger knuckle as though activating a shield with a button are less obvious. A typical mental visualization is of an image glowing bubble of light surrounding you or a Teflon bubble shield.

I feel that it is better to intend that negative energy be transformed to positive energy such as by being sent to the earth for clearing and purifying before it is returned to its owner and do not usually recommend mirror shields. I often use a mental image of negative energy hitting my shields and converting to positive or being teleported to a cleansing entity before being returned. This applies to personal energy as well as that from others,

We often need more protection from our own programs of self sabotage than from external or psychic forces.

You can create a Macro set of shakti and imagery for instant on protection. Macros may run faster and more weakly than conscious energy work but you can run conscious energy work in combination with macros and programs. If you do not have access to energy macros you can still practice your protective method so that you can activate it automatically.

I usually recommend filters rather than shields as a protective method. Filters will not inadvertently block needed energy and information. Some people build such strong defensive shields that they close out needed information and so may put themselves at more than normal risk because they are not open to be aware of the signals around them. The need for protection can be overemphasized.The best protection in the spiritual and psychic sense is to develop your intuition and personal spiritual strength and then you will not be vulnerable .

I have found that rather than shields and filters the light of transformation is
often the best protection, in this method one brings light into ones body from the Earth and the Heavens and expands it into a radiant rainbow filling it with your own heart light and expanding into a sphere around you any negative energy will be transformed into love and healing.

There are really a great many stones that are used for protection. Clear quartz can be programmed for any kind of protective work. Smoky quartz is often carried as a protective stone other stones used for General Protection include Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, fluorite, chiastolite, jet, onyx ,prehnite, shark tooth , malachite, black tourmaline, obsidian, coal black and red stones in
general. Garnet, Agates, jade and sard are also protective stones of note.

Your birthstones whatever their general properties are, will be protective for you To dissolve Negativity & Psychic defense you can use black tourmaline, lapis, labradorite. Physical Protection: apache tears, jet , rutilated quartz , coral, holey stones, stones with natural holes are also considered protective .
For personal protection you can carry some stones in a pocket or pouch or wearing a protective stone in jewelry .You can also use these and other protective stones in your house and in grids dedicated to protection for yourself and others .

Select your stones for protection and commune with them so that you know it is appropriate to work for them for protection. Set the intention that these are your protective stones. Always start with cleared and fully energized stones and clear stones used in protective work often. You may want to change protective stones frequently to give them a rest. Some stones repel or dissolve negative energy others absorb and or neutralize it but they should all be cleared and thanked often for helping bring in the energies and helping you with protection.

Spells and similar work such as the use of talismans and amulets is primarily a means of assisting us in focusing our affirmations and intentions and in harmonizing with the natural rhythm of the Universe. There are a vast number of herbs and color and other tools and correspondences used for protective work . The clarity of your focus is more important than the tool you work with.

Here is an example of an affirmation or spell that many people have found to be effective.

I, (your name here) command all and any forces and entities, beneficial or not, to cease and desist from sending me physical, emotional and spiritual feelings and pain from any other entity, human or otherwise, from this moment on, for now and forever. Unless I choose otherwise. So be it.

The BEST psychic shield is to strengthen your own energy body.

Work consciously to heal and strengthen your own chakra, meridians and aura on all levels and to learn to run energy through your entire body of light.
When you are mentally emotional and spiritually whole and in tune with your soul purpose and the natural flow of the universal Rhythms you are automatically safe from all undesired harm.

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Grounding, centering and clearing

by Peggy Jentoft

Here are several things you can do to tune up your energy body and harmonize your chakra, aura and whole self. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual grounding and centering are very basic core practices in most system of spiritual practice or personal development. These practices promote and increased personal happiness and spiritual health.


Any time you feel spacey or disoriented it is a good idea to ground and center yourself. The first step in many spiritual practices is to learn to ground, that is to connect yourself energetically to the core of the Earth Even when you wish to astral travel or meditate you will find that beginning from being grounded will help you with inner focus.

Whatever your beliefs are this simple practice can make a huge difference in your life. There are many techniques for grounding and it is wise to look for those that work best for you.

The essence of most methods is to relax and visualize yourself sending an energy cord or light beam into the earth from your root chakra (at the tail bone) and allowing it to reach the earth core allowing you to get energy from the Earth and return excess energy down the cord. The energy you send down the cord that is not your own is cleansed and used by the earth. Your own energy is cleansed and returned to you. There are spirit beings that thrive on clearing negative energy.

A classic form of grounding is to imagine roots growing into the Earth from your feet and spinal column or central energy channel . Some Traditions strongly prefer that you ground from the spinal center and not from the feet. I follow the tradition of asking the Earth for permission and thanking her
for her healing energy.

I often use a specific shakti or subtle energy frequency for grounding, essentially simply commanding grounding into the earth plane and also connection with the universal Spirit core (universal galactic center or
seed, throne of God etc.)

You can run Reiki or another energy shakti with the intention that it
ground you or assist you with grounding. Some energies work better than
others for this purpose.

The visualization I most often use, when I use one, starts with dropping
a cord of light from the heart, and/or solar plexus, straight down the
spinal channel to the center of the Earth. Or calling up a cord from the
Earth center (which some people find easier) and then flowing it up to
the spiritual center (sometimes going through the Sun). I then expand it
to be a tube, encompassing my entire basic aura.

Eating, stomping your feet, placing your hands on your thighs and
intending to ground are some other methods there are dozens of different
techniques and meditations for grounding and centering because these
practices are a vital part of our personal well being.

Connect to Source

You can also run a cord up or make an energy connection into the spiritual heart of the universe from your crown chakra while intending that you be aligned with the highest soul purpose while staying well connected to the physical plane. That is you are contained within your self and connected to Earth and the physical and to spiritual source at the same time in a harmonious balance with the universe

I always ground, center and clear before I begin a healing session or
attunement in addition to connecting to the cosmic center and to activating the energies I am working with. I ground from my root chakra rather than from the legs because I got bad cramps in the legs when I grounded from the feet. I send a cord to the earth core asking earth for permission I widen the cord into a tube as wide as my aura and send negative energies down to be transformed to usable energy for the Earth as well as calling up energies from Earth I send up to galactic universal center.
Some people feel best when they call the Earth energy up and call the cosmic energy down rather than sending up and down.

This is a way to self awareness and owning yourself and your energy .You place your attention at your spiritual and personal center and call in your energies and release any energy and programs that is not yours this is a starting point for any spiritual exploration, knowing yourself and feeling your own integrity and wholeness.

Many if not most people do this before they ground I do this both before and
after, to center yourself. Bring your attention and energies into yourself and balance them within yourself, a spiritual " Pull yourself together," as it were. Bring your attention into the center of your head. you may visualize a sphere in the center of your head. Many people who are active in Martial Arts or Chi Gong center in the hara a spiritual energy center about an inch below the belly button. Some people center in the heart, the location you choose is the
place where you feel you are balanced and contained where ever you are
firm in your awareness of self.

I also visualize all my chakras firmly connected to the central channel, and working optimally, as well as all my energy channels inside and outside my physical being, clear filled with light, and balanced and harmonized, combining grounding with clearing and centering and harmonizing.

Chakra balancing and meditation are two other valuable basic tune up practices

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