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Setting the Captives Free: an Essay on Demons

Demons... are they real?

I had always wanted to love Jesus with all my heart, but something seemed to be in the way.

Linda, my wife and I were living in Alexandria, Louisiana. We were attending the "Sheep Shed" over in Rustin about forty miles away. Since we had recently been filled with the Spirit, we felt as though we needed "shepherding." The "Sheep Shed" was an actual shed where Spirit-filled believers met on Sunday evenings for worship. We attended our various churches on Sunday mornings, then came together for praise and worship in the evenings.

One evening I received a phone call from my neighbor, Conrad Murrell. Brother Murrell was a Baptist evangelist. He said on the phone (rather quickly too), "....Lynn, I need your help. Billy [his son] is manifesting demons." I could tell he was nervous. I didn't know what to say. I had never seen demons manifested before. I had read about them in the Bible. I said, "I'll be right there."

Brother Murrell lived no more than three minutes from our house. I told my wife what was happening. We went over. Brother Murrell opened the door. Walking in, we witnessed an eleven year-old boy scooting along the floor on his hands, making sounds like a dog and hiding from the light.

"....Turn that lamp off. Turn it off. I don't like it," he yelled with a deep voice.

That scared me. I mumbled under my breath, "This ain't church" and sat on the couch next to my wife, not knowing what to expect. Billy would only respond to commands given "in the name of Jesus" and to phrases mentioning the blood of Christ.

Brother Murrell was in charge. Linda and I were just sitting there. For an hour or so we watched demons scream, bark, slobber, and come out of the lad's mouth with a vengeance. I witnessed my first demonic deliverance. It wasn't a pretty sight and I didn't enjoy it. "Church," with its soft lights, prelude music and its sentimental singing is much more peaceful. The demons would talk back. Say ugly things and yell, "We're not leaving. You can't make us leave. We've been here a long time."

Then Brother Murrell, to my surprise, asked one of the demons, "Does Lynn Ridenhour have any demons?"

"....Yes, " it snarled.

My heart sank. Sweat popped out on my palms.

"Who are they?" asked Brother Murrell.

What I heard next floored me.

"False Revelation."

The demon went on to name about fourteen more. Brother Murrell got a pencil and started writing down their names. I knew that eleven year-old boy on the floor didn't know what he was saying, didn't have that kind of vocabulary, nor did he know that much theology. Someone else was doing the talking. Then it dawned on me, big time...this is real. I asked for deliverance.

Brother Murrell sat a chair in the middle of the room and asked me to sit in it. He took charge, covering those present with the blood, and commanded the spirits in me to manifest themselves. He had no sooner spoken 'til I was literally picked up out of the chair and thrown on the floor. It was like I was coming out from underneath anesthesia. I lay there and could hear everyone talking out there but they sounded so far off. So far away. I couldn't move. My motor skills had shut down, had been taken over. I couldn't even talk. Something was choking me. And I was frightened.

Brother Murrell commanded the spirits to let go of me and to leave. I heard my vocal cords screaming back, ".We're going to kill him! We're going to break his neck!" Then my neck started twisting until I thought it would snap. Brother Murrell responded, "....You'll not kill him. I have authority over you in the name of Jesus. You must obey me."

One of them screamed, "....We're giving him a heart attack."

All of a sudden, my heart started racing out of control. I experienced shortness of breath. My face broke out in a cold sweat. Brother Murrell put his hand upon my chest and commanded the demons to stop. The throbbing stopped and my heartbeat immediately returned to normal. I was really terrified.

Four hours later the session ended. All the spirits didn't leave, but many did. (I was exhausted) I went back for deliverance sessions for two weeks. Finally, I was free! Free in Jesus, what a difference it made. No. What a difference it makes.

I had forty-eight spirits in me. Some of them affected my body; others, my mind.

I remember, for example, on a number of occasions I could "feel something" traveling up and down my spine. I was always going to chiropractors. My spine would not stay in line. I had no idea it was spirits "nesting" in my spine, causing my vertebrae to be subluxated. My spine was their home.

Chiropractors could not get my vertebrae "to tick." To stay in line. And I went to a number of them. In a matter of two or three days, (usually a matter of hours) my vertebrae would be out again.

Since my deliverance, for the past thirty years my spine's been fine. That something" traveling up and down my spine has left me. Yes, I was born again when all this was happening. And yes, I was Spirit-filled. Just recently my wife and I had been introduced to the blessed Holy Spirit.

Post je objavljen 04.10.2007. u 01:51 sati.