četvrtak, 04.10.2007.

Who you gonna call?! Archangel Michael!

by Diamond Heart

Archangel Michael is the go to guy for dealing with all sorts of psychic nastiness.

He will cut cords, exorcise entities, remove and destroy thoughtforms and egregores, transmute negative energy, help confused spirits cross over, help you shield, and much more. Ask and he will help you as much as he can.

He is an extraordinary protector and defender. Call on him to protect your sensitive child’s dreams and he will stop nightmares picked up from others. Heck, ask him to help you shield your senses when you sleep and see how much more rested you feel in the morning without picking up on every Tom, Dick, and Harry’s trials and tribulations as they exude misery as they slumber. Everyone releases energies when they sleep so reinforcing your shielding beforehand is extremely helpful whether you call on Archangel Michael or not.

There are many often involved and detailed ways of clearing harmful things oneself. I confess to being lazy for I call on Archangel Michael to help me with these things all the time. It is quicker and undoubtedly much more effective than me mucking around trying to figure out how to perform an exorcism on an acquaintance showing distinct signs paranormal weirdness and who is more apt to think me ready for the looney bin than herself having an unfriendly visitor in her head.

With less serious problems I do what I can on my own and then asking Michael to deal with the rest. When dealing with the stronger negs I have been advised to leave it all to him and other powerful beings of the light.

If you ever encounter something you suspect is a possession or negative haunting ask Archangel Michael to remove it taking it to a place where it can do no more harm and if possible can be healed.

Call in all beings of divine light and divine love to heal the de-possessed person especially that which allowed the neg to move in and set up housekeeping to begin with. This is one of the very few situations where i have not needed to get permission from the person being healed.

For removal of harmful cords or anything else simply ask Archangel Michael and your allies for their removal, healing, and transmutation of the negative energies. I don’t like to leave harmful energies lying around for the unknowing psychics among us to encounter and that might be of use to negative entities. Also negative energy can be like garbage attracting scavengers who will make the mess worse even though they are not capable of serious harm.

Back to de-cording. Cords can be stubborn to remove returning again and again. Cut them three times per treatment for Body, Mind and Spirit. Sometimes this is due to karmic agreements so always ask for help releasing all karmic contracts that cause you harm starting with the cords.

There are also cords that do not just transmit loving connections but negative emotions and physical illnesses of loved ones. Ask Michael and your allies to cut those that cause you harm if you wish to maintain the loving cords but check for regrowth due to habit or the wish to spare the loved one suffering.

IMO it is not wise to take on others sufferings except as an occasional act and only when you know how to transmute and cope with the energy safely. It is better to help people learn to deal heal themselves as much as possible. Teach them the tools to deal with the troubles in their lives in a healthy manner as possible. Support them every step of the way but do not be their sole source of healing.

I have met people who are willing to trust in their good intentions and some white light to go ahead and tackle a probable demonic possession themselves. Intention is powerful, white light is powerful but you won’t know if it is powerful enough without trying it out and I prefer the way of caution.

Unless I have been trained in something that could cause harm by qualified teacher I won’t do it. In those cases I call in someone qualified whether human or spirit being to take it on.

But then even if I was not a natural cautious fuddy duddy in the case I mentioned in the previous post with the suspected possession I was corded by the entity and people could physically take a hold of it.

Once I was done panicking I called on Archangel Michael who removed the cord and eventually the entity. I had to ask almost every day for a week before I got a message that it was gone - it was so strong and dug in.

Before attempting to deal with a tough thoughtform, attachment, or entity double check and ask your guides if it is safe for you to deal with it directly. Even if it *is* safe remember ground, shield, ask your guides (and Michael if you wish) for protection before doing anything.

If it is not safe ask all beings of divine light and divine love willing and able to help, including Archangel Michael, to deal with it.

Ever since the encounter I had with that entity I have asked every day several times per day for help removing anything harmful including entities, energies, thoughtforms, implants, cords, etc. from everyone and everything I have the right to ask to be cleared.

Then I ask for everyone and everything involved to be healed every which way possible including to the source of the problem, meaning what ever it was that allowed the negative thing to set up housekeeping in the first place.

Finally I ask the harmful things be cleansed, healed, transmuted to positive energy, taken to a place where it can do no more harm until it is healed or if absolutely necessary and for the highest good of all beings annihilated.

I try to cover as many bases as possible so as much harmful stuff gets cleared in one go. I keep asking for all of this because I know that people keep creating negative thoughtforms unconsciously making them out of bad habits including thought patters such as “I will never get a good job, house, etc”. Then I look at the state of the world and I figure there must be some pretty nasty thoughtforms at work or being created there as well. The more harmful energies that are transmuted to positive the better.

When it comes to releasing stuck spirits who are not intentionally harmful it is still good for a bit of caution. They might strike out in fear managing to do a bit of damage. I admit I am a wimp. I don’t want to deal with even a triggered migraine if i can help it.

If I suspect or know a person hasn’t crossed over after death I ground, shield, ask for protection, then ask my guides to call in the person’s guides to help it finally cross over. I offer Reiki to the guides and let them do their thing. Some find it fun to have a ghost around the house.

I think it cruel to leave a person stuck when they did not consciously choose that mode of existence. I don’t force spirits to cross over unless they are harmful. As I said before I call in all beings who have their highest good as their intention to help the person realize what state they are in so they can choose. Please don’t treat spirits like these as pets. They are people and deserve the same respect and dignity an ill and injured human being still in a body gets.

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