četvrtak, 04.10.2007.

Basic Psychic Shielding

by Diamond Heart

Grounding, Shielding, and Clearing are essential practices for good psychic hygiene. The more sensitive among us will find they feel their best when doing all of these on a regular basis.

When starting out it is best to do grounding and shielding daily to establish them properly. Then experiment if you like to find out how often you need to ground and shield to feel your best. Personally I do them at least once per day and usually more. I feel best if I do them before doing energy work (Reiki, MAP, meditation, after energy work, and before sleeping. Sometimes I am simply too agitated to sleep until I shield my home as well as myself.

At it’s most basic shielding is simply wrapping your aura, the energy field that surrounds and encompasses your body, in a coating of energy with the intention of repelling anything harmful. One can visualize their aura coated in one color of light such as gold or a scintillating rainbow swirl. One can image a hexagonal gold mesh, white light, or a layer of flame.

It is up to each person to choose what suits them best at that time. Sometimes I visualize being surrounded by an electric field that neutralizes harmful energy with an electric crackling noise like a bug zapper. Always set your shield to be permeable to positive energies so love and healing can come and go.

If you are attuned to Reiki charge your shield with it and draw (mentally or physically) symbols on it. I particularly like using Raku because this symbol is used to separating people’s energy and earthing negativity (aka sending it to the earth for energy composting). Now while traditional Reiki masters say people can’t use the symbols until Reiki II and III I could after Reiki I.

Some are horrified or offended for me to even suggest it to others. Well renegade that I am I say go ahead and try them if you like if you are are Reiki I. Try drawing CKR, SHK & Raku on your shield front, back, right, left, above, below and in the center on yourself, your car, your place of work, your home, and the property it is on then see how it makes the atmosphere change for the better. You need not do this in person, simply visualize drawing the symbols from a distance.

In general a person’s aura is no wider than the fullest reach of their arms. You might find yours extends too far away, too close, lopsided, weak in certain areas, or has holes. You can correct this by visualizing it being hole and perfectly egg shaped. Mentally or physically reach out and smooth your aura’s boundary smoothing any lumps out and filling in weak or holey areas.

Feel free to ask your spirit guides and allies for help as well if only for the sake of establishing a working relationship with them so it will be easier to work with them on very serious issues. Imagine using blobs of colored energy to fill in the holes and weak areas or use Reiki if attuned. As always experiment until you find which techniques suit you and your issues the best.

Have fun and be silly. Use a phrase from a song you like that relates to what you are visualizing, make up a rhyme or borrow a scene from a sci-fi movie to inspire your shield effectively resisting even the most dreadful of energies. While the effects of shielding are serious one need not be solemn for them to work.

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