četvrtak, 04.10.2007.

Shielding With Archangel Michael's Pillar of Light

by Diamond Heart

" Archangel Michael please give me a pillar of light to protect me from all harm. Please give my home, property and vehicle a pillar of light to protect everyone within from all harm. "

As an Empath I have spent a good part of my life trying to find effective ways to not pick up on what others are feeling. An unshielded Empath is like going naked in a sandstorm. It means starting the day in a good mood only to be dragged down to the depths of despair when one encounters a depressed person.

If you find your emotions change depending on the mood of those around you you too may be an empath. Or symptoms may be more subtle as you only pick up emotions from those closest to you. In any event it will not harm you one bit to try the treatment program most empaths find helpful - Grounding and Shielding every single day.

The easiest shielding technique I have learned is to request Archangel Michael to surround me with a Pillar of Light to protect me from all harm. Instantly I will feel whatever disturbing or irritating emotions I was picking up cut off along with a feeling similar to warm sunlight on my skin combined with a very gentle pressure complete surrounding me.

At times splitting headaches will coincidently end within minutes of asking for the Pillar of Light. People I know who are not known to have minor much less strong psychic gifts have told me they feel as if the air is fresher and they feel more peaceful after invoking Archangel Michael’s aid.

Now to give credit where it is due. I found this technique in Christopher Penczak’s ‘The Witch’s Shield‘. In his book he credits John Armitage who is the founder of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, a Reiki offshoot.

I highly recommend Penczak’s book not for just psychic self-defence but as a way for those psychically sensitive, seeking to develop psychic abilities, or energy healing facilitators to get and stay clear. I knew very few if any of those who have negatively effected me consciously intended to use me as their emotional garbage dump and yet I was harmfully effected again and again. You can check your local library for a copy, suggest they get one or request an interlibrary loan to find out if this book will be as useful to you.

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