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Psychic attack - psychic draining

by Lily

This is a difficult event in anyone's life and it is important to understand just what a psychic attack really is. So much of the time it is misdiagnosed, and people are put on medication without even knowing the source of all their trouble.

What I do want to address is the issue of being drained psychically, physically and emotionally by someone else. It can be just from their conversational contact with you, it can be from a negative Spirit or negative energy residing inside your home, or a negative Spirit trying to attach themselves to you gradually, or various other types of negative vibrations.

The symptoms are:

- Noticing a presence as in someone watching you .
- A heaviness or fearfulness in a certain room in your home.
- Sensing a cold spot in a room or cold feeling on part or all of your physical body .
- Feeling someone touch you when you are all alone or no one nearby.
- A loss of self-esteem and/or self-confidence.
- A burning sensation at the upper back just below the nape of your neck
and in that area a feeling of "entrance" as in energy going into your body there and even burning the back of your Heart Chakra.
- Behavior and personality changes.
- Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability .
- Memory lapses .
- A drained feeling or fatigue without cause, as in a drain of vitality or energy.
- Hearing harassment voices inside your mind, as in negative words, demoralizing and degrading you, and bossing you around.
- Illnesses that come on suddenly that a doctor cannot diagnose.
- Sudden illnesses that cannot be explained, as in a flu-like symptoms, headache, low-vibrational trauma inside your body
- Hallucinations
- Inability to sleep well without having to take sleeping pills
- Waking up in the middle of the night sensing someone in the room
- Recurrent or frequent nightmares, such as being raped, tormented or tortured.
- Difficulty to cope with everyday routine life.
- Sudden explicable inability to cope with responsibilities, such as hardship at work doing what used to be easy.
- Sensing frightening shadows from the corner of your eyes
- Depression without understanding why or knowing an apparent cause, and becoming chronic
- Opressed feeling, Sorrow feeling, Negative thoughts
- Feeling isolated, and even wanting to be isolated.

All these symptoms are major in importance as coping with everyday life has now become difficult, and your Auric Field feels different, odd, or violated. You can feel the difference and you know something/someone else is doing it, as it isn't coming from you but into you. Why?

First I feel it necessary to present to you some historical background information concerning what in ancient times was labeled "demonic possession". I know this isn't a pleasant subject, and one that I used to find uncomfortable especially when I would read about it in the Bible.

One would logically first assume that Schizophrenia would seem to be the cause of some of these symptoms, but then again the demons would leave when the Lord Jesus commanded them to, and in Matthew 4:24, it was mentioned that there was a difference there by the separate listings between the medical afflictions and the demonic afflictions.

Trouble is that when the Bible was compiled and published so long ago, little else was written about demon possession afterwards. To assume that demons or dark spirits were not still out there causing trouble with humans down here just isn't true.

Astral Realm Warfare and Second Dimension Astral fights with demonic beings:

If you have invited something/someone in, then there might be a problem there. So many times I get letters by worried people who have gotten involved in the dark and now are having problems because of it. They want out, as it's "not fun anymore", and the negative beings won't go away. They can't "turn it off". Hallucinations and sleep deprivation amongst other negative side affects becomes a problem.

Being fascinated by the dark is an open invitation to get trouble coming into your life. I've given many readings whereby the persons were doing negative acts in the Spirit Realm when Astral traveling, or causing some sort of negative activities whereby they were directly involving themselves in fighting demons for "fun". Later though, they are having trouble sleeping, as they are not being allowed to sleep with the demons continously harassing them to make sure they don't sleep. Like attracts like, and with the dark anything can happen, even though sometimes these people think they know all the ins and outs of "astral warfare".

Believe me this is the worst thing to do with getting involved with psychic warfare. You see, they people think they are "killing" the demons, but nothing can be killed in the Spirit Realm, so they just re-materialize moments later. With these people thinking that by manifesting in their minds all sorts of negative weaponry, nothing will actually make the demons leave. The demons might pretend to leave just to give the people the false thought there that they have "won" a victory, but they have alterior motives.

It seems to be an attraction by the youth these days, with even forum groups formed just for that reason. The majority of the youth are males, however, there are also a smaller number of teenage girls getting involved. This invokes negative Karma for these people. To give a general assessment here for this type of situation, I have been told by my Guides that "there hasn't been so many young people getting invovled in the dark since the days of Ancient Messopotamia."

You can sense that with so many getting involved in the dark, it will cause them trouble for several lifetimes to get rid of that attraction of dark forces, plus the fact that when they return to Spirit after they die here on Earth, they will have Purgatory for their residence. That is something they might not realize, as after a time when they get used to the lower vibrational rate, there also is the confinement of cells whereby they have to dwell in a prison for a time since they used the dark for entertainment.

What about a Spirit who is causing you strife? A feeling or a presence there in your home that makes you feel sad, depressed, or any type of feeling that initiates a negative sensation? Those types of energies coming from a Spirit can cause the human being on Earth to feel sorrow, depression, anything similar to a “flu-like feeling” which is all of the dark. Why is that allowed by God?

I know there are those of the dark who are released systematically so that there is a balance of Good and Evil in the Universe, and there are times when the dark spirit shows progress and has earned a type of reward by being allowed to visit the Earth to travel. Why doesn’t that visit get supervised? It might, but there again having the manpower it takes to monitor all the negative spirits in the realm would be a huge undertaking, and although some do get away with causing trouble, sooner or later they get noticed and thereby causes trouble both for themselves, plus the ones who are supposed to report on their activities. There are also entities that truly are not of sound mind, and they, too, have earned visiting rights to Earth. There have been books written about such types of spiritual attacks, and as such does take time to remove the situation.

Protection against a psychic attack:

Strengthening your own Auric Field with affirmations does help, but remember that the Lord is the final One who says what goes and what doesn't go. So if there is an issue there with you in your life with what you might suspect as a negative Spirit bothering you, try to sense why? Try to sense if there is someone else also there, (as in a Guide perhaps watching), and try to locate where the Guide is in the room also. If you can't, then ask why is this occurring, and if you should sense a negative answer, then sense, too, if there is also someone else there during the contact.

I say this because there are times when there are Guides doing the trouble in order to make or force the Earth person to try to become more close to God. I know that sounds rather pushy, but there are times when the person themselves have asked to be forced so that they could advance into a higher energy wave length up in Spirit. That request is at the time when a person plans out their future incarnation and when they plan out their Life Chart which is a blueprint of their goals. Another reason is that when you arrive at a certain location, or a home you have moved into, there is already a negative Spirit dwelling and perhaps the vibes they get from you make them angry, so they attack defending "their residence", even though you are legally living there renting or purchasing the property. That doesn't matter to a problematic Spirit.

What to do about it? If you yourself are being attacked, then you need to first stay calm, pray to God for help, asking God to send Angels to protect you, and to keep up your faith in what happens afterwards. If you fully understand and comprehend this magnificence of existing in everything made of God, then you realize that all of us are truly divinely interlinked. That is why when the Lord Jesus said, "do unto others as you would have done unto you", this the true way of dealing with everyday life.

If you are having a sensing of someone else sending you a negative vibration or energy and want knowledge of how to handle it in the way God would want you to, the best thing to do is to pray to Him for help, and ask Him to send His Angels to protect you, as you do not want to send anything negative back to the negative person as that truly isn't God's way. Then bless the person or persons whether they are here on Earth or in the Spirit Realm and send them love and forgiveness and release or place all of this whole event up to the Lord. Love thine enemies is what Lord Jesus asked us, so if you send Love to these people and forgive them whether they are in Spirit or here on Earth, that is NEUTRALIZING EVERYTHING to do with the WHOLE SITUATION, including what they ALSO are sending to you, see?

It encompasses the whole entire event with Love Energy, and Love is the Highest and Strongest Energy in existence. Light Energy is second. So you can see that you are doing an even greater and more powerful act by being loving and forgiving of this negative attack. God does protect, and He works the best with those who are willing to see the situation from its greatest, highest and most profound vantage point. When someone can assimilate the whole ramifications of the psychic event of spiritual attack and realize that God is truly the One in charge, then you have placed the correction in God's Hands, and He will do what He feels is necessary. You do not need to do anything other than this.

Therefore, trying to imagine a mirror to reflect back the negativity isn't needed or necessary or trying to visualize neutralizing the energy yourself in any self-technique would still be placing the effort IN YOUR HANDS and not Gods, you see? It is not allowing God to do the effort. When God fixes the situation it stays fixed, so you won't need to do anything else except BELIEVE that God is now correcting the situation. That is where Faith comes in. Faith in God that He is now handling the issue, and you are well, safe, and wishing the highest and best good for that negative person, not harboring ill will towards him or her.

Your Auric Field is automatically shielded with this whole attitude and thought process you believe. I know when I do this, I can actually feel my own Auric Field develop a shielding around it in front of my heart chakra, and I FEEL totally protected. It is permanent, and does not need to be repeated.

Psychic draining by others in physical form:

Who are they? They are the types of people who come in contact with you and right away start off complaining to you about their problems, etc. and essentially express negative thoughts about their personal life. After a while you notice that even though you give good, positive sound advice to aid them, they never take it. You notice that conversation after conversation is basically the same pattern, and though you considered them as friends, these people seem to make you feel drained afterwards.

Why is that? It is because of the energy depletion that causes the trouble, with a siphoning off of your Auric Field energy and going into their Auric Field. When they are through with explaining all their troubles to you with your giving them comforting advice and support, they are feeling better with you feeling worse. After a time you are left with wondering about the future of your whole relationship. Usually these people are not mean people, but have gotten into a habit of being self-absorbed and using others to be an audience so to speak for them to express their woes.

The type of people I am describing are not the type of people who do this occasionally but habitually, and they develop this personality trait gradually so even they don't seem to realize they have gotten into this pattern of being. They are living off the energy of those who are receptive to their contact with them. What is noticeable after a time is that they in essence do not truly want to be relieved of their troubles, but to release their own tensions and deposit them on you.

Not always can a person just break off contact with these people totally, (even if it is what you are wanting to do), as some can be of your own family. What is best in these situations is to keep in mind that when you recognize that trait in a certain person to block or shield yourself psychically when you initiate contact with that person. Then it will be in place and you will have that in the back of your mind constantly and will always keep yourself armed with phrases that you know will work in shielding you from that person's behavior.

I want to stress that if you are in a relationship whereby you feel drained, like your Spirit is being made to get "smaller" and feel like it's just being directly harmed, you need to assess just what is important to you overall. If it is a romantic relationship, yet you are having your self-esteem harmed and feel oppressed and abused, then it isn't worth staying in that type of relationship if there is no way it is going to improve. Little by little your own ability to control your own life in any way happens, and you eventually feel like a "slave". Depression is often the result. That is not good at all. You have a right to live in God's Universe, too, no matter what, and there is no excuse for abuse.

Post je objavljen 24.10.2007. u 18:51 sati.