četvrtak, 04.10.2007.

The moment of your soul's creation

by Diamond Heart

This is deep work so please only try this when you are in good spirits and prepared to deal with anything that arises.

Invite your spirit guides & allies

Send Reiki, using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or intention, to the moment your soul came into being. Remember to breath into any emotion that arises. Let any images, thoughts and emotions flow. When you feel you have sent long enough or your guides tell you so stop. You can use a pendulum as a time keeper. Take a necklace or anything with a bit of weight hung a piece of string. Clear & charge it with Reiki. Ask all beings of light to please bless and charge it as well. Ask a guide to take control of the pendulum for the duration of this treatment asking it to spin the pendulum until as much treatment has been performed as comfortably possible at this time. When the pendulum stops spinning the treatment is done.

I have done this only once so far myself. I have been working with the Essential Energy Balancing books by Diane Stein in which she keep mentioning healing to the Moment of Self; meaning healing to and from the moment of the soul’s creation. Also Reiki_On, the Reiki teaching and discussion group, has regular experiments where people are invited to try new things with Reiki one of which was sending to a past event.

Having experimented with sending reiki to past events to good effect i decided on a whim to send to the moment of my soul’s creation not expecting anything to happen. I was jolted to feel emotions emerge of shock, fear, pain, and the thought the gist of which was ‘I didn’t know this was going to hurt!’ I guess every birth has it’s share of trauma even off the physical plane. Since I have been dealing with some stress relating to rather more current events I have yet to do another treatment. I am curious what will come up next time!

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