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What Are Negs?

What are negs? Negs are negative Thoughtforms and Egregores.

Negs are also beings, in or out of physical form on our plane of existence, that are harmful. All feed off negative energy. Some act to create negativity to feed off of, others are opportunistic scavengers.

I say these things not to make others paranoid but to encourage others to take control of their own energy. In other words reduce psychic littering that strengthen the Negs.

Just as it is not wise to toss meat scraps around one’s home if one wishes to avoid creatures ranging from stray dogs to coyotes, it is wise to properly disposed of one’s own psychic trash.

For now consider the concept of Psychic Hygiene and Energy Composting. Look up Grounding and Shielding There is no need to fear Negs. There IS need to learn to deal with them in the most efficient way possible.

Grounding and shielding are the most basic and fundamental techniques that are necessary for healthy use of psychic abilities.

Many people live in their heads focusing their energy in that space. Others attempt to live half-way out of their body whether from traumatic events or illness that made life on Earth painful. Some attempt to avoid fully living in their body due to mistaken beliefs that Earth level existence and the human body is unclean, less evolved or simply some sort of mistake.

My personal take is we are all here for good reason, that life on Earth in a human body is a great gift, and it is up to everyone to make the most of it. Do not be surprised if body issues and negative beliefs about physicality arise when grounding. If this happens take this opportunity to heal yourself. Don’t force it. Be gentle with yourself, breath into the difficulty and let it flow out of you. Invite your guides aid as needed (or simply for the joy of working with them).

The simplest way to ground is to focus upon your feet. Pay attention to every sensation from every part of your feet. Then visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet spreading deep and wide into the earth. If you wish for more detail imagine you are a tree with leaves gently swaying in the breeze with mighty roots sunk into the earth that drink in nourishment. If you relate better to things mechanical try visualizing that you have grounding wires from your feet into the earth. Play with the images until you find ones you relate to best.

Another technique that is useful to use if you are familiar with Chakras is to visualize that a grounding cord is growing from your Root Chakra down to the center of the earth. Alternatively grow one from your Root Chakra to your Earth Star Chakra (which is about 22 below your feet) and from there down to the core of the earth.

Do this at least once per day. This is basic Psychic Hygiene that needs to be done regularly just as for good health people wash their hands and brush their teeth.
I learned the concept psychic hygiene in the book ‘The Witch’s Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self Defense‘ by Reiki Master and Wiccan Christopher Penczak. For me this concept best expresses the importance of daily practice of grounding, shielding, and energy cleansing techniques.

Now once a person has done these regularly for a period of time they may find that only doing them once per week is enough because with practice grounding becomes automatic while other more psychically sensitive individuals will find they feel at their best with more frequent practice. Those in healing professions whether of the conventional or complimentary variety will most likely find that daily use is best for both themselves and their clients.

Post je objavljen 04.10.2007. u 02:49 sati.