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Grounding, centering and clearing

by Peggy Jentoft

Here are several things you can do to tune up your energy body and harmonize your chakra, aura and whole self. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual grounding and centering are very basic core practices in most system of spiritual practice or personal development. These practices promote and increased personal happiness and spiritual health.


Any time you feel spacey or disoriented it is a good idea to ground and center yourself. The first step in many spiritual practices is to learn to ground, that is to connect yourself energetically to the core of the Earth Even when you wish to astral travel or meditate you will find that beginning from being grounded will help you with inner focus.

Whatever your beliefs are this simple practice can make a huge difference in your life. There are many techniques for grounding and it is wise to look for those that work best for you.

The essence of most methods is to relax and visualize yourself sending an energy cord or light beam into the earth from your root chakra (at the tail bone) and allowing it to reach the earth core allowing you to get energy from the Earth and return excess energy down the cord. The energy you send down the cord that is not your own is cleansed and used by the earth. Your own energy is cleansed and returned to you. There are spirit beings that thrive on clearing negative energy.

A classic form of grounding is to imagine roots growing into the Earth from your feet and spinal column or central energy channel . Some Traditions strongly prefer that you ground from the spinal center and not from the feet. I follow the tradition of asking the Earth for permission and thanking her
for her healing energy.

I often use a specific shakti or subtle energy frequency for grounding, essentially simply commanding grounding into the earth plane and also connection with the universal Spirit core (universal galactic center or
seed, throne of God etc.)

You can run Reiki or another energy shakti with the intention that it
ground you or assist you with grounding. Some energies work better than
others for this purpose.

The visualization I most often use, when I use one, starts with dropping
a cord of light from the heart, and/or solar plexus, straight down the
spinal channel to the center of the Earth. Or calling up a cord from the
Earth center (which some people find easier) and then flowing it up to
the spiritual center (sometimes going through the Sun). I then expand it
to be a tube, encompassing my entire basic aura.

Eating, stomping your feet, placing your hands on your thighs and
intending to ground are some other methods there are dozens of different
techniques and meditations for grounding and centering because these
practices are a vital part of our personal well being.

Connect to Source

You can also run a cord up or make an energy connection into the spiritual heart of the universe from your crown chakra while intending that you be aligned with the highest soul purpose while staying well connected to the physical plane. That is you are contained within your self and connected to Earth and the physical and to spiritual source at the same time in a harmonious balance with the universe

I always ground, center and clear before I begin a healing session or
attunement in addition to connecting to the cosmic center and to activating the energies I am working with. I ground from my root chakra rather than from the legs because I got bad cramps in the legs when I grounded from the feet. I send a cord to the earth core asking earth for permission I widen the cord into a tube as wide as my aura and send negative energies down to be transformed to usable energy for the Earth as well as calling up energies from Earth I send up to galactic universal center.
Some people feel best when they call the Earth energy up and call the cosmic energy down rather than sending up and down.

This is a way to self awareness and owning yourself and your energy .You place your attention at your spiritual and personal center and call in your energies and release any energy and programs that is not yours this is a starting point for any spiritual exploration, knowing yourself and feeling your own integrity and wholeness.

Many if not most people do this before they ground I do this both before and
after, to center yourself. Bring your attention and energies into yourself and balance them within yourself, a spiritual " Pull yourself together," as it were. Bring your attention into the center of your head. you may visualize a sphere in the center of your head. Many people who are active in Martial Arts or Chi Gong center in the hara a spiritual energy center about an inch below the belly button. Some people center in the heart, the location you choose is the
place where you feel you are balanced and contained where ever you are
firm in your awareness of self.

I also visualize all my chakras firmly connected to the central channel, and working optimally, as well as all my energy channels inside and outside my physical being, clear filled with light, and balanced and harmonized, combining grounding with clearing and centering and harmonizing.

Chakra balancing and meditation are two other valuable basic tune up practices

Post je objavljen 01.10.2007. u 02:54 sati.