srijeda, 03.10.2007.

About entities

by Susan Barber

Entities are energetic life-forms that become attached to the energy fields of people, land, buildings — even villages or countries. Removal of these entities from individual people's fields has become a part of Drunvalo's teaching on the heart meditation, because many kinds of entities — either intentionally or simply by their presence — will actively prevent us from entering the heart space.

Drunvalo guess-timates from his experience that approximately 50 percent of people worldwide have one or more entities. So not everyone has them. The percentage seems to change in different countries. In some countries very few people have entities. In some, almost everyone does. In America, he says, it seems to be about fifty-fifty.

For this article, besides relying upon Drunvalo's teachings and my own experience of entity removal, I also spoke about entities with Drunvalo's nephew Ken Page, a powerful empath who has worked extensively with entity release. Ken said that to his knowledge there were an incredibly varied number of specific forms of entities, including discarnate human souls, thought forms, elemental forces, animal spirits, and multidimensional and extraterrestrial beings.

Some entities are made up of energetic patterns created by our decisions about past-life or this-life experiences, or by strong negative emotions like hatred. Entities can form from people's fears of things like cancer. Spells and curses can create entities. For it is true of all energy that patterns, once created, take on a life of their own.

In a sense, Ken said, some entities are foreign to us only because they are "out of time" — no longer related to who we are now or what is going on in our lives today. Like static from a nearby station on the radio, they interfere with our clear reception of what is happening in the now.

And many entities, Ken pointed out, are actually frightened, wandering souls whom we are harboring until we can help them find their way back to the Astral Light.

It's Not About Good versus Evil

A major contribution that both Ken and Drunvalo have made to the thinking about entity release is the perception that nothing, in and of itself, is bad or evil. An entity may be wreaking havoc simply because it does not belong in the this world, this dimension, this body, or this time. But there is a place where it does belong. And if we can help entities to find that place, they will go willingly.

So rather than looking upon invading entities as evil forces that are to be hated and banished to the outer depths of the Universe, we can look upon them as beings "caught outside of time," beings who actually belong somewhere else (or somewhen else) and who will be cooperative — even happily excited — if we can help them find their way home.[2]

And so, whatever the energy is that appears to be invading our space, we need to be able to look upon it with compassion. It is when we cannot do this that we remain "stuck" with patterns from the past that don't really apply to who we are now. This is because when we think in terms of "getting rid of" something, we are coming from dislike, anger, or fear, and this attitude frightens the entity rather than enlisting its cooperation. In a fear state, it's not going to dialogue with us. It's going to feel — with good reason — that we're trying to kill it.

Entities who feel they are under attack from the host may cling stubbornly, like terrified children, to whatever little corner they have managed to create — however uncomfortable and ultimately unrewarding — rather than take the risk of venturing out to possible anihilation.

Admittedly, looking upon entities with compassion can be difficult. They basically seem to be part of ourselves, and it's often a part that we absolutely do not like! But the more we dislike something, the more energy we are giving to it, and the more difficult it is to release.

So the only answer, of course, is self-acceptance. Ultimately, we have no choice. We must learn to accept that we are All of it, the good and the bad, what we prefer and what we do not prefer. We can choose what we will manifest only when we realize that the potential for All — including our faults and our unworthy fascinations — lies within.

Can I Do Entity Removal?

For the most part, entity release is something that's difficult to do for ourselves. Even Drunvalo says that he probably would not want to try removing an entity from himself without outside assistance.

But what about doing this for others?

Drunvalo says that, especially in the last year, he's received more requests for this teaching than for perhaps anything else. And with good reason. Before using the entity clearing as part of the Living in the Heart workshops, Drunvalo says, fewer than 50 percent of the people in the workshops would actually be able to enter the Space in the Heart. Once the entity-clearing process was introduced, the numbers moved to 95 percent and above.

It's a natural conclusion, then, that if you want to succeed in this heart work, the odds are good that you are going to need to do some entity clearing first. And we thought long and hard about giving the instructions in this article — before finally agreeing that we cannot, with integrity, put this information out for general use.

Why not? Because unless you are someone who is really adept in the handling of the energy fields needed for protection, it's possible for you to endanger yourself and others by doing this work. Drunvalo says that he has seen many, many people who left his workshops — having both watched and experienced this work — and then tried to do entity clearing on their own. And the results have too often been extremely negative.

"I've seen people who seemed perfectly all right before," Drunvalo said, "who were a total mess because they tried to do this work on their own and did not know how to protect themselves and others."

Perhaps there is someone in your community who does entity clearing. If so, and you decide to work with them, make sure that they know you want whatever entities you are releasing to be perceived and treated with love and compassion.

Ask any practitioner you work with to send released entities "home," and ask them to use archangelic help in doing this. Archangel Michael is the traditional agent for sending entities on to the Light, and he really wants to help us with this.

Also, make sure that your practitioner specifically declares that whatever entities come to assist in this process are of the Christ Consciousness. Declare yourself, before any entity clearing is done, that only beings and energies of the Light may join you in what you are about to do.

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