srijeda, 17.10.2007.

"Did this really happen?"

by craniolaura

"Okay, I have Heather's permission to talk about our session together.

Last Monday Heather came over for what we thought was going to be a cranio session. Boy, were we mistaken. Our sessions together have always been interesting but lately, and I contribute this to all the work she has done on me, our sessions have been evolving into something other than cranio!

While treating Heather, three different energy beings came into my body and started instructing me as to what to do. Let me tell you, I have never ever seen or heard about the techniques they directed me to do. And I do have to say directed me, rather firmly actually. Every time I would question what they were telling me, they would get very forceful!

Well, the last energy being was male and very strong! He communicated with Heather and delivered a "message". Naturally I was scared to begin with. But, I knew in my heart that these beings were from the light.

Heather even commented that she could feel hands on her body, other than my own! While I was treating Heather I was told to raise my vibration by holding universal light in my heart. But, I couldn't help but "peek" in on what they were doing to her. After all, I was concerned for her as I have never experienced this before!

Well, oh my Gosh! I "saw" her energy body and how it was connected to the universe. What they were having me do was literally unlocking and turning keys to help her move on to the next faze of her journey. I actually "saw" how she was connected to the universal energy because every time I would perform a technique I would see its effect and shift in the universe.

I'm still bewildered by the whole experience. I was told however, that this had to be done, Heather was ready for this shift and I was to trust that only good would come out of this treatment.

I believe the treatment was very short in time, however, it felt like it went on forever. I feel so honored to have been a participant."

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