četvrtak, 04.10.2007.

Healing emotional trauma

by Diamond Heart

All people have experienced suffering in their lives whether large traumas such as of experiencing or witnessing abuse ranging down to small hurts that still leave a mark if only equal to a scratch. All wounds deserve healing and repair. Consider how a mere drop of water does no harm yet given time can wear down a mountain.

Start small with your healing working unless you are doing this work with a qualified therapist. Please. I never want to encourage anyone to tackle more than they are fully ready for. I have thrown myself too many times into a state of overwhelm and seen others push themselves too far and too fast. Again please start with small wounds then work your way up with care.

Ground/Shield/Invite what spirit guides & allies you wishSend Reiki, using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or intention, to an injury in your past.

For example send to the first time you can remember being lied to as a child. Did you feel hurt and betrayed? Did you feel like there was a lump in your throat? Where is the emotion located - in the heart, all through the body or just in certain areas? Remember to breathe. Try counting to eight or ten as you inhale and exhale slowly from the belly. Breathing from the belly is more relaxing.

Get into the past feelings as much as you can and still let them flow. Use Sei Hei Ki as often as needed. Switch your focus to your current self and send Reiki to yourself now so as to help the processing once you have released as much as comfortable for one session. Check in a day or two to see if there is still an emotional charge to the event. If so and you feel ready treat it again.

This technique can also be used for physical as well as emotional or combination injuries. Simply pick an event from your past that you would consider a level 3 or under on a scale of 1 to 10 that you can recall or was told of by your family yet you yourself was too young to recall and treat as I described above. You may be amazed at what even such small healings such as these can do for you.

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