29.11.2005., utorak

...FUCK is in the air...

...danas mi je tako sjeban dan...prvo šizika...prošli put nama ova da kao neke zadatke da doma vježbamo za ispit...i sve lagano ja prokužih...sva happy..kkad ono ispit...niš ne znam...niš od toga nije ni pokazala ni dala za vježbu...jooj Paravić je bio legenda JJJEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE????????????????....joj samo da dobijem 2...ona moja draga informatika...pitala me i dobih komad...a sve sam znala zato sam i ljuta...jer sam se sjebala na maloj stvari...ali sutra ću ispravit...iša raska je rekla da smo bezobrazni te da jako psujemo,ne poštujemo starije ne slušamo....i bla bla...i rekla je da su posebno bili bezobrazni ovi iz zadnjeg dijela busa...rekla je meni da se stalno derem,Nika okreće,Monika,Asja,Dorotea,Petra,Jelena koja viče da želi u DUTYFREESHOP,,,I Ranić kkoji samo ako joj nije bilo zašto nas je ako neće ne mora...ionako smo išli preko vikenda i izgubili subotu....jedino dobro danas je bila kemija koju nismo imali jer nije bilo Paškvanke i valjda je sutra neće bit...talijanski malo odmora i tzk JUPI dobila sam 5 iz vijače......hehe...BE COOL AND FUCK THE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....evo danas ja uzmem malo novine i odem prolistat...i zaoravo sam shvatila da ja samo crnu kroniku čitam...ali meni je to ful smiješno...heheh....kao UGUŠILI SE SUPRUŽNICI...OČAJNI ŠTEDIŠA TUKAO OSNIVAČE ZADRUGE...RAZBILI MU AUTO, OTELI GA I PETUKLI...itd...a njjače mi je bilo kad je netko provalio da obožava čitat idem ja sad...see ya!!!!!
MLOHAVA ĆUNA - posvećeno nekim muškim svima ...i bez uvrede...pjesma mi je ful zakon
Tri kurtona skoro 20 kuna Zbrajam dok joj ljubim vrat
plus piće u gradu i dvije kutije pljuga a meni mlohava čuna
al tako mi i treba kad pijem ko smuk
reko sam sebi već milijon puta neću pijan forsirati fuk
jer će bit mlohava ćuna..
mlohava čuna 4X
toliko para i truda al mlohava ćuna
sad koristim sve druge ekstremitete skrivećki ispod popluna
ali nije ona više dijete ona zna što je mlohava ćuna
mlohava čuna 4X
toliko para i truda al mlohava ćuna
ali vratit ću se do trafike jer kutija je
još uvijek puna
možda mi vrate mojih 20 kn kad im šapnem
mlohava čuna 4X
toliko para i truda al mlohava ćuna.....

28.11.2005., ponedjeljak

...tHe WoRld is BlaCk and...heArTs are coLd...

...baš sam danas malo razmišljala i sjetila se mog bivšeg razreda...neke ljude stvarno miSSam...a najviše Sandru...stvrno mi fali...Marina...mala zbunjena glava...i Hrcy...tip je legenda, one fore koje on valja nitko ne može nadmašit...stvarno je zakon..i naravno Anu ona je super cura...mala Blinkica...a ostali ...neki koji su mi dobri su u C razredu PSHG ...a za ostale mi se blago rečeno jebe...
sjetila sam se i ekskurzije...išli smo na Hvar bilo nam je stvarno super...zajebancija,društvo i sve šta već ide uz to...najbolje mi je bilo kad smo se nas 17-18 strpalo u sobu za troje ...pili..i pričali svakakva sranja...stvarno je bilo legendarno...a sad sam se sjetila da to kad smo trebali pit da smo u sobi trebali bit samo ja,Hrci,Damjan i Ilinko...a cure je bilo strah da mi oni kao nešto ne naprave pa su svi došli...baš su bili smješ znam ni s čim bi...najjače su mi bile provale i svađe između Damija i Hrcija u stilu...jebat ću ti mater...zabit ću ti 50 centa u šupak-hrci sluša FIFTIJA...mi smo ostali crkli od smijeha ...a ja sam svima svakih pet minuta govorila PARDONIRAM...ljudi su poludili...a ja i Nika se moramo pohvalit da smo čak spavale pola sata taj razliku od ostalih koji su barem oko 3 sata...onaj filing drugi dan užas ...svima oči krvave..jedva smo hodali...a mi morali na Bol...a šta je najbolje 2 sata smo morali čekat one pederčine iz tada mi je bilo zakon...ali onda kad smo se mi "VELIKA PETORKA" ja,Nika,Iva,Sandra i Marina posvađale htjela sam propast u zemlju koliko sam bila ljuta i tužna...ali sve je dobro prošlo pomirile smo se i sad smo još uvijek THE BEST ...tek sam nakon te svađe shvatila koliko mi značite cure VOLIM VAS...zapravo nakon te ekskurzije sam shvatila tko je dobar a tko ti sere u neke ljude sam promjenila mišljenje na bolje..a za neke na gore...ali sada je sve to iza mene...u srednjoj mi je 100x bolje...novo društvo,različiti ali ful zakon ljudi...kad sam prvi dan škole došla bila sam ful u bedu jer mi je miSSala osnovna ali sam shvatila da je ovdje bolje...i da se ful drukčije razmišlja...od mnogih sam ljudi čula da se pravi prijatelji stvaraju u srednjoj, ja to nisam vjerovala...ali...sam shvatila da je to istina..i zato poZZdrav:Niki,Ivi, Sanji,Petri,Moniki,Dorotei,Asji,Stelli,Maji,Jeleni,Snježani,Brunotu,Damjanu,Mateu,Marku...i nelkima iz C: Kim,Adri,Tea,Bojana,Ilinko...ako sam nekog zaboravila...PARDONIRAM...
E da i stari mi je kupio neku kameru kojom kao možeš pričat s nekim drugim preko interneta...u tom kužim se ja baš u to...ali mi je to glupo jer ju nitko nema ...a šta ćeš...sad ću ja njih užicat da mi kupe neki ful skupi iPod...jadniiii..
...evo danas je naš pametni Bruno uzeo nečija sjenila i mene je namazao po obrazima...i to ROZOM BOJOM koju sam po školi šetala ZAROZIRANA..sramota...a nije baš da volim one FENSI krpice i čizme u koje stave hlače...ful ja bi prije došla bosa u školu nego u nekim balerinkama ili čizmama...stvarno mi je žao tih ljudi...a poruka za Brunota:sutra bi i ti mogo dobit malo ROZE BOJE po sebi...i ako si mislio da će mi smetat to šta mi po mobitelu šaraš markerom...naravno da mi neće smetat i naravno da možeš šarat...svašta je doživio taj mobitel..od bacanja,lupanja po zidu,do igranja košarke i šutanja...čvrst je on...hehe..a kad smo već kod roze boje...jutros kad sam išla u školu vidjela sam nekog smtelara...koji ima oko 150-ak kila i nosi ROZU KAPU...nije mi stvarno jasno šta je sa svijetom danas..i muški počinju nosit rozo,pa ja kad vidim tipa u rozoj majici najrađe bi ga nije mi jasno da se takva osoba može nazivat muško...jednom kad sam bila u tortugi bio je neki tip u rozoj majici do pupka...jadan svi su srali po njemu...a i čula sam da su ga poslije i zaštitari izbacili...tako i treba...aj pa se čujemo i SEE YA...idem ja slušat NOFX...xoxo
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usove mace su mi legendarne....hehe


27.11.2005., nedjelja

crnogorci žive život

I već je došla nedjelja....šmrc...nema više odmora...sad će biti samo štreb,štreb...iako danas nisam niš ni takla...samo moram reći da sam se riješila ..."naprosto zanimljivo" ..."od sada ću ju svaki tjedan pročitat 2 puta"...imala sam samo 10 stranica i to sam čitala 1 sat...dok ja skužim...onda nešto proč sve zaboravim šta sam pročitala...savršeno....išla sam i na blog nekog manekena ....tip je lud...piše kako nosi suknje od sestre i to svijetloplavu i kaže da mu lijepo stoji...samo ga je još uvijek sram nosit suknju u javnosti....ide redovito u solarij,u šoping,čupa obrve..a kad ga je ostaavila cura reko je:Pao sam u duboku depresiju, posegnuo za omiljenim Dorina čokoladama i udebljao sam se 700 grama. Previše slatkog natjeralo mi je bubuljicu na nosu. Dobro da je tu max factor koji spašava stvar. Slušao sam mračnu muziku, nosio tamnu odjeću, crne pume i pio Heineken bar po 4 boce na dan (kao Brad Pitt!). Čak sam istaknuo oči crnom olovkom. Sve zbog neizmjerne tuge. Sutra bojim kosu u crno.... Nema više plavih pramenova na lijepoj, svijetlosmeđoj lelujavoj kosi. ...itd...tip stvarno nije normalan..
poludila sam danas...stari mi sere da ću od sada matišu morat vježbat svaki dan ako želim imat šta mu je nije to upisala..očito da se moram pomirit sa teškom sudbinom ove 4 godine...why????
...i da Petra i Sanja...ono buđenje između 10-11 sati nije baš bilo ugodno...neki ljudi vikendom spavaju do 13-14...ali nema beda,nisam ljuta nego sam kad ste me nazvale shvatila da je došla nedjelja...=(...ja bi rađe bila ko Crnogorac,oni skoro niš ne rade...hihi...ja sam čula...kao....kod njih su subota i nedjelja svakako neradni dani,ponedjeljak je dan za odmor od odmora....utorak je priprema za rad...srijedu rade...četvrtak odmor od rada,a petak kao priprema za odmor...još su pitali daj je kao i srijeda radna...mislim to je samo vic...ali zamislite da je stvarno tako i onda još neka srijeda da je nitko sretniji od mene...i tako...see ya ...peace...

....ŠljoKiCe I gLaMuR SloVeNštIne...

evo me...vratili smo se iz Slovenštine...bilo je tak tak...prvo sam se jutros gadno sjebala jer sam se ustala u 4 i mislila da se moram spremat za put...da hm...i tako mi krenuli...prvo smo išli u neku Postojsku jamu ok je tamo ....stalaktiti... stalagmiti i tako to...onda smo išli u postojgrad ili kak već...neki dvorac ...ful lijep pogled s njega...i još je padao snijeg...ful je bio ugođaj i po`...i neka ženska nam je pričala priču o tome...a najjače mi je bilo kad je rekla da je njihov tadašnji car bio ubijen topom dok je obavljao nuždu na WC-u...a jadan...čovjek ni na wc-u nema mira...a jebiga...onda smo kao krenuli u Ljubljanu...u kojoj naravno nismo bili...uglavnom mi smo imali dogovor da ćemo tamo ići poslije 2 kad prođu neke demonstracije...mislim si ja bolje bi bilo da smo im se pridružili...onda kad smo "išli" u Ljubljanu...snijeg nas je zaustavio...bus od C razreda je odsklizo s ceste pa je morala dolazit neka velika ralica po njega da ga izvuće...a jadni dečki iz našeg razreda su im morali pomoć u kopanju...iako nisu jer su se samo grudali...a mi smo ko budale morali čekat C razred i još se nismo smjeli pomaknut,glasnije pričat ili slušat muziku jer bi se i mi zabili u neko drvo kako je bilo sklisko i mokro..naš PAMETNI šofer Alen je stao nasred ceste koja je imala ful veliku nizbrdicu...ful smo se usrali jer je bus sklizao dok je stajao i dok smo mi bili u njemu...posljedica svim ovim sranjima je bila kiša koja je zamjenila padanje kraju smo se s našom "EKSTRA PAMETNOM" vodičkinjom koja bi uvijek počela pričat kad bi bila neka ful zakon pjesma , da nećemo u Ljubljanu nego BTS ili kao već neki šoping centrovi...tamo smo prvo išli na kavu da se razbudimo i ugrijemo...i onda smo si kao išli kupit nešto ...a ono niš nema baš jadno...nekim frendicama sam neš kupila..a sebi sam kupila kiler,mislila sam si i kupit crne adidaske s bijelim crtama koje tražim već 3-4 godine.,ali ipak nisam jer sam mislila da će mi stara srat...a na kraju je rekla ZAŠTO SI IH NISI KUPILA??...a niš onda...u našoj drgoj susjednoj Sloveniji smo se smrzli ko pičke i smočili do kože...neki su čarape i tenisice sušili u je smrdilo...a u busu grijanje stavili na 160 umrli od vručine...znači da zaključim izlet je bio sranje, a jedino dobro je bilo društvo i ta naša zajebancija...hehe ....Dolly ja i ...kaput i šljokice...Dadilja...heh...mogle bi to ponovit koji put...a u neke ljude sam se ful razočarala...ONI I NjIHOV PROKLETI FILM....znaju koji su to...televiziju možeš i doma gledat...i da odužit ćete mi se za ono pjevanje...jedino Sanja i Mateo ne baš mi je trebalo da pjevam pred svima na mikrofon...daa jadne vaše uši...a Paukovićka mi je rekla da će me prijavit onoj iz glazbenog na zbor jer dobro pjevam....e ako budem morala na zbor mrtvi ste....i nesto mi je CD od HLADNOG PIVA ŠAMAR-pametna vodičkinja mi ga je izgubila...ima li ko da mi ga sprži???PLIIIIZ...joj sad sam se sjetila dvorca u nekom postojgradu ....JUPI OSTVARIT ĆE MI SE ŽELJA...a vi ju vjerovatno znate...hehe...i onaj helijski balon baš i nije djelovao ...sjebo vas je prodavač...onda kad smo se vratili u Ri veliko iznenađenje:POPLAVA...savršeno...kad bi malo jače padalo pa možda ne bi bilo škole u ponedjeljak...da bar...MAKNULA SAM SLIKE JER SU SE NEKI NALJUTILI NA NAS....
ting at e da i želim se ispričat jednoj osobi:DODOTU sori šta sam sumnjala u tebe..nadam se da se ne ljutiš...i tako opet proš vikend...ajde valjda ću nekako odgurat još tih 20-ak dana š da mi se više....DRUŠTVO IZ RAZREDA: VOLIM VAS I SAMO ZBOG VAS MI JE OVAJ IZLET BIO ZAKON...JER STE TAKO JEBENO DOBRI...idem ja slušat malo

25.11.2005., petak


Već je i petak došao...sutra je izlet...nisam uopće HAPPY baš sam nekako u bedu...i niš mi se ne da...u neke sam se ljude ful razočarala...a jebiga boli me briga...neću se brinut oko toga...
Is anybody listening?
Can they hear me when I call?
I'm shooting signals in the air,
'Cause I need somebody's help
I can't make it on my own,
So I'm givin' up myself
Is anybody listenin', listenin'?
I've been stranded here and I'm miles away
Making signals hoping they save me
I lock myself inside these walls
'Cause out there I'm always wrong
I don't think I'm gonna make it
So while I'm sitting here on the eve of my defeat
I write this letter and hope it saves me
Is anybody listening?
Can they hear me when I call?
Shooting signals in the air
'Cause I need somebody's help
I can't make it on my own
So I'm givin' up myself
Is anybody listenin', listenin'?
I'm stuck in my own head and I'm oceans away
Would anybody notice if I chose to stay?
I'll send an S.O.S. tonight
And wonder if I will survive
How in the hell did I get so far away this time?
So now I'm sitting here
The time of my departure's near
I say a prayer please, someone save me
I'm lost here
I can't make it on my own
I don't wanna die alone
I'm so scared
Drowning now
Reaching out
Holding on to everything I know
Crying Out
Dying now
Need some help
Is anybody listenin'?
Can they hear me when I call?
Shooting signals in the air
I need somebody's help
I can't make it on my own
I'm givin' up myself
Is anybody listenin'?

24.11.2005., četvrtak

...And I wiLL nOT Be fEdd by tHe LieSSS...

...još malo pa će vikend...jedva čekam...nisam baš nešto posebno uzbuđena zbog izleta u Ljubljanu kao drugi...mislim 100% će nam bit zakon i ta sranja,ali neću vidjet svoju malu Sandru,baš ju miSSam jer ne idemo u istu školu pa se vidimo samo preko vikenda...jebiga... evo danas sam spavala punih 14 sati od 23 do 13...baš sam se lijepo naspavala...školu smo imali u 13.15. ali ja nisam išla na tjelesni...nije mi se dalo ...nisam luda da idem..a i prehlađena sam i raste mi umnjak pa sve boli i ne mogu niš jest ni pit...i tako ...čim sam došla doma malo sam nazvala Sandrić i išla riješavat latinski...joj tako sam ljuta...ali dosta o školi...
evo moram spomenut malo svoju Asjić kao što sam joj obećala i stavit ću joj jednu pjesmu od Nirvane....
RAPE ME - nadam se da voliš ovu pjesmu...a ovo je i za ANU
Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me, again
I'm not the only one[4x]
Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend
I'm not the only one [4x]
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me, again
I'm not the only one [4x]
Rape me! [17x]

PoZZdrav: Petra,Sandra,Nika,Iva,Ana,Asja,Petra,Dorotea,Stella,Monika,Sanja,Maja,Jelena,Bruno,Damjan,Mateo,Kim,Đina,Katarina,Lidija,Marina...I hope I didn`t forget somebody...see ya..

23.11.2005., srijeda

...something isn`t right...I can feel it again...

@lo,šta ima?Danas mi je baš zakon dan iako sam crknuta jer sam spavala samo 4 sata....težak je život...sinoć sam bila u Točki...bilo je super...nisam se ide mi u zadnje vrijeme postala sam izržljiva,ali nije ni čudno kad pijem od petog osnovne...najbolje mi je bilo kad je DJ pustio Lifestyles of the rich & famous,a zatim poslije toga American idiot...a prije je bila i pjesma Boulevard of broken dreams...puštali su i Hladno pivo...njih stvarno nisam dugo slušala...a znaš koji veći gabor...stvarno nisam vidjela nikog zgodnog...srela sam i ljude koje nisam jako dugo vidjela...uglavnom bilo je kraju sam prespavala kod Sandre...morale smo se ustat rano jersu oni imali školu u 8.30 pa sam ja otišla doma dovršit seminarski iz likovnog...i onda sam imala u 10.30 radionicu iz MATIŠE- na kraju sam ipak otišla na matišu jer su svi išli na smo imali do 11.45 pa smo se išli malo klošarit po gradu tj .išli smo se najest zdrave hrane u McDonaldsu...onda su svi otišli doma, a ja u PRHG po Sandru...srela sam i Ančicu BTW....sori za cedeje....i onda smo išli u Bižu...i tako sam došla doma i odlučila spavat cijeli dan...jer sam ukomirana i umorna od Točke...
Evo i jedna pjesma za blagdanske dane koji dolaze:(pjevajte je u stilu Zvončića)
pimpek moj,pimpek moj
samo hrabro stoj
hrabro stoj,hrabro svoj
ničeg se ne boj!!!!!!!!!!
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21.11.2005., ponedjeljak I screwed up again...I wasn`t paying attention...

Oi!!!!Već je završio ponedjeljak...napokon...sutra u 2 imamo neku predstavu u "svečanoj dvorani" koju naravno ide skoro cijeli razred samo da ne gleda Paškvanku iz kemije...nije mi jasno koje budale neće ići...čula sam da to traje od 2 do 3 pa onda to znači da nemamo ni tjelesni....=)...predstava će vjerovatno bit jadna pa ne smijem zaboravit discman...i cd od GC-a...hehe,ili ću uzet Green znam.. jedva čekam sutra ...naći ću se sa Sandrom i ekipom pa idemo u Točku...bit će cijela PRHG-za neupućene prva riječka hrv.gimnazija..uglavnom oni isto imaju u srijedu dan škole kao i su se ovi iz trećih i četvrtih razreda dogovorili da "slave" dan škole u Točki...baš zakon...a naša shola...katastrofa ...mi imamo samo neke jadne radionice...a najbolja mi je ova iz matematike..."ja ču održat radionice iz matematike u 10.30 pa dođite djeco" bi joj ja došla da me neko tuče svaki dan...baš je jadna...
Danas je izašao novi OK...tako me živciraju svaka druga stranica je o TOKIJO HOTELU,US 5...onda o nekim luzerima iz sapunica i ostalim pop princezama & dođe mi da nekog tako odalamim...nisu mi ništa stavili o GUD ŠARLOT...š o GRIN DEYU...baš su luzeri...ali zato ja kupujem M u kojem svaki broj ima neš` o je američki časopis...
...zaboravila sam rechi da je mojoj frendici Sandri neka pederčina izbila lechu iz oka kad smo bili u Točki...jadna vidjela je samo pola stvari koje su se događale...ali dobit će ona sad` WORRY BE HAPPY....hehe...
poruke:Sandra:baš me zanima jel ono MEDO!???nemoj pisat niš na ovaj blogh o tome...možeš jedino u šiframa...
Ana : sori u vezi cdeja ja danas nisam morala ići u grad jer sam našla mi ne treba još osobna....sori...
ostali:poZZ....xoxO ...see ya at the show...

...e i ona slika za koju sam pitala jeli to BENJI ili je BENJI jer da malo bolje pogledate vidjeli bi da ima barem piercing na

20.11.2005., nedjelja


Free Image Hosting at
...ovo je meni najdraža marka...DCshoecoUSA ili samo DC ili kako mi iz razreda volimo reći...ĐES` BOLAN...i onda kad nekog vidimo da ima DC majicu,tenisice...kažemo vidi ovaj ima ĐES` BOLAN majicu(tenisice)
i i meni najdraže MADE i LeVel 27 ...ako niste čuli za to...MADE-vode Benji,Joel i Josh Madden, a LeVeL 27- Billy Martin...Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by

...G00D CH@RLOTTe...WiLL lIVe 4eVeR...

Ujutro s@m jedv@ ček@l@ d@ se ust@nem i pogled@m PUNK`d s GC-em...hv@l@ S@ndr@,jedino mi ne r@di on@j drugi video...k@že mi d@ mor@m im@t 18 d@ bi g@ mogl@ pogled@t...b@š su govn@...@ jebig@...i josh neshto za S@ndru:ne brini u vezi onog...sve će bit OK....Free Image Hosting at
slike spotov@:LITTLE THINGSFree Image Hosting at
THE CLICKFree Image Hosting at
FESTIVAL SONGFree Image Hosting at
THE ANTHEMImage Hosted by
GIRLS&BOYSImage Hosted by
THE YOUNG & THE HOPELESSFree Image Hosting at
HOLD ONFree Image Hosting at
PREDICTABLEFree Image Hosting at
I JUST WANNA LIVEImage Hosted by
WE BELIEVEImage Hosted by
E d@, u Točki mi je bilo ful z@kon....mor@m ove iz razred@ n@govorit d@ idu t@mo,@ ne u Tortugu...dddddddddduuuuuuuuuuhhhh..xoxo

19.11.2005., subota


...napokon...subota je,moj najdraži dan...i napokon sam imala vremena da se malo naspavam...malo sam štrebala matišu...da, jer u ponedjeljak pišemo jebeni ispit iz kojeg ću nadam se pobrat 2...gledala sam opet Bullet in a bible od Green daya i Live at Brixton academy od GC-a...sretna sam jer danas idem u Točku na Ri rock...valjda neće bit dosadno...a najviše me razveselilo kad mi je Asja javila da će ić večeras i da će Stella,-ae,f doć...=),..i Ana... jedino sam tužna jer neće Monika, mora u Zg...a jebiga ...a vi ostali koji nećete doć večeras miSSam vas...nisam vam duuuugo ništa pisala o najjebenijoj,najboljoj,sve NAJ grupi na svijetu (tako barem ja i Sandra mislimo) ...u zadnje vrijeme stalno razmišljam kad će im izaći novi album...a oni su tek počeli pisat pjesme,nadam se da će se moć kupit do ljeta 2006 jer ću umrijet..i onda će počet ako budu negdje blizu kao npr.Italija,Mađarska,Slovenija,Njemačka...idem...ali ne znam kako ću ja to dočekat...baš sam brojala koliko imam slika i postera od GC-a i GD-a na zidu...od GD-a imam samo 16, a od GC-a 70...jebote,morat ću još koju sliku zaljepii...sad sam se sjetila da sam 4.11. preko AMAZONA naručila neku knjigu od GC-a i još mi nije došla...baš sam ljuta na njih...nije mi jasno kako je Sanja svoju nardžbu tako brzo dobila...a naručila sam i MADE majicu prije mjesec dana ni ona mi nije došla...jebiga neće me sreća...=(=(=(...Sandra see ya at 19.30....

18.11.2005., petak

...let me go...have some fun...=)

Oi!!!!Šta ima kako ste?Ja sam danas jako mi je jako čudno...valjda jer je vikend..a i izbrojala sam da imamo još 25 dana škole bez vikenda....ZAKON!!!!Jedva čekam praznike...kao i svake godine...hehe..u školi je bilo ok pisali smo engleski...a valjda sam dobro napisala...onda latinski...nije pitala...i matiša koju smo vježbali jer pišemo ispit u ponedjeljak...čak sam znala riješit cijela 3 zadatka...krenulo mi je...=)=)=)=)=)=)...da i jučer sam dobila iz geografije 5...pitala me i iz hrvatskog 2 iz zadaćnice...kuja!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ali nema beda i 2 je pozitivno...e da i jučer nisam niš pisala jer sam imala puuuuno za učit...baš sam sretna jer je NAPOKON RI ROCK...danaas sam htjela ići,ali moju best frendicu Sandru neće pustit i danas i sutra ćemo večeras malo prošetat po gradu i vidit šta ima novog...stvarno nisam duuuugo bila u gradu...a u subotu idemo na Ri rock u Točku....i tako nema ničeg novog...danas sam išla i u Sandrinu školu PRHG i htjela ostat na biologiji,ali su pisali ispita pa sam ipak otišla..a imali smo planove da da se na ispitu potpišem kao Fata Jebačica...ali niš od našeg plana...a baš sam se tome veselila...onda sam išla u Dallas i kupila remen na GREEN DAY(=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=))...i onda sam krenula doma,ali sam srela smo se malo ispričale...tipica je baš zakon...evo to je to od mene za danas...još samo poZZdravi...Petra(OG),Sandra,Asja,Dorotea koja nam je bubana...FALIŠ NAM...Monika,Nika,Cone girl,Marina iz medicinske,Ana,Sanja,Jelena,Maja,Stella,Petrić-BENJI,Kim,Vedrana,Bojana,Đina,Katarina,Lidija,Marina,Matea,Dora koja mi je cigarom skoro spalila oko...Bruno,Damjan, ja se nadam da nisam nikog zaboravila..a ako jesam SOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYYY =)=)=)=....SEE YA...xoxo
And we've been here for so many years
Still it seems as if you're not there (are you there?)
Everytime I talk, you turn away (do you care?)
Isn't dad an obligation to care?
And we've been here, for so many years
So many years still it complicated (yeah)
Overrated (alright)
Complicated...well this feeling is love
Well I came in the door, yeah I said it before
I never let the stress get me down no more
Giving thanks to the Lord you know I pray everyday
Giving shots to my peeps, and this is what we said
You left us one little room with a black and white TV
One eviction notice and a bill for therapy
You're living all alone you're like a dog without a bone
You're living all alone because you left us all at home
Well you had a second chance but you threw it all away
A fourth and fifth and sixth, but that was yesterday
Now you're sitting at a bar just drowning in your tears
Lonely in the corner while everybody cheers

Ej Sanja ovo ti je pjesma koju sluša ona iz engleskog...I voli predictable...

16.11.2005., srijeda


danas neću pričat puno o školi...samo ću reć da me niš nije pitalo...bilo je jako dosadno...nemam danas šta puno za napisat jer moram učit...jebiga...ali dobroje to što u ova 3 dana nisam knjigu otvorila...Stavila sam vam moj najdraži spot od GOOD CHARLOTTE...WE je tako jebeno dobra je meni i Sandri ..."himna"...ako želite pjevat riječi su vam sa$$$ pa si pišemo...pozdrav svima koje znam, pozdraf i GOOD CHARLOTTE...kad bi oni bar došli na ovu stranicu...šmrc...xoxo

Video code provided by Yashi

15.11.2005., utorak

=)....pozdrav VEDRANI....happy???

joj kako je danas bilo dosadno u školi....zadnji sat sam skoro zaspala...jebiga kad je Paškvanka dosadna..ali dosta o školi...jedino što sam htjela reći u vezi škole je: danas sam pročitala u novinama kako je u mojoj bivšoj školi neki novi profesor pretukao nekog malog iz 7.razreda...baš me zanima koji je taj mali...ja sam umrla od smijeha kad sam to vidjela...a jebiga...
danas sam malo otišla u grad poslije škole do Meka i u robnu kuću te sam kupila na 4.katu DVD/CD od GREEN DAYA...BULLET IN A BIBLE...zakon je...čim sam došla doma morala sam to pogledat...Free Image Hosting at
a sada malo o Billiyu iz GC-a tj.o OVERFLOWu...
Overflow started when Billy and J. D. starting writing songs together around December of 1995, they were looking for a drummer with the same influences for a long time, they met a friend fro their neighborhood who had just moved into the neighborhood and started jamming with him, but their music styles clashed and decided it was a bad idea. About 3 months later, in September, they met Steve at school. It was around Steve's birthday and he was getting a drumset from his Uncle as a present. Steve said he'd played drums in the school bad for a few months so he had some clue as how to play. It turns out he really didn't. So as soon as Steve got his drums Billy and J. D. moved their equipment over to Steves' and started playing. They wrote a song that night called "Nothing To Say", which was dropped soon after. They found out Steve knew hardly anything at all about playing drums, but continued writing as best they could. Eventually with some lessons and time Steve improved tremendously, and was able to play with the band better. That night Steve's older brother came home and walked into his basement and was shocked to find his brother in a band, and he asked the famous question, "What are you guys called?" and they replied with "We don't have a name." So Steve's brother started blurting out stupid names such as "Elephant Dolphins" and many other stupid names until he said "How about 'Fruits overflowing with juices?" and the band all agreed the Overflow part was cool and has stuck with the name since. They all were into Silverchair at the time and they were a very heavy influence in there songs at the time. The band went through about 15 or so songs until they finally ended up with 8 songs that they played at their first gig on May 30th, 1997. The crowd gave the band mixed reactions, some didn't like them, some labeled them as "Silverchair wannabes", but enough people liked the band for them to keep going. They continued to write songs and play gigs throughout '97. As time went on the band went through its tags of metal, hip-hop, rock and finally settled on agressive pop-rock sound.
i slikica...Free Image Hosting at

14.11.2005., ponedjeljak

...wake me up when september ends...

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends
like my fathers come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends
summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends
ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when september ends
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends
like my father's come to pass
twenty years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends

[B]evo samo za tebe...jedan dečko[/B]


evo danas je škola prošla ok...matematiku sam nešto skužila...možda iz ispita izvučem kakvu dvojku...onda hrvatski i Draga Žunac....duuuuuuuhhh..hvala bogu nije me pitala jer bi pobrala takav komad...e i povijest...koja dosada...ali ajde barem pederčina nije ništa pitao...i tako je svih jebenih 6 sata prošlo...ja sam danas tako htjela u grad ali ni jedna moja frendica nije htjela ići pa sam išla doma...jebiga...onda kad sam došla doma sam naravno gledala DVD VIDEO COLLECTION od GOOD CHARLOTTE..
Od onog partya od jučer još uvijek ne mogu pričat...jedva...ukomirana sam...pozdraf svima iz razreda te Marini iz medicinske,Hrcya,Đinu...Sandri...kiisss....duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh...idem ja slušat GC...ciao

...nešto lijepo sam noćas sanjala...oi!!!!!

13.11.2005., nedjelja

i zaboravih reć...

Kupila sam novi Huper i bio je poster od GOOD CHARLOTTE i od GREEN DAYA ,ful sam happy....
e i evo slika od Urbana,tip tako jebeno dobro pjeva...Image Hosted by
Ostao sam sasvim sam da lezim na suncu
Ja zvao sam te da dodes iz snova i pruzis mi ruku
Ja molio sam da se napune moja mora i rijeke
U njima jos jednom da osjetim novu ljubav da tece.
I pjevam
Budi moja voda, ja sam sada vatra
Prolij se po meni, budi sve sto zelim
Ja zivjecu.
Ostao sam sasvim sam da lezim na suncu
Ja zvao sam te da dodes iz snova i pruzis mi ruku
Ja znao sam da ces doci, doci i donijeti kisu
Ja cekao sam kao suha zemlja kad ceka svoju vodu.
I pjevam
Budi moja voda, ja sam sada vatra
I kazem
Prolij se po meni, budi sve sto zelim
Ja zivjecu. da,rođendan..

Baš mije bilo zakon jučer na Sandrinom rođendanu...ja sam se oko 15h našla s njom u gradu da kupimo cole,sokove i smoki,čips i to...zatim smo otišle kod nje doma da napravim neki cd mix tako da ima za svakog nešto...jer neki ljudi slušaju punk,neki metal,neki hip hop...A NEKI GOOD CHARLOTTE, uglavnom mi lijepo napravile mix i stavile da se sprži...i onda smo išle provjerit dal radi...tako nas je sjebao taj cd ,na kraju nije radio...tako smo bile ljute jer smo na to potrošile sat vremena,na kraju smo odlučile da čemo samo uzet cde i mijenjat ih...onda je bilo vrijeme da maknemo sve stakleno...i onda smo se oko 17.15 sjetile da moramo po tortu,cugu i cigarete...jer su frendovi trebali doći oko 18...onda smo pretrčale pola grada da bi stigle doma barem 15 min prije 18...bilo je zakon svi su se ful napili,a po cigarete sam morala 2 puta u trgovinu...čudno da mi je tipica dala cigarete kad sam bila pijana...a jadna žena...stan je bio katastrofalno prljav,votka,vino,piva su bili proliveni na svestrane,opušci po svuda na podu,ali ono rođendan je jebiga,a muzika je bila tako glasna...čudim se da se susjedi nisu žalili...ja i Đina smo se ful uživile na neki rock-metal mix...trebalo nas je snimat...a Matea je ležala na podu,ja sam mislila da je mrtva...tako mi je bilo drago šta je bila Marina jer mi je bila jedna od best frendica,a sad se skoro nikad ne vidimo...jebiga škola je jebena...a Nika ti kad si pijana skačeš ko neka razigrana djevojčica...a Damjan ...bolje da ne pričam o njemu...on je svih stalno ljubio,proljevao,plesao s metlom i glumio kokoš....a da i prdio ...da i bila mi je dobra njegova izjava:ISPRDIO SAM SAV ALKOHOL...ja ka sam to čula skoro sam umrla...a Dora pazi malo kako držiš cigarete drugi put jer ću ostat bez oka,malo si me spržila,ali sad mi je oko ok...kad su svi otišli ja i Sandra smo malo išle na chat,a onda smo do 6 ujutro spremale kuću,jer nismo znale kad joj starci dolaze,ja sam crkla,nisam nikad spremala ko jutros...mi smo ko luđakinje od 4-6 spremale kuću,a oko 5 i po smo išče odnjet smeće...ja sam mrtva...starci su ujutro došli po mene oko 10.30 ja sam se jedva ustala...majicu sam ostavila kod Sandre jel sam ga zalila vinom...i tako sada jedva držim oči otvorene a moram učit jer imam školu ujutro...jebiga...TEŽAK JE ŽIVOT...evo neke pjesme u koje sam se jučer ful uživila.....e da i dopisujem se na mob s nekim amerikancem...ima neki ful čudan br moba...

Reach out and touch faith

Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus...
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Reach out and touch faith

Hide your face forever
Dream and search forever
Have you ever been for sale ?
When your isms get smart
Oh so selfish and mindless
With that comment in your eye
Do you think that you are hard ?
Really harder than the other
Man you’re acting cold
If you are not in charge
Don’t split your mentality
Without thinking twice
Your voice has got no reason
Now is the time to face your lies
Open your eyes, open your mind
Proud like a God don’t pretend to be blind
Trapped in yourself, break out instead
Beat the machine that works in your head
Will you offer me some tricks
If I ever need them
Would you go into that room
If I call ’em
Do you think that you are better
Really better than the rest
Realize there’s a problem
I know that you can give your best
Have you ever had a dream?
Or is life just a trip?
A trip without chances
A chance to grow up quick
Open your eyes, open your mind ...
Hide your face forever
Dream and search forever
Night and night you feel nothing
There’s no way outside of my land
Open your eyes, open your mind ...

How long how long will I slide
Separate my side I don’t
I don’t believe it’s bad
Slit my throat
It’s all I ever
I heard your voice through a photograph
I thought it up it brought up the past
Once you know you can never go back
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Centuries are what it meant to me
A cemetery where I marry the sea
Stranger things could never change my mind
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Take it on the otherside
Take it on
Take it on
Pour my life into a paper cup
The ashtray’s full and I’m spillin’ my guts
She wants to know am I still a slut
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Scarlet starlet and she’s in my bed
A candidate for my soul mate bled
Push the trigger and pull the thread
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Take it on the otherside
Take it on
Take it on
Turn me on take me for a hard ride
Burn me out leave me on the otherside
I yell and tell it that
It’s not my friend
I tear it down I tear it down
And then it’s born again
How long I don’t believe it’s bad
Slit my throat
It’s all I ever

12.11.2005., subota

naPokoN vIkeeNd...

Evo napokon je došao moj najdraži dan u tjednu...baš sam happy jer mi frendica SANDRA slavi rođendan..jedva čekam,bit će zakon...morat ću ići kod nje ranije da joj pomognem pospremit jer znate već kad su rođendani...alkohol i lomljive stvari nikako ne idu zajedno...P.S. Sandra još jedanput HAPPY BITHDAY...
...sinoć sam bila u Tortugi...bilo mi je OK...ko` svaki put...pijem,pijem a nikako da se napijem..već sam postala jako otporna,ali to nije dobro jer ću morat trošit više para kad idem van...a čuj jebeno je to...a sad pozdravi:SANDRA(naravno),IVA,NIKA,MAJA,DOROTEA,ASJA,PETRA,MONIKA,SANJA,JELENA,STELLA(zašto nisi došla u Tortugu?),MATEO,BRUNO-pijandura,KATARINA,ANA,MARINA...MATIJA...i pardoniram onima koje sam zaboravila...danas sam baš nekako happy i stalno pjevam pjesmu EAST COAST ANTHEM...od GC-a evo pjevajte sa mnom...xoxo

Walkin' on the streets of DC
on the East Coast - where I live
you say "what's the problem?"
"what's with this angry kid?"
You dont like the way I walk
or the way I talk,
or the way I swing my hands,
you dont like the words I speak,
or the thoughts I think
and I know you'll never understand.

You know,
on the East Coast we ride until we die
you know
well there's a place inside my mind, yeah
a place you'll never find
there's a place inside my mind
walk this way
you know.

And wouldn't it be perfect
if I could sit with you?
and we would change a thing or two?
we'd change a thing or two?
we would change the way you think
we would change the way I think
we cant change the way they think
so we're not changin' anything
you know

on the East Coast we ride until we die
you know
well there's a place inside my mind, yeah
a place you'll never find
there's a place inside my mind
we leave today
you know


'cause on the east coast, we ride until the day we die

well there's a place inside my mind yeah
a place you'll never find
there's a place inside my mind
walk this way
there's a place inside my mind yeah
a place you'll never find
theres a place inside my mind
we leave today
you know

10.11.2005., četvrtak



Billy: you heard me?

waldorf, naptown ,worldwide
Come on, get up, get up, get up,
Come on, (yeah)
Break it,break it, break it down(tiki tiki)
Everything’s gonna be alright now
Everything’s gonna be alright
Get down, stay up all night now
Lets do this one more time
Everyday will be alright, alright
Bring it, bring it in what?
Bring in, the Verse…(uh)

Listen up 'cause there ain't nothin' funny,
I wanna hot girl and a little bit of money,
I wanna little house where my band can live,
'Cause we're tired of movin' every other weekend,
I wanna go to parties where they got no guns,
I wanna rock with my band I wanna have a little fun,
With thugs and punks and any other type,
Can sing this song and we'll sing it all night (sing it!)

Everything's gonna be alright now,
Everything's gonna be alright,
Get down stay up all night now,
Let's do this one more time,
Everything will be alright
Everything will be alright, alright

All I wanna do is kick the welfare,
All I wanna do is get my share,
All I wanna do is kick the welfare,
All I wanna do is get my share,
And I don't wanna run for the president,
I just want an honest way to pay my rent,
And I'm tired of the man always shuttin' us down,
Tired of my old man 'cause he's never around,
And I'm tired of eating off of other people's plates,
And I don't look important so they're tellin' me to wait,
Police records said they wouldn't exist,
I wanna know the meaning of a Christmas list,
Said all I wanna do is kick the welfare,
All I wanna do is get my share,(tiki tiki tiki)
All I wanna do is make somethin' from nothin',
It's GC baby and we're workin' with somethin',(said)


We'll be self-made millionaires,
These lives we'll lead without a care,
Oh yeah,
And we'll see what we'll be,
Everything's gonna be alright now,
Everybody say oh yeah that's right,
Everything's gonna be alright now,
Everybody say it one more time,
Everything will be alright,
(alright, alright... etc)
We'll see you when we get there,
We'll see you when we get there,
On the video,
Or the radio,
In the magazines,
On the movie screens


Spend your lazy, endless crazy, days inside my head
You’re so selfish, you’re not the only, one who thinks he’s dead
I’m paid to smile, now I’m on trial, for what you think I said,

But I never said, that everything, would be ok
And I never said, that we would live, to see another day,

Motivate me, I wanna get myself out of this bed
Captivate me, I want good things inside of my head
If I fall down, would you come around, and pick me right up off the ground
(repeat once more)

Unrealistic, un-artistic, you say I’m selfish, and absurd
You try to change me, try to save me, you say I’m gonna learn
I’m so blind, I’m out of time, you’re so un-kind, sometimes
I never lied, I never lied, I never lied,


Cause I never said, that everything, would be ok
And I never said, that we would live, to see another day, yeah, yeah,


(guitar solo)

Cause everything, it’ll be ok, you know we’re gonna live, to see another day,
Yeah, yeah

Motivate me
(benji)- I wanna get myself out of this...
Motivate me, yeah
(benji)- I wanna get myself out of this...
Motivate me
(benji)- I wanna get myself out of this...
Motivate me, yeah
(benji)- I wanna get myself out of this, bed!

(rock-out part)

...Još nešto..o..

prije benda GOOD CHARLOTTE bio je JOEL,BENJI AND BRIAN BAND, u to bandu bubnjar je bio Brian,Benji gitarist a Joel je pjevao i svirao bas.ali Brian je dobio virusnu infekciju pa je napustio band...zatim je nastao GOOD CHARLOTTE..ime:po knjizi Carol B.York...GC je stalno mijenjao bubnjare: evo sad ću vam ih sve reć...
1.Aaron Escolopio Free Image Hosting at
2.Josh Freese Free Image Hosting at 3.Dusty Brill Image Hosted by
4.Cyrus Bolooki Free Image Hosting at
5.Phil Robinson Free Image Hosting at
6.Chris Wilson Free Image Hosting at
7.Dean Butterworth Image Hosted by

...HaPpY bIrThDaY sAnDrIć...

evo prošla je ponoć,a to znači da mojoj SANDRICI napokon 15 ročkas...
...ova osoba me upravo nazvala i rekla da ovo nikom ne smijem reći: ja tako jako volim SANDRIĆ ,mislim da bih umro bez nje...i poslao ti je milijun pussica...
i love u...see u..kissich...xoxo

09.11.2005., srijeda

A sAd MaLo O nAjsAvRšEnIjEm BeNdU nA sVijEtU...=P

Evo neke zanimljivosti.......
Paul:njegov nadimak je St. Paul,najdraža kuhinja mu je talijanska,najdraža serija Simpsoni, najdraže pahuljice Golden grahams,najzgodnija ženska Christina Ricci,najdraži restoran The palm in NYC, najdraža porno zvijezda Mint Chocolate Cream,voli Shakespeara i voli pisat poeziju....
Billy: nadimak mu je Lil` Billy, najdraža hrana su mu pizza,hrana s maslacom od kikirikija,sushi,bean burritos,najzgodnije trebe su mu Angelina Jolie,Mandy Moore, j.lo, C.Aguilera,,voli hrčke,najdraži super heroj mu je Batman,pije je bio u bandu OWERFLOW...,on je vegeterijanac,napravio je prvu tetovažu BENJIJU,starci su mu razvedeni,najdraži band mu je SILVERCHAIR, radio je u mekdonalcu,pizzerii...
Joel: nadimak mu je Sickboy, BOBO, visok je oko 179, najdraža boja mu je crna i baby plava,voli Simpsone,Seindfielda,South park,NY,Božić,2paca, najdraži super heroj Spiderman,hoda s HILARI DAF...vegeterijanac je,istetovirao je BENJIJEVO ime na koljeno,jede ketchup sa svime,koristi kaladont mentadent, zgodna mu je Natalie imbruglia,boji se mraka...
Benji:sam se podučavao kako svirat električnu gitaru kada je imao 16, ima psa Cashdoga,a pas ima curu koja se zove Elsie...vegeterijanac je..nadimci su mu:BENJ,BENJI,KID VICIOUS,BENJAHOLE I LIL`BEN BEN...visok je oko 174, najdraža hrana pizza i free food..najdraži broj 9,naj školski predmet povijest i engleski,a najgori matiša,najzgodnija treba Jessica Biel,naj boja crna i baby blue,naj pahuljice Boo berny i Count Chocula,naj blagdan božić,plakao je dok je pisao pjesmu Emotinless,stariji je 5 min od Joela,ima 5 vjerskih tetovaža..naj piće dijetna cola..naj film Sid & Nancy...
i tako...evo vam slika od Casha..
...nije li presladak?

..ah ta sholica..

danas je shola prošla ok...nije me pitala eng,ali me pitala biologiju iz koje sam dobila 4 i 5 (nitko sretniji od mene, nije mi jasno kako sam uspjela dobit tako dobre ocjene kad skoro nisam nishta znala...) ali me MELBICA sjebala s iznenadnim ispitom koji ću nadam se pobrat duju...a ona kučketina iz informatike je takva kuja...stalno mi neš sere u stilu kao ti nikad ne pratiš,nikad ne slušaš,nikad ne pišeš,samo pričaš...niš ne znaš i tako to..te mi je napisala opomenu...jedva čekam da završim prvi raz da ju ne moram gledat...mrš...evo ja sutra idem u Zagreb malo shoppingirat..a neke frendice iz raz idu s kujom iz info u zg na velesajam,pa se možda vidimo...baš sam happy jer shutra neću morat gledat DRAGU ŽUNAC I KOMPANI...hehe...jadni vi u sholici...žalim vas...evo sad želim pozdravit neke ljude...posebno ANU ...nadam se da se ne ljutiš na mene...onda još Sandru,Ivu,Niku,Petru,Doroteu,Moniku,Stellu, Sanju,Maju,Jelenu,Asju,Brunota,Damjana,Matea....see u...xoxo

08.11.2005., utorak


07.11.2005., ponedjeljak


Free Image Hosting at
...zaboravila sam spomenut da imam ishtu kapu kao Benji...od Vansa...
Free Image Hosting at
...kapa se može vidjet na owoj slici..ali slabo,ja imam oko 15 slika na kojoj nosi tu kapu...neke na kojima se bolje vidi,ne želi primit...xoxo

...mAlO sLiKicA...=)

Free Image Hosting at Evo GC s bivšim bubnjaron Chrisom...jebote tip je tako jebeno dobro svirao...šteta što se razbolio...
Free Image Hosting at ovo je Paul Thomas - basist
Free Image Hosting at
...a ovo je Billy Martin -klavijature i gitara...
Free Image Hosting at ...e da,ovo su twinsi...Benji i Joel Madden
Image Hosted by Madden - vokal, ali zna svirat i bas...
Free Image Hosting at na kraju Benji Madden - glavni gitarist i vokal...xoxo

Ponedjeljak je ... početak svakog jebenog tjedna,a ja ne idem u školu...ajde to mi je uljepšalo znači da su mi preostala još "samo" 4 dana do vikenda...evo, ja se jutros ustanem,upalim laptop da malo pogledam DVD Live at Brixton Academy...kad ono DVD ne ja sam mislila bacit laptop s balkona...ja to gledam skoro svaki dan, nije mi jasno kako ću sada preživjet...jer dok ja to naručim,dok to dođe...svi će umrijet...mislim nije mi ni čudno što se to pokvarilo kad ga gledam skoro svaki dan,ali možda još proradi...ako ne onda ću gledat DVD VIDEO COLLECTON (isto od GC-a,naravno),a i nadam se da će danas doći poštar...jer sam prije 2-3 tjedna preko interneta naručila CD MAXIMUM (GOOD CHARLOTTE) i majicu MADE (to je marka obitelji MADdEn)...i tako...


Like the time in school when we got free lunch,
and the cool kids beat us up ( reduced lunch)
and the rich kids had convertibles
and we had to ride the bus ( 55)
like the time we made the baseball team,
but they still laughed at us ( you still suck)
like the time that girl broke up with me
cause I wasn't cool enough ( Trip)

The little things,
little things they always hang around
the little things
little things they try to break me down
the little things
little things they just wont go away
the littles things
little things made me who i am today

you wanna hate me now
but I wont stop now cause
I can't stop now...

verse 2:
like the time mom went to that institue
cause she was breaking down
( I just can't take it)
like the car we had that wouldn't start we had to walk to get around
( can I get a ride?)
and that same year on christmas eve
dad went to the store
(uhh..see you guys later)
we checked his room his things were gone
we didn't see him no more (dick)


06.11.2005., nedjelja

NeŠhtO šta sam pRimjeTHila...

Danas sam malo slušala Warning od Green daya pa sam shvatila da im se 8. pjesma zove HOLD ON, isto kao i 8. pjesma na albumu THE YOUNG AND THE HOPELESS od GOOD CHARLOTTE-a ...

HOLD ON - green day

As I stepped to the edge
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
With my conscience beating
Like the pulse of a drum
That hammers on and on
Until I reach the break of the day
As the sun beats down
The halfway house
Has my conscience beating
The sound in my ear
The will to persevere
As I reach the break of the day

When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You gotta hold on
Hold on to yourself

A cry of hope
A plea for peace
And my conscience beating
It's not what I want for
It's all that I need
To reach the break of the Day
So I run to the edge
Beyond the shadows of a doubt
With my conscience bleeding
Here lies the truth
The lost treasures of my youth
As I hold on to the break of the day

When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You gotta hold on
Hold on to yourself

When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You gotta hold on
You gotta hold on
Hold on
Hold on to yourself

HOLD ON - good charlotte

This world, this world is cold
But you don’t, you don’t have to go
You’re feeling sad you’re feeling lonely
And no one seems to care
You’re mother’s gone and your father hits you
This pain you cannot bare

But we all bleed the same way as you do
We all have the same things to go thru

Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know

Your days you say they’re way too long
And your nights you can’t sleep at all (hold on)
And you’re not sure what you’re looking for
But you don’t want to no more
And you’re not sure what you’re waiting for but you don’t want to no more

But we all bleed the same way as you do
And we all have the same things to go through

Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know

Don’t stop looking you’re one step closer
Don’t stop searching it’s not over...hold on

What are you looking for?
What are you waiting for?
Do you know what you’re doing to me?
Go ahead...what are you waiting for?

Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know

Don’t stop looking you’re one step closer
Don’t stop searching it’s not over...

Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know...hold on

mislim,pjesme nisu ni malo slične..ali ono..obadvije grupe su ful zakon...baš mi je danas neki GREEN DAY samo njih slušam,a i gledala sam JESUS OF SUBURBIA na internetu...
dali je nekom dobra pjesma BLOOD,SEX AND BOOZE....

Waiting in a room
All dressed up and bound and gagged
To a chair
It's so unfair
I won't dare move, for the pain
She puts me through is what I need
So make it bleed

I'm in distress, oh mistress
I confess so do it one more time
These handcuffs are too tight
You know I will obey, so please
Don't make me beg
For blood, sex and booze you give me

Some say I'm disturbed
But it's what I deserve, another lesson
To be learned...from a girl called kill
My head is in the gutter
Thank you sir, strike up another mandolin
Of discipline
Throw me to the dogs
Let them eat my flesh down
To the wood
It feels so good

CHIAO pa se čujemo...Sandrić...ljuta sam na tebe,jer mi nisi donjela cd-e od NOFX-a..a kad ćemo se vidit drugi put..četvrtak,petak???????pozdravi mikija..xoxo...gc rules

05.11.2005., subota

gd 4ever


Danas sam ful happy nakon tjedan dana napokon sam imala vremena za pogledat DVD Live at Brixton academy,to je koncert od GC-a u Londonu...i da razmišljala sam kako bi mi bilo da sam ja tamo...mislim da bi me netko trebao dobro išamarat dase skoncentriram...bila bi ful sretna...danas sam slušala malo green day...basket case je tako jebeno dobra pjesama

Do you have the time
to listen to me whine
all at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it

Sometimes I give myself the CREEPS
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
Or am I just STONED

I went to a shrink
To analyze my dreams
SHE says it's lack of sex
that's bringing me down
I went to a whore
HE said my life's a bore
So quit my whining cause
it's bringing HER down

Sometimes I give myself the CREEPS
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up

Grasping to CONTROL
So I BETTER hold on

Sometimes I give myself the CREEPS
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
Or am I just STONED

04.11.2005., petak

ej sandra...

jedva čekam da te vidim BTW i miss you

alo ekipa...



only see it on tv
read it in the magazines
celebrities that want sympathy

all they do is piss and moan
inside the rolling stone
talking about how hard life can be

Id like to see them spend the week
livin life out on the street
I dont think they would survive

but they could spend a day or two
walking in someone elses shoes
I think they'd stumble and they'd fall
they would fall

Lifestlyes of the rich and the famous
theyre always complainin
always complainin
if money is such a problem
well they got mansions
think we should rob them

well did you know when your famous you could kill your wife
and theres no such thing as 25 to life
as long as you got the cash to pay for cochran

and did you know if you were cought and you were smokin crack
and McDonald's wouldnt even wanna take you back
you could always just run for mayor of D.C.

Id like to see them spend the week
livin life out on the street
I dont think they would survive

but they could spend a day or two
walking in someone elses shoes
I think they'd stumble and they'd fall
they would fall

Lifestlyes of the rich and the famous
theyre always complainin
always complainin
if money is such a problem
well they got mansions
think we should rob them


Lifestlyes of the rich and the famous
theyre always complainin
always complainin
if money is such a problem
you got so many problems
think I could solve them

Lifestlyes of the rich and the famous
we'll take your clothes, cash cards, and homes
just stop complaining
Lifestlyes of the rich and the famous
Lifestlyes of the rich and the famous
Lifestlyes of the rich and the famous

03.11.2005., četvrtak

eVo VaM jEdNa Od MoJiH nAjDrAžIh PjEsAmA...

I’m writing to you
not to tell you, that I still hate you
just to ask you
how you feel
and how we fell apart
how this fell apart
are you happy out there in this great wide world?
do you think about your sons?
do you miss your little girl?
when you lay your head down
how do you sleep at night?
do you even wonder if we’re all right?

but we’re all right
we’re all right

it’s been a long hard road without you by my side
why weren’t you there all the nights that we cried
you broke my mother’s heart
you broke your children for life
it’s not ok,
but we’re all right
I remember the days, you were a hero in my eyes
but those were just a long lost memory of mine
I spent so many years learning how to survive
Now, I’m writing just to let you know that I’m still alive

the days I spent so cold, so hungry
were full of hate
I was so angry
those scars run deep inside this tattooed body
there’s things I’ll take, to my grave
but I’m okay
I’m okay

it’s been a long hard road without you by my side
why weren’t you there all the nights that we cried
you broke my mother’s heart
you broke your children for life
it’s not ok,
but we’re all right
I remember the days, you were a hero in my eyes
but those were just a long lost memory of mine
Now, I’m writing just to let you know that I’m still alive
yeah, I’m still alive

I forgive
yeah and this time
I’ll admit
that I miss you, said I miss you

it’s been a long hard road without you by my side
why weren’t you there all the nights that we cried
you broke my mother’s heart
you broke your children for life
it’s not ok,
but we’re all right
I remember the days, you were a hero in my eyes
but those were just a long lost memory of mine
Now, I’m writing just to let you know that were still alive

and sometimes
I forgive
and this time
I’ll admit, that I miss you, miss you
hey dad



Evo da se malo javim i kažem vam nešto ful važno o Benjiju, a ako ste fan vjerovatno znate da je posvojio malu macu koju je nazvao CLAUDIA...i koliko sam čula izgleda da je prekinuo sa curom Kozue Rin....JEEAAAAAAAAAAAA..
Držite mi fige, sutra me pita latinski...analizu teksta..a možda pišemo i matišu koju ću pobrat takav komad, a i donjet će ispite od prije tjedan i pol koji ću također dobit komad..jebiga zbog te matematike ću propast..UBI SLAMIČKU...i tako...
POZDRAV MATIJI,mom dečku,i da pozdrav jednom slatkom tipu iz PSHG koji ide u 3a i zove se GORAN...taaako jeeeee jeeeeeebeno dobar.. ajde pa se čujemo...

02.11.2005., srijeda

dA sE jAvIm...

pozdrav mojoj frendici Sandri koja je danas jako čudna,valjda je u bedu...evo ja krenula pisat malo o njoj, a ona ko` vještica šalje poruku...ja se nje ponekad bojim,jer uvijek zna kad sa mnom nešto nije u redu ili imam neke novosti,jebiga...ali je ful dobra.
Evo pozdravljam Niku,Ivu,Asju,Stellu,Moniku,Petru, Maju,Sanju,Doroteu,Jelenu...i dečke iz razreda...nadam se da ćete ić u petak u Tortugu,jedino ako ne poberete koji komad...

A evo i nešto za FANOVE najbolje jebene grupe GOOD CHARLOTTE čiji cd nikad ne izlazi iz discmana:


I don't care about a thing today
I used to but I'm fed up
And I can hear the words you say, I wish that you would shut up
I got responsibility
That is my liability
A menace to least that's what they say to me
But tonight, tonight, it's on tonight
I don't want your boring life
And I don't want your 9 to 5
Or anyone to tell me how to live my life
People always tell me not to waste my time
To get a real job and get back in line
You can say I'll never be a millionaire
Tell me this guitar won't get me anywhere
I got responsibility
That is my liability
I'm questioning authority, they say there's not a chance for me
Your future's no future
Your future's no future
I control my future


One day I woke up woke up knowing today is the day I will die
Cashdogg was barking went to the park and enjoyed that one last time
Called my mother told her I loved her and begged her not to cry
Wrote her a letter that said I’d miss her and signed that goodbye...

You know the happiest day of my life
I swear the happiest day of my life is the day that I die

(the day that I died)
Can you feel the cold tonight?
(the day that I died)
It sets in but it’s alright
(the day that I died)
Darkness falls I’m letting go
(the day that I died)
All alone but I feel fine

We took a drive and we drove thru d.c.
To see the places we lived, long conversations
We talked of old friends and all the things that we did
Summer nights, drunken fights
Mistakes we made...did we live it right?

You know the happiest day of my life I swear the happiest day of my life
Is the day that I died

(the day that I died)
Can you feel the cold tonight?
(the day that I died)
It sets in but it’s alright
(the day that I died)
Darkness falls I’m letting go
(the day that I died)
All alone but I feel just fine

You know the happiest day of my life
I know the happiest day of my life
I swear the happiest day of my life is the day that I died

(the day that I died)
Can you feel the cold tonight?
(the day that I died)
It sets in but it’s alright
(the day that I died)
Darkness falls I’m letting go
(the day that I died)
All alone but I feel just fine

Did I live it right?
I hope I lived it right
I hope I lived it right, I know I lived it right
Did I live it right?
I hope I lived it right, I know I lived it right


Something isn't right,
I can feel it again, feel it again.
This isn't the first time,
That you left me waiting.
Sad excuses and false hopes high,
I saw this coming, still I don't know why,
I let you in.

I knew it all along,
You're so predictable.
I knew something would go wrong... (Something's always wrong...)
So you don't have to call,
Or say anything at all.
You're so predictable... (So predictable...)

So take your empty words,
Your broken promises.
And all the time you stole,
Cause I am done with this.
I could give it away, give it away,
I'm doing everything I should've.
And now I'm making a change,
I'm living the day.
I'm giving back what you gave me.
I don't need anything.

I knew it all along,
You're so predictable.
I knew something would go wrong... (Something's always wrong...)
So you don't have to call,
Or say anything at all.
You're so predictable... (So predictable...)

Now everywhere I go,
Everyone I meet,
Every time I try to fall in love,
They all want to know why I'm so broken.
Why am I so cold?
Why I'm so hard inside.
Why am I scared?
What am I afraid of?
I don't even know, this story's never had an end.
I've been waiting,
I've been searching,
I've been hoping,
I've been dreaming you would come back,
But I know the ending of this story.
You're never coming back,
Never... Never... Never (echo)

I knew it all along,
You're so predictable.
I knew something would go wrong... (Something's always wrong...)
So you don't have to call,
Or say anything at all.
You're so predictable... (So predictable...)

Everywhere I go for the rest of my life,
Everyone I love, (So predictable)
Everyone I care about,
They're all gonna want to know what's wrong with me
And I know what it is...(So predictable)
I'm ending this right now


01.11.2005., utorak


a sad je vrijeme za najsavršenije biće u cijelom njega bi sve dala,nije mi jasno zašto je tako jebeno dobar i zašto toliko patim za njim..nema te riječi koja bi bila dovoljna da opiše koliko ga volim...

Benjamin Levi "Benji" Madden (born March 11, 1979) is the guitarist and backup vocalist of the band Good Charlotte. His twin brother, Joel, is the band's lead vocalist. His father left the family on Christmas Eve when he was 16 years old. Benji was often blamed for Joel's misbehavior because he was known as a troublemaker. Benji and Joel also suffered alienation in school for being fans of punk rock. Benji is 5 minutes older than his brother, Joel. They have an older brother, Josh, who helps run "Made", their clothing brand. Benji is also nicknamed Kid Vicious after Sid Vicious. He is a vegan along with his brother. Benji also often works with PETA to help support vegetarianism and animal rights. Benji has many piercings and tattoos, some of which are of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary from the Bible.In 2004, Benji was on Punk'd with his brother Joel after they were both tricked by Ashton Kutcher for the incident when they saw Joel's Range Rover had crashed on top of a Volvo while being towed. Also, Benji and Joel hosted a show on MTV called All Things Rock.

Quotes: "Benji Scum...say it slow"; "Call me a momma's boy, I don't care"

The left side of his neck: The Virgin Mary, and below it is written "Saved by Grace."
The right side of the neck: The agonizing Jesus, and below it is written "No Greater Love."
throat/front of neck: a heart with horns around it. Coming out of the heart are flames with a keyhole in the flames right over his voicebox.
Stomach: "PUNX" in 6-inch black letters.
left shoulder: "GC" in a circle with Irish flag colors.
upper left arm: a knife going through a set of brass knuckles with flames around it. "PUNX" and "Take It To The Streets" are tattooed beneath it, and "East Coast" tattooed above it. -a skull and crossbones, -a blue nautical star with "Joel" beneath it, -"Cash" and a martini glass
left elbow: -Spiderweb that he got with Tony from Mest, -"GC", -a skull and crossbones
Lower left arm: -the last supper, -a dagger with 2 sparrows, -the world on fire, -a scroll with a text from Revelation 21:1: "and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away.", - the number 21, - a blue hinge in his elbow
right shoulder: a crown and underneath it says "MoM".
upper right arm: - a blue nautical star with "benjamin" tattooed beneath it, -an Irish flag, -a bunny with a cross on its chest, -what appears to be a wagon with a skeleton in a suit sitting on it.
right elbow: -a flower surrounding a skull.
lower right arm: -a graveyard with Jesus standing in it, holding a lamb. -a guy holding balloons, -alice from 'alice in wonderland' kneeling and crying.
right leg: PxPx, the MxPx head logo, -Minor Threat sheep, -Rancid (as in the band), "NFG" (for New Found Glory) -GC (yet again).
right hand: a stitches tattoo, in between his thumb and index finger, that he got with his friend, Brian, as signifying blood brothers
On the outside of his right hand there are the letters "AMC." This stands for "American Murder Crew." It is something that he, Joel, and their group of friends from D.C. all have
Across his right knuckles he has M-A-D-E
Across his left knuckles he has M-A-N, and a horseshoe with stars on his pinky
On the right side of his chest he has a GC sparrow with "Sarah," his sister's name, underneath it
On the left side of his chest he has a GC sparrow with "Josh," the name of his brother

On je poslije napravio još mac tetovaža tako da nikad neću sve stić napisat.

A ovo on kaže o sebi:
Well I don`t really konw what to say.The things I am into are pretty obvious. I like music,cars,tattoos and my friends.This sounds like the back of a yearbook or something.O well.I`m having the best time of my life in his band.Really learned everything I know about life with tese guys. To think we were 15 when we started. I can`t wait to make another album. After doing CHRONICLES I feel like we have just scratched the surface. It`s hard for anyone else to know what it`s like to be in GC, so I have to tell you, these days it`s amazing. Not that it hasn`t been. Just as we have gotten older we have just figured out what being in a band means to us. Our friendships are something I just don`t think come alog more then once in a lifetime. I LOVE MY BAND.

šmrc, nadam se da je prekinuo sa svojom curom...tako sam bare čula, ako nije otići su osobno kod nje doma i zaklat ju..


E da zaboravila sam reći da je moja frendica Nika luda za Billiyem...i moram ju pozdravit te pozdrav SANDRI I PETRI iz OG,Ivu,Anu,Adri,Bojanu,Hrcija te cijeli svoj 1A razred PSHG u Rijeci...


A sada je vrijeme da kažem nešto o Joelu za kojim je luda moja frendica Sandra,nadam se da će ih sudbina spojit jednog dana..jer je ona ful u bedu zbog njega, BTW jako ga voli...

Joel Reuben Madden (born March 11, 1979 in Waldorf, Maryland, USA) is lead vocalist for the band Good Charlotte and twin brother of guitarist Benji. Benji and Joel chose the name of the band from a book called Good Charlotte, by Carol Beach York. He is also vegetarian.
Benji was always blamed for Joel's misdeeds because he was a troublemaker. Since Joel and Benji were twins they would switch places, which usually didn't help them out much. Benji and Joel were tormented by their peers throughout their time at La Plata High because they were considered "freaks," which inspired them to write "The Anthem", the second single from the album "The Young and the Hopeless". Joel admits that he couldn't sing a note when the band first started out, but over the years his dulcet tones have taken the modern punk rock world by storm.In June 2005 rumors about Joel were finally cleared up when Hilary Duff finally admitted the two were dating, and had been seeing each other since Hilary was only 16. Their first public appearance will be at the MTV Video Music Awards in August on the verge of Hilary's 18th birthday.

Joel's Tattoos
On both of Joel's shoulders, he has an outline of a star.
On the inside of his right hand he has the letters "A-M-C." This stands for "American Murder Crew." It is something that he, Benji, and their group of friends from D.C. all have.
Right above his heart, he has praying hands with "Benjamin" and with "Saved By Grace" underneath.
On his left wrist, he has an outline of a star and "Truth" underneath it.
On the edge of his lower right arm, he has his last name, M-A-D-D-E-N.
On the back of his upper right arm, he has an Irish flag.
On his lower right arm, he has the face of Jesus.
On his upper left arm, he has a cross with a banner around it and 2 doves flying around it. Under that, there's a rose.
On his lower left arm, he has the face of the virgin Mary.
On his right wrist, he has an outline of a star with "Hope" underneath it.
On his right calf, he has a dragon.
On his left calf, he has a heart and a shooting star.
Also on his lower leg sleeve he has somewhat a Chinese symbol for "Mom"
On his left forearm he has Joseph (foster father of Jesus) and the word "Salvation" on the front of his wrist.


a šta on kaže o sebi:
I sing. Somehow I landed this job in this band and I don`t know how. I don`t really take singing seriously as I should. I never warm up. I don`t practice.And I tried lessons once,and hated guy, so I never went back. Sometimes I don`t show up on soundcheck. But I`m lucky my band are sometimes I think the only people in the world that get me. I love being in my band. It`s not much complicated than that. I don`t have any nicknames.I don`t have a favourite food and I don`t know what I`m looking for in a girl. You can go to BOP to read about that. I just love music.All music. I love it when people are original and I love it when people are good. I love Morrissey,in and out of The smiths. I love The Cure.I love The Faint. The Killers rule. Of course I love bands I grew up on. Green day, Rancid, MxPx, but my musical tastes have grown. I love most pop music too. Some of I don`t get.But that is popular culture in general and they aren`t we all a part of it in some way. Lucky us. Anyways, I like our fans. Interesting kids. Everyday,every city, one of them always doe something that makes me think, or laugh,or think some more. I`m on a message probably 5 times a day. I`m a little obbsessed. I never post. Just read. Anyways, I`m sure there is a lot more to me than that,but what does it really matter? I have my blog for the rest.If you reading this I hope you like it, and oh yeah if you like my band, thanks.


Ok sad je Billy na redu...

William Dean Martin (Billy Martin) (born June 15, 1981) is the lead guitarist and keyboardist for punk rock band Good Charlotte.
Born in Annapolis, Maryland, Martin has been playing guitar since he was in 6th grade when he received his first guitar for Christmas. His first band was Overflow, where he was the singer and guitarist, started with his friend and DJ and Steve Sievers, who now helps Billy run his clothing line, LeVeL 27. Billy Martin is a vegetarian and is a huge animal lover (though contrary to rumours, he doesn't have 127 hamsters - he joked that he had that many as when he was younger his 10 hamsters had a lot of children.)
While recording GC's third album The Chronicles of Life and Death, he and Benji Madden switched guitar roles. (Benji was the original lead guitarist while Billy was the original secondary guitarist.) Billy also plays keyboards on the album except for "The Truth" and occasionally plays keyboards on their concerts. Billy loves to draw, and has been drawing since he was a child. He drew the artwork for The Chronicles of Life and Death album sleeve and cover, he also designed all the artwork for their videos "Predictable" and "The Chronicles of Life and Death".
Billy's favourite director is Tim Burton and his favourite film is Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas".

On Billy's left shoulder, he has the GC birds (sparrows) holding a banner that says "mom".
On his upper left arm he has a horseshoe that has a star inside a heart inside of it, a toy soldier with blocks that say "DAD," and three flaming dice. Above all that is the 2 neon guy and girl figures from the cover of Silverchair's "Neon Ballroom" cd, dancing in clouds with a spaceship over them.
On his lower left arm, he has five black stars.
On his lower left arm he has a sunflower.
On his left elbow, he has a nautical star with clouds inside of it.
Above the star on his left elbow, he has a spider.
On his right middle finger is what looks like a crown.
On his right knee he has Kermit the Frog's head.
On the back of his right leg, he has "NFG" on a banner for New Found Glory, wrapped around a dagger.
On his right arm, he has Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
On his left wrist he has the engravings of The Ring from the Lord of the Rings.
Next to Jack, he has Sally the ragdoll, also from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Next to Sally, he has also Zero the ghost dog towards the bottom, and Lock, Shock, and Barrel towards the top.
On his lower left arm, he has bat wings carrying the letters "OF," 5 black stars going down the middle, a sunflower, and Jack Skellington's skull from The Nightmare Before Christmas with crossbones that have red spiderwebs in between the bones, as well as a little mushroom 1UP symbol from the Super Mario videogames.
Behind his left ear, the number 27 with a greenish glow surrounding it.
Billy Martin also has written "Mountain" and "Ghost of You" off of the "Chronicles of Life and Death CD"

A ovo on kaže sam o sebi:
Listen closly mortal humans...I have little to is is good,be creative it keeps voices out of your head.Then again maybe that`s spawns imagination in the first fact they are telling me what to type right now. Oh yeah and I don`t have any fuckin` hampsters...=)


a sada nešto o svakom članu....b
počet ćemo od Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul Anthony Thomas (born October 5, 1980) is Good Charlotte's bassist. He started out on the guitar, but then,a friend influenced him to play the bass. Paul attended La Plata High School in La Plata, Maryland with Benji and Joel Madden. Paul has known Benji and Joel since they were young children, and fellow GC member Billy since he joined the band in 1994. Paul is originally from Waldorf, Maryland.


Behind his right ear he has a bass clef.
On Paul's left wrist, he has the GC birds holding a banner that says "Thomas".
On the back of his left arm, he has "GC".
On his right forearm, he has an elephant from a painting by Salvador Dali and a music note-shaped eyeball and mouth.
He has stars around his left calf.

A ovo on kaže sam o sebi:

so if you don`t know i play bass in his wonderful band we call Good charlotte. I first started on guitar when I was 12. After a year of playing guitar,my friend that I was playing with suggested that I get a bass.
I didn`t even think twice. It really sank in that I could do this when I learned how to play Green day`s "Longview" bass line. I thout I was a bad ass because I could play it. So from that moment forth I was dedicated to bass.Thanks to the influence of my friends in Waldorf, I also got in hip hop.It was the first time I have ever heard bass sound so deep and powerful. That is what inspired me to pick up a five string. So there you have it. I pretty much learned how to play by learning a lot of Rge Angaist Machine and Tool. From there I just kinda tought and got tips from older musicians that I have met. Recently I have been learning how to play drums, piano, upright bass and cello. I learned through my exspiriences that it is possible to play anything with enough pratcise and dedicatin. So that is message I pass onto you.

BAŠ SU RUFUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Good Charlotte is a pop band from Maryland that formed in 1996. They took the name 'Good Charlotte' from a children's book: Good Charlotte: The Girls Of Good Day Orphanage. They have released three albums, most notably 2002's multiplatinum seller The Young and the Hopeless, which spawned the chart topping singles, "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," "The Anthem," and "Girls and Boys." The band's third and most recent album is 2004's The Chronicles of Life and Death. The band is fronted by twin brothers Benji and Joel Madden, born in Waldorf, Maryland. Other members of the band include their friends Billy Martin and Paul Thomas.

Good Charlotte's frontmen, identical twins Joel and Benji Madden, were born on March 11, 1979 to a lower middle class family in the ghetto of Waldorf, Maryland. Their father left the family when the twins were 16 years old, causing financial hardship to the twins, their mother, older brother, and older sister.
Benji and Joel cite their older brother Josh Madden for introducing them to punk rock music by bands such as Rancid and Social Distortion. After attending a Beastie Boys concert at the age of 16, Benji and Joel decided to start their very own band, although Joel had never sung before, and Benji had never played guitar. They started Good Charlotte in 1996 when they recruited childhood friends Paul Thomas (bass) and Aaron Escolopio (drums). They soon moved to Annapolis, Maryland and met Billy Martin, through a mutual interest in the band Silverchair.

After releasing an EP, entitled Another EP, in 1999, Good Charlotte released their first self-titled album in 2000, which was not a huge commercial success. Singles that were released from that album include "Little Things" and "Motivation Proclamation," and "Festival Song".

Aaron was the drummer in their debut album, Good Charlotte, before leaving the band in early 2001 to join the band Wakefield with his brother, Ryan. He was replaced with Dusty, who was just a temporary drummer, who had left the band before the recording of their second album, The Young & the Hopeless. As a result, veteran professional studio drummer Josh Freese plays for that album.

2002's The Young And The Hopeless was much more popular, and marked the bands emergence into mainstream music. The single that made them famous, titled "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous", topped charts around the globe. Singles that followed from that album included "The Anthem" ,"Girls and Boys", "Hold On" and "The Young and The Hopeless". "The Young and the Hopeless" received a 3x-platinum certification from the RIAA, landing the band on Saturday Night Live, the covers of Rolling Stone and Alternative Press, a two page feature in the New York Times, and spots on CNN and The Today Show. Good Charlotte were also hugely popular on MTV, where the Madden Brothers once served as hosts on the late night music video show "All Things Rock." Their music videos were favorites on both MTV and MTV2, with "The Anthem" going on to receive the "Viewers Choice Award" on MTV's 2003 Video Music Awards.

Chris Wilson was the band's drummer for their third album, The Chronicles of Life and Death, which was released in 2004. The singles released from that album include "Predictable", "I Just Wanna Live", "We Believe" and "The Chronicles of Life and Death". This album was considered a departure from their previous 2 albums. In May 2005, Chris left the band for personal health reasons[1].

Today, through non-stop touring and wide publicity, Good Charlotte has built a huge fanbase from all four corners of the globe.

Their most recent "Noise to the World Tour" with Simple Plan featured Dean Butterworth, who has previously played with Morrissey, as the band's current temporary drummer.

Evo sve koje nešto zanima o njima,ovo sam napisala na engleskom `da bi i oni mogli pročitat`...

alo šta ima?????????????
je li itko lud za GOOD CHARLOTTE kao što sam i ja?B