13.11.2005., nedjelja da,rođendan..

Baš mije bilo zakon jučer na Sandrinom rođendanu...ja sam se oko 15h našla s njom u gradu da kupimo cole,sokove i smoki,čips i to...zatim smo otišle kod nje doma da napravim neki cd mix tako da ima za svakog nešto...jer neki ljudi slušaju punk,neki metal,neki hip hop...A NEKI GOOD CHARLOTTE, uglavnom mi lijepo napravile mix i stavile da se sprži...i onda smo išle provjerit dal radi...tako nas je sjebao taj cd ,na kraju nije radio...tako smo bile ljute jer smo na to potrošile sat vremena,na kraju smo odlučile da čemo samo uzet cde i mijenjat ih...onda je bilo vrijeme da maknemo sve stakleno...i onda smo se oko 17.15 sjetile da moramo po tortu,cugu i cigarete...jer su frendovi trebali doći oko 18...onda smo pretrčale pola grada da bi stigle doma barem 15 min prije 18...bilo je zakon svi su se ful napili,a po cigarete sam morala 2 puta u trgovinu...čudno da mi je tipica dala cigarete kad sam bila pijana...a jadna žena...stan je bio katastrofalno prljav,votka,vino,piva su bili proliveni na svestrane,opušci po svuda na podu,ali ono rođendan je jebiga,a muzika je bila tako glasna...čudim se da se susjedi nisu žalili...ja i Đina smo se ful uživile na neki rock-metal mix...trebalo nas je snimat...a Matea je ležala na podu,ja sam mislila da je mrtva...tako mi je bilo drago šta je bila Marina jer mi je bila jedna od best frendica,a sad se skoro nikad ne vidimo...jebiga škola je jebena...a Nika ti kad si pijana skačeš ko neka razigrana djevojčica...a Damjan ...bolje da ne pričam o njemu...on je svih stalno ljubio,proljevao,plesao s metlom i glumio kokoš....a da i prdio ...da i bila mi je dobra njegova izjava:ISPRDIO SAM SAV ALKOHOL...ja ka sam to čula skoro sam umrla...a Dora pazi malo kako držiš cigarete drugi put jer ću ostat bez oka,malo si me spržila,ali sad mi je oko ok...kad su svi otišli ja i Sandra smo malo išle na chat,a onda smo do 6 ujutro spremale kuću,jer nismo znale kad joj starci dolaze,ja sam crkla,nisam nikad spremala ko jutros...mi smo ko luđakinje od 4-6 spremale kuću,a oko 5 i po smo išče odnjet smeće...ja sam mrtva...starci su ujutro došli po mene oko 10.30 ja sam se jedva ustala...majicu sam ostavila kod Sandre jel sam ga zalila vinom...i tako sada jedva držim oči otvorene a moram učit jer imam školu ujutro...jebiga...TEŽAK JE ŽIVOT...evo neke pjesme u koje sam se jučer ful uživila.....e da i dopisujem se na mob s nekim amerikancem...ima neki ful čudan br moba...

Reach out and touch faith

Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus...
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Reach out and touch faith

Hide your face forever
Dream and search forever
Have you ever been for sale ?
When your isms get smart
Oh so selfish and mindless
With that comment in your eye
Do you think that you are hard ?
Really harder than the other
Man you’re acting cold
If you are not in charge
Don’t split your mentality
Without thinking twice
Your voice has got no reason
Now is the time to face your lies
Open your eyes, open your mind
Proud like a God don’t pretend to be blind
Trapped in yourself, break out instead
Beat the machine that works in your head
Will you offer me some tricks
If I ever need them
Would you go into that room
If I call ’em
Do you think that you are better
Really better than the rest
Realize there’s a problem
I know that you can give your best
Have you ever had a dream?
Or is life just a trip?
A trip without chances
A chance to grow up quick
Open your eyes, open your mind ...
Hide your face forever
Dream and search forever
Night and night you feel nothing
There’s no way outside of my land
Open your eyes, open your mind ...

How long how long will I slide
Separate my side I don’t
I don’t believe it’s bad
Slit my throat
It’s all I ever
I heard your voice through a photograph
I thought it up it brought up the past
Once you know you can never go back
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Centuries are what it meant to me
A cemetery where I marry the sea
Stranger things could never change my mind
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Take it on the otherside
Take it on
Take it on
Pour my life into a paper cup
The ashtray’s full and I’m spillin’ my guts
She wants to know am I still a slut
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Scarlet starlet and she’s in my bed
A candidate for my soul mate bled
Push the trigger and pull the thread
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Take it on the otherside
Take it on
Take it on
Turn me on take me for a hard ride
Burn me out leave me on the otherside
I yell and tell it that
It’s not my friend
I tear it down I tear it down
And then it’s born again
How long I don’t believe it’s bad
Slit my throat
It’s all I ever

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