15.11.2005., utorak

=)....pozdrav VEDRANI....happy???

joj kako je danas bilo dosadno u školi....zadnji sat sam skoro zaspala...jebiga kad je Paškvanka dosadna..ali dosta o školi...jedino što sam htjela reći u vezi škole je: danas sam pročitala u novinama kako je u mojoj bivšoj školi neki novi profesor pretukao nekog malog iz 7.razreda...baš me zanima koji je taj mali...ja sam umrla od smijeha kad sam to vidjela...a jebiga...
danas sam malo otišla u grad poslije škole do Meka i u robnu kuću te sam kupila na 4.katu DVD/CD od GREEN DAYA...BULLET IN A BIBLE...zakon je...čim sam došla doma morala sam to pogledat...Free Image Hosting at
a sada malo o Billiyu iz GC-a tj.o OVERFLOWu...
Overflow started when Billy and J. D. starting writing songs together around December of 1995, they were looking for a drummer with the same influences for a long time, they met a friend fro their neighborhood who had just moved into the neighborhood and started jamming with him, but their music styles clashed and decided it was a bad idea. About 3 months later, in September, they met Steve at school. It was around Steve's birthday and he was getting a drumset from his Uncle as a present. Steve said he'd played drums in the school bad for a few months so he had some clue as how to play. It turns out he really didn't. So as soon as Steve got his drums Billy and J. D. moved their equipment over to Steves' and started playing. They wrote a song that night called "Nothing To Say", which was dropped soon after. They found out Steve knew hardly anything at all about playing drums, but continued writing as best they could. Eventually with some lessons and time Steve improved tremendously, and was able to play with the band better. That night Steve's older brother came home and walked into his basement and was shocked to find his brother in a band, and he asked the famous question, "What are you guys called?" and they replied with "We don't have a name." So Steve's brother started blurting out stupid names such as "Elephant Dolphins" and many other stupid names until he said "How about 'Fruits overflowing with juices?" and the band all agreed the Overflow part was cool and has stuck with the name since. They all were into Silverchair at the time and they were a very heavy influence in there songs at the time. The band went through about 15 or so songs until they finally ended up with 8 songs that they played at their first gig on May 30th, 1997. The crowd gave the band mixed reactions, some didn't like them, some labeled them as "Silverchair wannabes", but enough people liked the band for them to keep going. They continued to write songs and play gigs throughout '97. As time went on the band went through its tags of metal, hip-hop, rock and finally settled on agressive pop-rock sound.
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