Ratni Čekić

srijeda, 06.03.2013.

Bretonnia (warband) background story part 2: Jaws of the night

Another day on the road. Another night under a clear sky, far away from the comforts of my castle. I should probably be worried by the events that unfolded. I should maybe feel some doubt in myself and my abilities. Yet the event did only one thing, and that is to harden my resolve. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
We travelled for days until we stumbled upon an abandoned house. Its doors were barely holding themselves in their hinges.
I let Torgar break those doors down, only to be rewarded by a female scream.
There was a woman inside, huddling in a dark corner. She seemed frightened and hungry. But at least she was clean. She must have been one of the nobles as I could well see nobility in her features. Besides, she reminded me of someone I once knew.
I managed to calm down the lady, thinking nothing of it when she rejected to come into the sunlight. What a fool I was. Yet the Lady preserved us once more. But I’m getting ahead of myself again.
We gave her food and water, yet she rejected our kindness. We thought she was too scared to eat. Well, we Bretonnians thought that in any case. The red haired lunatic wanted to cleave her head and be done with it, and I barely managed to restrain him. His brother did not move a thing. ‘What savages’ I thought then. How wrong I was. For as soon as the sun set behind the trees, she seemed to grow stronger, and her demeanor changed. No longer was she scared little girl, too afraid to eat a crumb of bread. She was tall, pale and arrogant like the noble from the Empire or Bretonnia when I think about it. Suddenly, she thanked us for bringing her dinner. The way words slithered over her tongue awoke some fear within me. And rightly so, for as she knelt beside me with a strange look in her eyes I felt my will sag, and bend to her own as I was taken by a surprise. A Vampire, this scared little woman. And yet I could not move as her mind-claws already embedded themselves in my psyche. Then she changed, right in front of my eyes. Her jaws opened to much for a mortal being, and she jumped forward to embed them in my exposed neck. Luckily for me, that lunatic was close by and her head ended, not on my neck but under my feet. While the body still stood for a moment before toppling, as well.
Humbling experience, yet it showed me two things. Darkness will never prevail, and the Lady will always take care of her faithful.

06.03.2013. u 11:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Bretonnia (warband) background story

It was a dark night. One of those when spirits walk the earth beside the living. I Aragorn of Carcassone was for once not afraid of undead spectres, for the lady was with me. I tied my horse near a lake on the edge of my property and took a stroll through the forest as always when I needed to think.
It was not so many days from a dream. That fateful dream that would change everything for me. It is the time it seemed, to choose. Keep my position and power as the knight of the realm or answer the call of the Lady. I sat down beside the lake remembering.

Night was dark as it is today. Yet stars reflected in still surface of the lake. And there it was reflected in the surface of the lake. A city, great city with streets filled with riches and happiness. Yet then everything changed, and a great comet followed by a barrage of smaller ones crushed the magnificent city from the face of the Earth. Then monstrosities came and inhabited the ruins. Some residents survived and fought with those beasts for survival. Then magical stones were discovered. As all the chaos, and suffering. And in the midst of all that there was an ancient chapel underground, and within it blade plunged within a solid block of stone it’s blade shining like silver. I could see beautiful female face reflected in it and then it was gone. I fell in the chaos of battle surrounded by few of my comrades. I could recognize my squire and faithful captain of my guard Avandor. Yet I could not recognize bare chested dwarf with red hair like a crest of a rooster, and neither did I remember heavily armored one with black hair and blue eyes.

A choice. What to do. To make a pledge to the lady, or remain comfortable in my father’s castle living from the work of my peasants. Ah …
It wasn’t much of a choice, I was and will always be the man of the Lady. I unsheathed my sword and kneeled in front of the Lady’s chapel. And made a vow. I will not rest, I nor will I eat before first thinking of proving my worth to the lady. My life is not mine anymore, may the Lady hear my pledge.

Nothing happened, what did I expect? A ray of light shining upon me? Ah… well that’s it, time to prepare for the journey to the city of Mordheim. As I emerged from the forest, it seemed to me I heard a voice. I turned around, yet nothing was there. Yet I noticed silver gleam in the grass near the tree. It was an old oak that weathered countless decades here at the edge of my land. I picked it up. It was a silver coin, with a star in the middle. It must have been a sign. It would be enough. I went to my castle to take care of the papers and prepare for the journey.

Next day as I called upon my servants, to pack provisions for a long journey Sir Avandor cornered me. He guessed what was in my mind, cause he knew of my dream. He offered to accompany me right away, without a moment pause. I hesitated for a moment and yet did not refuse as I well remembered the dream. If it was will of the Lady, I will see it through. We immediately started to plan the journey. Yet the problem were our squires, we could not leave them behind as we were responsible for their training. Leur and Gawain were strong and true lads. Twins. Dark of hair and bright of eyes, a rare combination. We made necessary plans, and then I proclaimed that my lands and castles are to go to my nephew Torgar, which was often shunned by the rest of the knights as he reputedly had northern blood in his veins.

First week of the journey was easy as we were ridding through familiar lands kept safe by efforts of Carcassone knights. Best knights in all of Bretonnia. Yet on the eve of eight day, we hear fighting, and strange chanting in the forest. I unsheathed my sword and ran to investigate. Leur stayed with the horses, and Avandor followed me, his blades drawn.
Soon we stumbled upon a clearing where we saw a curious sight. There was strong, barechested dwarf wielding large double headed axe, fighting against ten orcs. And leaned against the tree was dark haired armored dwarf not doing a thing to help the red haired lunatic in his battle. He just chanted and sighed.

We could not let poor dwarf fight against such odds, and so we charged the orcs. After a short battle, we managed to break them, and they fled to the forest. Expecting gratitude I was surprised when bare chested lunatic brought me down with a single blog from his hamfisted hand. I was stunned for a moment, yet I recovered swiftly and returned the favor. After what seemed an eternity armored dwarf and Avandor brought us apart. I was relieved if I might add for as strong as I was, I could barely hurt the dwarf despite having a foot of height over him.
After combat armored dwarf introduced himself as Thorgrim Gortrekson and the slayer as Thor. He explained Thors dismay as we routed the orcs. He wanted a noble death in battle. And I owed him for taking it from him. I would have to find him another.
I opened my mouth to reject him, yet I remembered the dream with two dwarves fighting beside us against the overwhelming numbers of bests.
“It is as the Lady wishes!”, I accepted their company, and we continued our journey toward the city that is soon to become our destiny. One step closer to death or the life of servitude to the Lady. Only time will tell. For now, we fight.

06.03.2013. u 00:40 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 01.11.2012.

Iron Age FRP

Interesting new RPG system which merges hystory, occultism and fantasy

01.11.2012. u 11:48 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 16.04.2012.


I've been haunting these dusty old halls for countless decades. Mortality and it's vices forgotten as I move up the food chain. Blood is my only love now. My lust and my life. Only hunger remains.
Humans are just a cattle, there to be slaughtered.
Sigismund was such a fool, did he think banner would bring salvation to him and his people? All magic come with a price and he payed with his very being. WIth his immortality. For there is no greater power source, than power of a soul.
With grafting his soul to a banner his body becomed automaton, cursed to forever live and remember how it is to live. To experience excruciating pain of being separated from his soul. Such pain created wicked creature, that should not have been possible to exist, for wraiths are souls corrupted by Dhar. So how did that creature come into existance if soul was bound within banner.
I guess necromancy always has it's price. Unwitingly I've created great artefact that saved many cities as it inspired those who would fight under him with very courage Sigismund was famous for. Darkness fall back before power of the banner and all praised Sigismund, burying automaton that though he is Sigismund within tomb under Ostland. I stayed with him, and when it became to painfull for spiritujal abomination, when his sanity sliped into madness I sent my warriors to take banner from him. He was pathetic, he couldn't even form words. Only moaning like lost dog in teh darkness...
Darkness was rising in east and I felt it... dak forces were gathering, chaos threathened to overwhelm mortals. Even I, creature of darkness and untold power shivered as I thought about realm of chaos, that ever changing realm that never stays the same. Always morpind, always changing.
And it is then when danger was close two of immortal aelfin arrived. Behind them stood creature of great, dark power within himself even I shivered as I monitored him.
As it was my guards engaged arrogant fools in melee and were cought down within several moments. One of aelfin carried wicked blue shining blade which very light hurt my eyes... I had to slay that arrogant bastard... But as I threw all my might on them, they drew me back... Powerfull dark entity taing up deadly blue blade and cutting my defences into ribbons. I took my true form and I fled into darkness... I would return once... maby... for immortal aelfin would soon have greater problems than myself... all might of chaos is about to fall upon them in manner of days and even they will not be able to withstand endless beastly armies of the north...
For now I rest, and then I hunt... I will make myself nice necklace of human ears, but at least that fool Sigismund will burn in his personal hell forever!

16.04.2012. u 23:05 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 26.03.2012.

Slayers Doom

Days were long and restless since he left Karak Norn. Life of slayer is lonely life. He fought armies of greenskins, slayed trolls, giants even fought bloodthirster of Khorne and emerged victorious.
Dark mood often overwhelmed him as he recalled glorious dooms avoiding him, as his powerfull runeaxe destroyed even toughest of enemies. Slayer's life is lonely. Though sometimes more are drawn together united by common purpose. Somethin evil stirred in the north, threat of Chaos. Always there at fringes of civilization, slowly gnawing and corrupting innocents, using their own nightmares and wishes to destroy their immortal souls.
They were ten, all powerfull warriors tested in countless battles. They were going to make a difference, they were going to meet glorious Doom! For Karak Norn! And so it was, countless marauders led by small contigent of Chaos knights attacked them in midst of nowhere. They knew where to find them, there was no other explanation. There was nothing to it, Gorgrim squeezed grip of his great axe harder and charged at Exalted champion of chaos leading the knights with warcry as his prayer to Grimnir. Champion fell, his dwarven brethreen cutting down several of knights before they were swarmed by dozens of marauders. They fought well, they died well. Great warriors that slayed giants were killed by mere chaos touched scum.
There were elves Gorgrim saw. And curious bunch they were wild green haired tatooed freak, fur wearing nobleman from Ulthuan and there was also one of Loren guards wearing their concealment cloak. Following them was filthy manling. Pointy ears hesitated when they saw what the dwarves were up against. They fired couple of bolts but that was all.
He didn't hate them for it, he'd run himself if he wasn't a slayer and sought glorious doom. He didn't hate them even though they were pointy eared, beard cutting cowards. Then elves charged rear of the knights, he smirked in his beard as he drank magical potion that would allow him to keep fighting to the end.
Knights fell, Marauders were slaughtered. He could still hear elves screaming with their high pitched musical voices as they chased down fleeing marauders. He was alone his brethren slayed, they redeemed themselves... he was alone. Not for long he hefted his axe, as he prepared to meet charge of marauder regiment that just stumbled upon clearing.
This was his doom. He thought as he cleaved through marauders.
Then he felt his pain pierce his skull as club descended and his world descended into darkness.

26.03.2012. u 18:31 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 24.03.2012.

Blades of Loec

Bijase to vec 10 noc za redom. Kaos nije jenjavao. Moja kithband braca i ja smo vec pocinjali osjecati posljedice umora od bitke i svih valova kaosa koji je nadirao na nas i nasu vilenjacku bracu. Svih 10 dana i noci vise sam primjenjivao taktiku svoje kithband brace nego moje umijece plesa sa macevima. Jednostavno je bilo previse kaosa da bi ga se sasjeklo samo tako. Gerilska taktika udarca i povlacenja je bila nasa jedina sansa, a uz gustu šumu koja je bila na nasoj strani taktika se pokazala nadasve uspjesna. i Iako sam koristio luk uvjike sam jednim krajickom oka pazio na bracu i u svakom trenutku bio spreman odbaciti moj vjerni luk i isukati maceve i sasjeci neprijatelja koji se ohrabri pribliziti previse mojoj braci. Ali nazalost dani su uzimali svoj danak i nasa snaga je bila na izmaku. 11. Dan kaos nas je uhvatio nespremne. Zlo bice iz dubine kaosa doslo je do nas. Bilo je nezaustavljivo...nase strijele nisu mu mogle nista, te kad sam uvidio da ce se pribliziti mojoj braci shvatio sam da je vrijeme za ples. Ples smrti. Povikao sam braci da pobjegnu, da cu ga ja zadrzati dok se oni spase. Ipak je to bila moja zakletva...Stao sam pred njega, knedla u mojem grlu, mačevi cvrsto stegnuti u mojim rukama. Krenuo sam...Nakon par brzih poteza i varki brzo sam uvidio koliko je moj pokusaj da ubijem ili zadrzim ovo cudoviste bio lud potez. Svi moji napadi nisu niti najmanju udubinu napravili protiv mog neprijatelja. Shvatio sam da necu moci macevima izdrzati dovoljno dugo pa sam se odlucio za potez ocajnika. Sa Loecom u mom umu izveo sam jednu od najtezih finti koje znam bacio maceve prema njemu, moment iznenadenja je bio moj. Krenuo sam bjezati u suprotnom smjeru od moje brace kako bih barem odvukao tu gadost i ispljuvak kaosa dalje od njih. Trceci kroz sumu jedino sto mi je palo na pamet bila je kratka molitva Loecu i da me izbavi iz ove nesrece. Nakon otprilike pola kilometra, zvijer me pocela sustizati, ali i Loec je odlucio uslisati moj vapaj i pomoci mi u trenutku slabosti i kusnje. Naletio asm na mali proplanak i tamo u sredini ugledah kamen,mozda kristal tesko je reci u tih par sekundi. u kkristalu kao da su bozanskom moci umetnuti bili 2 maca, 2 savrsena maca. jedan je isijavao lagano plavim sjajem, dok je drugi izgarao jarko crveno. Pomislih Loec ih je ostavio tu za mene. Nazalost cijeli su bili u kristalu osim malog komadica drske, jedva 3 centimetra, koji je strsao van. Iza sebe cuo sam brzo priblizavanje zvijer, vrijeme je bilo kratko. Pogledao sam imali li kamena u blizini i nadoh jedan mali, ali nazubljeni. Probao sam osloboditi drsku malo vise iz kristala, ali bilo je uzalud. Zvijer se priblizavala, moj strah je rasao... Udarao sam kao manijak dok napokon slucajno nisam dotaknuo drsku maca i shvatio da mac kao da nije cvrsto usaden u kristal. Primio sam prstima drsku i na moje iznenadenje mac se micao kao da je kristal od vode. Tada sam shvatio da samo odabrani moze izvuci taj mac, i shvatio sam to u zadnji cas. Zvijer je bila iza mojih leda, napadala svojim macem kada sam izvukao mac i u posljednji tren blokirao. Ono što je uslijedilo nisam mogao sanjati ni u najdivljim snovima. Mač se zapalio crvenim plamenom i sjajem, osjetio sam moc kako ulazi u mene i cini me jacim no sto sam se ikad osjecao. Sljedeci udarac je bio toliko silovit da je odbacio zvijer unatrag. Nakon toga ples smrti je krenuo, a zvijer je pala u jednom preciznom i silovitom udarcu. Odrezao sam joj glavu kao trofej i kreno prema kristalu. Kada sam dotaknuo povrsinu kristala, moja ruka je propala kao da je mac u desnoj ruci zudio za svojim bratom i omogucio mi da se spoje u jedno. Izvukao sam mac i osjetio moc Loeca. Loec mi se obratio i rekoa mi svoja ocekaivanj. Podario mi je 2 maca, 1 kako bih se rijesio kaosa, a drugi nemrtvih. Rekao mi je da sam ja njegov šampion i da je na meni da cinim njegovu volju. Sa osmjehom na licu prihvatio sam punim srcem tu cast i pomolio se Loecu u zahvalu. Spremio sam maceve, pokupio 'trofej' i krenuo prema braci, da ih zastitim, da cinim Loecovu volju...

24.03.2012. u 21:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 22.03.2012.

Caelasthil's Doom

As he acquired his blades, Calasthil and his kin continued their journey through far north. There was smell of spoiled milk and rotten meat in the air, the stench of Chaos. Red bladed sword become hot in it's scabbard it's gemstone shining angrily as if it could feel wrongness in the air.
Elves had a moment to react before large beasts were among them cleaving and goring frail elvish bodies. Elves might be obliterated if they were mere mortals, though they were Asrai, blessed ones every one of them. And they were blessed by Loec, god Trickster. They weren't easy prey. As beasts tumbled among them, dance began. Like opne elves jumped and tumbled in different directions leting their blades sing through the air. Despite their prowess beasts were to many and soon blessed blood of Asrai stained forest floor mixing with poluted blood of beastkin.
Only one warrior of Asrai still stood, blades of Loec grasped firmly in his hands. It was Caelasthil, chosen of Loec as he liked to think of himself. His right arm gripping sword with shining red blade, while his left held cold silvery blade. No beast could stand in his way as he cleaved through their flesh, bone and armour as if it was nothing more than thin sheet of paper. Despite their numbers they found themself in dire straits, and remains of moments ago large herd of gors ran as fast as they could. Stricken by grief young Caelasthil pursued them for an hour slaying couple of them before rest arrived to the outskirts of large beastman camp. Curious sight as beastman usually didn't raise structures as tents. It was camp of chaos army that spread as far as eyes could see. Elf ducked to cover stricken by sight in front of him and as soon as he was certain noone was watching he retraced his steps south where he took care of bodies of fallen, burying them with their weapons taking only water and food for a week because he would have to travel light and fast if he was to outrun chaos army.
As he uttered silent prayer to Loec for the souls of his kin he belted his blades and continued his journey south. Second night of trip he stumbled upon several elves accompanied by a human and decided to warn them of danger. There will be no going north, south was only option.

Ovo je susret Caelasthila i ostalih likova... Caelasthilova priča, tj dio priče koji će još biti objavljen direktno prethodi ovoj priči...nisam obraćao pažnju na greške tako da ukoliko ih ima ispričavam se...

22.03.2012. u 18:47 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 17.03.2012.

Caelasthil side story

Dubina šume Athel Loren...U mlađim danima moja družina kithband warriora išla je čitavom šumom, svaki kutak smo istraživali i pokušavali postati najvrsniji poznavatelji šume. Međutim šuma nije uvijek bila naklonjena vilenjacima kao što je to danas. Mnogo puta smo se vrtili u krugovima i završavali na drugim krajevima šume bez da smo uopce primjetili...Doista je čudesna ta šuma...Prošlo je mnogo desetljeća prioje nego nam je šuma počela vjerovati i počela nam otvarati nove i tajne puteve. Tako smo jednom zgodom nakon lutanja šumom danima naišli na proplanak. Mora ad smo tisuću puta prošli tim dijelom šume, ali sve do onda taj proplanak nije postojao. Bila je to prekrasna livada sa jezercem i malim izvorom iz kamena. Kad smo se pripližili uvidjeli smo da nas je šuma povala ovamo sa razlogom. Usred tog proplanka bila je jedna drijada koja je poludjela iz nekog razloga, kao da je otrovana kaosom. Napala nas je čim nas je ugledala. Na naše čudenje naše strijele je nisu mogle ni okrznuti niti se zabiti u nju. Bili smo prisiljeni se povuci i pregrupirati. Tada dok smo raspravljali o strategiji mi se po prvi puta u životu dogodilo nešto čudesno. Sama šuma Athel Loren mi se obratila. Objasnila mi je da je to prastara drijada veoma mocna i da ju je chaos soccerer van šume začarao i sada širi kaos kroz šumu. Odmah smo krenuli van šume, a šuma kao da nam stvarala put prema njemu. Nakon par dana puta naišli smo na njega i imali smo kakav prizor za vidjeti. 50 undeadova je stajalo oko svog gospodara dok je on provodio nekakve čuden eksperimente na truplima. Prokleo sam sreću jer imali smo samo jednu bočicu svete vode, jedva dovoljno za trojicu i njihove tobolce. Tada sam se zakleo da jednog dana moram naci neko oruzje koje je posveceno protiv undeadova kako bih zaustavio tu pošast kaosa. Prišuljali smo se i trojica su se koncentrirala na socerera dok smo mi ostali pazili da se undead squadron ne bi previse približio. Sreća ili bog je bio s nama jer smo uspjeli par strijela zabiti u soccerrera prije nego li je uopce primjetio da smo tu. Ostatak je bio lagan...Vratili smo se u šumu i otkrili da je drijada izlijecena, a šuma zauvijek u našem dugu. Od tog dana više se nijedan put nisam izgubio, šuma mi ništa više nije skrivala i po prvi puta sam shvatio kako zapravo izgleda šuma Athel Lorena...

17.03.2012. u 12:52 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 12.03.2012.

Sretan rođendan Vampire Hunteru

Povodom rođendana jednog od igrača svi dobiju 50 xp-a extra XD

12.03.2012. u 00:14 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 11.03.2012.

Ferlangen pt3 - End? - kraj 1 sessiona

Sun was high so noone expected such a violent outburst from the forest. Doors were conquered before soldiers garnisoned there even knew what was happening. Ferlangen was betrayed by young Franz who sold his comrades for a skirt.
Four hundred foul, smelly beastman poured through breach in defences and washed away last remains of resistance in manner of hours. Even powerfull knights were swept away by sheer mass of oncoming horde.
By nightfall barons and counts castles were only buildings still standing, and so they became islands under siege.

Our heroes, two elves and scoundrel fresh from the brig ran from the town just barely escaping clutches of merciless beasts.

XP: 150 Svakoj osobi prisutnoj na sessionu; 50 bolesniku koji nije prisustvovao.

Nagrada za post:

15 - 20 xp-a po kartici tj 1800 znakova sa prazninama (ovisno o kvaliteti)
2-5 xp-a za sliku (kvaliteta i prikladnost, dopuštena samo jedna po opisu sessiona)
10-20 xp-a za ilustracijuj sessiona. Prikladnost, atmosferičnost, i kompleksnost određuju količinu xp--a. Osoba koja crta nemora obavezno biti osoba koja objavljuje. (samo jedna slika po postu, odabrati ilustracijuj ili random sliku)

Što se očekuje:

Očekuje se pregled događaja sa sessiona iz perspektive lika (svejedno je dali je post napisan u 1. ili 3. licu.)

11.03.2012. u 23:55 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

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